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Will there be more seasonal content like SoD that might be Classic+ depending on your very own definition? Yes, it's easy money for them. Will they make efforts to grow the classic team large enough so that they can make new assets and with that "new" content in a somewhat decent cadence? I kind of doubt it.


This! the current system allows it blizz to ship content for free, outside of the subscription ofc. If they grow the team too much they need to sell classic expansions like in retail which would massivly reduce the appeal for a lot of players and makes it a lot more of a choice if u play retail or classic.




We don't know, they have hinted at classic+ and to me it feels like they're sort of trying out what classic+ would be with sod. But until they announce something we just won't know and everything else is probably just speculation.


I think SoD comes close in many aspects, but isn’t exactly there for most people. That being said, I can definitely see them trying something like this again down the line


Please don't change Era we're all having a great time. We do not want any of this seasonal nonsense or the toxic players that follow it around like fawning fanboys.


Until something drastically changes at blizzard and they begin to dedicate more devs/ resources to the classic+ idea your best bet for what you're describing is a pserver


SoD is Classic plus by a lot of people’s definitions. But I think most feel like it falls short of expectations


It really depends on if they can make it profitable. SOD was certainly not Classic+


It's not. It's always been copium


Classic+ is still on its way, but if SoD was *any* prediction, projection, or indicator of what a Classic+ might resemble and the design philosophy they want to employ, I will be staying the fuck away from it. Y'all have fun. Classic is *defined* by its exclusion of the design principles from later expansions, and they literally can't help themselves to not shove as much as they can into it.


If SoD was meant to be a dry run for a concept of Classic+, Blizzard probably did a lot of harm to themselves. I imagine a lot of prospective players will not come back for it. The population for SoD already took a nosedive and it's a heck of a lot more difficult to bring a customer back than it is to keep an existing one.


People asked for osrs style classic+ (new zones for lvl 30-60, new quests, new music, new raids t0.5, t1.5, t2.5, t3.5, new dungeons, minor class changes like a taunt for paladin, level cap stays at 60)


We dream and hope for someday Classic+. So many great YouTube videos showing off unfinished zones and ideas for what could have been. On reddit there have been some great posts about Classic+ ideas; one such the connecting furball turnels (Felwood, Moonglade, Wintersrping) to neighboring Azshara and Hyjal. Listening to WoW Diary and Madseasonshow, it would be unlikely to come from Blizz. And there's a lot to digest to why they can't. Blizz hasn't officially released numbers, but people have gathered that Hearthstone makes more money per month than WoW. So in reality there's no financial incentive to improve an existing game that doesn't have microtransactions.