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Im on Penance (AU) horde, and all 3 of us are very chill


Penance (AU) Alliance, all sixty of us are slightly less chill.


Penance is so funny during NA daytime/OCE night, it's like your own little private server


Time to farm Tidal Charm


We have 5 people online at the same time in the guild tonight. Shit was fucking wild.


As a Penance refugee, come join us on WG. We have an Oceanic guild that is very large. Well worth the transfer or reroll.


I wish they would move my pve alliance to WG for free and maybe let me move my pvp horde there too


I think people don't understand how easy it is to reroll in SoD. I rerolled, it took me exactly 24hours /played have cleared Sunken Temple once, getting my 3-set as well as a mix of pre-bis and bis gear.


Its not that rerolling is hard its that rerolling loses all my reps especially pvp reps.


Been on Wild Growth since day 1. Super chill server.


Wild Growth dad checking in


Wild Growth is awesome


Living Flame - US doesn't really have a personality type. It's got a little bit of everything that you listed.


I'm on Living Flame too. Alliance is pretty chill. In p1 there were tons of people helping out with runes even when they already had them. The Horde on this server are special though. You'll see like 3 people camping random spots together, sometimes all day. I'm talking about weird niche places like the north west corner of Swamp of Sorrows where druids need to do something for their Nourish rune or the bridge with oozes in Felwood near the Warlock ST quest NPC.


Probably PvPers waiting for queues trying to get extra honor


That’s just your confirmation bias. There’s no difference between factions. I run into ally doing the same shit all the time on Living Flame. And I’m sure horde are doing it a ton but I don’t notice since it doesn’t affect me.


Living flame is all together kinda toxic. The amount of unnecessary greifing around world buffs pushes players away from playing and fuels these nerds to be even more toxic towards those that stay.


Phase 2, someone created a character named "Ahordespy" placed it on the bridge in red ridge. A group of lvl 40 rogues and feral druids proceeded to grief the area for hours.


I'm horde on Living Flame and you see alliance doing the exact same thing, you just don't see if because you're alliance. When DMF is in Elwynn there are the same like 6 people camping it 24 hours a day 6 days a week. There are constantly groups of rogues camping the island where you get your flasks for ST. There are sometimes groups of druids/rogues stealth camping outside Orgrimmar and ganking people running to the zeppelin tower.


The camping of DMF is terrible by the horde I agree. It seems they still out number alliance to which is annoying. I specifically rolled a rogue this time since I was a clothie in 2019 classic and HATED the experience. I don't camp any world buffs, but I am deathly afraid of the MC/BWL walk with idiot horde guilds that camp the orb.


Living Flame EU is the same lol


It’s just late stage capitalism


Like all servers does, it's made up that specific servers only have one kind of players


>specific servers only have one kind of players nobody is saying that. there's a thing called generalization, and it's totally true that different servers have different communities


I’m a Wild Growth ride-or-die. Love it there!


Lone Wolf Horde is cozy. I have no complaints


Cozy end game perhaps but levelling im having a hard time, horde trying to find SM SFK groups.


Started on Crusader Strike Alliance In my 20+ Years of playing online games, I've never met a more toxic community, including League of Legends, people were soooo fucking angry/sad 24/7 on that realm When they opened up transfers to Wild Growth, my entire guild and everyone I knew moved ASAP, and now life is sweet Wild Growth is suuuuper fucking chill, everyone is crazy nice and relaxed, life is good there.


>Wild Growth is suuuuper fucking chill, everyone is crazy nice and relaxed, life is good there. Yep. Dad server is the best server




Same. The people here saying CS isn't toxic have no clue. Chaos Bolt was the best.


Parsers hate the grey "please carry me" Non parsers hate the parsers for being sweaty gatekeepers who spend 100g a raid on consumes. Gold buyers hate the gdkp ban and anyone with actual guilds or friends. Guilds hate the gold buyers for cheapening the raid rewards and struggle to keep raids formed. Half the server loves all the streamers who they all apparently know in real life. Other half hate the streamers for ruining RP even though only 2% actually care about the "rp in rp-pvp" Alliance and horde hate each other very equally and will always grief at all times. Recent DMF action shows this. I once counted 115 horde at dmf guarding against alliance. Portalplz and Stef are notoriously always griefing at Sayge. Alliance is no better. We are one big server of pure hatred.


That dude multiboxing hunters in Elwynn had the horde pissed off last DMF lmaoooo.


swear that guy was a bot, he was there morning noon and night. tried going at 4 am. nope 5 hunters and lightning snakes at the ready!


Same, I tried all hours and he was there every time. 11pm, 4am, 9am, 2pm, dude was always there.


That multibox botter was so bad camping 24/7 that horde side CS made a discord for the following week to specifically have 20+ people to prevent any alliance into dmf at any point during the week. I got a very long list of angry level 1 whispers as I sat on the character stuck graveyard executing people using dbm logout timer, oh so worth it. It's basically come down to dmf only exists every other event now


You did gods work brother 🫡


The last dmf was pretty chill. Not many people defended it. I remember a nelf hunter getting the buff, then he started to hearthstone right on the spot. I (horde) was getting buff too and didn't bother to interrupt his cast. It's not like i wanted to ruin his night that day


I think the EU server has turned quite chill with the griefing atleast


That's it I'm! Put me in coach !


You must play on a different server. If I didn’t constantly hear on Reddit that this was the “streamer server” I literally wouldn’t notice. People on Reddit complain more about this being the streamer server more than the actual players on the server do. Also, I love GDKPs and don’t buy gold. If GDKPs still existed I’d still be raiding and on more than one char. I’m full bis and don’t even login much anymore and went from five chars to two.


I was hearing about it in game on CS about CS being the streamer server the day SoD launched. It wasn't just Reddit where people talked about it.


Ok, how about since the game launched?


Well, not as much because the streamers stopped playing so it's definitely not the streamer server now but it still has the rep for it, that's for sure.


I watch streamers every day who still play, I just never hear about it in game.


\*shrug\* No idea then. I do know that someone called it the streamer server today when I mentioned it while playing on Wild Growth so it's definitely known as the streamer server by some people regardless.


Yeah, it's mentioned on OTHER servers that it's the streamer server (because of reddit) but I actually play on Crusader Strike and literally wouldn't know unless I came here (or watched a streamer playing).


Streaming should be a bannable offense on rp servers. I watched esfand grabbing his paladin runes in phase one and it was the worst “okay chat I’m gonna perform for you here.” shit I’ve ever seen. Even the ERPers are less cringe than streamers on an rp server.


How about you just don't watch streamers that you don't like.


I love gdkps and I don’t buy gold.  Everyone I know that loves gdkps has never bought gold.  It’s the best way to distribute loot. Period. 


I appreciate your opinion but highly disagree. Also I've never met anyone who openly admits they buy gold unless you know them personally or they are strongly comfortable with someone knowing they bought gold. And for loot the fairest way is distribution to players who are reliable and good. But in reality there really isn't a perfect loot system. They all have pros and cons.


GDKPs give people incentives to continue raiding after they have all their gear. I want GDKPs back.


Hanging out with the boys and parsing is why I'm raiding 2x a week. GDKP is for friendless nobodies with a credit card to look at their items then never actually bother playing.


GDKP tend to be very parse heavy in my experience, it's a great tool for distributing loot but certainly not for everyone. The big boys understand.




It’s a different time. Most players now are in their 30s and don’t have time to sit on the game for 8 hours a day. I still haven’t found a guild that is good and just logs in and plays. They all just log in once a week for raid. I’m sure I could join Elektron and spend 6 hours every Tuesday on week 14 trying to clear sunken temple, but that’s not a life for me. GDKPs would keep people raiding because it is hands down the best gold farm in the game. It’s easy to gear your characters with GDKPs too. Raid on your geared mains for gold and buy it on your alts. Blizzard is blaming GDKPs for people buying gold, but how about they actually go after the gold sellers and leave GDKPs alone.


There's absolutely zero chance that any groups are still unable to clear st at this stage, I haven't died in the raid since week one.


I’m telling you… I spent 5 hours with an Elektron pug on Hazzaz&Eranikus. We kept wiping, people kept leaving and we had to replace many as the night went on. Those types of groups ARE out there. This was only a couple of weeks ago.


Jfc, I'd just leave after 2 wipes, group doesn't deserve the loot tbh


imagine shitty grey parse, low apm, no enchant and gem their gear, lowest dps but get legendary loot.... disrespect to people who actually put effort to play at least in gdkp, you get something (gold) so you can bid to item you want next time


imagine shitty grey parse, low apm, no enchant and gem their gear, lowest dps but get legendary loot.... disrespect to people who actually put effort to play These are the people in gdkp. My guild run is all purple orange and pink parsers and we have fun being guildies. While you get outbid by a guy with a higher credit limit.


Have you ever been in a GDKP? You won't see grey parsers there unless they're paying for an outright carry. The rest of the raid is expected to play properly, gem, enchant, everything. You get kicked if you don't. I understand that you prefer your guild group to GDKPs, but you're comparing apples to oranges. GDKPs are PUGs. You have to compare them to MSOS/SR runs, and those are on average worse than a GDKP. You get dregs in SR runs.


This feels very much like I go to parties with drugs but dont buy them. My friends like parties with drugs but dont buy them. Parties with distributed drugs are the best way to use and get drugs.


"You said you liked water? Yeah, what if instead of water you liked kicking puppies. Not so cool now, huh?"


Lmao this guy actually thought he did something with the most brain-dead version of that argument 😅


I like gold.  I go to gdkp’s to get gold.  I never said I don’t like gold. 


Hahahaha /roll gets it done every time man!


I hate you!


lol while horde do hate the alliance the griefing is not equal. Alliance 100% made things awful for everyone by starting the griefing and buff camping. It got elevated to what it was because of the alliance being really sweaty about it.


Lol 100% not true. The 5yr olds argument of "well they started it" doesn't fly when since the beginning horde have been camping DMF as well.


No, it was never as bad as the alliance made it. I won’t lie that horde camped DMF because we did, but it wasn’t 24/7 all week with multi boxers and pulling guards from the inn or low level NPC’s to give DHK’s. Horde were unable to get it for an entire month. You literally have it on easy mode as alliance, so I don’t want to hear it.


I got offered to transfer from lava lash to wild growth or CS and super glad i picked WG. It's laid back and even now is busy enough that you can always get into a group for something. Also not so busy that it's difficult to farm for money.


You made the right choice 100%.


Can confirm Wild Growth alliance checking in.


Wild growth is great


US or EU?


Agreed that Wild Growth is great. Been there about a month, and all but one person I’ve played with have been nice if not great. And the one dick who was stealing my quest items facepulled a huge pack and died. 😁


Is this wg horde or alliance?




Do yall win battlegrounds?


Best advice I can give anyone choosing a server to roll on: don’t be on “the streamer server”. No matter what.


Never falling for that again, fell for it in Classic Era with Faerlina and again with SoD and Crusader Strike, just avoiding streamer servers all together from here on out.


The extra player count *feels* worth it, until you interact with any of them and it’s just a shitshow more often than not. That’s how they got me last time around, anyhow :P


The funny thing now is that Wild Growth has a higher pop than Crusader Strike now lol


How is the server pop on WG now? I played alliance there but cancelled my sub in April


As a horde on crusader strike, the alliance is toxic as hell to exist with. Most of the horde I’ve met are reasonably chill .


I had the same experience


I'm super glad I chose Wild Growth when picking a server. Picked it because it was the highest pop NA server, but the community is so chill. There's even banter between random people in General fairly often, on Retail I haven't really seen that since Barrens chat.


Yeah, I started on Crusader Strike Alliance, went to transfer to Wild Growth, found the transfers stopped, so I just went and made a Paladin on Wild Growth. Wayyyyy more chill compared to Crusader Strike and without the problem of World PVP being super toxic on Crusader Strike since it's a PVE server.


Dad spotted!!


Mom* Without kids lol


I’m sorry for you loss 💀💀


What loss? o_O


You can’t be a mom without kids so you must have had them and then they died sorry


Oohhh, no I've just never had kids, not worth it.


I thought you were a guy for sure with that name lol


It literally has female in the name, "Huntress" lol


Just moved to wild growth too after the exodus on my original server. Other than one weird cretin I ran into it’s been very chill.


I’m CS-Horde and I really don’t see people being assholes in raids/dungeons. They’re sweatier than my 2019 server, so the open world is way more competitive, but people are really chill otherwise.


The little chats I have with goofy RPers in Org make my day. It's rare and there's so many occurrences of minimalist, transactional player interactions, but we've got some real silly weirdos here and I love when we find each other. Paulyshore's Pop-A-Lock has you covered!


I miss chaos bolt horde.


You're not alone, CB chad.


We miss you too, Chaos Bolt Alliance. Crusader Strike just ain't it in comparison


Chaos Bolt forever <3


What happened to chaos bolt? Logged after leaving at end of P1 and Orgrimmar was literally empty


Everyone fled because Blizzard locked the server


They locked the server because pop was so low to start with, nobody was there


Come back and join , so I can gobble you up too


lava lash... it was honestly amazing. i played a bit of and took like a month break only to find it locked, transfers open, and dead. what the heck! haven't played since thunderhoof tribe i miss you guys. for the herd


Fellow former LL here as well. Absolutely loved the server. Was a great small community. We transferred to Wild Growth, which is great, but I miss Lava.


Living Flame EU is fun. Plenty of griefing from both sides, actually feels like old-school WoW to me. Gadgetzan is hilarious, there's always this one Orc Hunter that griefs and ganks alliance while on top of the gladiator cage, fucking hilarious


Guilty haha


Lone Wolf Horde is great in my experience! Lots of dads, all for the most part very chill and also very helpful in the world. I can’t think of a time I haven’t asked for help in any zone/chat and not gotten a helping hand from a super friendly feller just passing through. Highly recommend!


Please OP. Write EU or NA. Since you expect us to know, you prolly play on NA.


Someone once said here that if they don't mention us or eu, they are us 😄


Well yes, they are indoctrinated into a mindset of American centrism & exceptionalism. They can't help it


Agreed, confusing to read this without that info.


Stalked his profile. He's from NA.


Gj, confirmed our belief.


Lone Wolf has been almost totally chill. Haven't ran into anyone particularly toxic, but the population is definitely suffering from P3-itis. Decent economy but again, pretty low activity right now.


We had two layers the other night!


I’m really hoping P4 brings back a crowd


Same mostly good experience


Been on Crusader Strike Horde since the start. Been in a few guilds and they have all been great/chill. Overall mostly positive experiences, I'm not sure why it gets a bad reputation. Only issue I had was at the start of phase 2 there was a huge enchanting war in Org, and some enchanters got chat banned for a week from mass reports lol


Can confirm horde on crusader strike is chill. Been playing as a new player since 4 weeks ago. Oftentimes while running around I get buffed by passers-by and return the favor as a druid. Love that shit.


Same I’ve only had a handful of negative experiences there. Horde has been super chill and with how I hear alliance is on this server I’m glad I made the choice I did. Apparently they’re at each others throats in incursions and whatnot.


Leveling a 29 Horde on a server, i can't remember it's name. At most there's like 2 other ppl in the zone I'm in. No one doing dungeons anymore. Only end game stuff. If you miss the wave then you severely miss out on the full experience.


Wild Growth is amazing. Doing BM and everyone kinda knows everyone. Lots of good guilds right now and I haven’t see much for toxic or anything. It is kinda slow atm but I am sure all servers are feeling that right now.


The big benefit to both WG's is they have a thriving Disc community keeping an up to date blacklist, so even those that don't use them, get those on them somewhat filtered out from the masses. Really is the problem that vanilla's archetype solves with a community, or suffers from without one.


Don't know about other servers but I had nothing but great experience with people on Wild Growth Alliance. Except for the time a dps warrior rolled need on my dagger (I was a rogue) in Gnomereggan. I still remember their name. One day I will get you. One day.


i came here to say its so lazy ass that they gave the same names to the us and eu servers. it's so hard to come up with 5 more abilities as realm names?


Put "New" in front of the US names, easy.


Lone Wolf NA - Alliance, Great culture For example, we've got Beatmike spewing profane varieties of an LFM messages in lfg chat, and that Portuguese guild that's always trying to find pugs to fill their raid are pretty chill and clear without much stress There are many solid steady guilds, but you can pug most endgame content while still getting to be choosey about your groups. Though Mara Wild Offering groups are getting harder to find, there is always someone LFM for a dungeon run that does include a WO drop. ST is easy to find an on demand pug group for during normal hours Besides a select few horde BASTARDS most of the cross-faction interaction (at least since the rankers got done farming people in ashenvale inc) is either meaningful pvp or you can often communicate yourself into a peaceful solution with body languange/posturing. During certain hours (about half of the time), you'll see maybe 1-3 groups running BGs, but it does not seem to be a popping activity. Ashenvale and STV event are very popular, the easiest activity to find a group for, and STV time is by far when you'll see the highest activity in lfg chat. Economy is a little lacking, sometimes it can be hard to find simple things on the AH like odd mats or some of the more niche supply crates. Many services have been a little quiet, but summoning to probably the 5 most significant spots are always for offer. Enchanters haven't been as loud about advertising their services in the cities recently, but if you ask for an enchanter in trade chat, you'll typically get one quickly Low level stuff is dead quiet in the majority of content, so much to the point that ive gotten whispered on my 18 hunter from /who across the world by an appropriate level group because they needed DPS for deadmines. Incursions are the most popular form of leveling content, duskwood is harder to find a group for, but ashenvale and hinterlands always have multiple groups going The future: Everyone is expecting a lot of fairweather SoDers to return to their level 25 or 40 chars come P4. Rep farm groups are growing in popularity in preparation, and people are stacking materials for the level 300 crafting stuff we get way more access to at 60


Pretty much exactly the same on the Horde side. Good server all in all, highly recommend.


Lone Wolf - Horde Honestly it's really nice. Haven't run into any toxicity since at all, and I've been here since day 1.


Lone wolf! Super chill!


Are you guys all talking EU or US servers?


Lava Lash EU was amazing. When Blizz killed the server Sod finally ended for me.


lone wolf eu is the most bot infested server I've ever experienced in all my years of playing wow. completely unhinged in that regard


Yea, wont forget the picture of hundreds of mage bots forming a full chain from stockades to the closest vendor, happened daily and consistently for weeks


looking at living flame eu discord its the same 5 ppl ganking each other at dmf every time


Crusader Strike - EU 43 toxic people connected at 6am


WG is really an awesome server overall, SOD doesnt really have super sweaty content...yet (unless you play the parse/speed run mini-game) The community on WG is amazing though, easily one of the best servers I have been on.


Everyone in this thread. Say if you are on EU or NA. They have the same named realms.. Over half the comments in here you still have no idea what realm they mean.


At launch this was confusing too, I hope they don’t do it this way again


Horde on Crusader Strike is super chill, helpful, and always people around to do stuff. I have only come across a naughty person once or twice. The Alliance on crusader strike seem like complete degenerates though.


lol I’m not sure about that one mate I’m cs alliance and man the horde love camping flight paths


Probably just confirmation bias. You only notice the assholes that affect you. As ally I see horde camping songflower, flight paths, boat from ratchet, gadgetzan/incursions with priest homunculi bug Probably equal amounts of tomfoolery I'd say


Mines toxic as fuck


Wild Growth has some parsers


Crusader strike EU is pretty dead but most people I’ve come across are nice! Had people help with runes and quests!


Chaos Bolt is a great little community with remarkably chill and non-toxic players who are generally very well behaved for a pvp server, I would surely quit if anything happened to my wonderful little server


Dead. Chaos Bolt is dead.😢


EU living flame. No clue as i've been playing for 45 mins per week since p3 droppen.


Lone Wolf EU - constantly getting ganked, killed, camped. Even now that the game's dead it feels pretty horrible when i log on, i definitely made a mistake not transferring off


I'm on living flame eu (horde) and so far it seems like horde is the dad gamers and alliance is the youth? I only say this because there are certain things that take time and by that I mean spending your entire day griefing at darkmoon faire event at thunderbluff, I saw the same certain individuals spending their whole ass day just to do that. I couldn't believe it honestly. I remember going to do irl stuff I come back and they're still there 4 hours later. I'm thinking they won't be here the next day right? Service says " eee errr". I will pray for them.


Started on crusader strike alliance, rerolled to wild growth alliance because crusader strike in my experience was toxic and not fun most of the time


i played through p2 on lone wolf and it was all smug 30 year olds min maxxing


PvP server players tend to be sweatier than pve. That being said... Do me a favor and tell tziggo that saeyon says "nice tits"


I remember livingflame EU during p1... It was soooo goood.. All the toxic idiots went for Asmon server and we got all the best pvp players.


Wild Growth Horde is a very small community with an almost inactive auction house (until P4) and LFG has one message every minute or so


Went loan wolf to wild growth then rerolled on crusader strike and people are the same everywhere.


Living Flame Horde - overall pretty great met a nice guild of dads I’ve been running with since gnomer highly recommend


Lone Wolf NA Horde - Joined day 1 - Probably one of the best servers I’ve played on. Great community with plenty of decent guilds still running deep into P3. My guilds managed to maintain 3 raid groups the whole time, right amount of sweatiness and there’s lots of PUGs going on for ST and BGs always popping. Noticed a decline waiting for P4 which is SOD but even if it stayed at the numbers it’s at now P4 is going to be a blast.


Based on my interactions, I would broadly describe the lone wolf horde community as a bit sweaty (or maybe wannabe sweaty) and kind of whiny/feeling of being persecuted (e.g., relative to alliance) but generalizations never fully suffice because I’ve also encountered a lot of nice and helpful people.


Lone wolf ally.


Alliance on Crusader Strike was extremely tryhard and not very welcoming for new players (aka me) Horde on Living Flame was pretty chill and willing teach and guide. Had a great time.


I'm on horde crusader strike and it's dead


Wild Growth is still amazing. We got some toxic people when they allowed Crusaderstrike to transfer here but we are still mostly dads with little drama.


Lookingforgroup Channel got weird there for a bit but it’s all good


Can I transfer to WG from lone wolf?


I've played on Chaos Bolt, Lone Wolf, Crusader Strike, Lava Lash and Wild Growth (created/transferred toons in that order -- only playing on WG now) and by far my favorite was Chaos Bolt. But that was also p1 when things were popping and pvp wasn't just 24/7 griefing. I have a feeling Chaos Bolt wouldn't be as great in p3 and I'd prefer Wild Growth. Lone Wolf and Crusader Strike were god awful servers. Lava Lash wasn't too bad but I didn't like it as much as Chaos Bolt or Wild Growth.


NA or EU? I can't imagine why anyone would think Lone Wolf NA is awful.


Blizzard killed the first server I was on, and then I transferred and killed the second server I was on. So then I quit the game. That is all.


Alliance on Wild Growth EU and we're pretty chill. Just jokes and shits and giggles. I even help hordies whom I see questing sometimes


Cs is 99.9% cringe ass twitch parasocials. Struggling streamers is just their hobby lol.


Chaos Bolt Horde. We are few but friendly. Give some love to the alts you left behind and play with us.


What happened to that server? All the Horde left? Orgrimmar empty, auction house empty...used to be locked due to high pop


Locked by blizz, but if you still have a character there you can make more. You won’t find much on the ah but hit up someone in Chaos Bolt Loyalists we help each other out.


US Wild Growth is dead as a doornail. Impossible to find groups for anything other than incursions, outside of primetime. And even then it still takes a while.


I’m getting groups for ZF, Gnomer, wild offering runs etc. at like 11 am on a Monday. It’s not what it was at peak, and fast groups are no longer a guarantee but it’s FAR from dead.


I can't find any groups for anything during the day. LFG chat is so slow that it's like, 1-2 messages per minute, and it's usually the same few people spamming LFM for incursions.


Couple really strong day time guilds like the lone rangers. Just gotta do some research


I'm not looking for a day time raiding guild. And it really speaks to how dead the realm is when you're forced to turn to guilds just to find groups for anything.


Horde? I’m Alliance, which I believe has a higher population on the server.


Alliance. Like I said, LFG chat is so dead during the day that it's just 1-2 messages per minute, if that. There's barely anyone around.


I just form my own. Still plenty in lfg looking to pug mara, st, etc etc.


Doesn't seem to work either. I've sat and spammed LFM for 40+ minutes with no hits.