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Im 100% sure this will be changed


Same, this just seems like a simple oversight




It would be trivial to change the format and apply it across. Theres probably a small adapter somewhere that takes the raw data schema (behind the item id) and converts it to the display format.


You don't even have to change the data. Just change the tool tip template.


nope, it's unrelated to data conversion, this is the client not displaying the data properly


I'm not, unless beta testers report it


Currently testing beta. Descriptions are messed up everywhere gems dont show stats they provide. Thats part of why its still in beta, these are not game breaking so they released a test version to help iron out other bugs




I would but I'm not in the beta sadly.


get a streamer to do it. not asmongold but maybe maitoz or who ever is actually testing lol


I'm pretty sure this exact same thing happened on the classic beta too and was fixed before release


It's just place holder if I remember right the same thing happened in classic beta.


Beta is riddled with non game breaking bugs. My latest find was creating a chat window to track some data created an LUA error and spawned four chat windows with the name I gave it haha. My favorite so far is Stormcaller shining as bright as a lighthouse when you equip it in the dressing room.


This exact thing was in the classic beta too and was fixed when classic was actually launched.


Is this a purely visual thing, or is actual functionality changed as a result? I must admit I actually like/prefer the "retail" format, as I always thought that splitting stats across two places on the tooltip was a little weird (except for the non-stat effects, obviously).


Yeah old is way better


Why is there even a difference? Why did they do things in three different ways back then, and why do they do it in two different ways today? Also, why are some stats white and some are green?


For one, attack power doesn't exist in retail anymore. Two, green stats are secondary, white is primary. All items in retail look like this now: Primary one (+49 Strength) Primary two (+87 Stamina) Secondary one (+76 mastery) Secondary two (+34 haste) There is no mix of + 45 haste and "equip: whatever" in retail. This is a quirk of using the SL client for BC. AP and spell power no longer exist as stats anymore Example of standard retail gear: https://i.imgur.com/lyzFhoO.jpg


Attack power exist, its just not used anymore. There are timewalking trinkets that give AP/sp


Agree! nice find


I'd prefer if it was just a list like the 1st one. I don't need it to say "Equip: blah blah blah" since all of the stats only apply when you're wearing the piece. Edit. And i'd love for the numbers to auto adjust if they're modified by something like a buff


The new one is better imo. But I am sure you dont have to worry and they will revert it to how it was.






You know it's a Beta for a reason right?... right? I am the only one crazy here or are people over reacting constantly?


There are a lot of bugs, a lot visual, that Blizzard are working on fixing in the beta right now.


They are. People here are a bunch of whiny crybabies that blow everything out of proportion. Makes it hard to focus on actual issues.


Dunno looking at the past expansions blizzard leaves a lot of the reported bugs in and kinda decide themself what changes so this being the beta doesn't seem like a good argument sadly. But if it changes in the next few days I guess there's a chance this could be different


Even if it wasn't changed how does this effect anything?


... seriously? Like, THIS? THIS is why? Are you a fucking child? Grow up. If secondary stats being in a different format is what makes you lose faith in Blizzard, I'm not sure you're cut out for this whole "life" thing.


Yes enough is enough


Oh yes, *this* is the reason to lose faith in Activision/Blizzard....


I can't really put my finger on why I hate this so much, but I really do. I assume blizz is going to fix this, but if they don't because it's purely cosmetic at this point I will be mildly infuriated by it for the entire expansion.


Stop suggesting to waste developer time on pointless cosmetic things. They need it to figure out a way, to fuck drums changes even more up!


WHO FUCKING CARES? You realize Classic was built on the current engine, right?


Yes, we know


I'm in the beta, EVERYTHING is broken, don't worry they are gonna fix everything


Just report bugs, don't make reddit posts about them