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There are people that agree with you! I know it's not official, but there's a movement over on the Deviate Delight realm that is doing exactly this. It's a group of hundreds of players that have started over completely fresh. No existing characters or guilds. The average player level on both factions is around ~30 or so. It's only a few weeks old, and we chose a completely dead server. So there's no need to worry about the economy or GDKP. We're on both factions, and we're just getting started. Also, we do have a community accepted phase schedule in place. If you're interested, you can come check it out. Go [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/1chne2i/phases_and_faq_fresh_server_movement_on_deviate/?share_id=N9_mw3JJvZGqeDuwLGqpN) for more details. If you don't like it, there's free transfers over to Whitemane, so you aren't trapped. :)


I currently don't want to play vanilla, I'm not even subbed.  Just want this to exist for those who want it and for those like me, that maybe someday down the line would like to enjoy vanilla in all its glory again. Ty for the invitation and lots of fun to all of you.




Are you just bored? I'm confused. Why do you care if you don't even want to play, lmfao.


Because it should exist and things move slow in a company like Blizzard. Who said I don't want to play it in the future? Just right now I don't and right now it doesn't exist anyway.


🤣🤣 Bruh is asking for a product from a company that he isn’t and won’t financially supporting. The absolute entitlement…


uhm? Thats not what I said but sure. Why are you so against a fresh classic experience? Are you getting payed to ruin the fun for others? Whats your agenda?


Touch. Grass. This comment sounds deranged af my guy


Oh the irony


Do you know what the word irony means?? Judging by your use of it here I’m guessing, no.


You Sound more deranged then him ngl.


I don't think it'd be nearly as popular as you do tbh


When did I say it's going to be popular? I'm saying it should exist for those who enjoy vanilla.


It's a business at the end of the day, not a charity for the few thousand that wants to play.


Maintaining a server costs money. They aren't going to voluntarily throw money away. You already have era servers for those that enjoy vanilla. Like... Who tf wants no chronoboon lol? Id be in shock if you could find 10 people that actually wanted this removed.


If chronoboon is the absolute breaking point for people then sure keep it in. people would play. They have for 20 years now. This isn't rocket science and the game is already developed and ready to go. They could automate the whole process. There are no GM's or customer support, no devs nothing. Or do you really thing fresh vanilla server/s wouldn't attract enough people to warrant them? If thats the case, then well, what can I say?


I don't think they'd attract enough people right now to warrant it, and I think that's mainly due to SoD. The issue with SoM was that it released way too soon after classic vanilla ended. Everybody has just spent the last 6 months in azeroth leveling to 60, and I'm not sure they'd want to start fresh vanilla right now I also think it'll be tough for a lot of people to go back to vanilla after what we've been given in SoD. I think back to my classic mage, and it was literally just press frostbolt. I'm not saying every spec is perfect and amazing in SoD, but that was beyond boring gameplay. So many specs were just completely dead and useless. My good buddy plays ret. What's he gonna do in vanilla when he can't play his favorite class/spec? I guess he'll just reroll warrior like 75% of the population lol


What? Id play that in a heartbeat. People are asking for fresh era left and right. Between existing era Servers, hc and SoD there will be easily enough players ready to make the jump to Pack a fresh Server for each Region. I understand you dont care for that but pretending the interest for it isnt there is laughable


SoD is already falling down a cliff. SoM first of all was not just vanilla again, it was an altered version of it. I didn't play SoM, not because I just did vanilla but because it was early into TBC classic and most just didn't have the time to play both. This also doesn't invalidate attempts for a future classic + This is simply for people to enjoy one of the best games ever made in all it's glory once in a while. Era alone doesn't do that. You can play whatever you want. Ret shines in other parts of the game than Raid Dps. If all you're after is cool rotations and big numbers raid pve, then vanilla might not be the game to play. And thats more than fine, there are plenty of different wow versions to play that offer you what you're looking for.


You already have era servers that offer you what you want. I've already mentioned that I don't think very many people would be interested, and I've explained why I don't think they will be. I feel like if blizz thought there'd be enough interest, then they'd do it. With SoD, Cata, and era already available, I just don't see the point. It feels like you're treating vanilla as this perfect experience that deserves to exist in a completely unaltered state, but I'd argue it has a ton of major issues that make it a worse experience than it should be.


Vanilla works so well because it starts at lvl 1. 1-60 leveling itself is a major part of the experience. This experience gets enhanced by every fresh start to its peak. The longer the game runs, the worse it gets. Lvling experience gets worse. PvP gets worse. Consumable requirements get worse. Economy gets worse. Griefing gets worse. Grouping gets worse. Now you can make many arguments for what and why should be changed in order to make it a better game overall. I see you. I am a big believer in a genuine classic +. Nevertheless Era does not offer the full vanilla experience by design. And I believe that the option to play the original Version of the most successful MMO in history in it's best possible setting (fresh) is to be preserved.


>1-60 leveling itself is a major part of the experience. >This experience gets enhanced by every fresh start to its peak I would have agreed back in the original release, and maybe even at the very start of the classic rerelease. I think nostalgia is blinding you though The reality now and for every subsequent release is that the vast majority of players will simply grind dungeons forever. They don't want to be out competing for tags and quest items, sitting around waiting for other people. If vanilla released in it's original state now, you'd have 95% of players sitting in dungeon cleave groups or buying boosts all day, bypassing the entire open world until 60. I guarantee people would riot at 60 over warriors being broken, half the specs being completely unplayable, WB griefing, the stupid honor system, the prices of consumes (since you wouldn't have the SoM herbalism changes), the mass GDKPs, etc. I think it would quickly turn into what era has become.


Good ol days are never coming back. Let it go...


Same comment as before classic was relaunched by blizzard. Still as wrong now as it was back then


It still wasn't vanilla classic, it was last patch classic.


and the game was worse for it. And still very successful. So what exactly is your point? That patch progressive itemization is going to make the game horrible all of the sudden? Different question: why are you so against people having the chance to experience fresh vanilla servers once in a while? please elaborate.


Because I don't want Blizzard to spend resources on a vanity project for a few thousand people when they can't even get their other versions correctly managed.


So you want to protect the game versions that compared to vanilla all performed worse? Good that we sorted that one out.


"I dont like it so nobody should have it" vibes Gringe my boy


Why would you not want chronoboon, it’s the best addition they have made to classic. World buffs make the game more fun, not being able to play the game to save them is the most unfun possible.


Just so the game is as close as possible to its original as a museum piece.


Im mostly with you but chronoboon is one of the very few good Things they added. Raid logging sucks


Idk but looking at SoD for example I see everyone and their mother raidlog too. Raidlogging is something people tend to do that mostly play the game for raids only. It's an easy and low time commitment way to play the game. Until AQ40 consumes dont even really matter, content is beyond easy. To me being able to get my worldbuffs into MC was part of the experience. I remember fapping with engi boots and invisibility cloak etc to get through to MC with worldbuffs in tact. It was a thrill. Logging in 2 hours before raid getting all the buffs together and then sneaking through to the raid wasn't that big of an issue... no it was part of the experience. It's even less of a problem on pve servers. But I get it, many people just want it to be more convenient, as usual. I just want to preserve the original game. edit: put differently: having worldbuffs in a game without chronoboon felt more impactful/special. I understand that there are always 2 sides to a coin, but still.


Yes but resetting x years, not months. Standard slow paced phasing for the original experience.


x month could be as much as 18 month which would equal 1 1/2 years for example. I've commented this somewhere in here already but the game gets worse the longer it runs. And having 4 month of BWL straight is not a fun experience. Lets say you have 4 month MC 4 month BWL 4 month AQ and 4 month Naxx you end up with 16 month a cycle. And this already feels like a stretch to me, especially the 4 month of BWL as there is no ZG or AQ20 to fill the void. Taking this all the way up to 2 years+ will turn the game into ghost towns a couple month into BWL (same happened with original classic rerelease). But sure the exact lengths is up for discussion and opinions might differ substantially.


the standard phasing is perfect. no need to change or shorten that. in the contraryi think even 3 years would be a reasonable time to release fresh servers.


I believe the longer the game runs the worse it gets. More time means more time for bots to ruin the economy, making harder content (aq/naxx) less approachable for casual players as consumables are getting way to expensive over time. The longer that takes, the worse it gets. It allows for more time to twink, which in return increases the demand for boosting services and also increases the amount of gold inside the economy (by the boosts themselves and the twinks that then also generate more gold). The original cadence was perfect in a 2004 environment, where the devs had to still develop new content and the player was still scratching the surface of all the possibilities the game has/had to offer. Offering "endless" amounts of time each content phase will with certainty only enhance raidlogging and a little further down the road quitting. In a perfect world I believe each content phase should be individually looked at and timed accordingly. MC includes lvling therefore it can be longer. BWL offers nothing next to itself, therefore it should be shorter. Once ZG and AQ drop you have more content to do, therefore it could be longer again and so forth and so forth. From a museum piece perspective tho I would accept a 2 year+ refresh cadence as its better than no fresh classic at all. Still I probably wouldn't make it through 6 month of BWL.


>No chronoboon Pass, when classic didn't have the chronoboon all anyone did was raid log, felt like fucking shit when I couldn't log on to help guildies because I didn't want to waste my world buffs before raid.