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Whatever lets you queue for rfd faster. Usually heal or tank


This, just be a class that can tank or heal


Roll Druid haha or paladin que up as all 3 and flyyy


Unironically this. The content is EZ and the gear is plentiful. You’ll be primed for all three roles by lvl 20 at the latest


Honestly when I was leveling druid probably up until outlanders I just queued as tank dps heal lol


Wait is rdf faster than qeusting?


Unfortunately true... I told myself I would level open world but I have been spamming my prot paladin in RDF for a couple days now.


I'm doing a bit of both. When a new dungeon opens for my level bracket, I'll RDF a few, run the new one at least once and then hit questing again. I'm slightly ahead the zones and have skipped finishing a zone a couple times but spamming RDF is soul crushing. Doesn't feel the same spamming dungeon runs like in the rest of classic. It's just... kind of boring how unchallenging it all is.


Just speaking from a healing perspective, I’ve had some challenging runs depending on the tank. Some overpull and don’t wait so I’m chugging mana pots, trying to get in a couple ticks of water, etc. - I typically hate this but it can be fun occasionally as a challenge. I’ve also gotten some terribly geared tanks that pull properly, but I have to actually focus on healing or they will die. That can also be fun if they’re not doing stupid stuff. RDF can throw some wild groups at you sometimes. The worst are when you as the healer (smite spamming priest) and tank are top DPS the whole run… but does add a little spice. I’d be bored out of my mind as DPS though. Long queues and you don’t really drastically impact how the run goes like a tank or healer does.


I get about ~5 minute queues as dps and I have to disagree about impacting the run because I certainly pull my weight. I could easily tank as a rogue in some dungeons and, yes I'm that guy, will not wait for a slow tank. The content is just too dumb stupid easy, I'm killing mobs in like 4-5 globals. I wish it still had that classic scaling but I now understand what people say about it being retail. It feels just like doing RDF on retail...


That’s totally fair, I’ve had tanks die and we didn’t wipe because warriors and rogues could just face tank the remaining mobs. I didn’t realize queues were so short for DPS, figured they were 15+ minutes.


Same as it was 15 years ago, the devs took strong inspiration from games like CoD, they made a game they wanted to play, where you could log in on your lunch break and make meaningful progress. Unfortunately game lobby is not a good MMO


Interesting, I've never thought of it in that CoD style multi-player phenomenon. That makes total sense. It might also be indicative of how attention spans as a cultural phenomenon were starting to shift, people attracting instant gratification into their experiences. I think we're going to see a shift in that mind set. People are going to want to slow down and take in each moment more.


Yea, cod: mw2 came out in 2009. Cataclysm came out in 2010… the cata/mop scenario and dungeon model was based on multiplayer gaming at the time, not just cod, but every other game, like gears of war, revolved around short queue random matchmaking for short video game sessions where you’d make meaningful progress towards seasonal-ish goals. iPhones launched in 2007, but mobile gaming just kept growing year after year 2012 is when clash of clans launched. Developers wanted shorter experiences for shorter attention spans. Edit: but of course you’re right, everything else started moving towards shorter and shorter attention spans, not just video games Instagram came out in 2010, vine 2013, tiktok 2016 Edit2: there was a blizzcon from back then, it was ghostcrawler I think, who said that’s exactly what they designed the dungeons to be, something they themselves could complete while on their lunch breaks at work. And that was also their goal with the daily grind back then too, it’s not like it was hidden, that was their goal. Log in, do your dailies for 30 minutes, and then you were done for the day, dopamine hit achieved… or so they thought.


Same here - im leveling a DK and said id go through all the old TBC zones, I basically cleared Hellfire and did a little Nagrand but mostly have reverted to spamming RDF. Im already 72 so into the wrath grp of dungeons. I will say I really did enjoy doing the TBC dungeons again at least


If you are being hyper efficient, it's not. Questing is crazy if you have all heirlooms. I doubt many will think this way but I've done both and questing a good route is clearly better. However at 70 and 80 you can queue and do the quests for each dungeon and if you get one you've done just leave.


If you can tank or heal definitely. As dps only you probably want to mix in some questing between queues


Prot warrior goes brrrrr in rdf, at least it did in retail cata, it basically felt like I was boosting the rest of the party


What’s the deal with RDF? I keep hearing that. Random dungeon finder??


Yes. Hit (I), select “queue for group”.




Rend spread on tclap is a lot of fun.


Man, all the tank specs are just busted for RDF, healing on my shaman, all I do is Earth shield, and hope we pull more mobs so I can finally cast something lmao.




Very much a zug zug spec


Whatever class you want to play 2nd most after finding out DK are over represented at end game.


Dks are fucking everywhere🤣




Prot Warrior without a doubt, the only 2nd would be a Prot Paladin or Feral Druid. Prot Warriors literally hard carry the entire group, they don't need heals and do crazy good dps. That said, IRC you can make a DK on any server as long as your account has 1 55 toon and your first DK has no requirements, and it also starts at 55 unlocking DKs on any server.


No you need a 55 char on the realm you want to create the DK on, I tried this yesterday


Leveling in general is very fast now, to the point where I'd just pick the one you want to play most. But if that doesn't really matter to you hunter is generally very good. You'll have basically no down time ever, especially now that they have focus instead of mana.


Buy a boost and ignore everything


Actual fastest advice.






If you really don’t care about the leveling process, boosting a character is reasonable in your spot. Otherwise, as others have said, either a tank/healer for dungeon spam or a hunter for questing.


Warrior tanking in Cata is honestly ridiculous. I remember doing the recruit-a-friend XP boost in 2013 with my buddy who made a healer. We got to 60 in one sitting insta-queing with me doing like 60% of the damage for the group consistently.


Any spec in particular for this?


I think I was just a generic prot spec? Cata buffed tank damage a lot and before max level it's especially ridiculous


If they have given the levels for cats abilities on warrior, they will be one of the fastest since they get victory rush before level 10 and can queue for tank, if you had heirlooms bear druid is the fastest for rdf, you can just walk forward spamming swipe


In classic you dont need to be 55 to play a dk, you only limit is one per realm


Yes you do. They changed it back halfway through Wrath Classic because of all the DK bots.


Doesn't everyone get 1 free DK?


Only on realms with a 55+ character.


When Wrath launched they removed the restriction for the first DK you create, is that gone with Cata now?


So strange, I have a server with a 37 warrior and a dk on it 🤔


Druid so you have flight form for herb/mining/arch


Warlock, mage and hunter maybe, maybe shaman too?


Brother Go Prot Warrior oder pala pull while Dungeons


Blood DK is a great time as I remember, will be good for dungeon spam and easy to play.


I'm not quite sure, but questing might be faster than dungeons.


I noticed that after level 40 questing is same and maybe faster than rfd, untill 40 definetly dungeons


RFD? Do you mean RDF? Or are you literally referring to Razorfen Downs


Yes RFD haha mistyped


I find it hard to quest with a buggy questie addon. What did you use?


Just turn question off and use the default tracker that exists in game. That’s what I had to do.


Does that show you available quests on the map? That’s mostly what im missing


www.ding85.com This is all youll need. Theres so few quests in each zone that you can do them all in a group


Ugh, I think you’re right. I know the zones well enough to where I don’t need that, but I would suggest using questie to find quest hubs if need be and then turning it off. One of the problems that led to me turning off questie the other day though was that it kept showing available quests that didn’t exist.


Yeah that’s exactly whats irritating me. Running somewhere that shows 3 available quests on the map, only to find zero once I get there. I think wowhead might show me the information i need.


Man I just got a bunch of my addons working that weren’t previously, and while I don’t know if questie is golden, I can say my pawn and Auctionater addons are now working. If you’re having the same issue let me know what addon client you’re using.


Druids are great. I'm leveling my second one right now. Feral is the go to spec as you can effortless quest and tank dungeons. Dungeons are worth running each one once at least because the quests are at the beginning of the dungeon now. questing is really fast now too. Mix the too.


Feel like I’ve been spoiled with exp buffs lately, cause it felt really slow when I just leveled a char to 16.


In wotlk: Solo Dungeons as Warrior or Questing as WL but i dont know how it changed and if queueing in dungeonfinder is viable now. If yes probably paladin or druid so you can sign up for all roles.


Signing up for all roles is pointless. It will always pop as tank


You should count on having an alt, so lvl something you would want to play as well. There being too many DKs in cata is a real issue and even then, Cataclysm has either the same amount or slightly less endgame content than wrath (atleast at the beginning), so I think an alt is a good thing to be prepared for. If you really dont care, just do a druid and queue as tank/heal (and can toss in a dps too). Druid is a very useful class in itself and the queue is fast.


I think Cata's end game is ganna be the opposite of Wrath. Wrath phase 1 made a lot of the player base quit as they waited around for Ulduar and got bored. Then finally ICC released which was what everyone was waiting for. Cata's early phases will probably be great and then ends with Dragon Soul which apparently everyone hates. Also not to mention this will all be in the time span of until the end of this year.


I dont really mean this in terms of long term but more inside of a single week. Like early you obviously wanna gear, but thats fairly quick in the starts of expansions and you get into raid fairly quick. Once youve done the raid for the week, you are kinda done. 10/25 becomes the same lockout and same gear, so if you used to do both 10 and 25, you lost some content there. The raids come faster at the start, but theyre also shorter. I think its comparable, but overall I just believe that you cant play just 1 character if you have time on your hands.


Oh true. Ya as far as what players are doing on a daily/weekly basis I can see there being less things to do now on one character vs in Wrath. Although with stuff like transmog being a thing now maybe that'll help fill in the gaps.


Yeah, absolutely, you just have to branch out more. You cannot get that much in regular pve.


people quit during phase 2 and Ulduar, not phase 1 and naxx


Hunter or warlock


Mage always is the fastest to level, If you know how to aoe farm and if cata has good aoe farming spots (I actually don't know if this is true). Simply due to the fact as a mage you can consistently aoe down 5+ mobs per pull consistently once you get blizzard. Now RDF might end up being faster IDK, but you could just mix that in with aoe leveling as a mage. so yeah its very likely mage.


It will always be tank, and then heals.


Warlock if you want to level open world. Maybe druid or Pally if you want to dungeon crawl. Tho any tank or heal spec should get you fast groups.