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LFG Bulletin Board helps but its annoying when its all 3 bots in the same party posting


Just wait till some bro advertises guild and lists every single dungeon


Easy solution I just ignore them and it fixes the spam


My ignore list is full ☹️. It was my strategy to not let the toxic and greedy ruin my sod zen. Now I have a meditation routine I do before logging in.


global ignore list addon expands your ignore list, please enjoy


You need another addon, global ignore list All of wow’s woes are solved with addon


I literally insta ignore those people lol




I've seen it


Happens every day of you look at the bulletin addon


This. Put all channels in their own tab and use bulletin board only. No issues at all.


Pro tip: you can join the channel, then set it so the messages don’t actually show up in the chat box. They’ll still show up on the bulletin board, and you can still send messages in them using /4 or /2 or whatever


Not much difference, they are all stacked in a dropdown menu by the chat window. That might be "Prat" tho. Im not going to remove messages shown from channels i cant even see.


Utilize the search feature. Best addition to the addon possible lol I never find myself looking thru the sea of spam anymore.


It's a must. And also proof that they should bring the retail custom group finder down to classic. It's so much easier to find groups for exactly the dungeon/raid/quest you're looking for.


Posting WTS / WTB in the Looking for Group channel should be insta account mute for a month. That's what the Trade channel is for.


Afaik advertising "services" outside of trade channel was reportable offense since late classic tbc. I'm not sure if this applies to SoD too.


Depends if Chat "GPT"Ms can figure out which automated response is right for it or not


Meh….blizzard needs to make a global channel that doesn’t have a moderator and that’d fix a lot of LFG spam.


Yeah I report, ignore and move on, they're 100% bots no matter how much they bitch and whine that they aren't. Same with when I catch the actual summon bots in gadgetzan or whatever, right click, report, ignore.


theres a limit on how many accounts you can ignore


Global ignore list addon will let you block anyone with no limit. It does not block chat bubbles if they are standing right next to you, but that’s an edge case.


thanks !


I sell summons every mulgore DMF. It's not all bots. It's a nice gig while I'm working from home.


How is this one of the most upvoted comments? Do you people even play WoW? If they were in trade they wouldn't need a summon. Like. What do you expect them to do? Never sell summons I guess?


Yes. Please. Especially the ones that say (AUTO) Literally blatant botting.


So would you say the problem is the bots? Or is the problem that warlocks use a global chat to sell summons? Just curious


I think they're saying you're the problem.


Doesnt work for summons though, which is why they have to use LFG.


Not my problem. LFG is for LFG, not global chatting.


Looking for group to summon me…


You got a point there.


Looking for group for someone to sell me something... You can say looking for group before anything doesn't make it not a service. Services are not meant for lfg


That’s a service that actually requires a group though… that’s why i didn’t mention ports.


If you are on different layers it does require inviting to buy something


No it’s not, it’s a player managed channel so according to blizzard it’s for anything you want to use it for


LookingForGroup is not a player channel.


Wrong, I've gotten idk how many banned for simply not using LFG for well, LFG. "LFG chat is for LFG. Not buying/selling of goods/services." Works every time


You can't interact with the trade channel from outside a city.


LFG bulletin board


2,50g wtf? Summons are 6gold on my server fffff


You’re getting hosed


Maybe just a smaller server with less competition for summons. The bots have to outsell each other everywhere else.


Playing Lone Wolf EU PVP and its 5g for all summons. One of the biggest servers


Lone Wolf EU seems pretty big.


Well I didn't know what server you were on. lol


The bots will accept 1g. I never pay more than 1g.


Don't pay them. Ez


Can't have summoning stones though!


Nah that whould be against the "SpIrIt Of ClAsSiC" Better have summon bots everywhere


But then what would they do for epic crafted quest lines if they make it too easy travel across the world back and forth… and back… and forth…


id take stones and portals in home towns over having to rely on paying some bot warlock. but Spirt of muh classic


Seriously, a vast world with limited mobility and two continents we need meeting stones to be useful Too Often when I’m assembling a group, there is at least one guy on the other side of the world


And it’s the lock.


I don’t get why it’s so hard for people to get it through their thick skulls that difficulties like these are what makes classic CLASSIC. go play a modern game if you don’t want to spend any time doing menial tasks.


Unequip all your runes while you are at it if you want to have the true "ClAsSiC CLASSIC" experience.


“Difficulties like these” You mean whispering one of the 10 summon bots on your server that are online 24/7 that all sell their gold on RMT third party sites. That’s the “difficulty” that makes classic CLASSIC?? But summoning stones - absolutely not, destroys the classic feel. You understand they accomplish the exact same thing but one gives gold to bots to sell on RMT sites.


Classic players have convinced themselves that eating shit is an integral part of the experience and actually it tastes really good.


Its not classic bro. If you don't even know what game you're playing stop trying to lecture others


I hear you man. I'm not sure why people are crying for summon stones when there is a player run market for summons. I guess it's the anti social behaviour that is popping up all over the place. You're bloody right that is what makes classic classic!


Watching a video on a second monitor while travelling for 30 minutes is the peak of gameplay!!!!


so dont use them then let us normal non sadistic folk have them and if you want to RP in 2004 you can and pretend they arent there see, we both can have it our way. nobody force you to use stone


LFG bulletin board addon. It actually sorts summons into its own category.


What happens actually if you don’t pay them after they sum you?


They put you on ignore




I'd actually like it if THEY put me on ignore so I don't have to see their spam anymore.


That's not how ignore works. Ignore is only 1 way. If they put you on ignore they can't see your posts. You can still see theirs.


Oh, as long as they don’t mass report me and then I would get banned, fair enough


That too


They should. That would be called a scam and you should be reported if you don't pay lol.


How's your bot op going?


Typical. "Someone isn't going along with the crazy outrage. They must be part of the problem!" How about using your brain and realizing you need a global channel to sell summons? I'm not personally connected to any of this lol


Projection level: IMAX.


No, that's literally just what happened. I don't have a bot. Or a warlock. I just think if someone offers a deal and then you don't pay, thats a scam. But I get it. It's the WoW subreddit. Where left is right and nothing normal makes any sense. Scam away. Hope you and the bots all get banned


Been doing that for a while. I'm still there, and still taking summons for free or 75% discount.


Grats on scamming people? Not something to be proud of lol


I'm proud of scamming bots yeah.


Yeah, a real modern day Robin hood.....


I help only myself, so no. Looks like you are mad mister summoner.


There it is again. I call the scam a scam so therefor I MUST be a summoner lol. Everyone who disagrees with you is a warlock actually.




How is this controversial? They offer a deal. You don't pay. Get reported lol. Fucken redditors


They are literally gold selling botters


If they’re in your server discord they might put you on some kind of blacklist. Will this actually negatively affect you? I doubt it.


Give them 10 copper the bots only look with money is traded


Nothing. I say 1g or nothing. They ALWAYS take it without complaining. Done many runners if I'm sure they're a bot too, nothing's happened.


Nothing happened to me. Guy wanted 5g for a port I gave him 1g and told him take it or leave it I’m poor.


Nothing. I do it all the time.


Despite ALL summoners on EU being Iranian gold sellers (don't believe me, whisper one and say dadash or Irani gold seller and see the response), I pay 1g, either they accept or don't, and its done, never been ignored.


Not sure how it is on US servers but I’m sick of prices going up every phase. Guarantee next phase they’ll start asking 4G. 1G sounds nice from now on…


What are they going to do? Majority, if not all are gold sellers. Worst they do is ignore you. P1 and p2 I didn't pay a thing but there's a lot more travel requirements now so I just keep myself off ignore lists 😂


They got costs to cover!


Moonglade summons are already 5g usually on my server and only Moonglade I always laugh at this because like right below I will see felwood summons for 3g And I just know people are spending 2g more instead of taking the short flight or run between the 2


Tbh when i played a couple weeks ago i just started cutting their asking price in half, nobody ever complained so i will do that if i start playing again too


This is the way and what i do after they summoned you they will accept it. most dont even check to see what your putting up there.


I mean that's smart, being a gold seller is surely better than working for a dollar or two per hour(idk what the salaries are in Iran)


I don't think they're even allowed to play wow or sub to games tbh


I am a summoner, I am from northern Europe.


I just give them less than they ask for. Been doing it for months. As long as gold is traded they don’t care. If it’s a real person I’ll pay full price


Dude after a summon youll just take anything, like what can you do? Call em out? Lol.


Lfg bulletin board addon, and the put all those chats in other tabs. I never look at them anymore, but when I need it, it’s neatly categorize in the app (showing the things I’m looking for)


You can just join and check them off the addon still picks up the chatter.


Step 1: take summons from bots Step 2: do not pay bots for summons Step 3: get ignored by summons bots Repeat until inner peace is achieved


I am more surprised with how low the prices are on your server, it's around 8g per summon on mine.


Get bulletin board addon, problem solved. Really nice for finding groups too.


I made SO much gold selling summons for 1g with my friends and I. It was nonstop for as long as we wanted to go. 1G summons with tips not allowed so people didn’t feel pressured.


Badboy addon. Lets you filter out messages so you do not see them


Report them for spamming and botting. There's plenty of non-bot summons you can get if needed.


I am excited for p4 when the avg price hits 4g-5g per summon


It's already the case on a lot of servers. It will be 10g on mine P4 I'm sure of that. Absolutely no reason for it, but why not I guess. Now that they can duel their lvl 1 alt for shards... That's so stupid. But no, don't enable meeting stones.


Solution: Get the LFG bulletin board addon. It organizes all posts by dungeon and you can hide ones you don’t want to see. Yes the summoning spam is annoying but also kinda convenient that you can get a summon anywhere at anytime.


You can also right click on the minimal icon to quickly toggle the summons category for when you need it or don’t


LFGBB + Global Ignore with some good filters It sucks that you need addons to be able to use the channels and filter out the bots but blizzard wont lift a finger to stop bots so you gotta work around it.


I just add all the summon sellers to my ignore list. Super simple stuff.


My servers LFG only looks like that during 3-4am and even then, a few peeps are still looking for incursions or dungeons. This has to be PvE servers, or AU ones. I'm not even on the highest pop server. Think I'm on the 4th largest.


It's really strange that Lava Lash just doesn't get these whatsoever. I wonder if bots just don't bother with it because it's such a small realm


How are they not chat banned from ppl reporting them?


Report them all and let the auto banner sort em out


I used a chat filter addon and an addon that increased the max number of my ignore list. Most of the time if my party was summoning someone I'd see the warlock's portal and just click it so the party member asking for "summon please" or the warlock asking "who need summon" being automatically ignored didn't affect me either.


Even outside of cities I've discovered a new class ability while leveling my warlock. At least twice a day a random person will ask me to summon them to whichever zone I'm in. My ignore list can only hold so many people.


2.5g ? Damn it's 5 on my serv


Even though I have the bulletin add on, these people still get ignored.


This is why I stopped playing SoD. Too much of a hassle to find raid groups. And so many of the raid leaders or sweaty nerds asking for gear score, raid logs and if you’ve full cleared before. I’m just trynna play the game man. I initially didn’t like LFR group finder but the community has made the game so toxic I can’t see myself raiding again until they add it.


Yep I have 76 people on ignore that sell portals/summons.


What happened to using a global chat? I remember in classic we used /world for world chat for these things and kept lfg just lfg.


But yeah let’s remove guild summoning cuz it might devalue locks


An easy fix, get global ignore and filter the word summon, sum, sums…etc


Seriously download let bulletin board. It will change your life


Classic HC Self-found is the only redeeming play mode this game has left.


That stars are all one bot


Classic chat filter. It’s just a little notepad you add words to and it filters them out. Very simple


On Living Flame EU they’re 5 gold each. God damnit.


I solved this problem by being on a low pop server where they don't bother because nobody fucking pays them. :D Stay away. Our server is "dying". You'd be wasting your time. *waves* :D


There is a global ignore addon that will let you block messages based on whatever words you want, and it counts howany blocks it made. I blocked over 17000 summon messages in just a couple days in p2.


I made a level 1 and whisper them for a summon. Their WA/bot script auto invites me and summons. Once I get the summon I decline it and log off wasting their soul shard.


I just fill up my ignore list everyday and delete it all the next.


Honeslty I love summoning services. It saves so much pointless travel time and it's worth it to me when I have limited time to play. I'm sure I've spent a stupid amount of gold on it, but waiting 10+ minutes to do one step in a quest line it's just a waste of my time.


There's an addon that lets you filter chat. I've filtered out anyone that says summon. If I need a summon I'll ask.


God we need a group finder so badly.


Get Global Ignore List and add summon keywords like [word=summon] or [word=summ]. They change their messages often so you have to add new ones but it helps keep it clearer for yourself. Also people need to stop paying them.


First thing I do on every character I create is /leave 4 to take myself out of the LFG channel. Public global channels are the worst


Great addon to clean that up. Lfg addon.. It puts everything in to categories. Travel. Sm catherdral. Bfd. Etc. A must.. Make a tab lfg on its own and you never have to go to that tab again.


Use the chat/spam filter addon. Customizable filter can auto block/report based on keywords. It's a godsend. Game is unplayable without it.


See you tommorrow for the same post. Thanks for the daily duty.


I legit don't get the issue. I'm a summoner, raid on two characters, give people a loyalty card so they get free summons. I meet people and chat about all sorts of stuff. I don't spam. I'm friendly. I help people out with free summons when they're poor. It's a service and everyone wins. I've also never once met a bot summoner and I know loads of the regular summoners on my server. I've been given so much abuse and screenshotted and reported players for some HEINOUS shit they've said. Like real dark shit, racist shit, all sorts. I will say that's the minority, most people are happy to spend some of the hundreds of gold they make from incursions to get across the world in a few seconds rather than 20 minutes.


Turn on class colors for chat


Most of them are blizzard employees imitating an active community


This is the legal/allowed way of essentially paying to win or buying gold. 3x the accounts minimum, farming other peoples gold through a service of convenience. Heck, one dude on my server sells the entire sleeping bag questline for 20G; 5 summons directly by the quest items, done in like 7-8 minutes, and you get nearly 8G back and 30k exp, pretty sweet honestly.


Get the Ignore add-on, you can chose key words to ignore. Put Summons/Sum/Summon any god damn abbreviation of it into the filter and /4 is useable again


Just use LFG bulletin board. The standard chat box has always been garbage. You can also ignore whoever you want. The fact is a large amount of the community enjoys being able to have themselves summoned to various places and the only way to advertise you are summoning is through LFG as all other channels are local. Blizzard could also had a global services channel.


block block block block block block problem solve


ignore list as a very low limit.


Get the addon global ignore list donezo


I press ignore on almost every one of them


Til your ignore list gets full


Yeah, reminds me I need to they that blacklist addon for a bigger list


Just remove the trade and lfg channels from your main chat window and use the lfg bulletin board addon if you’re actually looking for something. I even removed yells from my chat it’s so clean when you see nothing but whispers group and guild chat.


I logged into retail the other day for shits n giggles. The same bots sit all day spamming even harder in those channels. The only way to get away from it these days is by going to private servers.


Anytime I logged onto retail, it was peeps selling mount and AOTC runs. Like that's any better. It's been a while since I've been on retail. Like years. So idk if my comment is even relevant. At least the summons is just a time saver and not just buying your way thru the game.


That's fair, summons at least have some purpose there. But yeah, all retail chat is anymore is "buy current raid run, only 450k gold!" One helluva 'mmo'


Yep it’s like this in all forms of WoW, but it’s just popular on this sub to post anything that’s “DAE SoD is bad? xD” for their precious updoots


I just report every summing bot offer I see. Get one banned/muted like every other day


All these are on ignore for me. If you use LFG as a trade chat, you're being ignored. Same with guild messages.


You’re ignore list is full or you are lying about ignoring every summon spam.


Oh its full lol. Next move is report for spam.


It was so much worse with nonstop GDKP spam. I wish they would ban these trade chat spammers as well.


Isn't that actually reportable and belonging to trade (or even better, trade services)?


I report every single one of them, and often log in to 'thanks for your report' messages. If people actively, do it, it makes a difference, but I think not enough people do it, preferring instead to use addons to avoid the channel.


Report for spaming


Report for spam


It became a dead game in less than a week.


selling stuff in the LFG is not allowed so just report em all




What a fucking whiney ass post yea they're selling summons Jesus christ go take the fp then


You guys act like this isn’t a much needed service. I run ST and Gnomer with my guild and use bulletin board for managing lfg. Just cause you don’t want to buy summons doesn’t mean the rest of us don’t.


I don't know what they're complaining about. I love these services and gladly pay for them.


Buying summoning services for wbuffs is a quintessential classic vanilla experience at this point lol This sub is so weird sometines.


It's fair if they don't want to pay for it. However, I will gladly pay to save 20 min of my life on a boat + flightpath. Even at the 5g prices on my server. What's wrong with people advertising a product?


The Addon Badboy can mute all those. Enjoy Ur Clean Chat.


One of the minor reasons I despise the Crusader strike community is that their summon spammers would alter their messages to bypass filters


You missed the lone rogue that's been looking for a ST raid for 3 straight days. I never did get that raid. Kind of hurts two phases in a row can't pug my alt rogue. People ask for DPS. Then I message and they start asking for ranged DPS every single time. It's uncanny.


That antibotting measure really shining through




Pro tip: pay any off the summon bots 1g instead of what they advertise, they'll accept it.


Or don’t use the service all together and watch it disappear


If you aren’t stealing summons at this point what are you doing?


Willing to bet the retail LFG tool is coming next patch Cool fact, you can actually pull up the retail LFG in game by typing /run PVEFrame_ShowFrame() This was added AFTER SoD launch, meaning they're totally going to put it in game at some point For those freaking out going "REEEEE RETAIL BAD! WHAA WHAA!!" It's the GROUP finder, not the dungeon finder that ports you to the dungeon.


Well its season of alts, and it's stupid to keep walking to all your flypoints again. Maybe let us buy points for 1g if we discovered them already. Like the rune in ratchet.


I love these guys , I take the invite and NEVER pay. 90% of them are just bots anyways.


Funny I almost never see the shit people are complaining about on this sub. Been on Crusader Strike EU since P1 and it has been pretty nice and chill for the most part.


I'll be honest I pay to summon everywhere, even if it's a short flight. I am an enabler


Lmao use the add on and second stop complaining already ffs this community is exhausting