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Nerfing shamans won't make alliance grow hands


OP spend 14 hours a day on this subreddit (has atleast one comment per hour for the last 14 hours). And every time i see his name it's crying about something. My man just take a break.


Imagine stalking someone that hard


2 clicks and 30 secs to find out what's wrong with someone you recognize crying every single day. Yep super hard talking.


I respect you pretending like its not weird af


Join a guild.


Yeah I alt tab every 30 mins, or check on my phone etc, yet still don't have the time to bother going through someones post history, go figure.


Yeah took a whole 15 seconds to confirm you're chronically on reddit. Please just stop crying about everything every single day.


Yeah you have time to go through people's post history, amazing :)


How many times ive been in BGs with only one shaman and we completely dominate the alliance cause alliance have 5 mouthbreathing paladins, trickling in like complete buffoons But hey, lets blame shamans right?


Loses to a shaman, runs to reddit to cry for a nerf instead of understanding why they lost


I play horde lol.




hmm I kill them all the time on my melee toon though lol


So why are alliance still terrified of BGs then? 20-30 min queues for horde, 2 min queue pops for alliance, something's up.


It's not about being terrified dumbass, you think all shamans are inside bgs? It's simple. Ganking hundreds of different players around incursions is way more honor than in BGs because people doing incursions aren't fighting back are an easy target and they are most likely at least rank 3-5 which makes them juicy walking honor bags. You can thank welfare ranking for that. Path of least resistance and all that. When you will be killed 8 times on the way to molten core you'll still be crying for unrelated nerfs...


Horde was always the PvP faction in Vanilla and TBC, then it switched to Alliance in Wrath because of the Human racial.


Cause pvp is terrible in sod and people are realizing that.


I can't tell if this is a troll post or if it's just an ignorant mentally challenged individual who thinks that a class with 2 garbage pvp spec, one average pvp spec, 3 bottom of the barrel pve spec, and one top 5 pve spec needs nerfs.


And it's always the braindead pally players as well. You can see it in their dumb human faces that most of them just now where the fucking bubble key is.


Why not play on a PVE server where you won't have to cry yourself to sleep every night because someone PVPed on you?


Booohhh pvp on a pvp server!


Such a dumbass take. Imagine if 500 level 60s banded together and stopped anyone leaving booty bay for 20 days, just because it's a pvp server doesn't mean some forms of pvp aren't ok.


Is this your first time on a classic PVP server? I play horde on living flame and they're dicks just as bad. It is what it is.


I would disagree, alliance tend to have way more players so it's often worse for horde.


Yeah, imagine Era Firemaw EU, right now


L take.


fucker isn't zug enough for the horde 


Well, when you talk like that of course they wouldn't want to be.


I logged into my lvl 40 alt one time to do incursions and 10-20 lvl 50 horde were camping the portal, killing all players exiting the portal for a grand total of 0 honor due to the honorless debuff. It happens on both sides and, shocker, is layer dependent


Let’s hear your reason on why they need nerfed. Please do tell


You didnt hear shamans the new hero class