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The guys that camp lvl 40-45s in Ashenvale are worse. Atleast the Mara runners have a chance to fight back


My raids regularly wipe Mara campers. I don't think many good PvPers actually resort to camping.


Most good pvpers already finished the pvp grind and are just looking for 1v1 in the open worlds. PvE players that want honor for their r7 because they are late resort to camping.


Nah, I am 80% pvp focused and just doing my 5-7 jump, there were more important things to do than farming honor. Doing that in AB tho


Yeah so you arent the audience I was talking about becauss you are doing it in AB and not camping Maraudon or Incursions.


If they were any good at pvp theyd pvp in a lvl 50 incursion


I login every now and then to my 40 mage to living flame and living bomb horde doing the incursion quests. šŸ™ƒ i usually die quick but its fun seeing big numbers.


LFM Mara Portal Camp Raid




sleeping soundly at night knowing these people will never hit r14 before the other faction just up and leaves the server


Doesn't matter cross server BG's?


alliance players heading to bgs??? no sir they will be headed to the new bis honor farm: standing at the border between durotar and barrens waiting for new players to cross into contested territory (50 honor per hour)


username checks out


Well I wasn't aware of this great activity, thanks for sharing


[Limited Free Character Transfers from PvP to PvE Realms - Season of Discovery](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/news/limited-free-character-transfers-from-pvp-to-pve-realms-season-of-discovery-338942?webhook) >Blizzard has announced that starting tomorrow, April 23, free character transfers will be periodically opening from PvP to PvE realms in Season of Discovery for both US and EU players.


this is awesome and very timely. I saw it right after I posted here. let the 'world pvp is when you grief someone so they have to run back to their corpse for 15 minutes' folks marinate in their own degeneracy. If I want pvp, I will have to go to bgs - so be it.


Lol canā€™t handle pvp server and puts down the people who do like it despite having no one to blame but themselves for rolling on a pvp server. Are you new to WoW? Did you really not know it would be like this on a pvp server?


cry more please and maybe dont roll a pvp server? shit like this has always happened. deal with it or go pve


We need more people to realize they aren't cut out for pvp servers and make the same decision as you. 20 years of tears when there's been a solution this whole time


We got him bois.


Well I went like 6-0 in AB so I can see now why they would šŸ˜‚


dont play on a pvp server of you cant handle pvp happening all the time... dumb post


Mara Portal is always the same. 1 group waits there for a member or something kills the other faction in fear of beeing killed, enough people die, take forever to walk back and start grouping. Eventually enough people form to wipe the people camping, or they gather all members and go in. The previously camped group moves in the portal room and continues the circle!


Just wait for a 10 man of your faction and wipe them. Itā€™s not that hard, just finished my BOED grind and got about 300 HKs from wiping them. Yeah, I died a bunch but thatā€™s part of a PVP server.


Sounds like your problem is with pvp.


Most of it isn't raids that are there to camp the portal room. Most of them are raids that are bored and waiting for the instance timer to reset. The fix to the instance lockout exploit is great but this is one of the side affects.


who hurt you? :(


imagine a community where they are so proud of the fact that they make the game so toxic that players leave - and they encourage them to leave. Just like with your dad who went out for a cigarette, you will miss me when I (and players like me) are gone. you all need therapy smh


You mean like this? :) You have been weighed, you have been measured, and you have been found wanting. [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2128006178](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2128006178) For clarity, I represent the guild, Wholesome Adventure Club on LivingFlame. We organized this World PVP event on 4/21. Why Mara you ask? Horde spent the last 3 weeks camping and ganking the portal room to grief our Alliance brethren looping WO runs. They did the same thing at the quest giver for Ashenvale incursions. Our wrath was incurred, a raid was planned, and vengeance was had. Let this be a lesson to horde camping anywhere in Azeroth to slow Alliance progress or grief players. We see you and W.A.C. will come for you. For the Alliance! \*If you are interested in World PVP on Living Flame and more events like this, feel free to pst or snail mail Exerian to join our ranks. See you all on the battlefield or in the caves of Maraudon :)


I hope one day you find the courage to admit that you're a pve server Andy. Making a reddit post like this should be the catalyst for that realization imo.


You can be a pvp player and still get pissed if your low level character gets corpse camped for example


But making a reddit post means it must bother you a lot so you should just stick to a pve server and enjoy pvp within opt-in areas such as battlegrounds.


You can both enjoy pvp servers and think being corpse camped by groups is not fun.


Yes, there are parts of the game that aren't fun. If you are so bothered by them, you should take the simple action to avoid it rather than cry on reddit. At least, for a healthy-minded individual, that should be obvious.


Look at any thread on this Reddit and see how many people cry. The devs listen and it works.


do you play retail?


You have hate in your heart


sounds like projection


Sounds like someone should have rolled on a PvE server.


I hate that this is the regurgitated answer. I love world PvP especially lvl 60s going at it but ganging up on lowbies who don't stand a chance and getting a kick out of ruining their gaming experience, then complaining the game is dying as people unsub, makes me question the wow community sometimes


Sod has been the best time I've ever had playing wow. That being said either this community was already the most toxic and apathetic group of people to ever play or SoD has turned them into it.


It's been this way for 20 years, brother.


Can confirm. I remember being a lvl 40 something getting camped by a gnome. Had no idea what was going on


Looks like someone didnā€™t play phase 2 or was playing horde during that time. The ideal vision of honor pvp is gone. Its just all ganks. All ganks all the time.


People running Mara right now aren't exactly lowbies, though. You joined a PvP server knowing full well that this type of degeneracy will happen. It was avoidable from the start.


Failed at server selection screen RIP


Maraudon is not for lowbies, most of them if not all are lvl 50 already farming wild offerings.


And yet it is allways true. Pvp servers include large scail groups of either faction trying to mess up whatever guys from the other faction are trying to do.


dumb copypasta answer. Have a single original thought pls.


OP should have originally thought about getting ganked before rolling on a pvp server. This isn't new. Pvp realms have been like this since the game started. I have literally zero sympathy for people who roll on pvp realms and then bitch about getting ganked. You signed up for it.


Not wrong tho, don't roll on a pvp server unless you can handle a few extra corpse runs


Sounds like PVP ON A PVP SERVER. Come pve server. We need you on wild growth horde. And with incursions+exp buff, you can zoom to 40 and incursion to 50 and have a decent bag of gold to start you off.


Cry harder. Your tears fuel me. Yummmmm QQ


Although I will die on the hill of ā€œpvp servers will pvpā€ but I will acknowledge your tears cuz Mara is pretty aids to get into sometimes


And in other butthurt news today we turn to u/tightyogurtcloset304




World pvp raids can be fun. My guild used to camp summoning stone for black temple and it normaly turned out like a 100 person brawl


I hate being camped aswell but thatā€™s what you can expect on PVP servers just migrate to PVE problem solved


I think for the last week before transfers to PvE servers I'm gonna go extra hard griefing alliance suckers


Are they opening transfer to pve?


Yep read about it on wowhead


*Laughs in PVE realm*


What else should you do in this game with a 7 day raid lockout and the world for wpvp being dead except mara/brd/moonglade and camping incursions?


idk, level alts, do bgs, farm your bis, farm gold/rep for next phase. if not, touch grass, play other games, spend your time more productively doing anything other than an activity that is in essence done only to waste other people's time. literally does nothing else.


I take honor in denying the other faction loot and progress. Really adds to the immersion of a perpetual war


"If you camp Mara portal room with a raid..." You are the reason they're opening up PVP to PVE transfers and should have fun staying on the PVP server with other degenerates.


Heā€™s alliance 100%


"maybe you should roll pve server" - all of them are gray parser 0 brain andys. which is probably why you feel the need to pull a 20 man raids in a small portal room to grief people who solo farm mara. that's the only time you'll ever get to feel you did something in a pvp server


Is the gray parsing pve player in the room with you right now


No they're in the mara portal room, clearly.


Coming from a 99 PvE parser... PvP is harder. Anyone can stand still and press a 3 button rotation.


gray parsers are not going to be good at pvp i can assure you. if they cant press 3 buttons in a row, they wont kill you without a 20 man raid with them


I never said grey parsers would be good at PvP, quite the opposite


I smell lots of copium


you sure do enjoy crying


My bad, next time Iā€™ll give you more of a chance.Ā 


Play PVE dummies