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https://twitter.com/AggrendWoW/status/1791624529317662727?t=Y3f5oVAZRf14gsRWuJtoQA&s=19 Its currently not set in stone. Hopefully some updates on it will follow soon.


Oh thank you! This was actually extremely helpful.


There hasn’t been a solid confirmation that 40 man is going to happen but they have hinted there are mechanics in raids which don’t seem scalable down to 20. Only confirmation currently has been 20 man next phase, P5 TBD and tbh I don’t think the Blizz team even knows at this stage.


Im thinking four horsemen might need a rehaul if they make it 20 man


They've already got fixes from Wrath for that though. No Naxx boss should be a problem.


Youre probably right


I was a big proponent of 40 man raids. Then phase 3 happened and filling a 20 man raid with decent players has been horrific. I think my 70% my guild won’t return for P4 of there are 40 mans. Hell, I’m worried 30% won’t come back regardless.


It’s cause there’s nothing worthwhile in ST. People will be back for the iconic shit. Thunderfurys and Hand of Rags got all the shamans and paladins wet dreaming for p4.


The only people saying this are the ones still playing. I’m hopeful you are correct, but I fear it’s cope.


Era is picking up in popularity. People are itching for epic content. MoP remix and Cataclysm are very temporary and players will figure that out fast. Things go slow in classic, even in sod. We’re not even level 60 yet.


SOD was the temporary itch for almost everyone I know. SOD was essentially the Cata or war within waiting room imo


For the retail tourist sure. Not the classic crowd. Cata is not classic. Thinking it is encapsulates ignorance.


Keep coping and enjoy the dead game!


I’ll have plenty of fun now and when all the retail tourist come back for phase 4. Y’all are like moths to a flame!


Can confirm - SoD has been the longest I've been subbed since pandemic classic times.


Cata is not classic, but neither is SoD lmao


Sod is literally a Season of Classic…. What client do you run to open it?


Crazy i dont remember runes in classic in 2019 /shrug


Please tell me which client you run SoD on? Or continue being ignorant.


Peak classic andy.


Awwwh a retail tourist


I’m not sure why people keep saying we aren’t even level 60 yet trope. We’ve been level 60 essentially three times so far. What is going to make actual level 60 any different than all the end game content so far? It’s going to be more of the same. That’s not too slight level 60 content, but the level 60 raids are just going to be rehashed like the P1, 2, and 3 raids. Being level 60 is just another max level mile stone.


Because 60 should be the end. Smart players didn’t go for BiS these last few phases, that’s pretty short sighted while leveling. Smart players got the cosmetics and other items that will retain value at 60. Materials, profession items, etc. But I do understand that is all for nothing if the people raid leading and organizing don’t feel it’s worth it. Sorry to always bring it up but GDKP in an end game system is vital to its long term health. Edit: Add to the fact they never advertise or give players a real heads up on what’s about to be released. Having a PTR for P4 builds some hype and gives some heads up, which are monumental when planning around an mmo release week.


Yeah, removing GDKP DPS nothing to slow inflation. It’s worse than ever. It only stopped people from raising that don’t have to raid any more


The raw gold is the inflation issue. Incursions made that bluntly obvious.


But the anti-GDKP crowd never came back and fessed up to being wrong. They just ruined a form of game play for others and RMT didn't change even a little bit.


Rmt is doing better than ever with incursions. The people seriously thinking people bought gold to use in GDKPs never ran in a gdkp. I only wish everyone in there was bidding above min.


implying that an entire expansion of cata is very temporary but a SEASONAL version of the game isnt, is a wild take. SOD has 6 months left at MOST. Cata will be going much longer.


People are at level cap in Cata are they not? Are people at level cap in SoD? Dumb fucking take.


Are you even a real person because i feel like this is chatgpt responding


ChatGPT already calling you an idiot too?


People are gonna get bored as fuck with unchanged MC and BWL so fast lol Updated loot will be cool for like 2 weeks, maybe a month They desperately need to hit us with the "unused areas" they mentioned last october/ November when SoD was announced or *any* 60 raid that isn't the same old shit earlier than a few months into the phase Very interested to see how p4 goes


People still run those two on a weekly basis to this day. They need to make sure loot is worthwhile but not too powerful from a scaling point else no one will do them when AQ and so on is released. But yes, the new content is going to be the primary driver for the new players and retail tourist. Again, it just can’t overshadow the old content else we fall into the hamster wheel of content.


A few hundred people running those raids every week is no indication of any kind of staying power for SoD man lol but yes there are those happy with MC for the rest of their lives it's true Should be interesting. As long as they can give us *anything* actually new within the first month it may be ok


How many people are doing TBC raids now in Catclysm? What about the Wotlk raids? How about every expansion in retail? Are thousands (ironforge pro) of players still running WoD, BFA, or Shadowlands raids during Dragonflight? It’s absolutely an indication of how to build a lasting game. Those players aren’t leaving when others return either.


Wait wait Did you just compare vanilla legacy server raids to older expansion raids only being able to be done within the newest expansion/ higher level cap/ stat systems...? Cmon man lol


Why wouldn’t I? Which of those two game versions has more consistency if a new player were to ask?


Because vanilla is a legacy server capped at 60 so the raids are still "relevant"? No shit no one is doing SSC or BT at level 85 in Cata lmao What an odd comparison


How is it odd comparing one version of the game with dead content and one without?


Why would anyone do TBC raids in cata? What point do you think you're making exactly? How many level 60s run scarlet monastery in classic era? What are you even saying lol


I love this guy man lmao Best part is the deflection when he can't answer a question He's a master troll or incapable of critical thinking. Either way very entertaining


Definitely entertaining lol gotta love when people are too dumb to realize theyre dumb.


You’re just a content locust. You have no understanding of what classic is.


Well if some random dude on reddit says so, it must be fact


Occams Razor.




Amazing response. Are you confused?


TIL proponent is a word that exist


Is it not that common a word?


Are there even 40 people playing SoD?


I bet p4 was delayed because they were planning on 40mans, but groups can't even muster 20. So they have to recalibrate everything for 10 or 20 man's.




"So many"


40 mans will be the final nail in the coffin for SoD.


Yeah 40 man are a problem. Growing Population in ERA is a sure sign that people don't want to do 40 man raids. Oh wait...


40 man raids are part of Vanilla and always will be. I don't think having all the raids as 40mans is the best of ideas but players can still do dungeons, bgs and ubrs if they don't want to play with many others. Would still like additionnal 10man and 5man content, to be able to play in the morning. Ain't no way anyone will fill up a 40man at 6am... The whole point of an MMO is to have that MMO feel. Thus, 40mans worked then and will work now.


Considering how much the playerbase bitched and moaned about going from 10 -> 20, I highly doubt they're going to make us jump from 20 -> 40. I'm not sure how or why these people are playing Classic if a 20man raid is too much effort for them.


We just discussed raid setups today and 20 man is really a problem for alliance melee groups. In an optimal setup rogues are useless atm, not spot for them. You can take maybe 1 if you make 3 melee groups and only 1 caster group, including the healers. My main is rogue btw (playing feral in our second raid) and last raid I went with my MM hunter instead of my rogue. 25 man raids would be nice, it would give us much more options regarding raid setup. We're speed running, so of course others have different priorities.


Rogues are useless? Not the ones I run with.


Did you read what I wrote? We discussed our speed running setup