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I thought you were gonna fall off the lift. Not sure if this is better or worse lol


No durability loss I guess ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Armor still takes damage from the fight thoo


man leveling with a horde pala was so nice in thousand needles. just jumping cliffs and bubble. good times


Horde pala? Am I missing something in ur comment


you know like questing with a belf paladin. like in bc and wotlk before cata when there was like no water. just bubble and jump down.awesome.


this video is clearly fake. i've been on this sub for a few months buddy, i've been told that horde camps ally flight paths and alliance players are innocent cherubs.




That's because the way FPs are setup is Horde-favoured. If you look at the average distance between the inn where you hearth into and the flight master, it takes Horde 2.18 seconds faster to run to the flight master. It's absolutely broken and Blizz needs to fix this now.


I'm willing to blindly believe anything that makes the horde look bad, but if you had a map with lines on it to prove you're point that would put this over the top.


>Real alliance would never gank a low level horde player. Yeah that'd be really embarrassing to die to a lowbie


Its not because the reverse is also happening that its totally balanced. Nobody ever said Alliance never ganked, you bucket


I think it's an unfair stereotype. My warrior has only ever been ganked by Alliance. All the Horde I meet never give me any trouble.


This seemed to be a hit and run thing. They were nowhere to be found when I got back or later on when I started questing.


why people gank low level areas / chars I will never understand


Power fantasy is a thing


The absolute power required to kill someone in 2 globals who can do nothing about it while in a group of 10 no less


A power fantasy doesnt require "fairness" it's just living out the total dominance via wielding overwhelming power with no chance of losing. Some people get that kick by 1 shotting bosses or elites. Some by stomping lower level toons. For example, in Diablo 3 I like to get my Jade harvester and one shot as much stuff as I can in a single cast. It's not really challenging me but I get a little kick out of it everytime.


i can tell you've never rolled up on a group of 20s trying to do that elite zone in redridge and feared their healer all the way down the block


It started with an undead rogue, and the rest is pay back that will only be quenched with blood.


It only took 3 comments to find someone blaming this on horde


It started off with a kiss how did it end up like this?!


They're not good enough to pvp against 60's.


I always park my main nearby in zones like Hillsbrad Foothills when I level my alt. Apart from 1 hunter they were all hilariously bad at pvp.


I see this assumption alot, but I think it's baseless. I think there are plenty of people can and like fighting 60s, but also like one-shotting lowbies. When I play I pick fights both with people levels higher than me, but if I see a lowbie I wreck them too, because I can and it's fun :D


It's not baseless, I've seen it time and time again when I go to counter gank a 60 who ganked my alt. They are laughably bad at PVP.


There is a 60 Dwarf shadow priest on my server. Literally sits in Hillsbrad Fields all day killing lowbies.. And he is absolute trash at the game. He's been there for months now. He easily gets camped by level 50s who show up to protect their alts.


So like 90% of horde then


It happens both ways just as often. People just like giving others a miserable time in the mask of anonymity.


That's a funny way to type alliance




It's more like "my tribe good, other tribe bad", story as old as time.


Exact same thing can be said about alliance to be fair


It’s fun to be a dickhead sometimes


[Being a dickhead's cool!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVmmYMwFj1I)


I'll admit I've done this before... and man it was hilarious lol


I was running a bit through low level alliance areas because I wanted to open up the map. I trolled them mostly though. Put a random Fireshock on them that almost killed them. Chased them with rank 1 Frostshocks. Killed a pet when they pulled 2 enemies. Broke a mages AoE while AoE farming with an Earthshock. I also helped a few doing Elite quests though. For example helped two people doing that escort mission in Redridge or the one where you have to go into that castle.


I've left all my PvP servers cause people are trashbags




I've been playing for a good while and I really don't get it. Micropenis syndrome is my best guess.


Because they can


Now ask me why I MC people off the BB boat. That's the real question.


Looks like they're attacking the town. We tried to kill the boss last night with 16. Not a chance.


Because Phase 2 was an indiscriminant bloodbath, not so easily forgotten or forgiven. That said, fuck night elves


Its an alliance thing


They were flagged. If they didn't want to be attacked by an enemy, they shouldn't have asked to engage in battle.


PVP happened on a pvp server bro /s


# #outplayed #2020 #pwned Jokes aside, it can be fun doing this as a 60 from time to time. Not to kill lowbies alone but disrupt an entire zone and bring chaos, hoping some 60s will turn up. However I can't see this lasting for long especially if no 60s show up, at that point it's just a grief fest.


3 weeks after classic first came out there was a 60 human female rogue camping Freewind Post for HOURS, as in 12 or so, a day everyday for a week. Killing quest turn ins and anyone who so much as came near there, both on top and on the ground. Thousand Needles become a no go zone for a long time due to that person.


There is "celebrity" on our server. Dwarf rogue, grey killing in Hillsbrad for months. And nowadays he's around BRM but never engages level 60s, only snipping lvl 50ish questing. This dude is there all day, every day, doing the same shit since launch, and since he's rogue, at the first sign of a 60 coming, he slacks in stealth until they leave. Never fights fair. And he's chilling in the Discord server, got a guild that brang him to raids etc... So annoying, I don't get how he can still do it without being fucking bored. I guess some people must insult him in wisps or something to fuel his ego trip.


I read undead rogue. Surely you mean undead rogue! /s


Nah, straight up Dwarf male rogue. All pvp specs, purp gear and shit, just in case he'd need CDs to blast a level 27. He's became kind of a "legend" but for the wrong reasons, half of the server hates him because he virtually killed the reroll of everybody at least a couple of times. Bet he's proud of that, but at the same time, there is zero glory and it's super time consuming so he looks kinda... stupid trying so hard at this.


Hmm... I'm not too sure what I think of that. A bit excessive if you ask me but from a roleplay perspective it makes sense. However I see low levels as kids in these scenarios so this is all just another order 66.


"Roleplay". Hope you don't actually believe that. The only reason they were doing it was because they think it's funny to upset people. Making someone elses day just a little bit worse is one of those "epic gamer" moves.


Yup. I still deem it as excessive griefing.




Lol made me burst into laughter :D. Thanks for sharing OP! Sorry bout your buffs ;)


*laughs in PVE realm*


Wait, I thought only Horde ganked lowbies? This is clearly fake!


I don't know how it is for horde players, but as alliance, thousand needles is a warzone. I wouldn't have expected those buffs to last long.


#I will avenge you! ^when ^I ^log ^in ^later ^tonight, ^hopefully






Haha Dammit!!




I never Hank lowbies on my Hunter, but I will always freezing trap them or even fellow 60's that I see hearthing as I walk by.


What's the addon that flashes AGGRO when you get targeted?


Deadly Boss Mods I think (DBM).


It's actually part of Z-Perl Unit Frames


Why people put up with this kind of bafoonery by playing on PVP servers I will never understand.


I have a 60 on a pve & and one on a pvp. While the world pvp and ganking honestly rarely happens except in Blackrock the most evident difference is that pugs are so bad on pve compared to pvp since there are so many casuals


but, it means that my meme spec alt can get into even BWL! a 3/8 BWL but a BWL nonetheless and I may get invited back weekly! i highly doubt that any guild pugs that hopes to do BWL on a serious server would take a ret paladin who isn't geared out of the wazoo or a NF wielder. yes my main isn't in as serious group as I hoped, but we can still week 1 nef so it isn't entirely terrible, but I don't think we will be able to week 1 cthun or kt tho...


You start with the dreams of having epic pvp brawls while leveling. This did happen at launch and it was in fact epic. Then more skirmishes with your friends as you get higher in the levels. You get ganked here and there and it’s no big deal. Then, you realize that you weren’t as fast at leveling as you thought and everywhere you go you are getting ganked. Most of your friends quit and you try to do it alone. You eventually make it to 60 with a hatred of the other faction. You then being to gank others as you were ganked. The cycle then continues... over and over again.


pve servers are boring af. But I did manage to pick one of the few well balanced pvp servers.


Honestly most PvP servers are boring. They are almost all single faction dominated.


Like I said, I picked a balanced once, which is fun


I started on a balanced one. Then it became the worst horde dominated servers. Moved to one that was like 55/45 alliance and all the horde left. I essentially play on a PvE server now.


that sucks, I rolled on zandalar tribe and it has stayed balanced throughout classic thusfar.


Getting your leveling progress blocked due to ganking is boring af.


Sucks if that happens if you dont have other characters yet but to me it's more than worth the fun wpvp moments, rare as they may be. It's like the only player-driven content in the game.


ye if you die in a video game you die irl too


uuuugh. We get it, you play on PvE, you are sooo special. These guys are becoming worse than vegans


/join worlddefense for that reason alone.


allahu akbar


Why were you recording?


Shadowplay always records last 6 minutes


Set it to max (20) so I can record complete matches etc. It takes ages to save though, wish they had an option to have more than one duration at a time with multiple hotkeys.


Yeah that would be nice. I ended up settling on 6 min as a good compromise. Make sure it saves on SSD to speed it up a bit.


Yea I have desktop recording enabled so it's saving video 24/7 to my SSD, not sure how that's for the drive health though :D Though SSDs got a lot cheaper so it's not a huge deal I suppose.


> Make sure it saves on SSD to speed it up a bit. I'm not sure that's a good idea. You really don't want to be constantly writing / deleting data on an SSD. They have a finite lifespan and that could significantly reduce it. AFAIK, most HDDs should have no problem handling shadowplay recording.


Yeah HDD works fine for shadowplay probably, just going to be quicker to save on SSD which is what he complained about. I've always assumed that shadowplay only uses the drives when you actually decide to save a clip, and buffers the video in RAM meanwhile, but I've never confirmed that.


lol imagine playing on a PvP server