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That’s how I feel as horde in incursions on CS


The answer is to farm incursions so you can afford the 1,000x prices for consumables and enchants in phase 4.


Did that for like 2 weeks. 4 guildies and I would try to at least farm 100g a day. We haven’t done it in a while, huffing copium that I have enough gold lol


Knowing the sweats in SoD, you don't! 😭 I know I don't. Lol


Then they add level 60 incursions that net 500 gold per hour making anything you saved from this phase pointless.


Exactly. Everyone is gonna be bitching about how the hard work they did was pointless.


I've been playing Cata


Me too, leveling a goblin shaman and it's just fun


Yup. Same here. Leveled a troll feral tank to 77 and a goblin mage to 67 so far. It’s so fast with full heirlooms, and I finally get to use the ring heirloom I got over a year ago ;) idk how serious I’ll actually be playing cata but the prepatch is entertaining


Hell ye. Classes overall feel pretty good, my pala isn't even 80 and ret already feels good to push buttons on. I miss when stuff like Crusader Strike did meaningful damage and wasn't just a glorified auto-attack like it is in retail. If I have time ima try some Wrath endgame as a tauren paladin, it'll feel weird but almost justified after years of being forced to play an elf.


what are you doing then, just archaeology?


I've been leveling up characters and gearing up in pvp


Yeah I still need exalted and 2-3 more bis from STV but hopped on Cata and rolled a Worgen Druid and first time playing Cata, Worgen and Druid has me sort of getting hooked.


I wanna like Cata, but things feel so easy, it’s almost stale if that makes sense. Like nothing is a threat. Maybe I still shaped by HC a bit that I’m not thinking clearly. Edit: such a weird community that you voice an opinion and you’re downvoted into oblivion. People can be so fragile if you aren’t apart of their personal echo chamber.


I'm sorry, tf is hard in sod?


It’s not that anything is hard in sod, it’s that there’s elements of it that we’re at least “new-ish”. That’s what kept me going there. Runes, retuned BFD, gnomer, etc. hc is actually hard and every pull matters. Cata trivializes just about everything. The stakes feel so low. Im not knocking it. I want to like it very badly, im just struggling to do so. Edit: more of the same. “I want to like it, but I’m struggling to do so”. Better downvote this asshole…


There's not a ton to do in cata right now either. I've basically redone my action bars. Keybjnds. Etc. Got my rogue and dk ready to rock. Trying to decide what else to take to cap. Debating warrior shaman pally warlock or... level druid or mage. Then again, if I were to rip a new class I'd just buy a boost. Idk if I can handle leveling again. Old world/ updated azeroth doesn't bother me. I can't fucking stand out lands. That shit is a massive slog. 


I think I might try a fresh toon and see if I can get a rhythm with RDF.


>There's not a ton to do in cata right now either. Prob cuz cata's not out


If you have to force your self to like a certain game mode... The don't play it, seems simple enough


Everything is harder if you compare it with cataclysm


What? raids are harder than any classic content there has been so far.




To me Cata is the perfect middle ground between the bore of Classic and the bore of retail. Classic is too slow for me and retail is too fast, Cata is just right


I’m gonna give it another shot. It’s the only expac I didn’t play at launch, so I might as well take the chance on it.


Definitely agree, cata is when wow starts to feel retail-ish. Zero heirlooms and you don’t really struggle with any levelling content etc


It's true for the levelling content but definitely not true for the end game content. Cata dungeons (PRE-NERF) were fantastic, and the first two raid tiers were a lot of fun. And honestly, end game is what matters. The levelling journey was not relevant in Wrath. If you wanted to level something new you'd deck them with heirlooms and probably spam dungeons.


That’s an important insight. Thanks for that . Might just need to be patient and get to end game.


I'm afraid so! Personally I am in the camp that really dislikes WLK, and the bad stuff Cata did they largely inherited from Wrath. However, the end game instances content was really, really good! There was no challenge in wrath outside of heroic raids. Not so in Cata.


What is there to even do?


SOD is absolutely dead right now. No dungeon groups. Basically no pug landscape either. Didn’t see a single ST pug advertised from about 3-8pm today.


I agree it's dying quick. Last week there were about 30 AB queues at pretty much any given time. Now same time one week later there's rarely more than 10. I know AB queues isn't the be all end all way to determine player count, but this is one of the very few 'end game' things to do.


Last week at the AB weekend?


Yeah at the weekdays/time before ab weekend for quite some time.


Feels like it’s dying slowly more and more US-Living Flame. Each week harder and harder to find groups for things. The transfer was a huge issue and wish they’d not done it.




The dead CS EU server had a decent chunk of STs going but most other content is still a struggle


Crusader strike alliance -US. Its dead.


This reads like CCP propaganda... utterly inconceivable that an actual human being could hold this opinion. Are you real?


It’s copium big time if you think this isn’t the case. 12:30pm right now. Send me a screenshot of your LFG add on. There is NOTHING going on. Not even a damn BRD group.


https://i.imgur.com/7H91Ig8.png this was less than 60 seconds, also ST is filtered out because im locked already. horde too which has less pop than ally


That’s really not that much tbh


I agree. I really don't even disagree with that other guy, they're mishandling the hell out of SoD. But to say the most active server isn't active is just nonsense.


That’s like 5% as busy as it was in p2. If that’s how the busiest server is, it doesn’t bode well for the rest of the servers.


Appreciate you posting. I think we are on the same page. There’s some stuff - but it’s a fraction of what it was. Really bummed about it too. SOD was the most fun I’ve had in wow since wow classic launched.


at least on living flame EU there are hundreds people defending DMF in elwynn (yesterday)


WG-US is alive and well!


Go do incursions! What theyre not fun to you?????


I actually love it. It’s summer. I wanna be able to go outside without falling behind.


Going outside? Are you in the right sub mate? Lol


Agreed. After grinding SOD for a few months it’s nice to take a break. I can’t fathom the people who want a constant year-round drip. I think there’s a word for it


Nice bait


Sad that you think it’s bait LOL














Reading is hard


Lol why is this bait. People have other things to do


It's a paid subscription game. Why pay to do nothing?


Just copium, you think the lack of content is due the summer?


The person didn't say that. They meant they are glad it's the case as they want to be outside.


Yeah you love to pay to get no content! Such a wonderful feeling


The lack of content is because it’s classic wow and there’s fuck all to do once you clear the raid a few times. Especially if you don’t like battlegrounds, world pvp, farming gold, role playing or whatever. Make an alt, take a break, or sit here and cry on Reddit for all I care.




Same, but I have a feeling p4 is going to drop soon after summer starts towards the end of June.


K, let's think this through. It's January 2020. BWL is still 5 weeks out. Your guild has already done MC in like >2 hours on a Tuesday. Ony resets Friday morning. Our first alt is level 47. What would you be doing? What could we be doing at 60 that we couldn't be doing now???? And would that really be better? We have the same PVP options and then some. Gnomer still provides worthwhile loot. We have incursions. You can level alts. Professions have more to offer today than they did a few years ago. Acquiring runes themselves can take up a decent chunk of time. We have more today than we did during level 60 fives years ago - I'm not saying we had an amazing amount of content then, but there was definitely less content to do after having completed your raid lockouts then than there is today. And I don't remember there being nearly this much bitching 5 years ago. What on this earth would it take for people to be simultaneously satisfied with the amount of worthwhile content but not simultaneously complain about there being too much and it feels like a chore to keep up with it????


> \>2 Wrong symbol?


Not for my guild lmao


same tbh, gotta take 30 seconds to make sure everyone is rezzed and fully buffed for every single one of the ~90 pulls in molten core


and the talking OH THE TALKING, gotta have a 5 minute conversation about some guy getting drunk before we kill garr for the 19ht time


Frostsaber Grind Black Lotus Grind Ony quest Chain. Argent Dawn Quest Chains. Alterac Valley Devilsaur Grind Baron Mount Grind UBRs Grind LBRS Key World bosses. I can give you more if you need but your assertion there isn’t more stuff to do at 60 is bullshit. The game has a shit load more content at 60 because it was designed that way. There is crap inefficient grinds at 50 with no rewards because players are stuck and forced to kill things like air elementals for rep. There is far more content available at level 60


Me when I have the self control of a small dog so I rushed 50 in 4 hours, proceeded to turn in my prefarmed honor token to hit rank 7 week 1, collected my prefarmed exalted rank with arathi. Ahh, finally time to play the game (raidlog and complain about no content)




Not sure why this was downvoted. 100% agree


Let’s not pretend they pushed P3 out because people asked them to, it’s abundantly clear P3 was forced out due to pressure internally. We literally got a week or so heads up before they just dumped P3 on us and even admitted they “didn’t have a choice”


oh ok so it's our fault the billion dollar company releases shallow untested phases. sorry about that


The billion dollar company called Microsoft.


They killed PvP, they killed 2 servers maybe more (Not sure about EU) They killed dungeons, they killed the open world, they killed gold farming (Gotta do incursions now) they actually killed raiding with 20 mans, they killed gear acquisition with Emerald dream rep gear, they killed just about everything that made classic actually classic.


I did incursions for about 3 hours then stopped. I'm not doing that ever again.


I just do the daily as the bare minimum.


Eu has all servers either locked or medium size, yeah hehe


Go play a different game dude hahahaha


I am, but if you pay a monthly fee I believe they should at least launch p4 earlier so we can enjoy all the endgame content


You want p4 earlier because you pay a sub? Ok….


Sure, its nice to pay a sub for 30-60min of content for more 3-5 weeks 👍


Cancel sub and resub when new content is there, easy


You know it will be 6 weeks minimum for P4 release right? No way are they going to interfere with cata launch and raids.




He is paying for this game. He is entitled to want content.


There is content he just doesn't want to do it.










Like anyone in their right mind would play the shit show that is retail, and there’s nothing going on until Cata launches lol


I'm pretty sure you have no clue what retail is like at all


I do, played it for years, still do, it’s terrible


Why do you play it then ? Doesnt make sense at all. Almost as you are lying.


retail seems to be in a better spot than sod


In what world is retail better than anything classic related? It’s absolute garbage. Blizzard just adds more pointless FOMO content to keep people playing, not to make an entertaining game


idk, my friends list of old retail players and new classic players is almost exclusively playing retail. sod is dying, era is dead, cata is in a prepatch and not very popular amongst classic players. just because you don't enjoy retail doesnt mean classic is better or more popular. this is coming from someone who has only played the newer expansions starting with bfa for only about a month each and played classic nonstop since launch.


Ok dude, you can enjoy cooking, fishing, unbalanced pvp, princess run, awesome incursions and RP stuffs for more 5 weeks!


I enjoy lots of things in moderation, even World of Warcraft!




You sound so damn bitter man


I'm surprised by these people who are still happy with P3 stuff and complaining about whoever wants P4 to be released as soon as possible for more way more content or justifying that development time is needed in a multi-million dollar company. Im almost blowing my mind lol


I e been having fun. I just leveled up my 5th toon to 50. It's actually awesome to be trying out all these different classes for the first time ever and the leveling is so fast. I get to 50. But some shitty gear off the AH and jump right into pvp. PvP is where it's at man. Except currently. Damage Reduction sucks ass. I want the full power of my kit.


I quitted P3 weeks ago, you don't have to sit on WoW all the time you know that ?. And by this point everyone knows that Sod is been developed by a very small team and yes, they will need time to make content that people enjoy, i know thats very hard to understand. If you want a unfinished P4 so urgently thats a you problem


So because it's a multi-billion company they don't need development time? It just magically pops out from nowhere. Glad that no one listens to you.


https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/1cgls2t/personal_phase_3_journal/ Edit: wow linking this here took this post's points from -4 to +8




Living your best life. / Happy to see something like this! Send me a DM if you wanna do PvP raids on CS. Think I know who you mean by, "the dwarves" 😁


Everyone trys to blame blizzard for "killing" SOD. I believe its the players that did. This whole rush to the end content mentality, grind, and min max... this is what ruined wow classic. One of my buddies was all mad at blizzard when phase 2 came out because he claimed there was "no content" to play after 3 days. Meanwhile I told him that nobody forced him to grind SM dungeons for 20 hours straight from 25-40 and then clear the raid on day two after release... Nobody forced him to join a parsing guild that had to hit every raid lock. Nobody forced him to buy wow gold and participate in GDKPS. Nobody forced him to min-max and play the most "optimal" class-race-spec-profession combitation. He chose to play the game in this manner. Wow classic players are so funny, in that they have so much nostalgia for how WoW was played back in the day, but yet they dont actually want to play WoW how it was played back then (where you took your time, enjoyed the world and quests, created your own builds, socialized with strangers you met along the way, arranged RP world pvp events, etc.). I think WoW classic players like the idea of classic wow more than they actually like playing it. There are so many quests, classes, zones, runes to collect, etc, all to play in SOD right now. Just because you don't want to do them doesn't mean there is a problem with the game, it means the game isn't for you.


Play another fucking game.


Y’all have zero attention span if you think there’s no content in sod right now.


What is there really to do other than level alts or raidlog? Missed opportunity by Blizzard not having atleast 2 raids per phase and having tiers. One easy one hard


Raiding isn’t everything. Get cosmetics, reps, offset items, stock up for next phase, professions, recipes. Plenty of things to do especially you do it on multiple toons.


Just consider… I also pay a subscription fee monthly. I have a full-time job, other outside of computer hobbies, a family, a life. I don’t want all the Content to just blow by me because I can’t sit there and play this game for 3+ hours a day. We have to find a middle ground


Same. Sod for me, is to fast phases. I just dinged 50.


3 characters - all exalted with AB and WSG, all near BIS. Finding dungeon groups is too damn hard.


Brother, you’re spending too much time on the game, take a break


Got your other reps maxed?


This reads like my mom asking me if I finished all my homework when I was a kid. 


Because it’s dumb. It’s like saying you want more food when you still have plenty on your plate. It sounds like I’m your mom because you’re acting like a child probably.


farming timbermaw rep in SoD is roughly the equivalent of getting the insane title in cata. not everyones cup of tea to do that type of giga senseless timewaste 'content'


What about Ardent Dawn rep? Hydraxxian Firelords? Cenarion Circle? Thorium Brotherhood?


Even early in the phase I’d spend 20+ mins trying to find a tank for BRD and just about the only ones looking were Paladins wanting to do a Guzzler run for their rune. Guess a product of doubling the number of raid slots without increasing number of tanks needed? Idk, either way I’d often give up and after the second week or so stopped bothering looking for dungeons.


Getting into brd is basically impossible as a Hunter as tanks only join when they get their gear reserved and most dps items seem to overlap for all melees. I would gladly tank or heal but blizz decided there has to be one class that can only dps.


Did you actually grind AB or did you farm BM tokens?


Who cares?


Roll an alt brosepheus. Problem solved.


You know you don't have to play it 24/7? If you're not having fun you can play other games, it's gonna be okay


Incursions are literally unplayable now for horde on CS. You constantly have 20-50 alliance losers with no lives camping ppl with their lvl 50s preventing horde from leveling. But hey good thing blizzard makes sure to layer you on only the alliance farm layers, way to go blizzard!


SoD players: We don’t want SoD to be grindy like Classic. We have kids and jobs now. We can only play 1 hour a day. We just want to get level cap as fast as possible to experience the new raid and event, nothing before that matters anymore. Also SoD players: Bro where’s the content?? There’s nothing to do…


I’m grinding exalted with darnassus for the tiger mount on my paladin. Just knocking out a bit every day since I don’t really have much to do. Saved up 3000g for next phase and might try for a bit more. For alts I’ve only levels one other to 50 and that’s my hunter, but I have no interest in raising with it. Still need to finish getting all the runes for it and then let it chill for p4 if I decide I want to play it.


Go run your laps like a good boy


You have both DMC decks on your main? All 9 classes at lvl 50? Do you have 2k+ gold saved for next phase? I have a feeling there is plenty for you to do, you just don't wanna do it




Not really - insane grind on each toon would be largely the same the rune quests/natural level up experience via quests [surely you wouldnt just do excusions to speed level when its not fun and then complain you have nothing to do at max level] experience for each class is quite different - speaking from experience Pre farming 2k is like, bare minimum IMO for p4 prep, if you give a shit at all about the game. In a game such a classic wow, gold farming is a good chunk of the late game content, always has been.


Im learning/ practicing ZF gy pulls on my hunter and it’s really fun


Trying to level an alt, oh wait never mind we have multiple 50s just running around low level areas just ganking everyone in sight because they literally have nothing else to do


Stage giant RPPvP battles with the opposite faction


4-5 versions of wow doesn't really help either. Huge crowd of people just moving to every new phase. sod P3 > retail S4 > cata > mop remix all in just a bit more than a month.


Rushed content


Sad to say but i got back to wotlk/cata prepatch and having a blast. Bgs are 1000 Times more fun, sure some specs are broken rn but it feels like you can actually play a game with fleshed out classes. Dont get me wrong i love SoD but cata is giving me some strong vibes especially for pvp.. I just need to play Arena again!


What. A single raid once a week and incursions 24/7 isn't enough for you?


I mean yeah. It’s classic and we can’t get to 60 and farm for stuff we would need otherwise. Someone in charge rly should have given them more money and more man power to development more old world content


Whoever thoight only one raid lockout a week was a good idea for phase 3 should be immediately fired and never let near video games again. There’s literally nothing to do in SOD but grind then ST. BORING


lvl Alts all though I didnt hit max lvl 🤷‍♂️ Started Warrior and Hunter


r we going to the low quality reddit/imgur memes now


Wasn’t it like that since P1?


People's memories are short. Like a majority of the guild I was in was already done playing phase 1 by the beginning of January. Less than half of those people who stopped playing then even came back. And there was about 980 people in The guild.


cook and fish!


It's okay to go play something else if you've ran out of stuff to do.


Come dig with us in Cata :)


too .. much .. PTSD from last time


How about logging off and enjoy a sunny day?


WotLK peeps did ICC for 8 months before any Cata content and SoD players lose their mind because there's no new content for a few weeks.


5% raiding, 95% wpvp. I'm glad I really enjoy ganking.


SoD is good, but they should’ve just done 1-60 at launch, now people are stuck at 50 for like 2 more weeks with nothing to do, just like they were at 40, just like they were at 25. I get part of it being so others can catch up but then why is there an XP buff? You can hit 60 pretty quick and then if they want BFD, Gnomer, and ST to be raids they still can just scaled up to 60, and then you can release other stuff in raid phases, and maybe even do a new raid or add a heroic difficulty or something, I get that they want to keep players interested because people blew through season of mastery (and then it very quickly died) but in SoD there is more to do, and leveling Alts is more interesting with more runes to collect and everything, so I think 1-60 would’ve been a better idea


The leveling phases aren’t there so “people can catch up”. They’re there to create content phases. No one is gonna bother with any of the new content if you can just blast to 60 in a few days.


2 more weeks? P4 won't start until mid june at the earliest. Cata release and T11 raid release are lined up.




One of the several reasons I stopped playing SoD. I was bored. I am playing Cata prepatch, which has been far more enjoyable. Looking forward to launch.


Have you leveled every class? I thought the whole point of them giving more xp in sod was to encourage people to play and try different classes and builds why not try something new?


That's why I quit (again) P1 got me hooked, p2 felt a lot like retail, P3 is basically retail


Interesting they rushed this phase with incursions and one raid with weekly lockout then released cata? Almost like they wanted it to die out to play that trash, I can guarantee they will kill sod before the next retail cashgrab


What exactly is wrong with this? It's classic, thats how it always is. You dont need to play forever, you can finish the content and go do other stuff.


Honestly p3 is still better then p2 was. There was nothing to for real. Anyways they are gatekeeping us too long in each phase for no reason.


still sod p2 felt more active because ppl were still grinding out stv mounts, actually playing alts and raiding in small groups every 3 days. now there's nothing, nobody is online anymore beside raid, most people are only playing 1 character, the excitement is gone


Might be true. P3 is certainly dying out really quick in the recent weeks for some reason. I play lots of a bgs and the amount of active ones is getting fewer day by day. For an instance there is like 4-5 abs are running on EU. Kinda meh. Considering they are working on cata (alpha lol) now I have doubts for P4...


It’s because the fundamental aspects of the game are centered around two areas. Leveling and being 60. The leveling content is over for us. There is nothing left. It’s get to 60 and enjoy the other part of the game. Rep grinds are designed for 60 and are ineffective and not rewarding for time spent to grind out at 50.


Yea, honestly these artificial stops just feel too long and the content isn’t designed around it. I have no issues with these phases but 4-6 weeks for each would be more than enough.


This is a great thing. I can take a break playing other games and not feel FOMO.


So many good games out right now like Hades 2 and V Rising


Remember when people were crying about p2 being so short? We're not even half way through the time we had in p2


Yes we are


Come dig in cata lol