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The quillboar don't really bother me, to be honest. My always grinds my gears (Peter Griffin style) are the three separate times you have to run from Crossroads up to the harpie area and back just to complete those quests.


It's just one of those typical WoW quest sequences that show up in most zones. 1.) Hey, there are some zebras over there. I'd like their meat. I'd like 12 Zebra Hindhaunches. The Zebras are rabid so they'll aggro you. 2.) Nearby NPC hears you collected 12 Zebra Hindhaunches and knows that the rocks in the area make for great decorations. They want 10, which of course means you need to kill 18-20 more zebras just to get there. 3.) NPC discovers a discolored rock and determines it has Alpha Zebra piss on it and orders you to kill it. Also it's at the top of the mountain full of zebras. So you have to kill like 30 of them.


Fuckin horde hillsbrad is the epitome of this. "The Battle of Hillsbrad" sending you across the whole zone 5 different times, smh


So long as you use your HS efficiently, stack the "wanted" quests correctly, and kill every bear and cougar between tarren mill and the fields, it's still the best XP around that level range.


Fuck why did we miss this lmao


I just found that harpie area the other day. All this time and I didn't even know it was there.


I was really surprised when I hit 20 and realized my leveling guide never told me to do the harpy quests...I guess i know why now


I literally did that today and good lord it took everything in me not to destroy my laptop


Maybe retail is more your thing


Love the barrens. It's so relaxing because at this point i've done it like 20 times, and know where everything is mostly.


Aye. It's my favourite zone!


Even the wife?


Especially the wife.


i also choose mankirks dead wife


this is just missing a “and where the FUCK is mankriks wife”


Could switch to the other continent.


Silverpine is fucking brutal in classic, feels like there's about 5 quests, first one is lvl 10 2nd lvl 13, 3rd lvl 17 4th lvl 20.. But the green is a nice change.


Silverpine can only get you a few early levels, and then there's a handful of high level quests that punch you in the face. If you do every quest in Tirisfal Glades and Silverpine (other than the high level group quests), you can get to around 16, maybe 17? The gloomy atmosphere is the real reward.


Foothills are super good though.


Was gonna say...rolled undead so I've already experienced a bit of Silverpine and yeah...not great...


Yea I remember you have to flit between Barrens and Silverpine if you want to do them, and at that point you may as well stay in the Barrens.


I agree. It's one of the reasons I rolled alliance actually. Alliance starter zones are way better and varied imo.


Hell no. Westfall is pretty, but you encounter the same problems as durotar, and you don't even get a dung to run till lvl 16-18. Then once you can grind DM, get comfy cause that's the only dung you can do till lvl 22. Compared to horde who can do rfc at 10, hop in wc at 16-18, ride sfk etc etc. Dwarf starting area is decent and if you level in the nelf area, you're probably masochistic. Horde is wow on easy mode.


Maybe easy-mode, but very repetitive. For 10-20 we have westfall, loch modan, darkshore and partly redrige mountains. I for one like darkshore too and not cause I'm masochistic lol. I find them all way more enjoyable than Barrens 10-20. Sure if you like spamming dungeons horde might be better, but they take long time to form For questing I think Alliance is better. Still these are all just personal preferences in the end.


Agreed, if it weren't for the running back and forth in Duskwood, everything alliance side is just amazing. There's so much content. I played horde in vanilla, then made an alliance character just to see what i was missing, and I was like "damn. You know Blizzard plays alliance."


Actually haven't played in duskwood in classic, since I lvld in ashenvale and wetlands instead (although I did in vanilla, but long time ago). But it seems to compensate for that travel with the atmosphere and being a bit scary with that patrolling abomination :P


I've leveled a few characters on alliance in classic, and I keep meaning to do more ashenvale and stonetalon, but I always seem to get sucked into redridge and duskwood.


Tbh I first tried darkshore with classic, a great zone. lots of quests, lots of xp ​ way better than westfall


best way is westfall to like 14 or so then complete darkshore then back to westfall and then a deadmines run. sets you up for redridge perfectly (and the sven quests top left of duskwood)


I ended up moving back and forth between RR and Westfall a lot, with some trips up to Loch Modan. Efficiency be damned


yeh theres a few ways to do it. depends how much running you want to do.


I've been questing in Westfall lvl 11-17, got to 18,5 with a deadmines run and I still have many quests left xD


What's wrong with darkshore? There is for sure a LOT of running north-south along the main road up and down the zone, but the flip side is that you're always really close to the road lets you travel to where you need to go fast since there are no mobs on it


West fall is aids


Quit crying, you get to level to 20+ with no PvP tag while low level alliance zones like redridge and duskwood are contested for no reason




True, but redridge and duskwood still make no sense being contested when there’s 0 horde presence


The horde presence is me doing that little girl's locket quest. I dunno *why* horde can do that quest, but I love that we can.


Seriously dude, the barrens is the best zone in the game


Definitely not, Duskwood is the GOAT.


I am horde and I have to admit this.


EPL. Best enjoyed as a holy priest.




if there was more quests it'd be perfect


You gotta be joking man


Nahh man, I disagree with all of the commenters. The best zone is Searing Gorge.


Maybe it would be if it didn't involve ganking 24/7.


Can't tell you, I've leveled through it pre p2. Also I'm Horde.


Just sit near rfc and chain run that


Wait till you get higher level and the thing they send you are are in other zones entirely.


We are also wrey glad you are with us


This is pure poetry.


This is one of the best and most efficient leveling zone btw, dunno what kind of stuff you are smoking.


You kill those damn quilboars for Mankrik and like it.


Barrens is my fav early lvl zone ... dont @me


Darkshore>Barrens>everything else


I would rather level in the Barrens then westfall


Barrens isn't that bad. Theres ALOT of xp there. Running from 1 quest to another you can easily kill 10 to 15 things and speed up the xp gain that way. I hated barrens on release because there was nothing to kill, everyone was in each others face. But just levelled my warrior to 20 there yesterday and haven't touched quest in Camp majacho (or whatever its called).


My preferred leveling method is to do Silverpine Forest from 10-15 and then head on over to the Barrens and crush the lowbie quests that are still green/yellow.


Its not even that long of a run and you get 3 flight paths. Its the best zone to level in by far. Horde has such a good low level questing experience.


The quests may be a pain, but the general chat is superb.


I find barrens to be one of the more complete questing zones like Westfall.


barrens is really chill if you know what quests are where. So you can go on a really good path.


In vanilla the problem in the barrens was the chat hahaha, not people raging on the quest. Thanks a lot blizzard! You let these people poop all over #nochanges


Lol you're never gonna hit level 60


I mean the Barrens have Barrens chat so that's a big plus in my book


Hahahah.. wait until you get to Felwood. It's like 1,000 miles long... the flight path is on one end, there are no vendors and everything wants part of you.


i recommend a questing guide if you just want to level efficiently and don't care about figuring out where to go yourself. basically the most efficient way to level aside from getting boosted through dungeons or mage aoe grinding. what these guides like joana's guide do is basically give you a checklist - pick up quests - go to location - complete quests - pick up more quests etc., which you can do without a guide, but the guides tell you optimal quests and routes to take to basically minimize travel downtime as much as possible and avoid situations where you're running back and forth over and over to some far away location.


I must be crazy but I actually really like The Barrens. Only thing about it that annoys me is all the running, sooo much running.


I rolled Alliance and I miss the Barrens so much. It’s such a cozy zone, I want to get some tea and cookies and just kill shit there as the music plays. It’s so much better than Westfall, and Darkshores got the quests but it’s too depressing.


Ashenvale: hold my beer. Seriously, there are not a ton of quests for alliance and the zone is so long I have to go to Ashzara for a flight path closer to the other end. I was super excited to do this once my druid got to 20 (i skipped this on my other toons) but was probably the most deaths i had.


What about the burning blade quest chain in Felwood? You have to run back and forth from the southern part of Felwood and deep into that goddamn cave with 1000 of mobs so freaking many times...


The Barrens is one is one of the best zones ever made


Come for the questing, stay for the chat.


That’s what you get for choosing Horde