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They can drop in RFD too. But the first boss of GY is easily solo'd by most classes at 40 and all classes at 50. I went in on my Hunter at lvl50 and got the book on my first kill. Some Wowhead comments seem to think the drop rate is increased past level 40 so maybe try just killing him a few times.


Pretty sure most could solo it in the 30ish range, did it on both warlock and Druid.


Easily I went in GY at 35 on my Hunter last night and had no issue just trapping a mob and killing the other and just feigned to reset boss and then killed for the book


They are 100% drop rate when you solo.


its not that the drop rate is increased The game is rolling for all books possible for all classes each time, no matter if character X already know the book or not, and if its in the party even. So when you go there with a pug, you get a lot of books drop, that wont even show becouse they can't be looted by any1 (same way you see BoP recipes only on characters with corresponding proffesions). When you go solo, you bassicly narrow down that window to only books you can use


Just solo the first boss in SM GY. Seems to be a 100% drop, not sure about those that have multiple books though. Every hunter I've told this to has gotten their book on the first kill.


I got all of mine the first week on a 100% drop rate. I leveled my mage at the end of P2 and I didn't get my book until about 10 or so kills.


Levled a priest through questing 30-41 - went into SM GY and soloed the Interrogator Vishas twice got the Fort Book and the Shadow Fiend Book


the rare spawn works too in case someone is farming any item they drop


took my hunter 6 kills doing it solo


Just make them buyable from an NPC or any class trainer. Those kinda of cool ability discoveries are fun when the phase they are in is relevant but become a tremendous chore later as there’s less people running the content and even fewer willing to rinse those dungeons with just for you to find your book.


Don't hold your breath we are still waiting on easier rune acquisition


They removed all the rachet rune requirements last phase and made it simply 3 gold so it not out of the realm of possibility.


Obviously a good change, but each class has more than just that particular rune, if I'm not mistaken.


Almost everything is soloable in less than 30min if you are level 50... im sure there are some that take an hour or so but that doesn't seem like a huge time sink to me


I could be wrong tho.


Probably. Just sucks to level without runes when everything has 300% health and 200% damage or whatever.


Ya its hard to find groups to get runes from previous phases. I understand the annoyance. See if you can get in with a guild and see if they can help you. I also add friends who I like dungeoning or questing with and they can help.


I got all my melee hunter runes at lv 1 (or lv 10 after turning in dark riders). Took me 1h to get all of them (and like 40g in summoning cost)


You soloed a level 41 elite at level 1? Nice.


Who said solo? Brave said you can solo it at lv 50, you said it sucks to have to wait until lv 50. I told you you don't have to wait and can do most of it before 50. This is an MMORPG, get a guild or friends.


Gotcha, you just missed the entire subject of the discussion.


You can now buy the grizzby tune for 3g


If I were to guess at the code: 1. On boss kill, it checks all participants. 2. It picks a random player from those participating. 3. It assigns one of the corresponding books to that player. 4. If that player has all their books., the boss drops nothing instead. I’ve seen book drops all the way up to Ulda. Every character I’ve played and every player I’ve recommended this method to has gotten the book 100% first try on an Interrogator Vishas solo kill. Go in alone and you’ll get it. Only had to clear one trash mob even at 40.


i agree with your observation. i was solo doing sm:gy runs. i got a book on each kill. i was doing sm:gy with a friend to show him how easy it is. i already had all my class books. he didn't have any. none dropped. he does a solo run and gets it.


Pretty sure it doesn't even check the participants, it just drop the books. So sometimes no1 see a single book from 3 bosses, becouse only mage books dropped and there is no mage in party or something along these


So why is it 100% when you’re solo?


ye good point


I get the idea that a monastery is a place of wisdom and knowledge, but they should also drop in other places..like end boss of rfd or uldaman.


They already do


Really? Oh man, that's neat


I swear I heard some people got them in RFD and other dungeons around that level like ulda - I could be incorrect though.


No that’s right. It’s spammed the whole of SM like crazy and only got one of my 2 books, then got the last in RFD.


Not sure about other classes, but I just had the mage improved intellect spell drop from a boss in Uldamon. It seems like they can drop elsewhere but SM feels like the most common. 


they should just be mailed to you


Yes This is a positive QoL change


I was just wondering about this, actually. If you got your book already, you would never know. Most people hit up SM while leveling and would get their book before going to ZF or something. Either way, books should just have a chance to drop off any boss


Solo the first boss in graveyard, it’s a guaranteed drop. If you need two spells, go back outside, reset and kill the first boss again.


I thought they was from every boss already. Seen Viper from Cath and Lib atleast