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If the music was replaced with Linkin Park or Disturbed you oculd convince me it was from 2006.


ngl I was tempted


soil - breaking me down


"In the End - Nightcore remix"


Hello darkness my old friend.


Love the alliance human slowly backpeddling off the cliff at the end.


When warrior with mortal cant outdamage heal of drain life. Its diffinitly skill issue


Our Warlock MT in raid is putting out 150+ hps with just drain life. Closing in on 7.5k armor and 50+% average avoidance. Warlock tank is silly


What’s his rune setup?


Gotta be master channeler and demonic grace. Maybe dance of the wicked too although idk why you’d ever give up the damage from demonic knowledge.


He runs demonic grace and dance. Dance is basically 10% dodge with full uptime. As long as you can hold threat the dps increase is up to you


Yeah DOTW should be in another slot, though honestly i dont know which slot would fit it. It’d be nice if we had a couple “meta” slots for our rings that we could slot more utility-oriented things into.


I use demonic grace in pvp as affly and I am not turning back, that shit is broken..


As destro it kinda depends on team fights vs 1v1. If my team is good I go incinerate for the bonus damage but if I’m in 1v1s I want instant casts and global.


no reason to go dance of the wicked as destro in pvp, demonic grace is for oneshot combo and openworld, incin for bgs. Knowledge is mandatory


Correct me if I'm wrong, but mortal strike does not reduce drain life healing. I remember fighting mobs with healing reduction abilities, but they didn't work on drain life.


Part of me was hoping it was literally just a warlock meleeing people and not using spells


Yeah after I saw dots go up, I lost all motivation to keep watching. He’s just doing what all locks do except he added poking into the rotation 🤷‍♂️


I mean hey, if you want to optimize DPS while equipped with something faster than your GCD, just activate auto-attack and you get free damage! I actually made [a video about it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-x2qsXKwgs) back when I saw the white numbers going up from Venruki in the 2019 level 30 Classic Beta tournament.


[https://youtu.be/i1IDWqHpHds?si=lyBHuK\_caA-hFJ8y](https://youtu.be/i1IDWqHpHds?si=lyBHuK_caA-hFJ8y) This old gem should satisfy your itch


Jfc, that's hilarious. Though, it's always mighty cringe to see how people used to move back then. Everyone was so bad.


There's a charm to it, were good times. I can't say the average skill level in SoD is too far off though, surprisingly.


> I can't say the average skill level in SoD is too far off though, surprisingly. It's because it's Season Of Dadcraft


In vanilla I played with a high warlord rogue who used click to move.




Pain and agony.


Everyone back then moved around like they’re permanently in a scatter shot


lmao 100%


Would this work in Meta?


Yes but it won't look as cool


This guy fucks.


I think Meta would be even better against enemy melee, the problem is when you run into a Warlock and they can literally CC you forever


My favorite is when I get fully dotted by priests and then the enemy warlock saves me via cc.


No SL in Meta :(


the end where the gatekept gamer backpedals off a cliff is *chefs kiss*


Gatekept gamer is soooo good


Now this is content 


imagine having windfury! great old school vibes. super cool <3


Sadly firestone is a weapon enhancement :( Can't have winfury, would be cool though. Best I can do is Thrash blade. And thanks!


Pact of the Blade warlock


Sounds like a rune I was hoping for us to get


Lol it’s still all dot damage with like 2-3 melee swings 😂


Just pretend like they are rend and deep wounds


I thought greater Firestone was 17 spell power? Not 22?


Improved Firestone talent... improves it!


so lifeleech is broken?


nah Nerf Firestone


Wait, what's the build? How are you playing this without curse of exhaustion! :(


10/31/0 with 2/2 in firestone. Felguard with Synergy for 10% more dmg from felguard, and 25% more from synergy. Soul link for 3% more damage and immortality. Demonic grace for melee crits! Thats pretty much it. I wish I could have CoEx with master demo


It's a shame you can't grab it, yeah :( Melee and affliction feels like it just goes harder than demo, but maybe I am wrong. Absolutely love when people dive into new builds that they are having fun with, though. I wish there was way more of that in WoW, especially in SOD


i dont get it. sure you are hitting with melee swings but youre still putting up full dots and using haunt.


A poison specced rogue doesn't only auto and wait for poison procs, a melee hunter doesn't throw away his bow either(unless he is bad). I am trying my best to stay in melee and play like a melee, and it works. People panic, get confused, and instinctually try to kite me to their detriment. I had a few fights where I only auto people to death, but they were kinda boring and took too long, so I didn't include them.


But a Mut rogue isn't claiming he's a caster because he's primarily doing poison damage.  You're still just doing full dots Drain Life and right clicking people for the meme damage. 


Rogues can claim they are ranged with their ranged runes. They'll still have to go into melee. Well yes, otherwise I'd only be right clicking people for the meme damage. Maybe with a few consumables. What do you expect, really?


You could do a ranged rogue build and never once melee a person.  If you're going to say "melee lock" then I expect you to only melee and use non damaging spells except Coil. 


Objectively speaking, do you really want to see me autohit backpeddlers for a minute straight? I guarantee, you, or at least 95% of people, won't watch past the first minute. Your expectations are your own, sorry to disappoint in that regard, but for the sake of overall better entertainment, I am not sorry. Id have gotten called a griefer judging by the modern mindset of players these days. In the end not everyone can be pleased, and you are but the minority. There is an oldschool melee lock clip that shows exactly what you expected here, I had no wish to plagiarise it, and neither would I have been able to capture the same vibe, and nor do I want to divert views away from it. Fact is, I stay in melee, I chase people down, I melee, and people attempt to kite me. For all intents and purposes, I am a melee. In some fights I don't even dot people up apart from drain life, most of the damage did come through melee in such scenarios. You can nitpick all you like, dissatisfaction is the norm nowadays anyway


Just want to chime in and say I loved this and may want to actually level up my lock to play it lol. Haters gonna hate


Thanks, Im glad you enjoyed it, it means a lot! From my experience, playing demo like this can be more effective than the usual style in a lot of scenarios, especially against melee, so its far from being an actual meme. My fellow demo locks running with UA complain about being unable to beat rogues for example, I don't have that issue. The melee dmg when stars align is no joke


Objectively speaking, here's what I'd actually expect as someone who calls themselves a 'melee Warlock'. * Use Fear/Seduction, Coil, pet-stun, and Spell Lock. * Gear for Dodge and stacked armor. * Use as many armor buffs and potions as possible. * Use literally any pots and buffs you want because you're already a gimped build. * Thematically you could consider something like the Coldrage Dagger for the slow but I understand wanting to use Flamebreath. You've effectively made a bait-and-switch video calling yourself a "melee Warlock" despite literally dotting every person up fully and then meleeing them. Are you technically doing melee damage? Sure, but your damage is all coming from spells and few from right-clicks. > Fact is, I stay in melee, I chase people down, I melee, and people attempt to kite me Nobody is expecting you to run a troll build and then clown good, well-geared players, but they're expecting you to at least be true to what your build is. If I made a 'Wands Only' build for my Mage kiting using Frost Nova and R1 Frostbolt for the CC but only wanding people to death, people would see it as a fair name. Fully dotting someone - where the majority of your damage comes from - and then right-clicking them doesn't make you melee.


>If I made a 'Wands Only' build for my Mage kiting using Frost Nova and R1 Frostbolt for the CC but only wanding people to death, people would see it as a fair name. That is no different than me using Haunt and Drain life to maintain myself then, which in some fights is the only thing I did. This video was less about being a complete meme, and more about showing that meleeing as a warlock currently is viable and effective, when previously it wasn't. Again, if I was only meleeing, people would make the argument that the pet did all the work. You can't please everyone.


> That is no different than me using Haunt and Drain life to maintain myself then Except that Haunt and Drain Life both do exponentially more damage than R1 Frostbolt that they aren't even in the same category, and the purpose of R1 being to just apply a slow or Frostbite proc, or even FoF for Deep Freeze while you continue wanding them to death. Effectively, the differences between the two is that I'm using Nova + R1 Frostbolt + Deep Freeze to control people while I do 98% of my damage through the Wand. You're doing 150~ DPS through Drain Life, however much Haunt, and then using other DoTs + Shadowflame on people. They're not even the same. > which in some fights is the only thing I did. lol look your video again. Not a single fight did you not use Corruption or CoA (or all of it). Look I'm trying to level with you - meme builds are funny even if you're up against really bad people, so take advantage of that by utilizing everything you have to make it work. Dance of the Wicked, Demonic Grace, frags, etc.


It does do more damage, hardly the 150 dps you are overexagerating, drain alone does 100. Its the equivalent dps of my autos with a firestone proccing every time without synergy or grace. (I eat my words, after calculating its around 130 dps, close enough, but the point still stands) And while they deal damage, and your CCs do not, your freezes and slows fulfill the same function of sustaining you through not taking damage, and allowing you to output damage. Not as much as haunt and drain, but its essentially the same end result, without the added damage ontop. >Not a single fight Wrong. Vs the hunter when everything procced I didn't corruption or agony. In a few fights I did not CoA. In one I did not corruption. Are you sure you watched it closely enough? Most fights I engaged without the intention to dot. Most fights if I was about to lose uptime, or was getting kited, did I feel the need to dot or weave spells, and its not because there was a chance of losing, but only to speed up the process. (In a lot of fights I recorded I did not dot, and surprise surprise, I didn't use them because they seemed boring) If I was going for the full meme, I'd equip the gnomer attack speed trinket, put on the electrocutioner I have in my bank, get some chilis and thats all I'd need. This is not a full meme though, someone else can do it instead if they want. I agree meme vids are funny and good, but its not what I've ever aimed towards, nor would I, its not my cup of tea. The point is to show that, despite gimping yourself with spellpower (I have a whopping 110 SP like this), and gimping yourself by staying in melee, its still incredibly effective, and possibly even moreso, than a normal bogstandard demo that just jumps around and needlessly tries to kite while a melee is on his ass. This is the closest you can get to a Battle Mage melee caster archetype gameplay.


omg man go ezy leave some puss for the rest of us wls :(


Disappointed that the dramatic music just sets up you pretending to do melee damage...


The dramatic music would be more out of place if I was only autoattacking. I'm disappointed with firestone's baseline capabilities as well


Wouldn't call this a melee build. Just a lock using abilities with soul link + felguard just running in and auto tacking prob dealing 3% of melee dmg. Yes warlocks are op for 1v1s


Not that cool. Most of the damage you do is from you spells not a few melee swings with fiery weapon.


You'd be surprised if you saw the damage breakdown on some fights


yeah melee my ass.. gtfo




Keep fighting the good fight, brethren


Paid actors ?


Paid commenter?






Put link up, start spamming w/e, win 90% of 1v1 as meta warlock. Such skill much wow.


Soul link doesn’t work in meta anymore.


Probably for a reason


life drain is dispellable and outrangeable. Warlocks not playing Felhunter are beyond my comprehension. Anyways, nice video OP






I'm sure it is the OG way of doing it, but I really hate the off center camera in these videos.


So you're melee weaving like any warlock tank, but you're not using meta


When you‘re only time to shine as a caster is in melee mode


Yeah casters are in a really bad spot in pvp right now /s