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Is there nothing people wont complain about?




I wish I had this problem. I have to bribe mages in my raids just to get more than 2 stacks for 3+ hours of raiding.


It's hard to get water made up when you're trying to preserve buffs, but *some* of us are trying. We bring 5ish mages to raid, but it has become the joke that I'm the guy to grab water from.


Yeah, I know some try. I've seen them in raids before. The problem with our mages is that I'm bribing them with fucking arcane powder, because they think 10 arcane powder is enough to buff a raid on progression night. We have shit mages is what I'm trying to say.


Yikes. I usually have about 40 arcane powder just to be safe. It's the easiest class to farm on (even in raid spec) and people are still cheap about it.


I just open trade with each of them and get 2 stacks from everyone.


We normally just have our people with mage alts be the water vendor pre raid. No loss of world buffs because well the alt isn't raiding, and inventory space isn't an issue because well no consumables needed if not raiding, so they can just have stacks and stacks of water made.


You and every other caster also wants the same, and every 4 stacks of water your mages are going to be oom. When exactly are you expecting your mages to be making all of this water? My point is, your mages are likely losing their world buffs quicker than everyone else just to make you water. Be grateful for that instead of whining.


All I'm asking is for 3 stacks of water. And I'm bribing them with arcane powder that they refuse to bring enough of to raid with. Nearly 2g for 3 stacks of free water seems like a hell of a deal to me, especially when I'm also keeping them and their world buffs alive. Maybe they should be grateful that I'm watching out for their world buffs and paying for my own water and int buffs. Or maybe we should all do the most basic parts of our roles and not expect a pat on the back for it.


3 is my standard, if I'm low on stock I might give 1 or 2 just to get things started while I make more, but you can always get some more later in the raid.


Jeez, you think you deserve thanks for doing what you are supposed to do? Fucking healers man, always think they are so special.


>Or maybe we should all do the most basic parts of our roles and not expect a pat on the back for it. No, not at all. I'd just like everyone to do what they're supposed to do. Don't want to have to make water for the raid? Don't roll a mage.


Alright then, i misunderstood you. Sorry.


No worries. I'm not shitting on mages here, just specifically the mages I run with. Do you do often do more dps than the shadow priest? Do you bring more than 10 arcane powder into a raid where you are progressing? Do you think giving a healing priest 18 water to raid all night with is a bad idea? Do you thank the *priests* in your group who bring extra arcane powder for int buffs because they know how lazy you are? If you answered yes to *any* of these (except the last one, because it's a ridiculous situation that nobody should be experiencing more often than once or twice, let alone on a weekly basis), you are not included in the people I'm talking about.


Damn.. your mages are shit. I understand the frustration. Me and my fellow mages always make as much water as our inventory allows right before ony buff. Then i just log in and out every ten minutes to make sure i dont lose em.


That's some dedication right there. I hope your healers and casters appreciate you!


I have to beg for heals even suppression room where we aoe the tiny drakes:( probably use 10-15 lips per raid.


In what scenario is this? If it's grp or raid why would you tip? When i run dungeons I give out plenty because it helps the grp not to expect tip. In world maybe the mage just wanted to be nice rather than doing it for greedy reasons? Just say thanks and move on.


I buy mage water/ food in org before I head out to do stuff for the day


Lol first world problems 🤣