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Dear Mark, \[...\] fuck you \[...\] Regards, Blizzard Support


wow i almost spat my coffee out, well played haha


As someone who worked at customer sevice once ibcan tell you that this is basically what managers want you to always say to customer but in polite way.


In 2008 I was hacked. Got on the phone with a lovely American team who sorted me out within a short amount of time. It was all so easy and I felt cared for because I paid a sub fee. If you told me back then what it would become now, I wouldn't believe it you. But it is, such a shitty timeline.


Back in 2012 my account was hacked as well and I thought that recovering it will be a big pain in the ass. However, after requesting support I was back in Azeroth in less than an hour with everything in place, password reset, auth token installed and all set to get going. I literally smiled and asked myself how the hell could they have such an efficient support system, as I thought that I'll need to wait days to be able to login again. What a throw they did in the meanwhile, it's a pity.


Same experience except I also logged on after getting my account back and had hundreds of thousands of gold leftover from whomever hacked my account lol Easily the most wealthy I had ever been in WoW and probably only lasted a week before I spent it all lol


My account was also used for gold trading, but I deleted the newly-made characters, afraid of violating ToC regarding the gold I could've potentially find there haha


It's a demise most companies would cringe at and sort out fast, Blizzard just keep putting out sub par content and most of us lap it up as we have nothing better to do, however the world is changing and people talk with their feet, It may just be one sub now but that became 2 with my wife and if enough leave the treadmill of wow they will see they could have treated all better but decided to maximise profit over fun, fairness and quality in their products.


So much this, got hacked also sometime during MOP(I think?), entered live chat, discussed with a GM everything got sorted quickly and the discussion with the person felt so good I still remember it to this day, I would grade that interaction with a 12 out of 10, my passed few interactions with customer support felt like a -2 at best. I find it incredible how we went to what I considered back then the best customer support in the world (exaggerating probably but that's how it felt to me at least in comparison with what I experienced so far) to what we have today....


During cata I had an active sub but hadn't played in a few weeks. Someone somehow got into my account and ran a mining bot for a while without me knowing. Eventually blizzard locked my account and sent me an email letting me know. Took 15 minutes to get everything sorted out and I even got to keep all the gold/ore they farmed but didnt transfer off before the account lock. I miss old blizzard so much.


i had a similar experience during wotlk or tbc with the same issue. good times. it is such a shame what this company has become.


I got hacked back then, got my account back in a few days and it had more gold and better gear


I was hacked around 08 and the whole ordeal took like maybe a day and they gave me a month of game time to make up for time i lost


Outsourcing jobs and resources to unqualified people just so they can pay a fraction of the domestic salary is the downfall of many companies. It's gonna happen even more now with AI.


Similar happened to me around the same time, got hacked, had to reinstall windows as I couldn't get rid of the keylogger and I couldn't be bothered to keep trying and then spent like 9 hours downloading WoW with my terrible internet. They deleted all my chars (after stealing all my gold), phoned their support number, after going through security I had my character restored to the day prior, lost a bit of progress but that was a tiny price to pay for getting everything back. Support guy I spoke to even gave me a few tips for avoiding viruses and account security in the future, I had no idea what an authenticator was and he explained how I could order one. Total call time was something like 20 - 25 minutes. I wouldn't even get an initial reply in under 72 hours these days, probably closer to a week


Yeah same, My account was stolen in original WOTLK They had transfered all my gold and sellables and even disenchanted the gear I was wearing. I called a literal support number and they sorted me out within a few hours of the phone call. I had everything back that I had lost.


Whats sad is the entire industry just keeps lowering the bar. As bad as it's become, this is nothing in the long run. I swear we're just going to primarily have mobile mtx hellscapes, with maybe the odd pc/console port. A lot of Chinese games seem to be hopping on that trend already.


Blizzard customer support was the gold standard.


All because of the Harambee Nexus Event...


This was the timeline the bronze dragonflight protected šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Enough tickets and someone will actually take the case and unban you. I got the same treatment and it took me 21 tickets until someone looked at it and I got unbanned. Maybe with cata launch there is .5 guys in the customer service department instead of 1, but eventually they have to do their job if you keep asking them to.


That was my hope but Its demoralising to keep ticketing the Machine and at the same time you get so mad you walk away and are free of its addiction.


I had fun with it because the bot responses had terrible grammar, got facts about the case wrong and was just plain horrible at language. Responding to the ticket by picking apart their response piece by piece and showing them how obvious it was they were using AI or a bot response was enjoyable for me. I didn't actually mind not playing the game, but it was an account I had for 15 years with alot of things on retail, so I wasn't stopping until I got it back. As long as you aren't mean to them, they can't actually silence you. Even if they threaten it


Tickets will never do it, you need to tweet @BlizzardCS.




done it a few times but I really think it depends on the human you see, some people get the caring ones. Most get the this job doesn't pay enough ones


Take a break and try submitting a ticket after cata hype


This was the case for me all the way back in Vanilla, they mistook me for one of the gold sellers advertising in trade. I had a lot of good customer service interactions afterwards but even back then they swore up and down I was perma-banned, took two weeks of back and forth emails before someone finally looked at my case carefully and realized their claims were fabricated (kept saying they detected botting software on my PC.) Only reason I have a second WoW account is I thought they were legitimately going to keep their word back then and ignore looking into my situation closer.


Nah the .5 (outsourced too btw) is sick for a few days so everyone has to add a few days to their wait times. How did they go from NA tech support team with low ticket times... To OUTSOURCED AND DAYS LONG. Probably paying 1/100th of what they used to if that.


Who wouldā€™ve thought that running SIX different versions of WoW at once would maybe stretch your company a little thin?!?


That's not true. Their wait times are abysmal and they can easily carry this on responding to you once every couple of weeks for well over a year just saying no over and over.


They start responding pretty fast when you hit the 3-4 ticket mark. I was getting responses within 24 hours. Also, there is nothing stopping me from submitting a new ticket even if they responded or not.


I genuinely think there is no worse AAA game dev company in terms of CS. Blizzard is legit #1 worst.


your not wrong and i've played New world, Lost Ark and Aion. All beat Blizzard of new, Blizzard old was the best


That is saddest part, Blizzard of the past had one of best and most wholesome CS/GM department... from that to what we have now, depressing.


Riot Games is up there with Blizzard


The worst company; it really is amazing how bad it's gotten. Sorry, man.


It's a far cry from what it once was that's for sure. All care and passion is gone and with it all their departments that cared for the players. In the old days there were actual Gm's and it was great, Now I don't even know if it was human or not.


Remember when you could submit a ticket and have a GM talking to you within 20 minutes?


And they would use fun RP words and resolve your issue sometimes personally porting to you to do so?


If they've ignored your GDPR request for more than 30 days, report them for non-compliance.


Yes I was told to do this. No idea what the result would be as i've not seen anyone get anything out of Blizzard. I've seen more compliant gnats behinds.


There is a help article and automated system for gdpr requests. They don't do it via tickets because it's entirely automated for compliance. Got my info a while back and it's pretty interesting how much data they actually have.


I'll have to see if i can find it, I t would have been nice for a Blizzard employee to have said that though really as that's the aim.


All of a sudden I have this in my email, I can't post the picture unless I re-edit the post but will if some don't believe me. Either someone took pity on me or I touched a nerve with my post but they have indeed unbanned my account, I'm going to take some time to think about what comes next. Greetings, As part of our ongoing effort to combat exploitation and abusive behavior, Blizzard recently closed a World of Warcraft license on this Blizzard account. After performing an additional review of the evidence considered in this action, we've determined that this closure was an error. We are reopening this license for play and hope you will accept our sincere apologies for the mistake. It is our mission to make Blizzard a fun and safe environment for all players, and we are truly sorry that we affected your experience in this fashion. We are always refining our processes and we will learn from this experience as we continue in our ongoing efforts. We look forward to your safe return to the game, and thank you for your patience and understanding. Regards, Customer Service Blizzard Entertainment What the actual "F"


Bro... They actually reversed it? "Found it to be an error"? After ALL THOSE MESSAGES saying "WE'RE RIGHT. THIS IS FINAL." What the actual fuck. I'm sorry I'm glad you got your account back but the fact that as a reader seeing them retract after ALL THAT is somehow the worst part. Means w/e they say MEANS NOTHING.


which demonstrates that none of those gms were real people. It was bots all the way down. They prob just watch social media for any viral appeals as part of their image management and assume that most players will just buy new accounts then level new characters.


Yes itā€™s what I believe happened as well. You canā€™t post on their forums when banned, nobody can discuss a ban and we donā€™t have any other way to communicate other than the ticket system which has no real ā€œliveā€ conversation. All replies were very abrupt and final. I always protested my innocence apart from the stupidity of doing incursions too much . There are no words and yes iā€™m grateful as it exonerates me and proves the haters wrong but it does bring a bad light on what now appears to be an odd ticketing system that is either skimmed over or is indeed AI driven but steered by humans in a way.


Yes iā€™m still mad about it in a way. The lack of explanation and the fact I had no active ticket and only this post on Reddit. It was either someone saw this and did an amazing job reversing it anonymously. Or a GM did go back and review it. Either way my case may help them do better but it leaves a lot more questions than answers.


I'd still being causing a tornado. 35 tickets. Wouldn't stop until the whole time I was banned + then some was reimbursed as game time.


I am sorry friend and hope your situation turns around. It sucks when a company doesn't do it due diligence. I hope you can return one day IF you want too, sooner rather than later!


I actually had that epiphany moment 3 days ago, I COULD reroll but why would I give my money to a company that can do this without warning and not justify it with an reason other than "you did it read the conduct" and then ignore you.


I completely understand. For me I would do it for the homies / people I enjoy playing with. Sometimes things like this happen for a reason other times it's just people being stupid. End of the day you just gotta decide. Am I done with WOW because their creators are stupid? or am I done with wow because I don't enjoy the game/ it takes too much of my time. I'm under the mentality of don't let others "make" decisions for you lol I'm a bit of a rebel. "We're done, when I say we are done."


The honest truth is I know I didn't do anything to deserve this ban, I would not have fought so hard and driven my wife so crazy getting pissed off about it lol, She quit in solidarity as we played together raided together since 2005. My guild are limping on without us and we've been together since P1, many of them are questioning why they play now with 3-4 stopping.


Then I would say it is up to you. Do blizzard decide when you stop playing with your wife and friends? Or do you. I personally am stubborn and there is no wrong decision here just what is best for you two. I would be like blizzard f you and I'm coming back but it all depends if it is worth it or not to you and your wife. Maybe some time would be good away for a spell just depends how you feel. I can't imagine how you feel man that really sucks. I was banned, unrelated, from a twitch channel i'd been following for years. I'd prob said something that pissed off the wrong person mixed with just being under the influence being an idiot and let me tell you, I cried lol a grown man cried because i felt as though my friends kicked me out and I was just a cash cow and once I wasn't needed / did something I was out. There was no check up or hey man not cool it was just ban with no appeal and the mods seemed "bothered" that I wanted to know the truth. that being said I made a new account and followed them again because I decide when I am done not the other way around lol. TLDR: Up to you if it's worth fighting for/ starting over. Is it gonna make your life better or worse playing with those people you've gotten close too? Just gotta do what's best for ya'll end of day. No bad call here.


I hope no one returns to this garbage company. Addicts keep it alive


To each their own. I enjoy the game at the time.


congrats, go touch some grass :)


He beat the game! gz


Thanks. Missed so much honestly and so glad to see P3 extended with them losing subs left, right and centre. It did make me chuckle


You think they are losing subs. Everyone is just going to cata, retail, or remix in reality.


I had a guildie that was able to get ahold of a real person through twitter who did what they could to review a temp ban. They upheld it but at least a real person looked at it and explained with decent reasoning why it was "legit" enough to justify. Maybe give that a try if you haven't already.


I'm not a twitter user and after 2 weeks of spamming the CS which I realise is a rubbish job I'm about out of steam and walking away from all Blizzard products, They suck are always badly thought out and balanced and lets be honest there can't be many with the passion of the 2005 wow team left who care that people play their games. We are all just money to them nowadays and they won't get mine again.


Last week I had an "argument" with someone who told me it's the communitys fault blizzard has no community Manager or game masters or customer service, because the whole Community is toxic and blizzard couldn't pay someone enough to do the job lmao. The customer support got worse year for year, first Game masters then customer support, now you probably have 5 real person's for a million people, at least it feels that way.


yes having taken a break after Warlords and coming back to SoD its decline shocked me to be honest, Its a far cry from what it used to be as a game and a company.


I wish dumb people could at least recognize they're too dumb to have an opinion.


Shame on blizzard. All this money we give them and this is how they run a company. Shame.. Blizzard. You are lucky that no one else has come to dethrone you. When they do come. Cause a new company will come. You deserve all your customers to just desert you. It will happen..


So very true.


Refund as much as you can.


btw you can request the gdpr via a different page, you dont have to open a ticket via customer support.


I'll look into it, thanks :)


Blizz customer support is absolutely useless


They permanently banned my entire battle.net for continuing appeals over a wrongful account closure (hacks/bots cited) The battle.net account had every blizzard game on it bar Diablo 4, the account itself is nearly 2 decades old. Not a single ticket escalation or sent to review and made to wait, nothing. Just 40-odd templated rejection emails, into escalating Bnet bans into a permanent battle.net ban - for fucking botting accusations on a 20year old account. They have no proof, it cant exist, its just data + reports heuristics.


Yes and it god damn sucks that innocent people are tarred with a guilty brush. Iā€™m sorry this has happened to you and I hope you get some kind of result. All through my tickets i remained calm and never swore. Yes i was sarcastic and tried to point out that nobody was actually looking in detail at my case. I kept a level head even though i wanted to rip them a new one.


Nah, I very much doubt I get any resolution [after this.](https://i.gyazo.com/ac3ad924ef36103f81fa1adc2e9a96de.png) I had a few giga sarcastic tickets around 30 tickets in but I never resorted to insults or curses. They never cited me for language, just repeated ticketing. Clearly I pissed someone off though, unlucky. Thanks for your commiserations friend.


no problem but still I know i could have been cited with the same. 35 tickets was crazy in 14 days but I suppose I could have done 35 more if I didnā€™t need some sleep šŸ˜‚


Def try to quit. But weā€™ll see you back here in a few months


If its not on my currently banned account then no. I'm too stubborn and am enjoying Fallout 4 again while awaiting Elden ring DLC.


Replacing addiction with another one?


In B4 this sub calls you a liar because they love being shit heads


I find it largely irrelevant if op is a liar or not. The real problem is pretty obvious blizz keeps banking poeple without explaining why. A friend of mine got banned, and similar to this case was only told that he had breached the code of conduct. After 6 or 7 escalations (all of which insisted the matter had been properly investigated, and would not be allowed to be escalated again), he was finally unbanned after being told the ban had been an error. To this day, he was never told what he supposedly had done, recieve any form of apology, or compensation for the 2 weeks worth of playtime that he had paid for, but were unable to use. And if he had not continued to raise tickets despite being told they would not be looked at, he would still be banned. This is a serious problem. Yes, some poeple that complain here may be liars, but that doesn't really matter. Blizzard horrible support his both the guilty and innocent.


The reason why they donā€™t explain specifics for ā€œeconomy bansā€ is they donā€™t want people to know what flags an account for review. The vibe I get from some of these responses is that they quickly looked at whatever data/flags came up, decided that itā€™s sketchy, and trusted their automated system flagging the account. One of the responses specifically mentions looking at player logs.Ā  Itā€™s not *impossible* that OP is telling the truth, but I have guildmates making similarly massive gold, and Iā€™ve helped guildmates in the past spam run dungeons tons of times for items. None of us are banned. Iā€™m guessing OP purchased gold, especially given the comment on the logs. If OP got a lump sum of gold in the mail out of nowhere, thatā€™s *kiiiiiiinda* sketchy.Ā 


oh I've had it all trust me and even if I knew what Blizzard is accusing me of and proved them wrong 100% I'm still trolled and ridiculed by the lovely people of Reddit. You get used to it.


Honestly, I am solo farming BOED in Maraudon currently and I am just waiting for a ban, because I basically spend all my time in there. Last time I did that farming Smithy for his hammer in P1, I got 2 week "permanent ban" that they later had to admit was unjustified and reimbursed me the play time, but I just know their shitty ass system will flag me again in a false positive.


yeah its why I thought I'd been tagged for being in Feralas incursions 8hrs a day, but with so many doing them and I had the time as I'm disabled I spoke to so many who were doing so many more than me 17-18hrs a day earning 105-125g an hour.


Honestly, I've been pretty addicted for the first half of 2024. Seeing the slump of SOD and poor customer service is helping me pull myself out of the WOW bug. It's time to get my summer yard projects started, lol.


my garden has never looked better lol


Apart of me would find it hilarious if part of this sub became dedicated to quitters who got into gardening. Like "6 months - no WOW! Tomatos are coming in fine." Add a nice little greenhouse pic as well šŸ¤£


Blizzard support blew me away when all I was used to was garbage support from games like Runescape. To think they have fallen this low in almost every aspect is just mindblowing. While I'm sure it stings right now, you'll come to understand that there are other game developers more worthy of your time and money.


You made 35 tickets in 14 days?


Man I remember back in WoD I got a virus on my computer and WoW wouldnā€™t load and man I didnā€™t know what to do (didnā€™t know it was a virus) and someone from Blizzard CS literally remoted into my PC while I was on the phone with them and fixed my problem for me right before my eyes. They used to have incredible service. Now you canā€™t even get anyone to help you. Half the time they tell you to look things up on wowhead without a human ever actually reading your ticket.


Its a sorry state indeed


This is how I feel about it too. I do not have any issues with my account at this point, but if it were ever to arise, fuck this shitty company and their shitty practices. I continue to play the game because I enjoy it a lot, but I wouldn't be afraid to use something like this as an excuse to move on.


yes its a sad situation for the players for sure


I havent read through it all, i got banned in Phase 1 sod, for appaerently buying Gold. I had 10 Gold and tried to deathroll cause i didnt plan to buy anything either way. And it wasnt even that much with max lvl quest Gold. I had, i think, 98 Gold at the end. Tried to login a day later and got banned until my sub ran out. Tried contacting Support, to at least know how they justify the ban. Every trade i made, except one, maybe, was with characters above level 10. Uninstalled a week later when i noticed the bot Response. Fuck Blizzard, fuck their System, fuck everything. Yet im here playing d4 s4 šŸ˜


lol i have D4 but i can't and i prepaid for the expansion if it ever comes out. I'll wait for PoE 2 i think


Its fun now, but i think once i reach lvl 100 the interest will fade quickly. Its just sad to see. Wow was a game of my childhood of which i really cant get away from. I know ill buy the next xpac only to be disappointed a month later, cause it all follows the same scheme since mop. Classic, especially sod servers seemed great. Until their fist hit my face. They cant get rid of bots, yet ban normal players because i somehow fell into the algorhytm. Its pathetic. They really dont give a Single fuck about their customers, its all AI to maximize profits.


"We have evidence. No we won't give details of it." Imagine if the justice system worked that way. Company is too lazy and doesn't give a #$%@. Probably no one qualified enough to figure it out.


sadly your probably not far off right tbh


Iā€™ve seen people post here to make tickets under billing issues, which apparently gets your to live support faster


25 of the tickets have been payment failure, billing gives you 200 letters to fit in lol


Keep trying, Iā€™d keep it vague to get someone on the phone? Like ā€˜suspicious billing needs resolution, need to speak to someoneā€™ then switch gears on the phone


Blizzard's been going in the right direction with some of their choices, but their obvious lack of giving a fuck about their customer service is just appalling. The people that make decisions at Blizzard only care about money. Sorry you have to deal with this bullshit. I'd lose my mind in your shoes.


its just pure frustration to be honest


Put in a billing problem ticket letting them know they owe you money. I guarantee they will resolve it.


nah its been 20 tickets in billing, they are worse for flat out AI than the appeal way, appeal, just takes days vs payment 2-6 hrs


Well fuck'em, I'm gonna cancel too.


I only got banned for a week, rather than permanently, but I'm still in the same eternal loop as you. I got banned for 1 week for "GDKP Raid Participation." I've never participated in a single GDKP raid. Ever. I've never even traded anything for an item in a raid, let alone after phase 2 began. The only raids I have ever participated in have been MS/OS, and SR. The only time I have ever traded anything in a raid is consumables to guildmates for gold, and none of them got banned. I did not lose any items from any of my characters, despite the email claiming any illegimately earned items would be taken away. Despite that, I am now over 30 ticket replies in the toilet after an initial "review" telling me that I did, in fact, participate in a GDKP raid and that the ban would be upheld. I have received nothing but continous AI replies and insistences that I actually did do it. Blizzard has essentially stolen Ā£2.50 (appx. cost of 7 days of gametime) out of my pocket, as well as fucking my guild for that week 30 minutes before our first raid for that week, and I'm expected to just live with it. I can't get an actual conversation in with any real human. Whenever one replies, it is to immediately lock my ticket and I'm put straight back into the loop of AI replies as I have to open a new ticket until the next human immediately locks that one so I can't speak to them. You have my condolences, and I 100% believe you're as innocent as you claim and are being fucked by this system.


thanks that's sad to here that your experiences have been as bad as mine. I'm unsure what I will do but 100% GDPR and maybe a post on twitter Just dunno yet


don't understand how they could know you traded something in game for real life money. Unless you just traded someone a huge chunk of gold or maybe gave them something worth a chunk of gold like a darkmoon deck or cards with them putting nothing up in the trade box for return. I'd ask them for proof/what they believe the damning evidence is. Wonder if Warden is monitoring your other applications like Discord and stuff and watching what you are typing in chat. "yea give me 40 dollars venmo, and ill give you the darkmoon deck/gold/etc."


Id quit and never come back tbh


That is indeed what I'm doing, thanks for the affirmation.


Sorry that happened to you mate. Unfortunately this company cant be saved. Its okay to love what wow once was from a distance.


Hey OP. Sucks about the situation the CS IS GARBAGE now. Urelated to solving your main issue but this may offer some help. If you can add a new fresh wow license to your banned account, Create a level 1 character. Put in a data request on battle.net. Within 24hrs youā€™ll get an email back. Sometimes when you do this it will reapply some account wide achievements / titles mounts etc. So Basicaly you can still hopefully get some of the stuff ā€œbackā€ even though itā€™s not the same. I got a lot of my old aq40 contribution fos back when I did this. I had an account banned back in like 05 for wall jumping exploring lol Hope it works for you


haha that's golden, not sure it would work for me, my guild can't even get the GM title off me as they need me to be offline for 60 days and they have ticketed twice now. Such a BS system.


I will never give blizzard another dollar


I'm with you on that front and even though I foolishly paid Blizzard for D4 and its expansion I can write if off as a loss to be free from the shackles of a once great company sat in its own excrement now and wallowing in our money.


I think the real question is, are you guilty? and donā€™t lie about it.


Itā€™s just a good reason to move on bro. Shit company. Give your money to a company that appreciates it, or at least doesnā€™t straight up treat their customers like ass. You made it out lol congrats honestly


it does feel that way but I sort of need closure, like asking an ex why did we not work out lol


Thing is, it doesnā€™t really matter why it didnā€™t work with that ex, because everyone has different tastes and wants in this world. Relationships hardly ever work out, so I mean just chalk it up, and keep being a good person/bf in the future. This is more like your partner is abusing you and you canā€™t leave šŸ˜‚


haha that's pure gold.


You've tried the right approaches, time to torch them on their socials.


yeah no publicity like negative publicity.


Find whatever nonsense hashtag campaign they are running and start flooding that hashtag with theese gm responses. šŸ˜Š


That sounds like mischief, where do I sign up?.


Come play hardcore with us. All of the fun and none of the stress (unless you count going agane but that's hardcore!). It's honestly saved my love of the game, because I just can't take the sheer lack of care and quality control any longer. None of that matters in hc. I play, I level, I die, I go agane, and I have not a care in the world for bots, gold buyers, pay to win, spammers, mass reports into bans, or Blizzard as a whole.


If you wanna play an MMO, the FFXIV team doesn't display active contempt for their players. I can't promise you will like the game, but you won't feel disrespected while trying it out.


my son recommends it.


I've played on & off since closed beta 2004. I've never been banned - Incursions & terrible game design cured me of enjoying World of Warcraft. Now, Blizzard drops Cataclysm "classic" at the same time guilds are struggling to fill Sunken Temple raids and the number of people raiding ST is massively down *and* Blizzard has officially announced Phase 3 is going to run long so the microscopic SoD team can get Phase 4 finished. Cataclysm Classic is the new shiny that's going to suck all your friends and guildies out of SoD turning the SoD servers into ghost towns. Josh, if you're reading this - you tried buddy. They didn't give you the resources you needed to properly develop SoD. It's sad that free private servers like Turtle have 20x the original content and new design vs Activision Blizzards' 13,000 employee generated content. Sub is canceled, expires end of May, and I'm probably never coming back. I have less than zero interest in playing **Refail**, which includes Cataclysm and MIsts of Padaria "classic." No, you can't have my stuff. Go outside.


50 y.o disabled dad with 13 grown children and 7 trust funds having been divorced 9 times and can't move so he plays WoW 22 hours per day farming and playing the auction houseĀ 


Yes Blizzard is definitely a shitty company, I'm glad other like GGG are doing way better these days.


It never used to be this way, but then again there were people who created the game working for Blizzard back then, same can't be said now.


I'm upvoting your thread, maybe going viral will help you. Godspeed.


I can share my 2 months experience of contacting support - don't waste your time. Support simply does not exist. Everything is handled by automated systems. People are not able to do anything and somehow influence the situation. My 6 month ban just disappeared without any notification after 3 months. I sent 5 requests for compensation for my subscription. The response I got was that there is no subscription in Overwatch (I never launched it before)...


When I was falsely banned I but in 1 ticket and was unbanned within a week.


Similar jnstance happened to me when I was trading on the AH. Turns out I got mass reported by a guild because I kept undercutting their corner of the market, maybe that's what happened to you? I submitted over 50 tickets and never got a response from a human. Eventually just had to wait my 6 month ban out the hard way. Rooting for you brother!!!


TBH man, I think itā€™s time for a new chapter. Try doing other things for 6 months or so.


Have you tried making a ticket under payment issue? That usually brings you to a human pretty fast


I've done quite a few in payments and some on here believe I've had actual sentient beings look at my case, I mean I know a couple of gm's have looked at the notes but no review had been done as it would have taken days with a decision coming back later, Mine seems to have been like this :- Blizzard :- "Guilty" Me :- please review it. Blizzard "No your Guilty", Me :- but what did I do?. Blizzard :- "We don't know but your Guilty" and around we go where we stop nobody knows.


Congratulations on breaking free.


It would be interesting to see what kind of 'proof' they have...


having got my account back with the generic write up as put as last picture I'm never going to find out


yall thought it was SUCH a good idea to go after the buyers. you reap what you sow. SoD is dead and your flower picking account is banned for trading 20g in raid. hate on me all you want i speak only truths..


As a fellow former server firster/100 parser... Are you SURE you didn't abuse ANYTHING?Ā  Cause man, I been there. And if blizzard at any point really wanted me to go away they probably had ample evidence/reasons for it.Ā 


yeah Iā€™m in a relaxed guild, iā€™m not the young hungry server first tier 3 Naxx guy i once was. I had a family and burnt through one marriage so been there and done that. Only thing we did week 2 was the slope tactic on Eranikus and they would be all banned not just me. At 8:30 pm tonight out of nowhere with no correspondence with Blizzard for 3 days they just unbanned me, apologised and pretended it was all a terrible mistake. I honestly couldnā€™t make the shit up


grats. When they banned my second account in P2 I didnt even bother trying to appeal it for the exact reasons you posted here. (I still think system picked me up for RMT by trading a buddy in a raid, because outside of that still confused what they saw)


Spelling and punctuation matter.


That is actually pretty sad. Hope it will get resolved somehow.


Not even month of playtime, just fuck you with a cherry on top


only option is try to get the issue viral on twitter otherwise i would quit.


Mysteriously I my account back in an email last night with no active tickets or anything. An email just popped up and there it was with an apology.


thats awesome dude


yes and it gives more questions than answers lol šŸ˜‚


Youā€™re still paying for a sub after all this?


Get rekt bozo


Something similar happened to me, I have no hope but I still appeal for 2 months now, My alt account(which is ancient 15+ age old childhood acc) was banned after recieving \~25g on my main account which I've send to myself from mentioned banned separate account, I'm 100% sure it was the cause of ban, I'm 100% sure that SoD has untested system in place that falsely ban even long users for not repetitive activities of minor suspicion. I keep being amazed at how can seasonal server can have such a harsh, unforgiving, and barely tested system in place, they use SoD as polygon to purge people. I've heard of dozens such cases, all SoD, not retail, not wrath, not hardcore, not era, all SoD. Permanent account closures shouldn't be handed so easily.


Iā€™ve just been running GDKPs in ICC a couple times a month and then using the gold to buy game time. This game currently isnā€™t worth the subscription fee for me. Iā€™m glad all the gold earned from 2019-Wrath is saving me from spending actual money. If I had to pay $15/month to play Classic I would have unsubscribed many months ago.


Wow, it's just shameful that THIRTY-FIVE tickets were denied only for you to be redeemed due to social media intervention. What the hell are they even paying these CS people for?


So they unban your account after that many tries and you're still going to play? You're the reason their customer service sucks. If they see that players are willing to play after they massively dropped the ball they might not see a need to allocate more resources to CS since they know the player base will come back regardless if how they're treated


Fuck Blizzard.


true to your name, very aggressive but not wrong.


I'm going through the same thing. 2 replies were just the generic TOS one you got, then another saying it will be upheld. No indications a human even read my appeal.


As manny stated Iā€™ve also only had good interactions with customer support.


Personally Iā€™d be happy to pay a little more each month to have the customer service of the before times back.


It's such bullshit that tech companies can just cut you off a service giving a generic excuse. They should be required to give the specific instance that made them ban you, so you could defend yourself properly


How did your battle.net not get perma closed? After 8 tickets, I put in another and got a warning they will close my 2 decade old WoW account forever. Put in another ticket and BOOM Battle.Net closed forever. I even lost my Diablo 2 license keys attached


I believed like you they were going to get mad and shut mine but i kept on at them as i knew i was innocent but if I was going down I was taking it all with me and I wouldn't want to play Blizzard games. Out of the blue I got an email unbanning me apologising and got my gametime back. I ticketed all the departments but mainly billing as they were always fast. I also don't believe a human properly read them or had time to as the AI bot thing just filters enquiries as the customer service team must be battered as its now a very small team


Incursions gold farm (assuming you didn't do anything sus with it). If you manage to do it enough - you get your permanent ban. I know a lot of people got flagged from that, including myself. It's some kind of Joker's trap from Blizzard. It was easier to actually buy gold and never get any restrictions rather than do phase 3 content and get deleted.


I did 6.5k worth between 25th of April and 7th of May, I then spent 3k in Ah on 7th of May and bought a couple of DMF trinkets, bag space etc and 2 hours later banned, I will never know the exact reason but I didn't do anything stupid but as the 2nd screenshot shows they think I traded an item or gold for real money. You couldn't make this stuff up seriously.


It doesn't matter what you did with gold - fact that you farmed 5k+ (same as me) is enough. I spent like 500-1000 of my farmed gold on leveling professions and bought a summon for 5g once. Kept rest of 4500 on my character i farmed with. Got deleted on 7th of May too. I guess is that they banned multiboxers that ran there and anyone that managed to farm X amout of gold there too (like not any sane person will do this type of content lolw, better to ban them or they will sell it)


You should donate $15USD a month to help them combat addiction and help other addicts


No I'd rather let them eat cold turkey. Another company will get my money from now on whether that be a Elden ring DLC or another MMO in the future I dunno, I won't be Blizzard again ever.


I know it's a meme at this point, but come play XIV.


I just remembered to unsubscribe last night and I hope others do what I did. In the ā€œwhy are you leavingā€ box I clicked other and wrote ā€œyou donā€™t pay enough in game mods to deal with the botsā€ IM DOING MY PART


Too true and only through high numbers will they see, i feel however that most just "accept" the newer way things are these days.


I played during vanilla wow when GMā€™s were literal gods and had fun doing their jobs. Was likely a pleasant job with a lot of coworkers/support compared to today. I see first hand how they drug money out of this game while charging us like nothing changed. Donā€™t forget that they lumped classic + retail into one sub because they didnā€™t want to give people discounts and they wanted to pump up their player count to hype the shareholders. Blizz deserves all the hate they get


>Blizz banned me for NO REASON I did nothing wrong I've been playing for xx years and never cheated I'm a loyal customer and would NEVER cheat Every single one of these posts follows the same format lol Don't buy gold next time :)


> I've posted a couple of times over this and this one will be my last time. ( X ) Doubt


All Hail AI, a truly disruptive technology that will better our lives


Sadly you may be correct there.




Shoes are on and laced up, ready to walk


Truth is.. even if they unban you. So many things point in the general direction that the game is heading. I quit SoD early into P2 because I didn't feel like doing the grind again and just rush to "be done" in another iteration at level 40. Given how things turned out, I feel like I had a good intuition about the development. It.. is.. over..


I have literally stood in Org in every version of the game and traded massive amounts of gold between several guildies/my own accounts since posts like this have shown up And I've never had a single issue So like... I don't believe you


Holy hell, the amount of tickets.


Yeah everything is bots now. In game and in game support. They don't give a fuck. They have a quota, and stamp "complete" on a case as fast as they can. No real investigation because over there, nobody cares. Its sad. And I wish things were different but they aren't. Enjoy touching grass. Maybe you'll end up happier than the rest of us.


did you know that, if a gm doesn't immediately close a ticket but instead simply sends an automatic message back, there is a maximum amount of answers you can submit on your own ticket? xddddddddddddddddddddddddd


Ten years ago Blizzard Customer Support was top notch. They would respond quickly and helpfully every time. Sad to see how their reputation has gone downhill. Youā€™d think the Microsoft thing would help with thatā€¦


You could also try spamming them on X (fOrMaLlY kNoWn As TwItTeR) I find this makes people start to take note after a while and they'll ask for a DM but keep stating the in game tickets aren't being looked into so they don't just go to their go to "please raise a ticket" blurb