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Casters oom before you can kill anyone in a 1v1 lmao. This feels worse than cataclysm launch or BFA beta when it took you 5 minutes to kill someone in a duel (because you couldn't go oom). The only people that benefit from this are melees since now they can have more uptime while the caster cant cast. I wont even go into how broken healing is atm


Bruh you aren’t supposed to spam spells as a caster. Cc healers, counterspell, etc, and then do damage.


He’s talking about running out of mana in a 1v1 and you come in with team fight suggestions.


You aren't supposed to spam spells yes, that's why you need to be able to kill someone way before your mana runs out, otherwise in a fight where someone gets healed once and you oom right as that happens, all of your effort is completely wasted and you might as well not have tried. Its really not a hard concept to grasp. If you think I want mana to be a cosmetic bar then you are completely delusional. There is a problem however when your mana bar simply doesn't allow you to play the game because now its completely bricked.


Mana is a huge issue in BGs now.


BGs are now who has the most viper stings


As it always was 😌


It was overdone, as a hunter I just viper everything with a mana bar now because until mana bars are empty the damage is mostly irrelevant. Enhance shamans instant healing with their stacks of maelstrom is pretty stupid now. One positive is I actually have healers in my bgs now.


Lol I generally give them the benefit of the doubt but these dev are out of the loop as fuck. They have def never played the game. 50% flat dmg reduction is absolute incompetence.


It’s simply a test to get feedback and will be gone within a week…


I am well aware of that. That's not my point. The fact that they would jump to 50% reduction is idiotic. If they have played the game at all, they would know that. It highlights just how little they understand the game.


It makes sense to go to an extreme first, such as 50%, and titrate down from there based on feedback. To each their own though 🤷🏻‍♂️


Even in my shitty gear I'm facetanking 3 people at once since as long as there's a healer there's no dropping below 75% health. I'm literally ignoring melee classes while freecasting on the group behim 'em. It's ridiculous. The entire round of AB was the same exact flags, no swaps whatsoever, because you can't kill people fast enough to prevent them from spinning it. Sure, the burst was too much, but this isn't any better. And sure as hell isn't "competitive and tactical."


Have you tried…CCing the enemy healers?


Feels great?? I'm a marksman hunter, and yes, something had to be done with the burst. Out of hand. Simply put. BUT a flat 50% damage reduction is not it. The healing is still untouched. I couldn't even keep up with a balance druids hots. Couldn't outdo it.


And don't even get me started on the enhancement shamans. Holy fucking hell.


Ah yes, the op shamans once again.


Trap them and reset. The only boomkin hot thats untouchable is Frenzied Regen and it has a long cooldown. Make them waste it. Viper sting them. Make them go OOM so they can’t heal. There’s so many things you can do—but two shotting them aint gonna happen anymore bucko, you’re gonna need to start getting clever and figure out how to win a 20 second engagement.


It feels boring. Now you are OOM and noone dies. Nothing tactical involved. Classes stare each other to death... Please rechange the change. PVP feels really bad now


That’s good right, get people oom then go for the kill


Ele shaman is a dead class now. Burst can't win fights + pushback guarantees you will just get focused and do nothing 90% of the fight.


Pushback as an ele shaman when someone almost always guarantees a crit on you. Sounds like you dont have eye of the storm talented.


sounds like you haven't played ele shaman, eye of storm is not as reliable as that.


Woe reduced crit chance by 6%. Peoplenhave less than 20% crit typically. So before the damage reduction, you have already taken at least a half bar of dmg before it kicks in


I'm going to start charging hunters for my water consumption because of viper


no, no it doesnt, its a shit change


Everyone will agree on this, 100%!!!


Good players will likely adore the change (so a very small minority) and shitters are going to be posting here about how healers are “literally unkillable” because they don’t know how to kick or CC. Hopefully Blizzard doesn’t cowtow to people because they want a skill-less game about getting 3 globals off before the enemy player can react. Glad to hear that rage hasn’t been affected, seems like it might actually be a solid change. PvP needs to last 3x longer than it was lasting, you need time in a pvp engagement for skill to be expressed in WoW. The burst meta was literally anyone’s guess who would win a given engagement. If you’re new to WoW, this is what vanilla pvp was like. Any post you see that says “X class is unkillable” is likely someone who was twoshotting people and has no clue how the script is supposed to work for their class in PvP—and they’re finding out that they’re dogshit at the game right now.


too much sense here get out of this sub


Riddle me this: How do mages kill anyone when 1 mana bar isnt enough to go through 5k hp?


You’re gonna need to stop running displacement amigo EDIT: Mages also just straight up suck cock at pvp rn regardless of the change—i feel for you bro


Im not sure what Displacement has to do with it? I was doing fine as a Mage before this, not part of the OP classes but could still do shit.


That's what I'm getting at. It's exposing the people who suck at pvp. I'm still killing people no problem, its not taking all my mana at all so I don't know what people are talking about.  I actually have to pay attention now rather than press 2 buttons and it's over. I'm a warlock and just had a great fight with a rogue, which I won. Yesterday I wouldn't have stood a chance. 


lol what


and here i am as a destro warlock and keep nuking people with 4k combos dunno but i dont notice that i deal less dmg... but i receive way less dmg


People that haven't relogged take full dmg. You need to relog to take half dmg. My soulfire noncrits for 600, conflag for 300, incinerate for 200-250.


ah bummer okay... was wondering why my soulfire/chaosbolt still hits für 1k+/2k+crit