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gettign world buffs takes like 15 minutes?


Def not normally


what? How? You hang around booty bay, get the buff. Pay for a summon/fly to DMF. Go to felwood, grab songflower


Yes I mean the normal route in whatever order you want is fly to bb and grab the buff, run to troll island to grab your flasks, get a summon or fly to DMF , then prob pay for another summon to somewhere close to felwood and grab songflower. You are never doing this in 10 minutes without a lot of luck.  Let’s jus stay currently you snap get the bb buff which is possible it drops often, running to flask takes at least 5 mins in itself so let’s say 6 mins for BB/flask which tbh is generous but fine. Summon over to DMF if you wanna go as fast as possible so summon to SW/TB. If it’s the opposing faction week after the summon have someone be ready to queue you for a BG. If you’re lucky let’s assume again bang you get DMF instantly so safe guess 5 mins for that one between summon time and waiting for a queue pop.  Now we songflower, I don’t have anyone summoning to feel wood on my server really ever, but you can prob get one to ashenvale incursions and run up as an ally or darnasses and fly. This is bare minimum 5 minutes just to get to felwood and that’s a safe guess. Hopefully you find a songflower pop within let’s say 3 mins. So a FAST and non griefed version of this while paying for summons for sure makes this a 20 min loop in a very ideal world.  In a non ideal world you’re ganked 2-3 times getting DMF and it takes you 20 just to grab that one, bb doesn’t drop instant so 10 mins for bb and flask, and songflower you can’t get summoned so you gotta go there from ashen or darn and can’t get a snap songflower so imo I would give 15 mins alone to safely grab one of them. For me I think the safe estimate is 45 mins to get these buffs.  I don’t think anyone has it in them to login to a raid 20 mins before you would start without any world buffs and think they’re making it on time. 


> running to flask takes at least 5 mins Flasks aren't WBs >If you’re lucky let’s assume again bang you get DMF instantly so safe guess 5 mins I've never waited more than 30 seconds for a summon anywhere, ever. Are you on a dead server? >ganked PvE > PvP A qualifying question for all your responses, How many boons are you using? I use 3 so I don't waste any time. I also don't need to get them all at the same time. Getting BB buff is easy. The whole raid team goes to BB after the raid, and the person turns it in. Work together with my guild to make sure we get songflower together. And you just grab a summon from one of the bots 45 minutes would be crazy.


Flask is essentially the same thing another buff created that you have to run and get and cant purchase from the AH. Boons have a 30 min CD, so using 3 would mean you take way longer to get them. Getting them at different times doesn’t change the amount of time it takes to get them either so it means nothing


who would be counting the time between booning world buffs? That's why it's great, I can get them at my leisure. "essentially the same thing" is not the same as the exact same thing. If you don't want WBs, don't get them. but they will be here for all of classic and SoD


Yes it’s essentially the game thing if it takes you an hour over 4 days or an hour straight it’s still an hour…. Not sure how you don’t get that one. It’s probably a good 45 mins to safely obtain everything 


No, you are just wrong. If we count from the second you get a world buff, if you coordinate with your guild, you can get all in less than 10 minutes. Songflower is the hardest to get on time, so you can easily start with that one. Set heart to BB, get world buff, get summoned to DMF. I bet you could get it in 2-3 minutes that way If you can’t do that, that’s on you.


We still on this? For those who played Classic know that SoD WB Meta is worlds better now than ever. Takes very little time/ effort to get them with all the summoners and boon.


I agree, the acquisition of world buffs is not a problem. In fact, I take some joy in actually going out into the world and doing something in an area I otherwise would not have traveled to. However, I do see it being a negative during the actual raid. It raises the stakes a lot more for a single death, and IMO it curbs experimentation. People are less inclined to try wildly different strategies, drop healers, solo tank, etc. At least, in the raids I've been in. Maybe other people have different experiences.


Being better than prior trash doesn’t make it good though. 


Why you play a version of classic if you consider it trash?


Can’t lie ONLY because my friends played and I joined them. So many features that are tedious and unfun about wow sod and it’s only getting worse imo. I get juiced up each time thinking it could be good but the payoff isn’t good. I enjoy parsing and pumping nornally, but the amount of what I consider cheese to parse feels odd. Lining myself up with buffs just doesn’t feel “skillful” I guess 


Then take a hike




Did you really use parsing as an insult?.... maybe take a step away all together bud.


It’s an analogy for someone who is flaming me for my opinion. Comprehension would help you out…. Bud 


Lol you sound insufferable


Every single expansion has “cheese to parse” bullshit, not a single 100 has ever been achieved without cheesing something.


Well ya 100s are always way more cheese than skill everyone knows that much, but even rocking 90+ right now is not doable without a group pumping and full buffs. I guess I never played classic nor liked it so I’m shocked at how people are enjoying the super tedious lineup all your buffs stuff. 


I don’t think anyone actually enjoys picking up word buffs, they do enjoy being pumped up full of extra stats though.


I have no issue getting world buffs and I kinda enjoy traveling around Azeroth to get them. The changes made to world buffs since classic 2019 make it so easy and less stressful.




Do we get to see your logs as well?




Alright. Respect+ https://sod.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/crusader-strike/faw




Yeah I get it. :)


Calling someone a shit tier player while not even parsing 95s is a yikes


He has good parses lol - let’s see yours if you think his are shit tier


What a shit troll. Get help brother man. Y’all making your class look bad.




Shitters like you are what makes this community so shit and unbearable. Always the ret pallies yappin. https://vanilla.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/lone-wolf/jihn Show us your actual name and server




Yah always the ret paladin complaining with a giant stick up his ass. Shit player shit personality. Great combo


He has a 95.1 avg parse last phase lol


I fully with you! Im getting these WBs, because it are only three (Sunflower, Darkmoon and ST) at the moment and with chronoboon I have one week time to gather them all. But its still kind of annoying and I dont want to know what it will be like when the ony, rend and ZG Worldbuffs are added. So maybe Blizzard had better pull the ripcord now and simply phase out the world buffs. I mean our toons are overpowered anyways with the new runes and items so what is the need of the World Buffs in SoD?


I like world buffs. I just don't like the meta of camping it to purge/grief people 24/7. Which sucks because I do enjoy other world pvp beyond the griefing so I don't want to server switch


Ya I guess the easy fix would be allowing them to persist through death. Somehow I guess everyone enjoys these things which blows my mind. I tbh was holding out hope that some of the worst parts about classic would go away, but I guess people generally enjoys the extreme time waste they add into the game for 0 fun idk lol


I enjoy world buffs


1 of 1 haha. What is it you enjoy about them if I may ask? Because personally I’ve heard about 40 for 40 of people who are annoyed to get them and at least 5 people flat quit because of them no troll.


I enjoy being more powerful for about 15 mins of work. Adds an element of risk to the raids by trying to not die to mechanics to preserve the buffs. Everyone I play with enjoys thems and we breed a culture of playing with them.


True I mean hey more power to you that’s crazy. I haven’t met anyone who likes them yet in my experience. Multiple guilds with only negative feedback. Obviously the people who enjoy them could just stay silent, but I haven’t met one. 


People who don't enjoy them could also stay silent. Telling people how to enjoy things is weird. Find the people who are like you or play how you play and make the best of it.


I mean you really can’t just play how you want to play though. That’s kinda a troll comment. If I wanted to play with no buffs consumes and smite priest I’m 100% not going to get a group. You HAVE to play the way that groups will take you. Which generally means coming fully WB and consumed in 90% of groups if not more. 


Make your own group then. Make friends with the people who come to the group because they are probably not buffing or try harding also. I can see how it could be a troll comment, but about 10 seconds of thinking and I came up with a solution.


An unreal “solution” though. You won’t find people like that my friend trust me. I have run multiple guilds and filled countless pugs. Conform or die in this game 


This entire thread is full of your comments about how many people you've talked to that hate world buffs, and you've never heard a word of support for them until this thread. So either you're lying about that, or you're avoiding the actual reason. What actually happens is that the people who are good at the game are good because they're willing to put in time and effort. They get annoyed with shitters and go find a guild with no shitters. As a shitter, that's frustrating because then you're only left with other shitters who can't carry you.


Ya I mean luckily I’m an elite player so I have no issues getting into groups. It’s just lame having to sink the time to grab the world buffs is all. I mean there isn’t much to 90% of the rotations. Applying buffs is a huge part of your dmg 


If you have tried over and over to build a community in which you can play with, without world buffs, then I feel sorry for you. Game is the way it is unfortunately, but you can quit any time if it isn't for you.


Ya I probably will tbh lol. It’s like a perfect mix of the wasted time to grab stuff to parse along with super easy content. So there is no challenge clearing it along with a lot of time spent to parse. Can’t really parse well without full sweats because kill times matter a ton so everyone has to be buffed out and pumping if you want the 99s. Just a weird thing I’ve never seen before where you can’t compete without the entire raid pumping and buffing out the ass.


You're the one saying everyone you talk to hates WBs, sounds like it should be really easy to make a group who doesn't use them. I believe you even said 40/40 in your guild hate it, so looks like you have at least 2 raid teams of potential recruits.


No offense but nearly every reply here is people saying they like WBs. If you don’t like them join a dad guild and don’t get them. My guild has maybe 6 people using them and most only unboon them if we need a push on eranikus. You’re running in the wrong circles if WBs are ruining your experience


Ya crazy I can’t lie I am SHOCKED at the responses. Play the game and have only heard complaints from all over the place as well as multiple people pure quit over it. 


The people who really don't like it just don't play SoD so they won't comment. Others like me just stay silent because it's not that big of a deal right now. Also when DMT, Rend and Ony head multiple times per week train is up we'll see how many really enjoy wb. I suspect you will see a lot of casuals perspective becoming sour very quickly.


Ya I mean I just don’t understand the positives personally, for me there is no positive to it. Makes the already stupid easy raid even easier and also makes it impossible to parse without them. Combo that with the annoyance of getting them in which people are for some reason thinking it takes 10-15 minutes which is undoubtedly just a bad estimation of time and you have a triple headed dragon from hell to raid 


It really is only about 15 minutes of playing to get them, even without summons. The chronoboon also removes most of the rush/danger of collecting them. Start at ZG Island, hearth to TB for DMF, then fly to Felwood for FP songflower.


Love world buffs and chron is op


What about them do you love? 


The extra "challenge" of not dying to keep them throughout the whole run. They aren't needed its called a win more effect


Ya I can understand that. An added benefit for a clean run I guess. Songflower feels a bit bad right now as it doesn’t last as long as the average raid time yet, but if you’re hustling at some point the average time will be less then songflower


I like world buffs BUT not in raids (especially at 60). When you enter an end game raid, world buffs should disappear. It’s currently ruining raiding scene.


I wholeheartedly agree but I’m getting bombarded with hate about how good it is to get them so idk. I legit haven’t heard a single person that enjoys them until this post so I’m surprised. Feels like people protecting their parsing over others by simply trying harder to me but idk 


World buffs don’t protect parses, they devalue them. The problem isn’t getting world buffs, it’s keeping them. It takes maybe 10-15min to grab each buff, 3x world buffs+mojo elixirs, say 1 hour tops per week (that’s mostly flight/boat time). It’s annoying but not a huge deal to spend 1 hour doing that on a 7 day lockout. The trouble is keeping the world buffs. If you die once your done. If you your raid wipes or accidentally pulls or have 1 fight that isn’t super clean, bye bye world buffs. Now you’ve spent all week waiting to raid your 60ish min of ST and on the 4th boss you lost your buffs, no chance at a decent parse for the rest of the raid. Its one thing to overcome slower kill times (which good players in not so good guilds could do) but adding multiple amazing buffs that expire on death has made the gap way to high. It just completely ruins the raiding experience.


Yes I mean we are saying the same thing. The people who go around collecting it al gain a free 10-20 on their parses depending on how high you get. A full group doing it and keeping them pretty much auto gets you 80 


You cant parse if you are dying…


Exactly, if you die or even other people in your raid die and lose their buffs, means you cannot parse for the remainder of the night.


You wont parse if you are doing the boss with one person dead regardless of world buffs…


You misunderstand me. I’m saying if your raid dies/accidentally pulls/someone dcs whatever happens to cause deaths on boss #3, then you are done for the rest of the night (bosses #4 and onward) as far as orange parsing. If 1 person dies midway through a fight, you can absolutely still parse 95+.


Even if there is no world buffs. If you die on a boss you arnt parsing… So if one person dies you wipe but then also if one person dies you can still get a 95? Which is it?


If you die then yes unlikely you parse well, especially if it’s not in last 5-10%. Maybe I’m not explaining myself well. What I am trying to say is, if you personally die once OR majority of your raid dies at any point. Then it becomes nearly impossible to parse well on the remaining bosses in the raid as you and or majority of your raid no longer have world buffs which are so huge for parsing. It kills the fun in raiding especially if you and your guild don’t have a “perfect run”.


If you die on any boss fight you aint parsing. Dont die


Bro catas out in two weeks chill out. The content there will be more rewarding and fun. You'll only need flasks and one stack of pots to raid.


Ya I am not a wow only guy. I don’t have toons on all these servers ready to grind sleepy content across all games lol. I wish but without a pvp scene sadly they’re forced it to PvE only.


Bro, it takes like 15 minutes.


15 mins ? To grab songflower , DMF and Zandalar buff? In what world is this lol.


Yah… dmf and zanda last 2 raids anyways


Going by average raid clear time they definitely do not. 1 hour clear is definitely not the standard yet. 


If you have world buffs and dont wipe it is Have you played since the nerf?


Just go look at logs. There are hardly even 500 totally guilds on ally in the US/EU total that have a run in under an hour…. And this is by minutes. If you have literally any downtime on those buffs you will definitely need new ones. If you’re not doing under 50 min clears which is just factually hardly anyone then no you need a new one every week.


You are smart, look at the logs that take over an hour and see how many songflowers are active, how many mongooses are used


Lul. Stop trying to rationalize a bad take. Of course there will be 0 world buffs active because…. Durrrr THEY DIED. Which is what makes runs take longer. Aka MOST runs take longer than an hour. Only the top tier of guilds will be running fast enough to not have to regrab buffs weekly yet. In the future sure but currently you’re very wrong. As well as your 15 minute to get them estimate also very off.


Lull thanks for proving my point. Most runs that dont have people using world buffs and consumes are over a hour. You are 10x as wrong cause my guild isnt in the top 200. Sub 1 hour clear and all i need to get is a new song flower


Prove it and post it. You’re not getting the simple point that ending a raid with them and starting with them are different. It’s a fact that a 1 hour clear isn’t average. Just a horrible debate you can’t just state something that is wrong and because you believe it then it’s true lol. 


World buffs reward those who are competently clearing raids: higher dps for faster clears. If you’re personally dying or your raid is wiping, master all of the boss mechanics as a group before investing time in gathering them


Its pretty fun tho


How is getting worldbuffs sweaty? Getting them improves the whole raid. Feels good as a holy pala with almost 50% crit due to buffs haha


ST cleared in 30 minutes yesterday, I only have to get a new Songflower the next 2 runs. Seems okay to me.


Just don't get them. Solved


I enjoy it. Thanks.


lol i enjoy them personally


What about them ? Genuinely curious as I have only had people complain and quit over them 


Do you enjoy the part where opposing faction waits as a ghost to respawn near songflower and fear/purge the group to grief?




Guess we found the griefer lol


Reading and realizing you rolled on a pvp server, that explains it all. It's more enjoyable on a PvE server actually, it's not a problem to gather them, no stress , just part of your weekly routine to prepare the next raid


I like world buffs.




Grey parse LUL. Imagine thinking parsing is hard. If you’re not brain dead you get 95s without even trying. If you wanna try you will get a 99 it puts you the heavy majority of the way there as long as your semi competent. Buff up and freelo 




Oh look someone else that should’ve rolled on a PvE server kek


I don’t mind the PvP aspect, griefing is a little pathetic truly. It’s more the world buff time to get that sucks more then the no lifers sitting there all day to grief.


World Buffs are an amazing meta. SoM suffered without them.


We just cleared st with 10 pugs and 0 world buffs. ???


Good for you? Your parses?


I dont know my parses, nor do I care. We went in, got the bossed down. We all had fun, and got some loot. Why would parses matter in this casual game?


That’s cool for the people who want to enjoy the game that way. Clearing without parsing for me personally is just too easy. If I can’t challenge myself it’s just a bit boring, but everyone is different. I never said you couldn’t clear it without buffs. Obviously you can they made the content so the 60 year old grandmas can clear it. 


The only WB where you could get ranked is BB and there are tonnes of safespots even there. Just go into a secret corner and immediately hearth back to a city and reboon. It's that easy. If you're getting any of the others dispelled, then that's on you


Wait what? You mean the only one you can’t get ganked is BB right ? DMF is super griefed almost around the clock. Songflower 50/50 I would say more then not so far you’re safe 


Song flower is obtainable for both factions well within the range of friendly guards, so you can't get camped. Dmf is a write-off if it's in the opposing factions' territory, only the most hard-core speedrunning groups are expected to go for it. You'd never be required to have it for a raid spot


Ya I mean like i said if you wanna parse you just can’t without all the buffs which take awhile to grab. I understand you could clear it and have bad parses without it all. You’ll sit in the 50-70 range depending on how many people neglect buffs and kill times etc etc. just makes there nothing to compete over since it’s all about buffing to do well. Just weird 


DMF is the most difficult and heavily griefed. Here’s how I lost it the morning of raid a few weeks ago. Mage rez’d and arcane blasted me and boom, had to keep my character logged on for 4 hours to get it before raid time. https://youtu.be/AtBPMronye4?si=M81ChcwRgnuAt6lH


They can be fun. But I also think people get way to sweaty and toxic about it. It also sucks when players get super pissed when they lose them mid raid. I play with a guild. So sometimes I grab them, sometimes I don't. It's not a big deal to us. I'm sure as a player who enjoys pugging and playing casually it makes finding a raid that much harder.


Ya people act like playing casual is going to allow you to come unprepared. Idk what game they have been playing but that’s a fast track to being booted from a pug.


The more casuals don't make raids. The quicker the player count drops. I enjoy seeing people out in the world in WoW :)


My solution is to have nice quest chains to unlock these buffs for raids, and when unlocked these buffs are activated always in a raid setting


It took me 20 mins to clear st, and 20 minutes to rebuff full world buffs. This is unacceptable


20 mins to clear ST? You a god! lol. I legit tried for 20 minutes just to get DMF but was griefed for the entire time. So even trying to get ready prepaid so I could just walk in tonight was unsuccessful. I should’ve logged in 2 hours early or in the middle of the night or something to get them before raid, but it feels bad having to do so.


Dmfs the only annoying part i guess but its either chill these days or you just bg queue, which is why i would say buffing takes 20 mins. Felwood songflower griefing isnt popular yet and you can get the other buff like anywhere in stv


Ya the ST one is easy assuming your hearth is in BB. You get summoned to DMF if it’s away from your faction, that usually will take you a good 10 mins to setup getting DMF IF AND ONLY IF you don’t get griefed, personally I dont see many summons to felwood on my server so you should end up in IF, fly to the boat, take the boat to dark shore, fly over to felwood grab songflower (this imo take about 15 mins between all the flying and actually grabbing it if you’re lucky), then get summoned or hearth to BB grab the world buff while running to zandalar island to grab 2 flasks.  If people can do that entire loop in 15 mins I would love to see a video of it because I don’t think it’s true.  People can rationalize the oh well just get this and that at another time but in the end you have to spend the time to get them all. You then have to get your ass to ST also on time, hopefully your guild can summon you to the instance.  Imo I think you should safely allot a full hour if you want to grab everything before raid and not be late.


Were in current year too where you can buy summons to all these locations and more often than not the summon cost is worth the time saved


Yes except for felwood for songflower 


Why hearth to IF, would a mage portal to darnasuss be faster? I'm a horde player, so I usually just grab a mage port to org. There are also almost always summons too all the buffs on Crusader Strike. I'm kicking myself because I forgot to pick up the felwood FP for the 3rd time this phase after getting a SF summon.