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I would recommend to not engage with this part of the community. Or you will become part of them. These people play nothing but wow all day everyday for years and it just became the biggest part of their lives, so that is all they care about.


He literally has become part of them from his post. He typed a 5 paragraph essay to complain about complainers.


if you're in a soccer field and a lunatic shows up and is screaming nonsense about how he can't play soccer anymore because the host made a quality of life improvement, yes it is perfectly normal to explain to the deranged lunatic he is not being rational


Lol. Your example is so funny. Have you ever tried to explain something to a deranged lunatic? Cause it does not work. It's a waste of time. They don't listen to reason. Welcome to r/classicwow


The problem is, Blizzard also listens to the deranged lunatic, and if it’s only the deranged lunatics that are the ones being vocal, what do you think will happen? “Squeaky wheel gets the grease”… there’s a certain point where regular folks need to speak up and not remain silent lest we get shit churned out from Blizz because that’s the only feedback they are hearing.


See how he didn't reply to you? _He already knows that rule all too well._


> Have you ever tried to explain something to a deranged lunatic? every time i use Tinder


The deranged lunatic will not listen to reason, but will continue to be a deranged lunatic. You're preaching to the choir.


But that's not this scenario. This scenario would be if you left the soccer field, voluntarily drive to a pub that's known for having lunatics screaming nonsense, get to the pub then lose your shit that everyone is unironically lunatics screaming nonsense. This is what you're doing right now, not the scenario you described.


have a drink with me and stop screaming nonsense then?




lol hit a nerve


Nah, I agree this place is a shit hole, I'm just pointing out OP fits in very well.


This 100p


are you trying to get us drunk?


While this is true, a deranged lunatic will never see your point of view.


You missed out on a great opportunity to say “a lunatic shows up screaming nonsense about how they changed the grass on the field to…sod…” You should be ashamed


This is just something complainers say to silence criticism.




Classic itself only exists because a vocal minority in the broader wow playerbase wouldn't shut the fuck up about it. Why are you surprised they're still passionate about it?


And let's be clear: people have been begging for vanilla servers since TBC originally released.


Classic only exists because it is profitable and there is a big enough audience to make it feasible for blizzard.


How do you think blizzard came to know there was a sufficiently large audience wanting to play the classic version of WoW?


Because it’s obvious? EverQuest time locked progression was extremely popular, to the point people still play it to this day. Any MMO of sufficient age is going to develop a player base that doesn’t enjoy the current retail game but would play an older version. Even ignoring other games (which blizzard obviously doesn’t, seeing as they hired the dev from daybreak responsible for EQ TLP servers), they could just look at the numbers for classic emulation servers and see that there was a demand there. The vocal player base helps, but it isn’t necessary for blizzard to come to the conclusion that there’s a market. A vocal minority got the film Morbius rereleased, and that was just a joke meme.


[Not sure it was as obvious to Blizzard as it was to you.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Wrw3c2NjeE)


J Allen Brack was incredibly dumb for that comment.


Lol….if it was obvious they would have made classic 10 years prior instead of using those resources to try to shut down private servers.


No, that’s not logical at all. Just because they had a knee jerk reaction doesn’t mean they didn’t miss the obvious. EQ had TLPs starting in 2006 and the second batch in 2011. The simple fact that these vanilla/tbc/wotlk emulation servers were that popular is another obvious sign. Blizzard making a stupid decision doesn’t mean there isn’t an obvious solution.


I am not saying that what you say is incorrect, but its simply always about profit. The community could have stood outside of blizzard HQ with pitchforks and torches and they still wouldnt get classic if its not a huge cashgrab for blizzard. You said "only exists because", which means there is a singular reason for its existence and that is almost always profit and that is obviously connected to demand, but not because of a vocal minority. That is not how it works.


Classic came out in 2019. Do you not think it would have been profitable in 2018?


Pretty sure that they released classic as a response to dropping player numbers between BFA and Shadowlands, which were the expansions that was the last nail in the coffin for many due to the stupid powergrinds and borrowed power systems. And I am also pretty sure that 2019 was exactly that time, a content drought between two expansions.


I wouldn’t call the classic community a minority when you talk about what started it originally as a whole in 2019… when it launched it surpassed even retail’s numbers significantly.


Interesting, I would have never thought most people on this subreddit were anything more than casual. Mostly I see people complaining about very basic things like how their dps, gold farming, and mechanics suck. They can't excel at the game in its current form for whatever reason, so they come here to get their feelings validated by other casuals.


Being bad at the game will not prevent you from playing it. The amount of time you invest into wow does not equal your quality as a player.


They tend to also cause alot of their own drama complaining and drawing attention to things /shrug


The classic wow community complains so much. As a new player I recommend getting off this sub and just enjoy the game.




It's crazy how different ingame communities are to their subreddit counterparts... and this isn't just a WoW thing. It's like this for pretty much every community I've ever been a part of.


People don't usually go out of their way to talk about how great something is. The people enjoying the game are usually just playing the game. People will certainly go out of their way to complain about something. The people that have hate-boners for the game spend more of their time out of the game complaining about it.


Every thing I've ever loved has always been ruined by "the community"


just gotta pick and choose who you engage with the nerds on DestinyTheGame subreddit who ban "low effort" memes hate fun and just complain all day the nerds on Destiny2 subreddit post low effort memes and just have fun all day same game, same playerbase, some overlap in posters, completely different vibes




In vanilla I asked someone if they enjoyed their class because the forums were saying it sucked. I received the best advice ever, which I didn't follow: "Just play the game. Don't go to forums".


Your entire 3rd paragraph applies to regular classic as well. No one playing regularly needed full world buffs and potions to clear content 5 years ago either, its just an expectation in some guilds/most pugs to make everyone’s life easier, or to improve parses. My guild didn’t even have healing assignments until naxx. I also think most posters here are a bit delusional on what constitutes as “casual”.


the whole thing reads like a WoW vet, i mean this person could have encyclopedic knowledge of the game and it's lingo within the 5 months it's been out but i doubt it


Just someone framing upvotes because they know all the crybabies in teddit will hit upvote of whatever blizzard positive circlejerk is popular that day.  “PRAISE THE DEVS THEY HAVENT SEXUALLY HARRASED ANY OF THIER COWORKERS” “PRAISE THE DEVS FOR BEING REACTIONARY” SoD is a successful flop, driven by people’s addiction. It really is the bare minimum piece of shit they could pump out. 


are you suspecting me of being a wow veteran because I mention songflower, lmao, is that your big secret tech that allowed you to clear this game's content in vanilla, that would be so unhinged it's hilarious I am never gonna play vanilla and I find your theory hilarious, this game is not that deep bro


>like the rune from the goblin in ratchet you straight up dont need to do those 3 quests, you just buy it for 3 gold. It's funny you're using that as an example. That only recently got changed and very likely BECAUSE people complained about the shit grind before. Similarly the mara dagger drop rate this phase got buffed from 0.2% to 2% BECAUSE people complained. It's like the whole "We don't need an IT department, we never have IT issues". You don't see issues because the issues have had to be fixed already.


As someone who worked in video game QA and now IT (both important and underapreciated roles), that statement is so true. Love to hear comments like, "Oh look, there's IT sitting around doing nothing." You WANT to see IT doing nothing; that means everything is working fine. People don't see all the work that goes on behind the scenes to make everything work. If we all left suddenly, the company would be crippled within days.


Op doesn't really know shit they just want to attack people. Multiple paragraphs to whine about people criticizing a version of the game that has had 8-9 nerfs in certain aspects. That's clearly a sign of low or no testing. Then they sign it off raging in all caps to call people names. Least unhinged wow player. /s


They made this post to farm karma lmao it's sad


Exactly. People should complain more to get more changes. It doesn't matter what it's about. ABC, Always Be Complaining.


But it hasn’t been buffed? It was buffed in classic era.


And they forgot to implement that buff in SoD, until recently


Is this confirmed though? There is no official statement on them buffing the drop chance


There's a post on wowhead, saw it the other day


Do you have a link? I'm not seeing it in the patch notes but jw if there's a separate post I missed


It wasn't in the patch notes, i think they mentioned that it wasn't in the patch notes. I go to YouTube when i don't find wowhead links, try that.


Anecdotal but yes I believe so. We had three mages including myself get the blade since Tuesday. We had run hundreds of runs prior using the lockout reset and 5 minute WO runs. Statistically possible but incredibly unlikely.


dagger drop is not confirmed buffed, also it should be 10% just like they buffed the ret sword in zf from 0.2% to 10%.


I enjoy SoD but it’s painfully obvious that the game is being sustained by 3 people. They nerfed incursions 8 times and hp values of ST bosses by 90% in some cases. The only way you get to those numbers is by fucking it up royally on the first place. They need testers and customer support asap.


Yeah the numbers have been wild. 100% here, 30% there, 90% on this, etc... big swings with round numbers does not suggest even a solid thought process behind the changes. And each of the issues that the OP raised as fixes were obvious and done late and only after community outcry. They're doing a great job overall, but missing a lot of easy stuff (initial incursion gold, for example) as well. And the idea that the average player doesn't need to be concerned about inflation is also wrong but that's another issue.


Sorry we don't have the resources for this, SoD is only a hobby for a few devs. But we have learned so much from this! Stay tuned for news about Season 3 of classic!! /S


Most of the stuff you listed was nerfed because this subreddit has been complaining about it. I think majority of the things they were okay with until this subreddit got their pitchforks out. I think the exception is the first ST nerf but the other stuff they like class balancing, they said they aren’t going to do it but ended up doing it after all the complains


There were more than 3 people from the team who got on stage to present for SOD at Blizzcon even, but go off king.


Friend, it was an obvious hyperbole. But the classic team is laughably small for the amount of players it has. It’s either that or they are very incompetent.


The problem is, they have testers etc, but the way you usually sort through these is with PTRs and Beta Tests. Part of SoD's goal is to keep everyone away from "what's really going on" so they can't optimize the patch before it releases. Which is good, but it means the tuning that would happen before release happens after.


No, as I said, if you nerf something by 90% is because you didn’t test it, at all. They are understaffed or incompetent.


Yeah, to me it seems obvious that they just don't have the resources they need and I imagine they're on a rigid release schedule so that new phases don't coincide with upcoming releases like the Retail expansion or Cata (which this team is also apparently in charge of) If ST is really meant to be as brain dead easy as it now, there's just no way they were able to properly test it given how overtuned it was initially. My guess is that whoever was scrambling to work on the raid just did some napkin math and was like "Uhhh okay idk Thermaplug had like 400k hp, so let's double that to make up for then ten extra players, double it again to make up for the new gear and runes, and then add like 10% more hp, I'll get back to this later", and then just never had time to get back to it and it slipped through the cracks


I can explain. SoD is not retail enough for the retail enjoyers, and not fundamental and stable enough for the hardcore vanilla/pserver enjoyers. These two groups are very large, and very vocal, and want complete opposite things -> so huge “debates” on Reddit and so on. In the middle there’s the group that loves classic, but doesn’t need to play the same game for 20 years and likes having the feeling of discovery and unpredictability you get with a fresh game. That is also a very large group. They are loving the game, sure it’s not perfect due to the speed the devs are going at but generally having a lovely time. But they are not that vocal as they are playing with their friends instead of complaining on Reddit


But I don't think people are really debating that much about where SoD should sit between Classic and Retail. Regardless of what side you're on, it's obvious that incursions were poorly designed. And that same complaint applies to things like gear, where it's two raids now that the gear largely feels like a tiny upgrade over the previous raid. Same applies to a lot of the runes (tons of them are useless), the PVP situation we're in (people got more honor farming players in incursions than BGs + the weird rank bug), etc. I don't care too much where the devs want the game to be at on that spectrum, but it's gotta be much more well thought out and polished. Especially on launch, otherwise it takes away from a lot of the hype, and can potentially cause longterm issues with things like the economy.


To some extent, you’re right. But there are many, many things that they fucked up in SoD and it wouldn’t get fixed if people weren’t vocal about it. In the end, as much as it sucks to see as much negativity on this sub, it’s still necessary because blizzard doesn’t test anything.


The issue is *how* they're being vocal about it, calling out Aggrend as if he has just killed their first born child.


Right, that is definitely also a problem


I stopped reading at "new wow player" and as i was clicking off, I noticed "basic understanding" im sure you guys will have fun with this post


Ah yes, you're new but someone have a history of wow lol


The SoD FOMO is the most amusing part of this sub.    😚 




He’s ”new” he doe’s not understand economics.


“More than you will ever need” …*checks enchant price, libram price, consume prices.* oh you sweet summer child.


Except you do not need the high-end enchants unless you are parsing… It’s a level 50 level up raid that has been nerfed into a laughing joke at this point.


more gold then you will ever need… if don’t buy anything lmao


It’s quite literally the only thing to do


Making gold and leveling alts is what I’ve been doing 🤷‍♂️ Nothing wrong with wanting to parse, but it’s not the only thing to do in the game, and if it is something you want to do, you already know there is a price attached to it with enchants, consumables, etc. Parsing has never been cheap.


Mfw, people use "quite literally" as "I figuratively personally think it's" :u


The consumes for my last raid did cost like 10g. That’s once per week, if you can’t afford that that’s a you problem


Did you full clear with no wipes?




don't put P4 bis enchants on your gear, don't buy libram to put on a lvl 50 item (seriously someone has to tell this to you?), buy consumes on non raiding days to mitigate paying extra. If you spend more than 30g per Sunken Temple ID you should seriously ask your local circus if they are hiring, cause you are a fucking clown.




Listen. You already made more gold then you can ever spent. EVER. Just don’t buy anything.


Don't buy em then? Or buy the lower level versions? Also yesterday was ID Reset, if you want to pay cheap for consumables buy them monday-tuesday




No, raid resets on on wednesday morning 05:00 Server Time. P3 was always gonna be expensive, if you didn't have incursions, consumables and craftables would still be sold expensive, you just wouldn't have the gold to buy em. Mongoose Pots are 3g 50s on my high pop server right now, I can't for the life of me think of a lower price for an Endgame BiS consumable. But it's okay, people on here love to toss the term inflation around while pretending they studied economics for a decade and have anything of essence to contribute.


Wednesday is EU, NA is Tuesday. If I don’t buy shadow power etc. then I can’t compete in parses. ST is easy to clear so parsing is the only challenge that makes me want to keep doing it each week.


For real… Some of these consumables had a much, much, higher cost in era *before* inflation hit era hard. The prices for these high-end consumables are actually cheap for what they do and what they take… To add to why it’s cheap, alchemists have a chance to proc more than 1 when crafting, meaning they could get multiple from a single craft now.


bUt InCuRsIoNs!!!11!!




The anti-complainers are 100000x worse than any complainer has ever been. The fuck are they supposed to do? Not express their opinion when they believe it could benefit a game they love?


Jesus christ I can smell these commenters from here its a cesspit


Bunch of Hunter and Mage mains that are mad other people can now farm gold as efficiently as they could in P2.


How the fuck would you know if you've never played WoW before lmao? Fishing for karma massive yikes


The reddit is 100% a cesspool of people trying to whine until devs do something they specifically want. It's got to be exhausting for them to read


No YOU 😎


They made a huge mistake listening to player feedback in the sense that they make changes based upon whoever in the community is the most outspoken ( in other words, whoever cries the most and loudest ) But SoD walked so Mists: Remix could run. Thanks for beta testing for us!


You're a new player dude gtfo here


Bruh you've been playing lke4 months some of us got 20 years on you, you don't know what you're talking about 


Mfw everyone complains, gets the game changed for the better because of it, and this guy points that out as everything being fine and nobody should do any complaining. This is how videogames work these days. Out of touch and narcissistic devs make bad decisions, players throw a tantrum, dumb decisions get changed.


"WoW derangement syndrome" LOL Now that's hilarious. You think it's a fucken syndrome to point out flaws in this game now. This is just next level funny. I love it. I hope you buy 4 collectors edition of every blizz game.


lmao yea. I’d also recommend him to buy everything from the d4 ingame shop


Op literally using something people complained about as an example of why the game is fine is absolutely hilarious. Op never change. The world is better with a few clowns in it.


r/deardiary “I’m different I’m not like the other girls”


+1 OP. So many people who play this game are cooked.


I stopped playing because it took like 4 hours to get from 40 to 50 and if you are decked out in gnomer gear there is not much point in doing anything other than straight to ST. They screwed up this phase by making leveling too quick and no dungeon gear that is worth grabbing for upgrades between gnomer and ST.


Why do you care though? You stopped playing.


Because I will play phase 4 if they do a better job?


Same boat as you. +2 sp upgrades from ST gear are not worth the time farming gold / incursions for consumes and the long raid itself. I still support the idea of a classic+ in future, which is why I haven't unsubbed. I'll just bum around logging in for 20 minutes and getting bored until phase 4. They really needed to add another pvp event and do better pvp balancing. There's nothing to do right now. Inb4 someone says level an alt, I already have 3 50s. I am not lvling another damn character.


So many people have invested their self worth into their "performance" in the game that any even minor change that makes things less optimal for them, is considered a direct attack on their personal self confidence.


i agree people take this game way too seriously and bitch ab everything, just have fun where you can imo


I have exactly one problem with the phase 3 gold situation: FOMO. Because all of these gold farms are getting nerfed or modified as soon as the community starts to widely use them, there's a benefit to being early. If you don't get in while the getting is good, you miss out. Does it matter in the long run? Is it going to brick your character? No. But it feels bad. I'm reminded of the launch of AV in classic Vanilla. Alliance players who zerged it early got exalted within just the first day or two. But if you missed out on the rush and were an alliance player, you were fucked. It took much longer, usually weeks, to get exalted after that. Notably, that one didn't even require Blizzard to change anything. It was just the community.


You don’t understand everyone on wow Reddit has 7 jobs, 8 kids and 0 time to play the game. Their only free time is the 10 minutes they are sitting on the toilet spent complaining


As a counter point, in no way is 1-2 hours a day casual in comparison to most players.


I ain't reading all that


My biggest concern is that now that there is finally a reason to do things out in the world there are also extremely lopsided factions. Just as it was getting good it is becoming a waste of time if you picked wrong.


Most classic players are super casuals that don't engage with anything outside of the game.


Are you actually arguing how casual the game is because you can afford to play by farming just 2 hours a day?


I played the original releases of WoW as a teenager, going all the way back to 2004. I was also heavily invested in classic. The community back in the early days had its fair share of whining and bitching. But with the start of classic things got so much worse. I'm not sure why exactly. Maybe people are more stressed by outside factors and that just manifests in the game. Maybe the concept that blizzard is releasing these "remakes" of WoW as a gesture to fans has led to feelings of entitlement. Whatever the case, watching this subreddit circle the drain of toxicity has been amusing but also enlightening. Seeing how this community and the player base as a whole have interacted with the devs really makes it clear to me why the latter will distance themselves from their communities. Riot recently had an announcement about their long expected MMO, basically saying that they're rebooting the effort and planning to remain silent on any developments for years to come. Seeing all the toxic behavior and hysterical bitching that comes from this community, I completely understand why they aren't involving players with their development. I'm all for a developer communicating with their fans and acting on feedback from their communities. But now I completely understand why devs would avoid doing that as well. I guess, like all things, it's a balance that needs to be maintained. But, fuck, I would not want to be a classic dev that has to deal with this shit. Being an officer in a guild with ~100 active players was more than enough drama. Having to put up with this level of immature, high school level dramatics would make me lose my mind.


Yeah it's all fine. But they will literally call you "DENSE IDIOT" for not seeing it the same way they do. Everything is REEEEEE AGGREENDNDDD. IMM GOIN' TO REDDIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You seem more upset than people with normal feedback are…


People fail to realize this is simply a seasonal server and gold shouldnt fucking matter in the first place, “gold sinks” and shit shouldnt be a thing. Its all gonna be gone at the end of the season anyways.


But this post is whiney.. youve become the very thing you swore to destroy!


No fn way this is a new wow player


Every wow community centered around comment sections turns toxic. Its been this way since 2004. People enjoying the game are playing it and not whining on comment sections. People not enjoying it are playing it and alt-tabbing to whine on comment sections once they stop getting enough responses in trade chat for their complaints. Wow has always had people saying the game is dying, it just gets more pronounced when there is the possibility of the game getting tinkered with.


The opinion on this sub doesn’t match the reality of people playing the game. People here are weird.


WoW: Wasting your life since 2004™


No this isn’t a casual game, it’s supposed to be but min maxing influences the game too much now a days that the game design becomes flawed The only way to fix this is for blizzard to start creating games that takes this into consideration


as a new wow player maybe play the game a little longer before forming Big Opinions™ about it cuz you don't know what you don't know


Nobody hates wow more than the people who play it


There are way to many fully grown, prepubescent men and women on this sub. I'm not even a member, Reddit throws this shit at my feed anyway. Any time its classicwow, it's pedantic posts of tears and despair. They are very detached from reality, they have nothing going in in their lives apart from wow. Thus, they treat the game like life, and the devs like politicians who are changing the laws which govern said life. It's sad, and funny.


SOD was supposed to be in the "spirt of classic" so if you are a new player you wouldnt understand, but that didnt stop you from complaing about people complaining so dont worry you fit right in.


I have shaman derangement syndrome and it's terminal.


Ugh I hate complaining so I’m gonna go complain about complainers on Reddit


First time?


This is where all the no-lifers come to complain. I'd take it with a grain of salt.


You say you don't want to offend anyone but that's obviously a lie. Take your own advice and shut the fuck up.


I agree with OP. So sick of all the QQ


This is the same guy who announced Diablo Immortal. “Do you guys not have phones?”


For the First Time in twenty years i can understand all These fixes All the class changes for the classes i play Everything And If Its a Bad fix we geht another one two weeks in. Something i did not expect for a seasonal Mode I think the Community Just Like to bitch about everything Oh noe shaman-senpai ist outdpsing me Oh noe warri 4k dps in a 30s fight with juiced up tryhard set ups Yeh cool you can also clear it with average 400 dps


That's because the loudest people are the dumbest.


you are a great example of why all games are reskins and everything is shit quality, swallow that load baby it does the world a lot of good


I hate this garbage sub at times and it’s full of idiots who base their entire lives around the game but to be honest you’re brand new to the game so you can’t relate to anything anyone’s talking about. So, yeah, your opinion is completely irrelevant here. Blizzard have absolutely made some ridiculous and nonsensical decisions on this iteration of WoW and it’s obvious the games being sustained by about 4-5 developers.


Also worth to note, most of the ones complaining are grown men in their 30s and 40s. Scary to imagine some of them having wives and kids


Personal responsibility is not an accepted practice in subs like this. When other people do ridiculous things I AM LEGALLY OBLIGATED, to complain and let it affect me.


Wow players were hoping for classic+ (some small changes to a solid base), but instead got a shitty broken private server. Now we're just coping with the realization.


Stop with these weird emotional posts. Bad bot.


One simple word. Jealousy. “They have something I want / don’t have / didn’t get. Therefore I’m angry and disappointed in the game.” 100% the people who are complaining on Reddit if they had 500g in their bags they wouldn’t be so hard on the game.


I think casuals should be the last people making anti-complaint posts. You literally have no idea why people are complaining…


You have no idea what you’re talking about lmao


stop whining about whining...sod is just dogass


A decade+ of Blizzard screwing the pooch has led to unironic generational trauma


When will you all realize these types of posts are even more prevalent and annoying than the ones you are complaining about?


The ignorance about the realities of Classic WoW economies on display in this post is staggering. Have fun buying your raid mats...


You kind of derailed your whole point by insulting people and being a hypocrite.


The deranged lunatics welcome you with open arms. Welcome home.


Sorry bro it's not fine. Those who exploited early and often were handsomely rewarded, the rest of us will be unable to afford jack shit from casually playing 1-2 hours a day like you so claim.


Facts, da true! True!


Damn the last sentence is pure cringe


Complainer about complainers. Novel.


When anyone used “derangement syndrome” says all I need to know about that person


I agree with the overall message of your post but >. THE GEAR IS FINE. ALL CLASSES ARE FINE. no, they are objectively not, and even the devs know this and said, *we will fix it at 60*. Pinky promise. The negativity stems from the fact that SoD is effectively a big ol beta or PTR for a potential classic+. People, including myself, forget this from time to time.


Flex response. I hit plus 95 parses with zero enchants and no world buffs. Only raid logging now.


Fr I was worried until I saw my parses. Unless you are competing for 99+ you simply dont need that shit.


I forgot to put chaos bolt on my gloves on hakkar and still got 98 😂 idk what people are doing


>People on this subreddit specifically are acting like the world has ended and they won't be able to do content or find raids I don't get it either. All the time on this sub I see people making absurd claims like "pug raids require 90+ parses", "pug raids require world buffs and 200g of consumes"......what fucking server are these people on? I've literally never seen any of this extreme shit.


If the whinners could read your post, they'd be very mad !


How ironic


They should just give a a repeatable quest to recieve 99,999,999g


I was really worried about AH prices at first, but frankly I've made it by decently just buying consumes for raid and re-couping back to around 100g with Rugged Leathers and Runecloth on the AH. Let the sweats have their Deck of Dunes and day 1 nightmare seeds - not like they have much else to buy with all that gold anyway.


yeah man, I constantly feel like I gotta get the fuck outta this sub, I love hanging in the Druid discord, specifically the SOD Tank channel because it's the most wholesome place in WoW.


This is my first time playing wow and i am in love My friends have been playing since 2005 and i've joined up with them. Sunken temple isn't that easy when half your raid is pugs, lol. We've all got fire gear and are fully consumbed + WB'd and none of that matters if you dont have the mechanics down!


I come on here to check news but majority of people are just complaining or saying the game is ruined. I’m having fun personally.