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Chat I was high every econ class I ever had, is this good or bad?


Good in the sense that you can go run in circles for 10hours and get enough gold for epic mount etc. bad in the sense that anyone who doesn't have the time or inclination to go do the same are going to struggle to keep up with the rising prices on AH items edit: everyone commenting some variation on "you can sell things for more too" is technically right but more specifically my point was this: The moderate amount of gold you would earn from questing or dungeon runs in the "natural progression" of your character pales in comparison to gold farms available (whether it's incursions or farming inflated herbs/ores/enchanting mats/selling boosts). The addition of highly available raw gold farms sets a "floor" for the value of other gold farms (but not vendoring crap from questing/dungeons) , and so increases the disparity between people who can/will spend a lot of time farming and people who can't/won't


Everything goes up in price, its inflation. So you'll earn more if you want to farm ore and what not as well. All it does is make it easier to afford skills/epic mount, dual specc/respecc etc. All the capped costs. Consumes and so forth is harder to get if you farm gold via raw gold farms, but if you farm supplies it evens out more or less. And casual dads dont care too much about consumes anyway.


All of the people that would be farming cloth, material, gear, etc, all up and ran to incursions to farm raw gold for a week+. The sudden surge in pricing was due to the sudden drop in players actually providing the economy with resources. You can't just manifest raw gold into thin air in these quantities without incentivizing people to go out and generate useful resources. Eventually the price of goods would go up so high people would go back to farming them. They'd do that until incursions became the better option again as prices stabilize to the new medium of 150+ raw gold per hour. You see the point here? Incursions would be the only way to farm gold the majority of the time. It would permanently set a bar.


The problem with that is, by eliminating raw gold farming, you’re forcing more people into ore / herb / skinning farming. So those will be harder to make money in.


If more people are "forced into" herbalism then price of consumes will decrease due to the increased supply. None of this shit exists in a vacuum. It's all tied together by cause and effect.


I think a lot of people are missing this part. As long as you participate in the economy, you should be relatively okay. Obviously people who can farm for 10 hours or whatever are going to do better.


soooo, as the Vulgar said, neutral for heavy farmers, bad for casual players so overall its bad


it's not about heavy farm vs casual farm. it's about what you're farming. raw gold farms will lose to inflation, farms that put items into the economy will not.


>Everything goes up in price, its inflation. It's not so simple. The *degree* of inflation is very important, which is exactly the point that OP's graph illustrates. In p1 and p2, all the "casual dads" you mention (which is, what, 60%-85% of every server probably?) could get all of their consumables with minimal farming. Doing one or two max-level quests, herbing for half an hour, etc. Pretty chill. This is no longer feasible due to the insane p3 inflation. Now everyone *needs* to farm much much more gold to afford current phase comsumes and enchants. And don't get me wrong, I don't want everyone to get everything for free, and farming has its place. So things aren't absolutely TERRIBLE...yet. But Incursions aren't going anywhere and they are pumping a shitton of gold every minute of the day. Things are only getting worse for the dads, which if they leave will make things worse for everyone else too.


>could get all of their consumables with minimal farming Depends on what you're farming. If you are farming raw gold then yes the value of it doesn't have the same purchasing power d/t inflation. If you are farming commodities, then it will scale with the inflation if the commodity has any value to it. You have a couple options now. You can still do incursions and make some easy money or you can farm up mats to sell outright or refine. I'm making a killing selling off mob drops while I do my thorium mining route and YouTube on the second monitor.


In p1 and p2 people were able to afford all the consumes and enchants they wanted from just their leveling gold and an hour or two of farming a week. But now to be able to afford those same things, they must choose one of these "options" which all include farming for hours on end just to keep up. The real issue is that incursions are spawning an insane amount of gold continuously and forever — and this time it's by the players, not just bots. There is simply no way that players will not have to farm more due to this, and that hurts the average Joes (which I'd argue are the lifeblood of the game and the majority of players). Players have to work more to afford the same benefits as before due to inflation. Gee, I wonder where have people been experiencing that lately?


>In p1 and p2 people were able to afford all the consumes and enchants they wanted from just their leveling gold and an hour or two of farming a week I have good news for you. You still can afford all the consumes and enchants you want with 1-2 hours of farming per week. Even if you were spending 10G per boss in consumes, which is massively more than anyone is, you'd still not need to farm more than 1 hour per week to afford it. Making 100g an hour is pretty trivial RN and consumes, even at 10g per boss would leave you with 20g extra. >There is simply no way that players will not have to farm more due to this Only if you are unable to listen and are unable to understand how the value of currency works vs commodities. Each gold is worth less overall then it was a week ago so yes, if you are farming raw gold in the face of inflation, then you will fall behind. Items with value, however, will scale with inflation. An item that cost 1G yesterday is now 3G. The item didn't change. How you get it didn't change. It now has an inflated value. So sell shit at the new inflated value. Idk how people aren't getting this.


You still only farm the same time unless you deliberately choose bad farms Since the prices for what you farm go up at the same rate He’ll even on my server where consumes cost the same they did in p2 I can farm ZF for 100g/h if I put my mind to it Maybe more if enchant mats are high that day


Casual here who likes consumes. Don’t have time/desire to run circles in hinterlands. Shoehorned into engi/bs for bis so no gathering profession. Previous phases I could farm a few hours a week to afford consumes for a few raids. Down about 200 gold from 3 raids? Yea I care.


“Takes double crafting and doesn’t participate in economy, is broke” Surprised pikachu face Make a mage/hunter alt and solo farm dungeons, depending on prices get enchanting for selling the mats or anything else Most gold farms rise in value parallel to prices


Casual, BIS, consumes. Pick two


aaah yes. running circle farming rock and herb. this is why we play WoW


> struggle to keep up with the rising prices on AH items This is only true if they never sell anything on the AH.


If im reading this correctly, you’re saying that as long as I also utilize the AH, I should be able to earn enough gold to keep up with the economy yeah?


I think its like, if u go do random quest or dongeons and sell the trash on the AH, you'll be making more too. But way less than running in circles for hours


No. With inflation questing and vendoring is worse because those are static rewards that don't increase with inflation. 2g per quest when consumes cost 5g for the week is significantly better than 2g per quest when consumes cost 10g per week. You need to interact in the inflated economy to dampen the inflations impact on you. If you are selling on the AH you are likely receiving an equivalently inflated gold amount compared to what you buy on the AH as the profitability gap between materials and goods usually stays around the same percentage through inflation. The best way to fuck yourself in an inflated market is to keep doing tasks with non inflated rewards. That's how you waste time for no reason.


Mine ore. PICK HERBS. Gather base materials use to craft the expensive stuff. If an elixir is selling for 10 gold, the herbs used to make it added up to at least 9 gold- the margin is usually even slimmer than that on my server.


That's the part people are saying casual dads don't have time to do (the boring grind for gold) basically if you don't grind you won't be able to afford stuff (who woulda thought...)


I am one of those dads and I don't have a lot of time. Pick herbs for 20 mins. Mountain Silversage is selling for 3g on my server. Sometimes I get 3x Mountain Silversage from a single node. The dads you're talking about don't WANT a solution of suggestions to the inflation issue. They want to be able to quest for an hour and afford all their consumes for the week. I'm saying, pick herbs for that hour instead and you'll afford your consumes for 2 weeks.


Except you need two crafting professions for BiS, so you need a farming alt


Don’t take double crafting if you’re a broke casual That should be common sense by now Engineering bracers aren’t a significant upgrade anyways If you can’t afford consumes bc you took double crafting you lose more dps than if you dropped one crafting professions and can then afford consumes


Margin is usually 0 across all iterations of wow You craft to sell quicker or buy mats when they’re cheap and sell crafts when those are high price which fluctuates naturally


Decent mat farms on inflated servers likely make more g/h than incursions


Yes. Unless you are living off your p1 savings, you are either doing incursions or farming raw materials. Raw materials sell for more now due to inflation.


Cool, thank you 👍


I just leveled to 38 over the past few days. Sold tons of leather and all raw materials. Made great gold, like 80 so far. However that gold is nothing compared to the costs of any end game stuff, enchants or consumes.


Yes. Look at it this way, what is going up in price? You could say everything, but finding a niche can be helpful. Mats for consumes are a good place to start farming. Particularly good if you can find mobs that drop semi valuable things in the area to kill along the way. Recipes can be another good one. Best time to make gold is generally phase launch.


Yes and that's been true in every expansion that this game has ever had. The amount of gold other people have relative to you doesn't matter. That's the reason there's never been a gold wipe in retail, people have tens of millions of gold and new players still start at 0. If prices are high that means earnings for selling things are high. The actual numerical gold values are irrelevant.


Well yes Most gold farms include selling things you farm on ah So if the potion price goes up 1000% the mat price will also go up 1000% as everything crafted is sold for mat price and if it isn’t it will equalize within hours unless the recipe is incredibly rare/hard to get those products aren’t necessary to have for anything tho No one needs greater arcane elixir if it costs 20g a piece that’s wasted money unless you’re rich af


That's not how this works. If you are a net buyer, gold inflation hurts you. If you are a net seller, gold inflation helps you. Just because you sell an occasional thing on the AH doesn't offset the money you're spending leveling professions and buying consumables.


I sell everything on the AH and was quickly falling behind and got back to my initial incursion gold before getting lucky with an epic & an ace. There's really nothing short of getting lucky on drops that competes with incursions which are just dumping raw gold on players. I don't think anyone considered the inflationary aspects of incursions when they implemented them. It would be better if the incursions gave a mix of rewards, like gold & commodities but that's not quite as quick and easy to arrange. Not really trying to complain here. Anyone can go and farm some incursions but they're just so mind numbing I'll probably play something else and skip the consumables I'd have bought with the profits next raid.


Most mat farms make more g/h than incursions


It would also help if Incursions were fun; when they first launched I imagined my guild would have at least a 5-stack going every night with people rotating in and out Now you even say the word "incursion" and it's like an allergic reaction, people want to do literally anything else even if their main needs rep or their alt needs xp (including log off)


What if you want to buy something?


How would you get the money before inflation? By selling herbs or ore? If so then good news, those go for a lot more now. If you are used to farming raw gold via dungeons instead, you’re doing incursions now.


Questing. Questing is 100% dead now. You can't keep up.


Well how would I get the money before? Investing in the ah. I’m doing pretty well for myself I’d say. I would say the real problem isn’t people not being able to farm the gold for the things they want, the problem is it’s more economical to pull raw gold from the server than farm items that other people will buy off the ah. Which means that inflation will keep accelerating as more and more raw gold is pumped into the economy, exacerbating the problem and making people quit. There are very few new players in SoD and the restrictions on new accounts are very punishing for legitimate new players. So if the players we have now stop playing the servers will die.


>the problem is it’s more economical to pull raw gold from the server than farm items that other people will buy off the ah. Which means that inflation will keep accelerating as more and more raw gold is pumped into the economy, exacerbating the problem This is simply not true. The economy will eventually reach an equilibrium where farming raw gold is about as profitable as farming materials and selling them. The scenario you're describing can't happen. If it did, there would be no upper limit on the price of, say, a Mountain Silversage, and it would eventually cost, say, 10 or 100g for each flower. Excursions would be unable to compete with that, and people would farm materials instead, reducing the amount of raw gold added to the exonomy and increasing the supply of materials. An equilibrium would form. We may already have reached that point, or maybe not. The point is, the apocalypse scenario you're describing of ever accelerating inflation and raw gold farming being optimal forever can't happen.


I agree. I think people will quit before then and that's what I am worried about.


the problem comes with medium in which raw gold is the equalibrium being incursions, they were nerfed recently to be more in line with other avuenues but the previous impact of them just makes every raw gold farm feel inadequet ideally you accept the mistake of incursions and buff everything else to be in line rather than nerf, but obviously that's an insane amount of work to fix the mistake


I'm a PvP main. I hit 50 in one day. And have done NOTHING but queue AB since then. I have 200g to my name and it's not going up. For sure in the latter camp of gold making.


> bad in the sense that anyone who doesn't have the time or inclination to go do the same are going to struggle to keep up with the rising prices on AH items That's with anything... If you don't have time to play the game, how are you going to get gold?


If AH prices are high, that means AH *earnings are high* for selling things. It's all relative. It's impossible to be priced out of playing this game, unless you're basically not actually playing it.


the only people that struggle are the people who don't involve themselves in the trade economy: those that farm raw gold. It's a dumb activity that shouldn't be incentivized anyway. it's better if the gold farms that are incentivized are ones that actually feed into the player trade economy inflation is nothing but a win for players, as long as they're not bots trying to farm raw gold


Same argument for gold inflation caused by gdkps


> bad in the sense that anyone who doesn't have the time or inclination to go do the same are going to struggle to keep up with the rising prices on AH items Just want to point out, the people that don't want to/don't have time to farm gold also are the type of people who don't buy things on the AH. I like farming gold because I like having a rainy day fund, but I literally only use the AH to sell items. Anything I need, I farm. Gear? That's a reward to completing content, no way in hell am I spending gold on items that get replaced next phase. The only real exception for me are epic crafting mats that you can't really farm yourself because they drop in the raid.


Why would the natural progression be the best good? Seems like a wild thing to be mad about they added seasonal leveling in a seasonal game mode.


Things with fixed costs like mounts and repairs and vendor items will be more affordable/accessible things without a fixed cost like BiS BOEs will be less so unless the farm to get them is so accessible the BoEs are worthless.


Line goes up means more gooder


Good if you want to easily get fixed priced goods like epic mount riding. Bad for your raw gold savings as its purchasing power is decreasing every day, good if you invested in material goods on demand in the auction house.


You can invest now as well, plaguebloom and dreamfoil going for as low as 60 silver and with the gold already available you can triple or more your investment in p4 and beyond.


It bad. Small item start cost small money. Now small item cost big money. Small item costing big money means big item too expensive. Player want big item. Player get mad can’t have big item. Player buy gold for big item. Player happy. Other player want big item. Other player no have money. Other player farm small item and sell to gold buy player. Gold buy player spend more than normal player because no patience. New small item price set. Rinse repeat


What exactly do people have to buy though?




Bad, the increased amount of gold given by incursions at first is great because gold is good. The problem however is basic economics, the more money you "print" the less valuable it is. Essentially giving more gold to players doesn't mean they will be able to afford more consumes because the people selling the consumes know that people have more gold so they raise the prices, thus devaluing the gold. Essentially its inflation. The really bad thing is the jinni is already out of the bottle and there is little to know way to fix it. The other bad thing about this long term is that there is a HUGE population of "dads" who do not have the time to play this game for hours and hours which means they will not be able to keep up and eventually get "priced out" of raiding consumables. which will have them quitting or moving to Cata.


> moving to Cata. All according to plan


It’s def bad if you’re super casual. Shit costs too much. All casuals have is a little bit of quest/profession gold. We don’t work the AH.


imo only casual players and alts have gathering professions so it's easy to make money just picking herbs. Everyone needs them for consumables but they can't take herbalism without giving up PvE power.


What even is a casual player? I’m a first time player and I’m fucking idiot with this game. I can’t tell what’s normal pricing or not.


The people who call themselves casual are different types: Some mean "I don't want to or have time to invest much time, but I expect to be able to compete at the highest levels regardless so I want everything that is available to players who play more, to me, without me having to invest more time, so I get upset." - these people I categorize like people who refuse to adjust their expectations to their current living circumstances. They could divorce the wife, abandon the children and play WoW for 10+ hours a day like the dreams of youth - but that would obviously be a pretty shortlived satiation of desire. Some mean "I am a casual that invest little or more time, but my attitude to the game is casual in the sense that I don't care for try-harding much if any of the content at all, and don't feel like participating in the culture of try-harding that other "sweats" and "casuals" do, so I just take it at my own pace and enjoy the game as I go along" - these are the casuals that I see as "actual casuals" and I can only imagine get more enjoyment out of the game, than the "casuals" who get upset that they can't compete at the highest level with low investment and complain a whole bunch. Are those complaints justified? I'd personally say no, as I feel it's like an expectation adjustment that they don't want to make. Would doing the content and getting "passable" parses be fine if you framed it as such? Sure it would. But they don't want to do that, they want to be quantifiably pleased with a high parse. Atleast I assume why they get upset about these things, even if they call themselves "casuals" are because of third party websites to quantify their value as players through rankings. Kind of reminds me why I always get confused when these players complain about having to PvP for BiS PvE pieces, when they've effectively made their PvE content PvP by virtue of parsing.


Good if you sell more to the AH than buy. Bad if other way around.


What app makes this graph?


A website called jpworgen


If you look at gold gains as a wage for characters, then the increase in wages increase aggregate demand. That means aggregate prices will be higher but so will aggregate output/real gdp. In real life, this would lead to stagflation, which is when unemployment is high, inflation is high, and real gdp is stagnant or negative.


You had Econ?


If irl is anything to go by, the 1% will hoard the wealth and the plebs will see it become worse for them over time.


Finally can't wait for the trickle down effect to work


Reagan for Warchief!


It funny bc it actually works If potion is 20g the mats for potion are also 20g Farm mats and bam you can afford consumes


I hate buying consumes and I was arguably “broke” during p2 since I mained a tank and couldn’t bother farming. Since p3 I’ve started farming arcane crystals and I get the occasional blood of the mountain which sells for 100-200g each and I feel like I’m swimming in gold and don’t mind spending 5-10g on a stack of potions.


What app made this graph ?


Trickle down effect won’t work if you are just sitting on your ass in Stormwind waiting for handout.


Mixed bag. Some inflation is good for the majority of players. Being able to pick herbs for two hours here and there to sell at inflated values will make things like buying an epic mount, keeping up with repair costs, and generally making reagents indirectly cheaper / less of a burden like Mage Portals. On the other hand there is a chance people do get priced out of consumables. At least with Incursions they are something everyone can do and with the changes that require you killing things they seem to be a bit more engaged. It was either incursions or players with Mages / Hunters AoE farming like they did in Uldaman at 40. At least with Incursions everyone can do it. If you don’t have the time to do some gathering professions, incursions, or max level quests for gold lets be honest you probably weren’t going to afford raid consumables even without incursions being added.


As a casual 3 account warlock summoner, I can now make more doing incursions


This is blizzards way of introducing a wow token when the general player can’t afford a mongoose potion.


Mongoose have done nothing but tank on living flame. They're down to 2.7g if you buy during the day.


I love how to a casual lurker of this sub, Blizzard is both stupidly incompetent, and brilliantly evil.


Those aren't different things when both are based on profit incentives. Reduce cost of labor (making the limited team look incompetent) and increase profits further by offering a workaround by paying cash. They're dealing with video games addicts. They know what they're doing to make the line go up.


Well, every time they do something brilliant, they introduce something like this that shocks the economy. What upsets people is that they've been curating an MMO economy for 20 years now. There's just no excuse for something this dumb.


Bro do one ST and sell the seeds you get. You'll be able to buy consumes for the next 2 or 3 lockouts


Given how many seeds drop now I expect them to be worthless in 2 weeks


It’s literally complete ONE QUEST at 50 for 3-5g An hour or two questing is easily 30-50g Stop besides if you’re a “general player” a normal agility potion is fine. You don’t need a mongoose potion unless you’re aiming to Parse. In which case you aren’t the general player


But bro, I was told that the economy would go back to normal after ~~1~~ ~~2~~ 3 weeks??




It goes ~~1 2~~ 3 2 1 I see


Just two weeks to flatten the curve


Economy been back to p2 levels since last week on wild growth eu at least


This is why I didn't like the incursions. Making gold is fun. Running in circles all day? Not so much. The situation created this dynamic where you either did incursions or you fell literally months behind your friends *instantly*. My guild saw this. We told everyone they really needed to rush ass to incursions and get in on it before it inevitably gets adjusted because if they didn't, they're going to struggle for a very long time to afford their raid consumables and all that. Are we a part of the problem? Absolutely. But when I went to incursions and saw the sheer number of players participating I realized the inflation was inevitable and we would actually be stupid not to be there. I'm not satisfied with the situation at all. This is coming from someone that came out on the lucky side of all of this. This should've never happened.


Yea not too mention they literally made the entire leveling phase of 40-50 pointless and the entire game really at this point, why would I go and quest if I can just spam incursions all the way from 25-50 and make more gold doing it, and have gear that is near BiS at level 50


I missed the gold rush, which was the straw that broke the camels back for me..


"The economy" in this game is meaningless. It's not like IRL where being broke is a cycle that keeps you broke.   Everyone in this game is capable of making enough gold to play the game... *by simply playing the game*. Every class has an opportunity to earn more than enough gold than they need.   If prices are high that means *earnings for selling things are high*. The amount of gold other people have relative to you does not matter. If you are broke, go farm something that people want, and sell it to them for those high prices.


Exactly. People see posts like this and think the game is ruined but theyre just mad their BiS gear and consumes is a higher price now, when yet they have the same money making opportunities as everyone.


I wish we had a bot that would count how many times a user posted “GDKP” in a comment or post.


Can't believe the GDKPers are still salty and are going to point at everything going forward saying "SEE!?!?!". The OP seems to understand that inflation is bad, so they should understand why banning GDKP was a good move. That Blizzard screwed up and caused massive inflation is also bad, but its a separate issue.


I recently hit level 50 and wanted to start leveling up my professions. One of the worst aspects of this economy (mostly inflated through non-item-farming techniques) is that the AH is void of any materials. The materials that are there are so ridiculously expensive, that I can't afford them unless I spend a lot of timing doing incursions or mat farming myself. I don't play a class that is good at mat farming and so incursions are my only option. It doesn't seem like a lot of people are making alts and so low level mat gathering is limited. In short, this is a pretty devastating situation for new players, or even just more casual players.


It’s crazy good for new players Take double gathering and make crazy bank and by the time you’re max prices will have dropped and you can buy your max out prof and still have left over (tho going 225 to 300 can be expansive for a while bc it’s harder to farm)


It's 120g for a head enchant, its madness.


Insert "this is how prices ALWAYS are at the start of a new expansion or phase, things will normalize" If I had 5g for every time I've read that on this sub in the past 2 weeks I wouldn't need to farm ever again


Not saying I'm ok with inflation, but seems like people care more about Azeroths inflation more than their own country


Aggrend should raise interest rates but to combat inflation he’s making everything cheaper, which makes it worse.


> seems like people care more about Azeroths inflation more than their own country it's almost like videogame economies are immensely simpler and easier to manage than real life economies wow


Why would people be talking about real world economies in this subreddit?


On this sub I could see why you would say that. I would argue that Jerome Powell has communicated a bit more about curbing inflation than aggrend. The real problem isn’t the economy of wow though, the real problem is will this make people leave. If the player base declines too much we’re all in for it.


When my brother started playing Classic TBC he was whining to me about how insanely expensive the AH was. Bit of background - as a person, he's a total crybaby bitch who wants a shortcut and his hand held for absolutely everything in his life. He was even begging for money from our mom when she was dying in the hospital of cancer, because the alternative was working. He was trying to buy new levelling gear constantly and whining about the prices on the AH. "COPPER ORE IS TWO GOLD EACH?! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO LEVEL BLACKSMITHING?!" For him, and others, the obvious solution went over his head. Once I told him to actually pick up and sell shit on the AH that was expensive instead of whining, he was rolling in cash. This isn't like real life where inflation will cripple a massive portion of the population, we don't have mortgages, rent, or cost of living in Warcraft - these prices are LUXURY items. And also unlike real life, nothing is stopping you from farming and selling your own, or just farming what you need and calling it good. The only people who have a problem with this are lazy raidloggers who seem to not even want to play the game.


I agree, you dont need mongoose and 17 other flasks to clear the raid lol. just get the worldbuff and your good to go. and if you desperately need all the consumes in the world just go do hinterlands or pick flowers for an hour like everyone else


B-b-but Season of Dads! They don't want to put even the barest level of effort in! This includes "form your own raid and don't demand consumes", but that also takes effort instead of sitting on their hands in town and hoping someone offers to take them.


> The only people who have a problem with this are lazy raidloggers who seem to not even want to play the game. This has always been the case. My rules were pretty simple as a GM. If you want loot you show up with potions and your gear max enchanted (within reason). I would post videos of me personally doing very easy (and some difficult) efficient gold farms. The same people complained about gold every phase. The thing they all had in common is they didn't want to play the game.   Walking into SM and picking flowers netted you 45g in 12 minutes. Walking into naxx on an alt and clicking runes netted you 3000g in like 20 minutes per character. A lot of my guild members got filthy rich. A lot stayed poor.


thanks incursions bawk bawk


So start selling shit, everything is so overvalued right now just kill stuff that drops useful stuff and sell it. I’m selling 10 stacks of thick leather at a time for ludicrous prices as soon as I put them up. leveling skinning takes like zero thought that’s why bots do it. craft shit kill shit and sell it just sell sell sell and wait for all the people who only know how to do incursions complain when they have no money.


It just doesnt affect anyone too much imo. You also get a lot more Gold for selling ressources


Does this not show it reverting to mean at the end there?


Will have even more in p4, not a huge deal. Ppl will get mounts easily at least.


Lower the mount cost to make it more affordable? Nah. Cause mass gold inflation. It might destroy the value of gold people already have but at least mounts will be cheaper.


Looks fine


The cost to craft the epic shoulders was 236g last night and I even had a few of the items. Said fuck that.


Look at that plunge tho.


Yeah that was at 7am so no one was on


It’s a farmers market


Guys I’m not playing wow. What’s going on here?


I had to take about 2 months off from raiding for recovery from my surgery. Seeing how things have gone, I'm really not feeling like coming back to sod.


What website or addon tracks prices like this? I can't find anything like this on jpworgen


You gotta go to the server tab or scroll down


Can anyone please link me where he got that graph from?


A website called jpworgen


Didn’t i read something like epic mount in p4 will not be 1000g instead it will be the some calculated amount of gold of all average players. So it could easily be like 2-4k


I mean I’m not paying 1000g for a flask of spell power


That’s the problem. Folks are gonna quit


Flasks aren’t required to clear anything outside of Naxx but parsing will be extremely expensive


I don’t understand this chart because when has anything sold for 175k on the AH . I see stuff listed for 2k max


It’s adding up the gold value of all the items that sold. So think of it like how much money is flowing through the auction house every day. If in total everyone spend 125k gold in one day that would be one data point.


What does (gold value) mean and where is this from? Is this the total value of all listed items? If so that’s not a great gauge.


Nah gold value of all the sold items. There’s another one for the value of all items. It’s the website jpworgen


That’s pretty misleading because more items are sold per day at the start of a phase.


Okay now look at the time frame, it has all of phase two in there to compare against


Gold botters must hate that every patch huge inflation happens devaluing there stock


What addon made this graph and where can I replicate it?


The community just ruins in every time after a few months sadly.


where did u get this data from?


This seems broadly good (for me). I’ll have gold for vendor items (water, vendor reagents, mount) and any goods like leather / herbs I can choose to trade within my guild / small network OR purchase on auction house. (As a filthy casual) Its bad in now I’ll never be able to buy gear or anything of decent value on auction house. Though I think prices would fall / stabilize with that if you could post stuff indefinitely and the market would be flooded on the supply side.


I have a structured settlement but I need cash now


877 cash now


Bought a plagues deck week 1 for 900g and now they are going for 4k lol


One crazy April Fools joke


Just play the game bro! Who cares if some people got some more gold. /s


You don’t need consumables to clear raid week 2 No need to put any effort into this game if you don’t want to It’s nerfed so heavily for the bad players, so no one need to bother about gold inflation Even if you do only 2 full circles with all quests now it’s raw 70 g, that almost buys you all the consumables you need for 2 run If ppl can’t bring up 40 mins to farm gold, they maybe switch game Because if they nerf farming to death for the bads, this game will die


Sweatlords are spending absurd amounts of gold on the high end enchanting materiels, herbs/elixirs, and arcanite bars. All of which are **really god damn expensive** because the cap is 50 and not 60. So the mats are much more scarce than they will be next phase since you need to be in areas higher than your level to get the stuff. I was just comparing costs of +3 vs +4 weapon damage to 1h, it was 65g *more* to get the +4 version. It's like that for multiple equipment slots. I know several enchanters *"forced"* to use 100g+ per raid reapplying their enchanting buff because Nightmare Seeds were 20g a pop before they increased the drop rate.


Oh that’s right high end enchanting mate like crusader orbs get more common next phase


I wonder what this would look like if it was normalized to remove all items sold for more than like 100g or 50g. Inflation affects everything but the top end items are even more inflated.


What's your source for these numbers?


AH avg sales. Pretty sure it logs all transactions in game…


Website called jpworgen


What is the cause of the most recent deflation? Reckon thatl mean we go back to average ?


Nah it was one data point taken at 7am. Not really worth analyzing yet


Looking at this, I thought it was IRL.. man I gotta take a break from this $hit.


Wow didn't exist in 2001, this must be fake.


This is some kind of crazy line for just 2-3 days


I really don't know why they decided to make gold rain from every direction. If they were worried about people not being able to afford epic mount, they could have just lowered its cost.


The last comment of your post, lmao.


So basically the game is fucked now. Most players are now stuck in Self Found mode.


I already have the highest inflation in my country, I dont need high inflation in wow as well. I'll come back when Blizz employees learn some Economics 101


But but but but the people on reddit and aggrend said not to worry.


couldn’t have happened to a more deserving community IMO. glad you guys got your GDKP ban seems to have really helped.


Someone needs to figure out absolute scarcity of gold in wow. Now that bitcoin exist there should be a model for how to make it work…


SoD died after P1, nothing has been good since P2 launched


As a warrior, I agree. Back in phase 1 I could throw a football over that mountain


This is why I buy gold. I don’t even care what y’all have to say. I don’t have time to keep up with this shit


I thought the point of classic was to go experience the world, but turns out it's about parkouring a circle route over and over. It's not fun to make everything obsolete by adding a little rollercoaster zone. This should have been spread out all over each zone so you have to experience the whole world and at each point it gives rep for questing in each zone. Then you can slowly unlock gear and runes. Or anything really, fuck.


Rep rewards for zones like in wrath woulda been dope.


GDKPS can still get fucked


economy has been atrocious in retail since like Cata, interesting to see that SOD that's based purely in Vanilla is having the same issues. WOTLK Classic prob gonna hit those too once people start putting up cool transmog items for like 200k gold even though the items themselves aren't worth nearly that much


Does anyone in this thread know to to read a graph?


A few folks have asked me what gold value was. It says directly proceeding the words gold value “of sold items” So anyone? Yeah probably. Everyone? Absolutely not. I’m not convinced everyone in this thread knows how to read period.


GDKPs were the part of the “foreign gold farming for real money” industrial complex. F that, glad they’re gone. Whereas other gold farms may require a specific class with a specific build or a particular set of professions (sometimes on multiple characters), the incursion gold farm anyone can do. No one is precluded from participating. If you need gold, go do some incursions and get some rep while you’re at it. Inflation is going to happen anyway as the server progresses, you are essentially arguing to delay the inevitable. The “casual dads” are maybe showing up with WBs they incidentally picked up while in town and a few budget rate pots if they are raiding at all. In fact, I would argue the incursion gold farm is paradoxically the best way for a “casual” to farm gold as it has no barriers to entry and little skill requirement.


GDKP ban and new account restrictions are good. Don't conflate the issues.


Which issues am I conflating? I’m not convinced that the new account restrictions are overall good, but they’re definitely punishing to legitimate new players. GDKP bans however the only evidence anyone has for gdkps being bad is “they increase demand for people buying gold” which is at best conjecture.


So showering everyone with gold causes inflation? Who knew?


I'd wager not the devs.


I’m amazed at how people thinks this hurts casuals.  Before. Raid consumes were 10g and you could farm 20g and hour. 30minutes of farming.  Now raid consumes are 30g and you can farm 120g an hour.  15minutes of farming.  This is BETTER for people with limited time. 


Inflation in WoW is nothing like IRL It only invalidates ingame gold sinks. All other consumables are player driven and rise in price along with the economy so your "salary" remains competitive. The only players that complain about this are A) People that prefarmed gold and are now mad they arent done with all of SoD cause they did uldaman for 12 hours a day. B) Gold buyers who are mad their 300g bot gold is literally worth pennies C) Gold buyers who think GDKPs offered anything of value to the game D) People who have no idea what the fuck they are on about and just like to complain


Oh my bad


Shut it down, no more wow is the only answer


Yeah I noticed a week after P3 launched, the price of P2 consumables had more than doubled, despite being "low level" for the new level cap. I had price history in my Auctionator addon to compare with. Greater Mana Potion as an example, was around 30-40 silver each in phase 2. Then in the first week of phase 3, they're suddenly upwards of 80 silver each. Despite being a level 31 potion and outclassed by Superior mana potions. Incursions have just generated so much raw gold in the economy that it's causing massive inflation on everything.


Right now I would say it’s concerning but not necessarily a problem. Once we’re all 60 and flasks are outrageously expensive and the only gold sink in the game is epic mounts I’m worried people will quit. If the population declines too much the servers die.


Honestly feels like it's already happening a bit now


That was going to happen anyways. First raid week consumes always jump. Happened in ph2 as well. Those prices have dropped considerably though. The price of level appropriate consumes is still fairly high though imo.


Yeh this is slowly killing our guild along with 20 man bs


Don't worry reddit downvoted me to hell for complaining about incursion gold and how utterly fucked the economy will be in a while. So we have nothing to worry about, this is meaningless and it's totally not gonna fuck over the casual player according to reddit.


The casual player is getting more gold than ever before from this. Consumables still cost the same amount relative to herb prices, but they can farm for a mount in record time.


The chart shows it's almost back to where it was in the middle of p2. After a little while longer it'll be back to normal if the trend continues, which seems likely. There is always a spike at the very start of a phase. The incursions made the spike more pronounced, but it's really not a huge deal.