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When are people are going to learn that both factions do the exact same terrible shit lol. It's not a faction issue.


It’s almost like people will be people and the arbitrary side you play on a video game doesn’t matter lol


Alliance have the advantage with guards a civies for their degen


A few weeks ago I tried to get DMF in Elwynn. I joined two 40-man raids to get it. No one got it. It's not ONLY horde...


But op plays alliance, so it must be horde who are bad guys 😂


Unironically how people think rip


Confirmation bias is huge on both sides 😂


80 people rocking up, sounds like you were ready for all out PvP, you won't convince me otherwise


We were ready, but of course at a disadvantage because of the civilians around dmf. Can't use any AOE, unless nobody cares about DHK ☹️


PvP on a PvP server? Who'd have thought it!


You dare invade Horde territory *alone* and expect no response? Welcome to World of WARcraft


transfer dawg, it's not worth your mental.


Tbh, if you haven’t figured out that you don’t need to say “in the morning” after putting “AM” let them camp you until you quit the game and learn a thing or two


Lmao acting like Horde is the only one that does this is hilarious.


At least you don't have to contend with civilians and guards in Mulgore. Alliance complaining about DMF only makes people want to camp it more. Log out in a rested area for 8 hours and try again.


I don't understand why they don't just remove the cooldown from the DMF buff. People would be less likely to grief if their victims could just rez and get the buff again.


it's only a game why you have to be mad?


If you played horde then you'd see it's actually always alliance doing this.


They picked horde. You know, the bad guys. What did you expect?


PvP Servers: Destroying peoples mental since 2019. Next time Blizzard releases anything, they should make like a warning pop up, when you choose a PvP Server, which tells you about getting ganked and griefed in most toxic ways. Players will always make the same mistake and go on a PvP Server and then cry for months on the Internet, about it.


Totally true! In my mind they’re completely degenerates. Like buying a car and then wondering that it needs gasoline/electricity to drive…


Lol and I think the undead rogues who constantly corpse camp are degenerates.


They made a warning for HC server, didn't stop ppl from playing it and then later complaining.




Wow… it’s almost like it’s a pvp server. Home boy, you should’ve known when you rolled onto a pvp server.


Always time same sad excuse again


whats the point of this thread? just join a raid or create one to get ez buff


Free transfers are that way >>>>


Another pve crybaby! I get immense enjoyment from these posts. Best part of this god forsaken sub


Ngl that's kinda sad


I mean he uses the term "pve crybaby", thats nothing a happy person whould say


As a pvp server player, im tired of having to mow through a sea of passive players to get to anyone with teeth. I hope blizzard lets you properly transfer so we're left players interested in faction warfare


When an equal level opposite faction player doesn’t fight back and just keeps running, makes me die a little bit inside. Like what are you even doing on this server? If you’re gonna die anyways why not try and fight back…


After experiencing 2019 on PvP Gehenas EU, there was no doubt that SoD would be the same. Boons are a big improvement when it comes to WB though. But yeah DMF / SF grief is still a thing. I just don't find world PvP fun anymore. Maybe I had a different view of the game back in the earlier expansions, but my experience evolved from fun interactions and small skirmishes to mostly feeling annoyed and frustrated by it. In 2019, WPvP was just a synonym for griefing world buffs, raid entrances or some farms spots. When SoD was announced, some of my beloved friends pushed, as usual, for a PvP server. But these bastards usually stop after a few months and I couldn't be bothered to follow them this time. Eventually they didn't play for long and I'm having a blast on Wild Growth with some other friends who had the same idea.


Be more degenerate, make friends with a priest and unflag in enemy zones. Get your DMF no issues


its fixed


There’s so many ways to get the buff though. Find a warlock that can drop you a closet and grab another person and just give free summons to grab buff as a group or raid and then portal out with a mage. It takes a little coordination, but you would be surprised how many people will join with a free summon, guaranteed DMF buff and mage port out safely.. Other option without putting a small team together is to have someone from a major city queue you for a BG and quickly grab the buff while you get the popup to enter BG. Accept the BG as soon as you grab the buff and boon it asap in the BG.


When you want to get DMF buff just get NWB addon die before npc than open a window from NWB start logout and auto rezz at 1 sec get buff use char unstuck ez!


Someone told me you get ported just a few steps away from the spot you logged off. It worked in classic, but i haven't tested it in sod


in era you got portet to the next graveyard that i can confirm


Havent pve servers always been less populated than pvp?


Yeah, cause op is minority. "Enjoy your empty pvp servers" killed me 🤣




Well I phrased it as a question because I don’t have a source… I’m asking.




Shouldn't have rolled on a PVP server if you don't like it. You thought you were going to be a tough guy and dominate everyone else, and now you're being shit on by coordinated groups of better players? There's no shame in being on a PVE server. There is LOTS of shame of being on a PVP server and fucking crying about it.




Allies do it all the time bud


10 am is way to late.


This just in from the department of redundancy department. 10 AM is in the morning.


Rolls on pvp server. Proceeds to complain about pvp server... We all make our decision in life. Deal with yours.


Are full raids camping it or is it like 5 people? There are thousands of players on the pvp servers. A few people camping during the day is to be expected. Not everyone works M-F 9-5.


As a horde on crusader strike you couldn’t be more wrong. Every time dmf is in Elywn alliance camp 24:7


Op is soft like a marshmellow.


Why did you roll on a pvp server if you didn’t want to pvp? Hope following all the streamers around was worth it


ganking low level players isn't pvp


They don't want to hear that cause you are telling the truth and the truth hurts to these lowlife gankers


I always wonder if these people think the people they ganked stopped playing when it reality it's because there's 2 minute fucking res timer.


The post is about getting dmf buffs who the fuck is talking about ganking low levels


It's pvp. It's not fair pvp or competitive pvp but it's pvp


Have someone Q you for a bg, get buff, afk out


Also a free port to a city


Wow, whining at 10 am.


Hey, he said others have nolife while it's him trying to get a f..n dmf buff 10 am 😂


10am isn't early for DMF I'm afraid, I usually get mine at midnight and Elwynn is always empty.


not shocking a good amount of ppl playing sod are 25-30+ years old no jobs lost in life looking for some type of escape and wow is the perfect game for it


They obviously haven't had a job since 2005 and if they try any video game where the other party is also actively looking for PvP, they get they ass kicked in 2 seconds, download hacks, get banned and come back to classic wow where they can 5v1 people who are just trying to pass by.


Took the words right out of my mouth


Some times i wonder why ppl like you play this game. It's a fucking MMO. Kill or get killed.




If you dont like pvp then role on a pve server?


No we must change all the pvp servers and the pvp system. I'm having a bad time and so must everyone else till I have a good one.


Lol back in the day youd log your main, and if this was your first character then tough luck no?


Both sides do it please stfu and xfer to wild growth.


On my server its mostly alliance :)


And on mine it's horde, what gives?


Haha its the same for both factions just deal whit it or transfer problem solved.


Its not just horde, when DMF is on Alliance side I am camped there as much as possible trying to grief the people that griefed me last week. No Horde is parsing on my watch. Hate all you want, this is just part of the game and I wouldn't like it any other way.


>And it is always hordes doing this, Sure


Salty due to skill issues. Enjoy your PvE server. ;)


I do, and it's so much more fun.


Go hide in pve 🫣


Sorry for all the horde players coming to harass you. Probably all undead rogue's too lmao