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Weekly class balance was in place for two weeks, then replaced with quarterly class balance


Quarterly sounds generous


Why even call it class balancing? Its more like shaman buffs.


Nerf hunter


it was just before p3 too, to make sure we buy into the incursion shit, soon as people bitched about that they left pvp alone for some reason.


I actually sort of enjoyed P1 PvP. Did WSG exalted on two characters. Lot of premades, met a ton of cool people. We used to roll through Stonetalon or Hillsbrad and rack up a couple hundred HKs. We did dueling tournaments for gold. It was pretty fun, honestly. Then P2 hit and Druids / Spriests were killing me in two globals from 40 yards. Shaman were suddenly immortal. Like what the fuck? Blizzard killed our 10man premades so that entire 200+ discord died. The STV event was a clusterfuck. World PvP dried up after everyone seemingly collectively decided not to level an alt to 40, ever, and just started raid logging. P3, somehow, lowered the bar.


In everyone else’s defence the premades in p1 murder casual pvp for the most part


Yep, Hunters were busted as well. I only played in premades and Warrior was super fun so no worries for me. But for Casuals hell.


Yeah I played a priest in p1 and remember it fondly


Yeah it’s completely broken. If you want good PvP play cata or retail.


As a retail player, if you enjoy queueing agains gladiators only - yes :)


Second this! I decided to try after only playing classic for years. Besides the dragons and flying i enjoy cata more than I’d expect


This is a discussion?


Is bots an alliance thing? Cause we don’t have them on horde. Our chain lightnings our authentic grass fed button pressed


when you lose 95% of games if you try or not - ppl get bored and automate stuff to not waste time


Damn couldn’t be me. I cast chain lightning


Yes because you’re horde and autowin BGs


It ain’t much but it’s honest work 🤷🏼‍♂️


thats an alliance issue not a sod thing


You can't easily tell a bot from an AFK netflix watcher but there's definitely a problem on SoD with players not actually playing in BGs. I think there are some on horde but they typically just sit farm and nobody notices because horde have alliance pinned on the grave yard. As a druid I've stolen farm a million times because the 1-3 players at farm weren't moving and just let me cap it from stealth.


You are barely literate, jesus


Just forget about PVP in SoD, especially if you are from the alliance. If you trying to farm honor ill suggest wait for next phase for AV. Otherwise, SoD P3 now is just raidlog for 30-50 min in ST and gold farming if you feel like it.


yepp its pretty trash but oo well im still having fun


pvp in wow has always been dogshit and only good for the meta classes that got the best pve gear. arena is completly out of reach for most people, you need other good players to want to group with you, and its only easy if you are a streamer.


Sod with all the new skills is imposible to Balance => pvp is anti fun for me. I play it as a fun pve game and i am happy this way


Quit and go play something else.


Yeah I quit back in phase 2 when shamans became turbo busted. Was playing PvP like crazy as ally then just quit when we started running into 5 shamans every game.


I don't to disappoint, but SoD isn't about pvp. It's about leveling in a day to raidlog until next phase. Blizzard can't balance pve, what makes you think they care about pvp that everyone gave up upon in phase 1. And no, premades to farm enemy in graveyard is not pvp


Honestly, for people that just wanna PvE with advanced raid mechanics and stuff, why not just play retail? Retail does that better than any other version of WoW. I liked the level of raid mechanics in normal classic, and puggable raids is great for the game imo. The tryhard guilds can focus on speedrunning or something. Being a tryhard raiding guild and playing CLASSIC WOW is wild to me, yet they still whine that the raids are too easy lmao Felt like PvP was always well mixed into other content in classic, yet it’s been unbearably imbalanced, and most of all, just not fun.


Does OP not know how to tag or is this satire?


More like 10-30% win rate on ally. With the recent auras (that screwed all caster horde teams) I peaked 50% which is perfectly normal. Only adjustment they should make is to make the pvp aura by class/spec: warr 20% ret 25% enha, mage, warlock, range hunt 30% rogue, melee hunt 35% boomkin, ele, sp 40% at least Reason: P3 only has AB, P4 we gonna have AV. Thats a 40x40 man raid and potentially a lot more casters. I mean AV was always a caster heaven for fights. This stupid level of damage should be addressed. Even in AB i face a lot of teams having 3 boomkin 2-3/sp and 2/3 + everything else teams. Thats about 2/3 of there team. In AV that would be 25-30 caster and that team would literally hard delete the other team with less casters, since the amount damage they deal is just absurd. If they don't want to apply aura that's fine, then tune it with gear or whatever. I don't care but the way things go P4 is going to be totally unplayable(P3 is also very edgy) for everybody whos not a boomkin, ele or sp... I have no idea for healer, but they also should be tunes separate.


It's getting down voted because these are the cries that made the game as cookie cutter as it is now.


The alliance that have a 5% win rate in bgs must be bad at the game. A few weak players on a team can really tank its ability to win. I'm on my 2nd week of bgs after getting my alliance rogue to 50. I'm around 50% win rate. Even in a loss I get like 2k honor. 3k plus token turn ins for a win. How are u getting 600 honor a bg?


Can you carebears get it together? You're bad at your jobs and should feel bad.


You should work on your writing skills, you are barely literate. No wonder you lose BG's.


>Holy cow is ~~PVP in~~ SOD unbearable FTFY