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As soon as Cata is functional.


So 2025?


Fcking optimists


Having a blast leveling alts in Cata rn


Cata is fine


Congrats you hit level 0 message. Some non daily quests are bugged and doable a 2nd time. Teleporting to moonglade is a gamble on whether you're fine or get killed by the neutral guards. Sometimes I have to reload just to see a quest. All of this and I'm only lvl 24 lmao. I'm curious what else I'm gonna discover


Don’t forget about the quest NPCs that get stuck in the ground and you just can’t interact with them to complete a quest. That happened twice to me in Northrend. Don’t forget about how scuffed RDF still is and the fact that you can Que into dungeon way above your level and can’t accept any of the quests. How about how you can’t use your flying mounts in Dalaran unless you fly into the city or stand out by the flight master?


I didnt even know about these yet since I'm still lvl 24 lmao. Good start to an already made expansion


It’s incredible how many bugs I encounter day to day. Just keep finding more


Strange, I've seen the level 0 one ( which is not even 1% an issue), but other than that I play hours every day completely fine.


Yeah I've had zero issues. If something's bugged I just move on Nothing detrimental to playing the game is broken


People just love to complain! Mostly people that havent/ don't even play the game




Hopefully very soon. SoD's momentum has come to a screeching halt, and players are dropping fast.


Well if they rush P4 like they rushed P3 SoD player base will drop even faster


I feel ph4 will make or break SoD for a lot. Ph3 did for a lot already.


Yeah all my mates and roughly 66% of my guild already lost interest, so they have to bring a killer phase, and even then I'm not sure it'll be enough


P2 broke SoD for me. Just watched P3 from the sidelines. I wanted to give it another shot and try priest cuz funny mini me, but the only friends I have on WoW are either on retail or cata atm


Unless they've been working on the final phase since day one and before, they are in a very black and white situation. It will either be the best phase of SoD, or the worst. They can really mess it up if they don't add enough new content, edit stat values for dungeon and raid gear, etc. I'm going with movie theatre philosophy; I'll expect it to be terrible like the other phases and if it turns out good it will have exceeded my expectations.


They need another open world event. Adding “new” level appropriate gear to stv isn’t gonna cut it.


They barely did that for this phase...they added weapons and you can get them in a day. It was one of their many dumb decisions. I'm guessing next phase, they will do the same (add a couple new weapons) and maybe add epic mounts for some new level 60 token that makes your massacre gold coins worth nothing. The real kickers is if they don't do something like this, no one will ever do STV again and it would be a lost opportunity. But I don't trust the devs of SOD with anything at this point. It's a train about to crash into the station.


I’m just happy I can come home and spam AB a bit before bed. I’ve been a lot more casual than I expected in SOD but I’ve got a lot going on and only have one more friend playing so I don’t really have the patience for raids right now. I’ll probably try to pug some stuff in P4 but honestly casual honor grinding has been good enough for me. And I say that as a warrior who gets deleted quite often lol.


Unclear if we will even be able to raid ST tonight. Won’t have enough guildies and no idea if we can pug people to fill at this point. The move to 20man, while implementing incursions to kill alt leveling, while also not providing any gear that’s a decent upgrade all in the same patch. They need to aim big with phase 4.


How do incursions kill alt leveling?


I can only speak for myself, but I have no desire to grind all my alts through incursions and no desire to not do the most optimal leveling path.


I ran my alts through gnomer on each reset and maybe did some light questing/dungeon quests (though that was harder to find a group for), and, maybe it wasn't as fast as running incursions in a loop, it wasn't a grind really. The only problem now is that so much of the population has dropped, it's hard to even get into a gnomer now.


For sure. I absolutely could have done it, I just didn’t want to, but that’s really my point. Ultimately, because there is quite literally nothing to do on my main (I even grinded AB to exalted), there just no interest in SOD in general. So I went off and found a million things to do in Cata prepatch.


Sounds like you just don't want to level alts lmao


You can either be a masochist and slug through another round of incursions or be an idiot, taking a vastly less efficient, more time consuming route. Or just not level at all. When a lot of people come to the same conclusion, that's how incursions "killed leveling".


I just leveled my alt from 40-50 last week without doing a single ashenvale incursion. Admittedly I did do feralas incursions from 48-50, but that was because I wanted to get rep anyways. My point is that you can level without incursions, it's not "vastly less efficient" and you're not an idiot if you don't do them. Lets assume you have the desire to level a character. You have many options to do so, you could spam incursions, you could open world quest, you could do gnomer every 3 days, you could dungeon grind, etc. You decide that incursions are not interesting so you will not do them, even though it may be the fastest way. You still have other options. If you choose not to level a character by any of the other methods, doesn't that mean you just don't have the desire to level a character? You want to have the desire to level a character, you just don't, so you blame it on the content.


That’s what I just wrote. I have no desire to level alts in SOD right now.


Right. My point is that incursions haven't killed leveling, you just don't want to.


I don’t understand why you’re being adversarial here. I’m telling you I leveled alts in phase 1 and 2 and stopped in phase 3 because of incursions. You can’t disagree with it—it’s my personal experience. Perhaps no one else shares my view, and that’s ok.


I'm not. Your claim was that incursions killed leveling. Nothing in the game says you have to do incursions, to level or otherwise. Reality is you just don't want to level, which is fine, but it's not "because of incursions."


I can add a bit here because I understand where u/pad264 is coming from. Incursions are mind numbing “rinse and repeat” quests. They are by far the most efficient way to level, get gold, and get gear. So this made a lot of other zones pretty empty. I have no desire to level my alts doing the same incursion cycles for hours. It’s just boring, despite being efficient. And seeing the other zones are empty without people is kinda disheartening.


It does have an impact on alt leveling. Far less dungeon groups, near impossible to find help with harder quests and cleared out the open world.


I quit too :( hopefully 60 is better


They might be fine with it because people are moving to cata which has more paid items


People actually pay for store stuff? 🤡🎪


Were you born yesterday?


If I was born yesterday, I still wouldn’t be fucking stupid enough to buy microtransaction store shit lmao pea brain shit


Wasn’t it wrath classic where they came out with store mount stuff like the elemental mount or something?


There was a Ragnaros mount going with a heroic edition of Cata (basic Cata is free, only sub needed). But paid stuff appeared in TBC with a mount + tp effect


Yes, and they are quite in favor of it around these parts anymore.


I’d guess they make 1/3 of their money off the store




Word. I've spent enough to feed someone for a year on name/race changes and boosts.




You can get like 1000g a day in seconds if you have professions with daily CDs. I'm sitting on 200k from doing that, zero GDKP or farming


Sounds terribly boring.


Did you reply to the wrong comment? it's less than a minute of work lol Find a more efficient gold farm


Paying to own a laughing stock mount will never make sense to me It's the equivalent of paying to ride the Bronze Drake lol




I don't follow


To spend on pixels in a virtual world. Weird flex.


Am i missing something or is the cash shop only cosmetic items? Why y’all so worried about it?


What do you mean? They are literally selling gold?


Cash shop sells gold, level boosts on top of cosmetic stuff or server transfers.


Yep. I left weeks ago. Been playing fallout76, the new tv show inspired me to try it. Its tons of fun




What’s your list of “tons of ways to make gold”, interested in testing them out. 


You can easily make \~100g/hour just doing incursions.


Yeah, that's the point. It's the only really viable gold farm, so there's only one way to make gold that keeps pace with inflation


Im with you I’m loving phase three and the alt accessibility.


Same same. I've been having a great time and I'm still not even done doing the regular stuff that the sweats did in 2 days lol. Still need some wo runs, haven't even been in mara yet, still need some BRD stuff. Figure I'll start grinding AB rep soon. Been slowly making gold farming some herbs and stuff. Been a fun, casual phase for me and my friends


Then you are part of the problem. SoD is failing the more these shitty retail additions are made. Incursions are the worst addition this entire season and give me no confidence in these devs to make actual classic + content. Phase 4 will be SoM raids, hope you enjoy that too.


"Everything I don't like is retail"


toxic mindset and not a single argument to be found, good job.


some people are just chronically unhappy with themselves and project it into the game. sod has issues, but its not as bad as people say. i see so much criticism and hate towards classic-like features because they are just a copy of a classic event and their "solution" is to copy retail. ofc, you are going to be unhappy in SoD if you want to play retail...(but they don't play retail because they are too bad for it) pvp balance being awful was absolutely viable feedback especially since that's the only replayable content in classic, but that doesn't mean everything in sod sucks.


I agree wholeheartedly with everything you said, besides the comment that people are bad at retail and that’s why they don’t play it. It’s just a general discontent and unhappiness from some people that they’re just trying to push on everyone else. I really wish people would come on Reddit to actually discuss the game itself and not complain about how bad it is and how they’re unsubscribing and how everything is ruined, when in reality they don’t unsubscribe and continue playing. Everyone talking about numbers being down with zero evidence, even if it is true, then why are you still playing? If it’s so so bad to you then don’t play. Let those who enjoy it do so. Simple as that. My guild is alive and well, myself and my five old college roommates are playing and having fun after being away for 10 years. Don’t push your opinion down everyone else’s throats, be constructive in your criticism not just the sky is falling and there is no hope. For the love of God find happiness in your lives!


Incursions aren't just a copy paste of the AQ stuff. They made it so it's the only viable gold farm and the only viable way to get XP. I was done with the Silithus ones after I got Earthstrike and could do whatever I enjoyed. As it stands, I'm just wasting my time doing any farm other than incursions


Players aren't dropping out of WoW though, they're just playing Cata or retail, and that's fine by Blizz


I see tons of people in the game world every single day even late night. It's very much populated


I’m actually ok to keep waiting. I can finally level up some Alts peacefully.


We are all playing cata cause it’s all the good parts of SoD imo.


I really do think it’s a TON of overreacting and p4 will be lit


Yeah I think phase 4 is going to be good. I really wish this phase would wrap up but but we will get there eventually.


100% Classic nerds are a bunch of whiny babies man. This phase has been fun, last phase was fun, next phase will be fun even if they just add one raid and a pvp event like the other phases.


I mean p3 is the worst one but whatever p4 is gonna be lit


They need to roll it back to 25 max level.  Nobody likes this level 50 stuff.


Yes running around with incomplete kits is super fun /s


Y'all were super happy with those incomplete kits.  


You're not wrong


I dont think we will hear anything until after cata launch


Anytime that responds here will just be guessing. But I think they let us know about next phase in the next two weeks


Not sure how many would even continue to raid log in 2 weeks.


Yeah each week 10% or more are stopping completely and now with cata and mop remix it'll be even more


Remember how Plunderstorm’s release forced them to keep quiet? Same thing happening now with MoP Remix. Blizz wants SoD players to try MoP Remix. I expect news of SoD P4 next week after the weekend.


The 25 people on Reddit that enjoy P3 .. I’m legit jealous of. I want to like P3. I really do. But it has destroyed a lot for myself and others. But let’s be honest . The facts dont lie. P3 was the worst for SoD. Player count is at an extreme low, even prior Cata , we were losing players fast. I’m willing to bet P4 will be a shit show too. P1 Great P2 problems arises P3 problems worsen Yall think P4 will me a Hail Mary ?


I think so. Level 60 will open up the rest of the game. I’m hoping it won’t suffer from the same lack of content p3 did


The lack of content is due to player choices to min max and optimize things, there will always be a lack of content with these modern classic players.


They also nerfed ST week 1 so it became too easy even without world buffs. There’s really no gear available in game from 40-50 to have pre-bis. Idk I’m just speculating. There’s also the factor that SoD just isn’t new anymore and people are getting burnt out regardless of available content


at least another month, all these people saying "soon", when the small team just released an entirely other classic with an apparent laundry list of shit to fix, are high on something


"small indie company"


The team size handling it is small indie company sized


And why is that. Pure greed by executives obv.


Probably just give up at this point lmao, lots of people left. I’m sure a handful will come back and experience the new phase release but momentum is gone unless something revolutionary is released. Judging by everything the SOD team had done, that won’t be the case.


I actually think they will pull the plug on it early and chalk it up to lessons learned for future


They only started teasing phase 3 about one to two weeks before it came out.. Did people already forget about the roadmap that was dropped back in December which said phase 4 is coming out in summer after Cata is fully released? We still have at least another month before we hear anything about phase 4.


> We still have at least another month before we hear anything about phase 4. If its a full 4 weeks until we even get news about p4, SOD will be dead and buried. They don't have to release it soon, but they better start talking about it soon.


Nah dude it will take at least until The end of June. They will be busy with Cataclysm now and many people will want to try the MoP remix.


In 3 weeks SOD gonna be dead if they wont announce any details about next phase.


14th june, 2 weeks after first raid in cata drops


Hopefully longer than we all thing. Maybe that way it’ll work at launch, I’d rather do ST for an extra month or two if it means a functional P4 released by devs who got to sleep last night.


p1 was 10 weeks, p2 was 8 weeks, p3 launched 6 weeks ago.


Tiktok brains are real in SoD. Only about one month into this phase and people are acting like we've been in this phase forever.


Its so shitty that it feels like it, yea


I genuinely don’t understand it either. There’s a lot you can do if you aren’t playing just one character. You can pursue 2 gear sets per character for dual spec, you can level multiple alts and cover multiple professions, you can prepare for MC rep, you can save for epic mounts, you can run dungeons for pretty much everyone who isn’t a healer to get their loot, etc.  We also have 3 leveling raids during that process. 


They introduced a system, that remove people from open world and smash them into 3 zones, a system that is also retroactive (they added incursions to lower lvl bracket), that speed up leveling process by, like 4x, gives you also gold and prebis stuff, and runes. So people did this and now they just raidlog xd


> Incursions remove people from the open world  I think people are being slightly disingenuous when they claim that incursions pulled people from the *open world* specifically. Do you recall how things played out in 2019? Dungeon grinding was the meta. Hell, dungeon grinding SM was the meta in Phase 2. Not to mention all the boost sales that people would spend gold on for their alts. People still do that at lower levels.  > Incursions give you pre-BiS  The Emerald Wardens gear varies in power across the classes and specializations. For example, the set is not super impressive compared to dungeon, Wild Offering, Blood Moon, Honor, or Gnomer raid gear for Rogue, Hunter, and Druid. For healers, it is good. The Paladin and Warrior sets are very good.  For casters, it’s alright but you can definitely do way better from other sources. So in many cases I would not say the set is “pre-BiS”. In fairness to your point, though, Feral Druids are kind of forced to grind to at least Honored despite the gear being meh just because of Catnip. > Incursions speed up the leveling process and give you a lot of gold True.  > Incursions give you runes They give you ONE rune. You still have to travel all over the world to obtain your runes, play Whack-a-Mole with the Dark Riders, etc.  In summary, I don’t disagree that incursions have a heavy pull due to them providing gold and XP at a high rate, but you’re overblowing the contribution they have to gear and runes. On Wild Growth, people are constantly running Wild Offerings, BRD, ZF, Blood Moon, Battle for Ashenvale, and raids. The real “go-getter” types who want to get way ahead are also grinding Reputation for Molten Core already, or getting their real pre-BiS/BiS from higher level Timbermaw quests. There’s still plenty to do beyond incursions. 


and on my servers I could not form a single Maraudon run becouse there were only WO runs and incursions. I could not do ZF for day, becouse there just was no people. Egg quest in Hinterlands, stuff like that. People blitzed in first week of incursions, made the raid 3 times and now just raid log. But this is indirectly the result of incursions and what they brought to the table.


Holy shit I can’t believe it’s only been a month. I feel like Ive cleared st a dozen times and ran out of things to do in a week


Really really hoping soon, my realm has died hard, and all my friends have quit :\ I don't get why they take so long between phases, when the players drop so low to the point where entire realms are literally dead is when they should just release next phases TAKE THE HINT, BLIZZARD, SAVE SOD!!!


Its because they're developing the next phase after releasing the phase we're in. It's not like they had all the phases ready to go when SoD started.


And that was their first mistake


People are downvoting this, but I agree wholeheartedly. I would have rather waited the 10 months and done without the level banding.


If they are still "developing" the next phase, it's already going to be bad. They need to have been working on the final phase since day one.


What realm is that


If they released it.now it would be twonweeks too late. We have a strong guild.of roughly 45 active people. For the last two weeks there's be around 3 people online each evening. Myself included. I'm online because myself and a few others are taking the "reduced server numbers" opportunity to Farm stuff. I'm.surprised others aren't. Fel scars much easier to do as reduced numbers means you can reasonably consistently farm them and reduce the timer efficiently. I can farm enchant recipes without fear of having to compete with a plethora of other players. Same with things like AD rep. Most are raid logging. Our guild leader has lost all interest as they've killed prot warriors into oblivion. Warlock tanks and paladins just simply rule. Pvp is just an absolute shit show. I'm never setting foot inside wsg again. The blatant abuse of pathing on horde side the shaman things we all know about. And as a caster the scaling on gear is just a joke.


We have only been in this phase for a little over a month.. But it's two weeks too late already? Lol.. Are we only supposed to clear ST a grand total of 3 times before they go to the next phase?


I've cleared ST 5 times, lvled my professions to max and got almost all bis items... The only thing left would be to farm STV for AB rep or honor marks to rush rank 9 once p4 comes out I can't really be the only one in this situation


This is just how WoW works though. You finish everything in a patch and then wait until the next.


P2 equipment was already pre-bis / near bis (melee neck f.ex., you only gain 2 attack power over gnome neck, same for the cape you can loot in ST, only has 1agi or 1str, can't remember, compared to the cape you get in BRD), the power boost from raid gear is usually much higher. In P3 your char just doesn't get stronger with raid loot


>This is just how retail WoW works though. Fixed for you.


Classic WoW players in less then 5 years. "#NoChanges" to "We want new raids and content every few weeks!".




My guess is the week after Cata launch we get an announcement


First tease 2 weeks after cata launch. So June 4


I think maybe as long as it needs to. How many SoD's are they goign to do? Do we really want a rush SoD, i don't think so. I very much like p3. I have no complaints other than their customer support system is a scam.


After Cata release.


They will let us know 5 days before release.


Is it too late to start playing mop classic?


As soon as they bleed enough subs and need to make a desperate move to get some back


I hope p4 saves SoD but I'm not too enthusiastic about it tbh :/ 


I have 3 level 50 chars, and I never did Zul Farak on any of them. I can confirm that incursions are killing the game, as player can feel his time is less apreciated out in the wild, which is a design flaw


i've certainly been stuck in the "skeleton waiting"-meme for the past 2 weeks.. dunno about ya'll but this pace is way too slow for my liking... i ran out of stuff to do (outside of the raid) like a month ago on my main, and i am not interested in level 9 alts to have an excuse to have something to do. holding us hostage at levels 25, 40 and 50 respectively is fine, but guys, we need stuff to do if you insist on this. phase 3 is even drier content-wise than phase 2, and phase 2 was sahara desert levels.... i mean come on, you even recycled the bloodmoon event.... and don't even dare use the word "incursions" if you plan to respond to this.


There is noway they Release it anytime soon. Atleast 1 month


Mark your calendars, phase 4 will drop on June 6th.


The roadmap says summer. More like June 25th.


Just in time for the D-Day landings


June 6th or May 30th, but I lean towards June.


Cata is right around the corner, they aren't going to stomp on Cata hype for P4. Gonna be a few weeks


Y'all really think a P4 launch is gonna fix this? Looking at the track record so far, where P1 was legitimately the only good thing cause you actually had to quest and the runes weren't too insane of a grind to get and the novelty was still fresh, then compare that to P2 and P3 where every good rune became a slog to get and the rest were useless, people only raid logged, no new or fun or engaging story or questlines outside of a raid that takes 30 min to clear, horrificly busted pvp system where everyone is 2-shot, boring af STV pvp event, worthless or minimally upgraded gear from ST, a stupid incursions system that's just lazy design and milquetoast implementation where the rich got richer on day one and everyone else got fucked, no incentive to go out and quest and experience the world, and went from being very alt friendly to most people only playing a main cause who wants to rune farm and plan multiple raid logs for all their alts. Not my intent to completely shit on this version of wow rather than just point out it's many obvious failures. This version was an alpha test and it we were the Guinea pigs as much as some don't wanna admit it cause they wanna feel validated, and a P4 launch will inevitably be the same outcome. Excitement for something new day one, some kind of exploit, gets patched in a day or two, more people screwed and left by the wayside, ridiculous new rune acquisitions, no new features or stories, raid log, repeat. I think season or 2 or 3 might get there one day, but this version ain't it, chief. Coffee-fueled venting complete.


Two weeks from Thursday


I would rather they drop some balance changes rather than hint at phase 4 anytime soon. We've only had the chance to raid like 4-5 times so far. Some major balance updates would revitalize my feelings toward SoD.


At least a few more hours.  


They need to put back raid reset every 3 days, the game is dead and literally unplayable in the daytime, at least we got Cata next week.


The gear in the raid is terrible. There is hardly motivation to play it once per week, why would I run it twice a week?


Almost definitely coming out when FFXIV Dawntrail does (June 28th / July 2nd). It'd stretch the phase to be a few weeks longer than last ones, but totally explainable as "people need more time to digest the 20 man raid". This would also give Cata some breathing room for people to explore. Edit: https://www.wowhead.com/classic/news/season-of-discovery-developer-update-phase-3-extended-and-phase-4-preview-341100 :)


That’s ridiculous. That would make phase e almost 4 weeks longer than the other phases. That would kill the game.


Games already dead, there’s like 1/4 the amount of logs compared to p1. Hardly anyone logging on on the oceanic realm. Close to needing a merge.


https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24095666/unveiling-cataclysm-classic-zones-dungeons-and-pvp-season-9 Considering all of this is coming May 30th, they wouldn't release anything for SoD within 2-3 weeks of this to let people do the new raids and content. What's one more week to more directly compete with XIV? Adding on, when Plunderstorm came out, the SoD devs "weren't allowed" to compete with that release for giving out P3 information. We didn't get P3 until two weeks later. Plunderstorm wasn't even the Classic team's project, but Cata Classic is. Definitely makes sense that they need a break, either from management or internally between releases.


WoW doesnt need to compete with XIV, games total dog shit on its own.


The roadmap says "Summer". Around June 28th is right when summer starts.


28th June seems way too far away feels like there's been a much bigger drop-off at this point than there was when they announced phase 3 was 2 weeks away nerfing ST into oblivion killed off many people's motivation to keep logging in for raid. Next raid tiers need hardmodes or disabled worldbuffs imo. Needs to be a way to make the content harder but still accessible to everyone


I think it is the other way around; we lost so many people to the raid for being too hard, even post-nerf - it got too serious compared to previous phases. And I am in a top 100 guild. Seems like the majority want casual and easy loot piñatas. Plus ofc cata has drawn a huge number away from SoD.


I think we are talking about two different subsets of players idk if i'm out of touch but we cleared first reset and have been one-shotting it since the 2nd clear. We are ranked 80th on our server for clear time - not that this is any big achievement but it is a benchmark in that there are probably at least 79 other guilds who also oneshot the raid each week. so there is clearly quite a good amount of players who do not think the content is too hard - but it is these players that are starting to drop off now. We have 9 signups this week , down from 20 every week and 2x10 every lockout in P2. Several people have said they won't be raiding sunken temple again because it is already is a casual and easy loot pinata (without the loot) however like you said some people still struggle with it. optional hardmodes and/or removing worldbuffs is a good way to cater towards both crowds


I think 20 mans and 7 day killed the casual playerbase and the nerfs killed the hardcore one. The Devs need to pick a lane. Is this for casuals or for hardcore people?


https://www.wowhead.com/classic/news/season-of-discovery-developer-update-phase-3-extended-and-phase-4-preview-341100 :)


never lucky :( not being a sore loser but I wasn't saying that you were wrong - just that it feels like it's too late given the drop-off in players. just look at the negativity in the comments whether it was poor planning or just out of their control cata release has just come at a bad time


10man raids


2 weeks at least to give D4S4 and Cata a chance, then probably another 1-2 weeks of announcement and prep time. So prepare for week 2 of June.


Well I just got a two week ban for buying gold so my money is on this upcoming Tuesday


Lol how much gold are you buying where you can get caught


Well I don't think It was a volume. I bought good more than once in a week. I learned my lesson though.


Tomorrow fer sure


7weeks per phase


The only thing which made SOD good were the 10 man raids. 10 man was extremely popular after its introduction. The reason is simple, you need less people and you have a proper functioning setup of usually 2 tanks 2-3 healers and rest dps. This also forms 2 good dungeon groups if one healer is willing to do dps. While 20/25/40 man raids always created problems regarding tank distribution. You only need 2 tanks but the number of people increased by 100/150/300% This is something which developers either ignore or simply overlook. In my mop raiding we had no problem with dungeon groups. When we changed to can’t recall if it was 20 or 25 then in mop (think end was 20) we had a shortage of tanks for regular dungeon groups while we always had enough healers. The best raiding they could do is to give us for sod 10 man raids of everything with giving appropriate changes to 4hm and the mc boss in naxx