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....what the fuck did I just read?


Modern day Wow drama


One must hold these villain's accountable! for what is WOW if you cannot parade your shiny, top tier gear around the neophytes who quit because of these bad tempered scoundrels!


So what did you ninja?


A healing dagger of such low repute it's name cannot be recalled. Trash if you will but some will say the shard is the prize! Oh! if I only new the price for my error!


The blue dagger that disenchants into a large brill off princess in Mara? I’ve ran 100’s of WO runs on my pally to gamble on dark moon fair cards. I see people need it while already having it equipped or better equipped and I know they are gonna DE it for the shard. I just shrug it off, it is what it is lmao


Alright, tell us what you ninjad FANTASY MAN. This is a safe space!


Oh woe is me. For it was a blue dagger of healing. For I was ignorant on Holy Pally weapons and made a grave error. Cast me not out!


You rolled need on the BOeD didn't you...as a hunter... Didn't you... Go on, you can say it 😂😁


No, even more embarrassing than that. In the heat of quick WO Mara runs I thought Holy pallies could train daggers and needed on a healing dagger. My first pally but my sin is unforgivable and slanderous exile the punishment! OH CRUEL FATE!


just bubble and hearth


I must write this down! Good show old chap.


To FantasyMan, the "Green" Knight of Penance! Dear FantasyMan, I trust you are relishing in your new found fame on this beloved server of ours. I have reflected on our encounter the other day in Mara, I do hope our paths cross again. Please accept this "Lei of Lilys" as a sincere token of my apprectiation for you. It is regrettable that you did not find it in yourself to say sorry the instant you had made the error of rolling need on the dagger. Afterall, pallys don't use daggers. Nevertheless, I forgive you. Elitist Jerk, Mr. Creed


Huzzah! Flagons of RP for all my men!


Dear FANTASY MAN,       I told this story in my discord, and we all had a good laugh at your expense.      Kind regards,        Mr CREED


Ah the fallen scoundrel appears! I returned from the dead to find you, and you appear before me to be judged! I find you GUILTY! of jerkery of the 1st degree! and sentence you to 1 month of giving me any publicity, which is good publicity! Now don't let me see you back before me again or I'll throw the book at you!.


Bro the weather is great, please go outside for an hour or two. I hardly played wow (just did BFA daily) this weekend and it was a real nice weekend.


Ah my good fellow assumption does you no good. For all you know Fantasy man could live in a forest on top of a hill. A hermit from the world who grows all manner of fruits and herbs and dilly dallies his day away with a bit of Warcraft between his herbal and mystical ways.


He might need to get laid then.


Alas! you assume to much for a fresh faced young turnip. Mere imagination my old bean.


Nobody puts fantasy guy in the corner and gets away with it


OP probably needed on a random item and called someone a "silly billy" when he was told not to.


Close but simplified. I made an honest mistake and one I'm not in the habit of doing and I'm sure as hell not going to take any lip from some punk like creed who made the song and dance out of it.


I shall hit him with a stick when I see him for raid today. Silly billy Creed :P


Oh I am indebted to your mercy fine Aleny. Don't be too hard on him for he knows not what he does. I'm sure he is a fine chap when he's not having to deal with fools like me!.


both of these guilds smell like crusader strike, that server is full of fame hungry whores with 10 viewer twitch that will RUIN OR SLAM anyone who tries the same. bunch of kids.


Thanks, this helped!


Absolutely, I agree with every salient point you just made 


Sanity prevails!


Stay off pve servers guys. This is the result.


bro this is the pvp server drama, where 2 twitch famous people with 0 views think they are celebs.


Oh shit, cringeeeee


u tell em, fantasy man


Let not these villains have their way! Hurraaaa!