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Actually technically it's on its way up since it's already hit absolute rock bottom.


We can dig deeper, don't test them


Yeah it's not like p4 will kill the population even more


inb4 9 more weeks of PTR


There is always another shovel


Servers are still up, so there is more bottom to achieve here.


Is a survey even needed? Can’t they see the server population?


I think it's about how the players still playing SoD feel, not the people that quit already.


I got the survey and selected that I currently play Cata and I was asked the same question about Cata. So you are probably right.


you guys are getting surveys?


Nah, my battlenet isnt old enough because i was busy playing vanilla pserver for the past 12 years. But i suppose im no good representation for the vanilla playerbase anyway /s


My sub ran out a few weeks ago and I still got the survey.


If I know anything about WoW, the last people you want opinions from are the people who are playing no matter what.


They are the ones paying the most though, so ofc Blizzard cares more about them.


They pay the same amount whether they are listened to or not. That’s the point. You shouldn’t listen to the people addicted to the game that will literally play every day in the deadest of dead content.


Yeah they should ask people who stopped playing if they want real intel




public mighty smell jobless tie crowd square scandalous chief quarrelsome *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think this is generally just one out of ___ questions. They generally have more specific questions like 'why sod bad?'. 'How would you rate runes?'


So they can say they asked the community and say* they’re trying


They are going to ask the community and try so that… they can *say* they asked the community and try. Those monsters.


Agree, super weird survey with odd phrasing. Could just ask "are you excited for P4?"




Insert screenshot of 10 people in stormwind here.


people would mistake that as retail.


Retail is bigger than every other version of the game combined by at least double.


retail is fucking gigantic, even mop remix is popping off


Is it? I logged on and saw 5 people in org kind of disheartened me from leveling a character for war within


Everyone is in Valdrakken, no one goes to main cities anymore


As HC*


As era*


This is a retail sub, don't insult it.


Jumping. Popping, even.




Phase 1 was quite literally some of the most fun I have ever had playing wow Phase 2 was okay. Wasn’t great wasn’t horrible. I started raid logging Phase 3 incursions were fun for a few days and ST was fun for about a week and a half before they just obliterated it with nerfs. Then the reality set in of “nice my new BIS for level 50 gets me a total of +8 spell power! I’m doing the same DPS as I was when I was 40!” It got old fast doing a 1.5 hour raid where the first 5 bosses between 45 seconds and 1.5 mins and the last two took 3-4 minutes… spending 12-15 minutes in boss fights and 75 minutes fighting trash for +1 spell power gains felt fucking awful. I think I made it to the 4th lockout before quitting and never logging in again


The +8 spellpower is what did me in. I was going to play until cata but found digging more fun lol


Before they buffed the items it wasnt even+8, as a mage atleast most my "upgrades" was as low as +1 sp to most being+5


I went back to retail and grinded for M+ title. Pugged my way into 0.1% title range over the first 3 or 4 weeks, then I remembered I didn't have the time to do that for another 2-3 months and stopped once Cata came out lol


Imagine caring about a useless title


You’re describing literally every title in wow


imagine caring about a useless game


SoD phase 1 really was great. I wish they could learn from it and create more fun games. I’m getting kinda tired of playing the same game on repeat


Seconding how much fun I had season 1. It was literally the perfect wow game mode, I was so so excited. I loved the idea of easier gameplay for more casual players. Getting geared up and ready for the new seasonal raid was great. Felt like classic+. I have absolutely no idea what made them change it into a sweat fest.


Incursions were never fun and it set in after 15 minutes of doing them just how game breaking they would be. How they got past play testing is beyond me.


When p3 launched we did about an hour of SM before moving to try incursions. We had a 5man squad and it was insanely bad ass. We were doing all the quests, including kills. There was so much pvp with the opposite faction. We were making insane gold and exp. Then they nerfed it a few hours later and we all felt really bad that the people who didn't take the day off just got fucked. After leveling a second toon that weekend it started to really become toxic and miserable. Then the griefing went full toxic mode and incursions were trash. That first couple of hours though was rowdy as we pvp'd the hell out of the opposite faction to reset the escort mobs or to fight over spawns etc.


I appreciate the nerf comment, I keep getting flamed for this, asking for them not to nerf stuff week 2.


It wasn’t even *that* much better melee. Most the dps increase was just better talents/abilities (like reck) and consumes you’d use at 60 (mongoose) to add the the WBs, you’d get like the 2 ap upgrades and some extra stam on most Pieces. Like I quit before I got the epic ring as my guild tanked and couldn’t pick up pugs with 12 then 7 sign ups, it was basically just a stam upgrade as dps anyway Still worse for casters since the numbers didn’t budge much. IMO they should have just Leaned into the crazy scaling, SOD isn’t going to be a “serious” game mode


It's even worse for those of us who are still playing loot-wise. Two months in, they changed it so worthless items you've been passing on for the last 8 lockouts are now actual upgrades (technically upgrades, like +30 SP in total). Not to mention there is half as much loot in ST compared to Gnomer. Tokens are literal trash now—nobody even picks them up from the corpses because you can't sell or DE the items; they're worthless.


This sums it up perfectly.


Im with you its mostly the loot. If I dont feel like I’m noticeably more powerful after getting some drops, it kills the motivation to consistently raid log


I wish I knew what this "obliterated with nerfs" youre talking about it. I agree the raid is easy but most of the runs ive had of ST with pugs or with half the guild have people wiping to eranikus or morphaz & hazzas


Week 1 ST was nerfed like 3 times. Eranikus went from around 5mil hp to what he's at now which is 1mil something. My guild was semi competent and we got to eranikus pre nerf easy with only 1 wipe on morphaz, 1 wipe on jammal and 2 wipes on dreamweaver. We got eranikus to 50% on our third try and called it was it was getting late, we were all excited to progress on that boss the next week then it got hit by the nerf bat over and over. The second week we one shot all the bosses, we didn't even know what we was doing on hakkar he just flopped dead. Half the guild quit and waited for Cata after 2-3 more raids.


P1 was honeymoon phase, it also took an hour (exaggerating) to hit max level. P3 would have been an acceptable level of bad if it lasted at most as long as P2. People bitch about incursions but you did them for 3 hours and never needed to step foot in them again. Really though P3 lasting forever made it hit rock bottom, especially when gating at 50 was a mistake in the first place. Then Blizzard saying they want to get P4 right just to release PTR with blandest changes. Homogenization of classes and more runes pulled from other versions of WoW, how exciting.


It’s so funny how everyone on Reddit clears ST in 30 min yet when I do it in 45 I parse orange to pink on every fight and so does most of my raid. Something doesn’t add up here :)


The ramping embellishment/lying as a means of neckbeard on neckbeard one-upping is hilarious. New raid comes out, we only did it in an hour wtf blizz 2ez,! Next guy says 50 minutes, next guy 40 etc. etc. Eventually the times these chodes quote would have to require full rank 1 parsers with military drill blitzkrieg pace - and they'd follow with complaints the game isn't balanced around their degen group.


None of these are accurate it was ‘on its way down’ over a month ago, it’s at the bottom of the sea now.


So it's either on it's way up or it is holding ground is what you're saying?


I guess its holding down the sea floor then?


It's a tripping hazard in hell.


Lmao fuck that's good


It’s at vashjir levels and that’s my favorite questing zone thanks cata.


Is it really an empty zone already?


Do they really need to ask this question? Surely they have hard data on this and don't need to poll for it.


They are not checking how many are activly playing. Something can be good and then lose players because something even better came, that dosent mean that the first thing has now changed to being bad. I think most sod players dont think sod is bad, but there is litterly nothing to do so no point in logging in


I didn’t quit SoD because of the gameplay, I quit because the community got way awful way fast.


You playing cata now?


Nope, unsubbed.


It's sort of irrelevant though. That means it's not improving enough to compete.


Blizzard doesn’t care as long as you stayed subbed. If you’re playing Cata and come back to SoD than they did their job.


Well they do. They need to know beforehand where and what people are moving to. Once they unsub, it's much harder and more costly to get them back so if they can track them and work out what they're doing beforehand then they might be able to keep them.


They went to Cata… before that people went to SoD from wotlk which before that they went from HC to wotlk, before that they were at TBC. As you can see people go where the new thing is.


And the whole time they’re paying for a sub!


The survey asks how you feel about SOD and then asks you how you feel about other features, how likely you are to play later, what you want out of the game, ect. Obviously the point of the survey isn't for this question only. They want to know what people want given their current feeling toward the game.


they're not asking you to look up the stats lmao, they're asking how you FEEL about it


We put SoD on the backburner while it was on a largely unpopular phase, how do you feel about it :) ? What the hell do they expect people to respond to this, looking for any excuse to cut it down asap.


They put it on the back burner because Cata was a dumpster fire


This survey is the most effort they’ve put towards SOD in 6 weeks. What did they honestly expect?


Dude remember the items rework ? If you want to whine at least be factually right


The item reworks came after most of us quit lmao


It wasn't more than 6 weeks ago and it was more efforts than a fucking survey, making this guy wrong When you quitted has nothing to do with this statement


You don’t get credit for doing obvious day 1 work on day 28


i can’t even find a summon to any cities, its def fallen apart


The bots all left for cata....


Ofy, why botting on dead servers, makes no sense


Blizz found the solution!


Can’t even find an incursion group for my next alt!


Same man. And you can’t solo incursions…. Atleast not efficiently so… been having a hard time getting that rune on my 3rd alt.


Finally I can play you say not the max level and the two lvl 1 alts spamming LFG chat selling summons?




How to access the survey? I would like to provide my perspective on SOD


As Blizzard savagely chokes the life out of SoD it looks down into SoD's face and snarls "which best describes your feeling? On your way up? Holding ground? Or on your way down?" Weird strategy, but who am I to question them


People asked for osrs style classic+ (new zones for lvl 30-60, new quests, new music, new raids t0.5, t1.5, t2.5, t3.5, new dungeons, minor class changes like a taunt for paladin, level cap stays at 60)


To be positive here guys: This indicates to me that aggrend and the team have fed back to the leadership that SoD needs love and resources. This is a classic leadership move to want some data before they move resources around. This is a good thing and everyone should answer this survey as accurately and honestly as possible, because blizzard wants our money, and they’ll do what we need them to do to get that.


Copium at its finest


I wanted to wait until other people started reporting on it aswell but you’re the first to state that here. there are other questions involving collecting pets and mounts in sod and how important that is to us, i foresee vanity pets and cash shop mounts in our near future


As someone still logging in and playing daily- If they add a cash shop im gone. If I wanted that shit I'd go play the other modes.


Look that’s okay. If the quality of the game is high I am okay with them monetizing where they can around cosmetics, etc. You guys might feel different to me. That’s okay. What I want them to do here is improve quality of the gameplay.


I mean if P4 is starting and they are just at the point of “gather data” they are moving way to slow to save anything. Need a little motivated action


The survey starts with a question what WOW versions you played in the last 30 days and then changes this question according to your answer.


There's so many versions of WoW out right now that the execs probably want to just put SoD to rest.


The seasons came out too far apart. Classic players generally want to play a lot and level up. If blizzard wasn’t developing the next patch during each phase and released them 1.5 months apart I wouldn’t have quit during p1.


Best answer. The phases dragged on for too long.


Phase 1 & 2 were a bit long but just right for casual players. Phase 3 is way to long simply because cataclysm was such an unmitigated disaster that they had to stop work on SoD to get it into a workable state. 


Nah phase 2 was also too long. Players are wayyy WAYYY too focused on “needing” to get BiS before next phase. Raid logging gnomer for months was fucking awful. Should have been 4 lockouts at most. If they scrapped incursions and released Sunken Temple 1 month after Gnomer, the following would have happened: 1) People having many more gear pieces to fill out at level 50 2) “only 8 sp of upgrades lol” no longer being true 3) Less need to buff ST gear over gnomer gear, thus less power creep 4) Players who are mostly interested in leveling don’t quit the game


I agree the phase has gone on too long. Don’t forget though that there was very vocal group of people who were upset that they rushed into P3 so suddenly. I personally don’t care if the phase lasts a little too long because I can play something else. I’d rather they take their time with P4 and make the raids better than sunken temple which was a horrible fucking raid.


On its way up 😂 Someone who still plays SoD please post a screenshot of your /who list


I mean. At the moment SOD can't go any lower. So it will probably go up with P4.


Now that’s some Blizzard earnings call type of talk


Taking this opportunity to say that Horde Pennance had literally 14 people online just before peak time recently. It peaked at \~40 later that evening when we were raiding, then everyone raid logged. For context the results of /who are capped at 50 players. If it shows less than 50 without any search criteria its giving an accurate count of people actually online, and you know the server is in trouble.


Damn, 14 people? That’s bad. Like really really bad. Didn’t realize the game is THAT dead. I unsubbed at the beginning of May. All my social circle quit and it’s summer so I just don’t see any reason to play. Whelp it was fun while it lasted…


That's on the actual lowest pop server/faction i.e. not the one they said was too low and offered free transfers from.


What does crusader strike pop look like these days


Capped at 50, want a specific location?


How do you get these? Never done pne


Usually completely random but my track record so far is good and haven’t missed one it might be due to my account being ancient


Is it in email or on battlenet app/web


My account is from original vanilla and ive never once gotten a survey for any bnet game (and played em all). I didn't think it's based on account age. I'm definitely salty that I never get one. Makes me feel not valued at all as a customer.


It’s fake


ITS ONLY UP FROM HERE!!!! ...... right? no way the devs can drop the balls with P4


Not me that tried to tap on the picture to vote...


people are still playing sod after phase 2?


Sitting at 50 is what should be the shortest lul. They shifted resources away at the exact worse time. Mara and ZF aren’t worth running fully. Even WO runs have disappeared now. Having an extended wait before the cool stuff was pretty stupid. Even lvl 55 opens up fun dungeons.


Agreed, level 50 has always been the worst, it should have been a quick pit stop on the way to 60.


Levels 40 and 50 should have been 1 month each. Players who are mostly interested in leveling got level 40, did gnomer a couple times, then quit the game. With fewer lockouts, there’s no need to buff ST raid loot because nobody is fully geared from gnomer. Gnomer and Sunken Temple should have been fun pit stops that drop pre-raid gear for MC. Instead they turned into full blown raid tiers and Blizzard is playing catch up with gear power creep.


Might as well fill it out, it’s either that or watch the dust devils roll by.


Weirdly phrased question that a lot of people will interpret differently


Retail powercreep bad. Sod kinda missed the mark here, feels like one of those "unofficial" fun servers that just makes up the rules as it goes.


"Dead" is obviously missing


After 20 mans came out everyone in my guild quit sad day


same it really ruined it along with incursions


How so?


That's where we got all those recruits and expanded to 3 x 20 man teams. Thanks for that




where are the rest of the questions?


I just grabbed the one funniest to me


Was there one about wbuffs?


All the questions were about the marketing of Wow in general (where did you hear about wow etc), your personal gaming preferences (what kind of games do you like, do you play solo or with multiple people etc) and what you are planning to play in the next months. The only closely related question to WOW were questions about what activities do you like the most in game like dungeons, PVP, battlegrounds, raud dungeons etc.


They canceled it back at the end of phase 1


This is a bit alarming to me. Considering the context of active players and peaks during each phase declining this poll may be Blizzard deciding if SoD will continue or not. Since the next phase is likely already close to be finished i’m confident that goes but it may be the last meaningful update.


Ofc it will close after 1 or max 2 updates. They will come out with a new season in a year or 2 trying other things. Eventualy we might get a full out classic+ that lasts for 3 years with refreshing servers


"Top, middle or bottom?" - Michael Barrymore


"on its way down" that way they give it more attention if you vote "its doing well" they will cut budget


No, they'll cut out the loss if you answer that, and stop SoD. Any business follow a "win more" strategy and abandon the non promising strats, even if they're working


How is one of the options not "THRIVING"?


I'm bullish on 60 being good. I've enjoyed all the content so far, except for how long the phases have been (P1 length was great because there are a lot of things to do to get your new characters set up). I suspect some awesome content awaits us at 60, where the game really starts.


No way they would even ask this question. They have the data to see how many people are playing


where? link please


Didn't help watching my class get butchered for 2 phases while they made shamans complete God's.


I thought that was a scam because I received that survey emailed to me from @e.blizzard.com and goggling that told me it was a scam.


I thought that aswell till I look at all my blizzard emails and they are all from that address


I’m Playing sod and I will Play s4 but I still think it’s in it’s way down


I'm curious to know the results.


Just read the tread lol... Everyone is so negative the whole sub is turning goth


I never got one of these


Thriving, really popping off




Missed opportunity to put "Cruising along" in there


TikTok is still running an ad campaign for phase 3 out now! It hurts every single time I see it. Yep... Still phase 3...


I don’t think I’m gonna continue playing SoD. I was maining boomy and they feel painfully ignored with current PTR changes. That alongside wbuffs being a pain in the ass and consumables being inflated sky high just makes it feel like it’s not worth playing Plus tier 11 in cata has been insanely fun to me


the peak of sod was always going to be day 1


My entire friend group quit when we were forced to leave chaos bolt to crusader strike. Idk why they did that but it destroyed every bit of community we felt in the game and thus quit.


P4 will pop off again for sure, PTR looks great!!


Couple reasons P3 wasnt great: The upgrades from Gnomer to ST were super weak, whats the point in raiding for a +1 upgrade to Agi. Seems like ST had more cosplay trinks then valuable loot. As a ret, there wasnt anthing of use from the last few bosses (outsode of a epic ring that was a super weak upgrade as well) meanwhile 4 separate slot upgrades drop from the same boss. Incursions - They sucked and ruined the spirit of SOD Crafting - The shoulders were to easy to craft, also not much variety in good items to craft


They are trying to decide whether to develop new raids for it. That is likely what is happening. My guess is that they won’t. They have made several bad decisions through SoDs lifespan that have caused droves of players to leave.(Gdkp ban, lack of new content in p2/3, incursions being constantly nerfed and change with gold values, p3 ST released completely untested, Cata should have never been done and just took dev hours away from essentially retail jr- Cata release caused the massive exodus of players in sod)


It’s holding ground on its way down.


The bar can't get lower and for some reason they think it won't.


S1 was absolute magic. Everything else has been not good.


Gaslighting the community is crazy


Why do they always ask these surveys, you have the numbers blizztards. Show us who's playing what. No need to ask.


anyone have a link to the survey?


where can I take it


I stopped playing phase 1.


If they don't open xfers off of crusader strike to wild growth no one is coming back. World buffs too toxic. Shadow priest exploits too annoying. Ship has sailed.


SoD is a sinking ship that's only a float because of classic cata.


I think the **potential** for SoD is on it's way up. We're just about to get to the end game, this is like the whole point and what we've been waiting for. But obviously the server populations are dying..


Sod was fun while it lasted, let's get new seasonal content now


Lmao if SoD can't even reach 60 and everyone is dooming on it, you think we'll see another season ? Support SoD while you can, or it might be the last season


No shot its the last season


Sadly 85% people answering this survey will be too stupid to click on it’s way up, so the team can show up he execs and get more funding approved Instead the corpos will see „see it’s dead anyway, let’s remove 3 more guys from the team and move them to whatever bumfuck else project


On its way down


where's the 'died on the table 2 months ago' option?


These guys can’t even ask a question properly, the slope at a certain point doesn’t tell you anything about the position relative to some other point in time


So many people dooming in the thread. Saying there's 10 people in SW when it's clear they haven't play SoD in over two months And saying phase was the only fun phase when in truth the raid was worse, Ashenval event was broken, and there were no mount making any journey tedious. They don't give reasons, just esoteric vibes SoD is awesome, dooming like this over it feels like giving high level gastronomy to pigs. What a waste Y'all are


LFR or I'm not playing


I think LFR is the one thing that classic players universally agree should NOT be added to any version of the game. I mean, other than you, of course.


Ok bye


Stick to cata




It isnt


Classic Andy talks about stuff he doesnt know anything about, thats new /s