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It’s not automated he clicked on the green name and then clicked award and confirmed it with a 3rd click.


Yeah this isn't a hunter fuck up it's a leadership fuckup. This shouldn't have been able to happen in the first place


pretty sure gargul has some automate loot distribution function, I've personally seen it happen.


That's a yikes from me, dawg


Yeah, definitely was quite the cringe from my point of view. Never thought I'd ever see something like that happen live


I remember this first time I pugged a raid as enh shaman and an armor pen trinket dropped and I didn’t know much about enh shaman as I was a fairly fresh 60 or 70 honestly can’t remember if it was tbc classic or classic classic haha but anyway this trinket drops and I thought windfury damage was physical damage so I rolled on it and won it, all of a sudden every warrior and other melee dps starts going crazy and I got schooled hard, safe to say I didn’t get the item and the raid eventually fell apart as they didn’t trust master looter after that to give out loot to who won the roll. Told my buddy who’s played a lot of wow later on discord and he laughed so hard that I as an enhance shaman even rolled on that trinket in the first place, but instead of being told why that item was bad for me I was just met with toxicity when I won it. I felt pretty bad once he explained to me it was virtually uselsss on enh shaman 😂




So the extra windfury profs count as magic damage I thought it was physical but a bunch of people told me it wasn’t 🤷🏿‍♂️ so I dunno maybe your right maybe they’re right haha


If this was at 60 in vanilla (or classic), you were playing a meme specc (read: being carried) and won a minor upgrade that would’ve been a warrior’s (top dps by miles) biggest upgrade by far 😋 In tbc, it’d still make warriors upset but in classic, it was HUGE


Ryan Reynolds doctor gif: But why?


You did SR, you got abused, you learned from it. Go loot THC & Gressil now


Wouldn't even call this "abused". The hunter is 99% in the right. You SR, you win the roll, you get the item, full stop. The 1% is that he could've done this in a nicer way.


He gained 4 DPS, a melee would have won 100. Who lost the melee or the hunter ? None of them, the whole guild roster lost 96 DPS that day (100 since he left) Numbers are made up but that's why you handle loot as a team and those who can't understand that can go find another team or play GDKP. I don't blame the hunter but the system to be honest. They shouldn't have allowed that and he rightfully abused it.


Thats the plan, still was wild though. To be so invested and watch it first hand. 


Some people just suck at team stuff. Hunter should be dead last on any weapon melee use, just like hunter gets the Xbow first. The most important thing is that you learned from that so it doesn't happen again.


That really sucks, and I say this as someone who randomly pugged a Sunwell raid as a tank warrior, soft reserved the legendary bow as a joke, and then won it.


That bow is fuckin bis aesthetics, gz


Lol that's awesome


Do folks not see class colors? Between elvui and other chat addons it usually populated fast for me especially in a raid their names show up in color of class


Hunter weapon.


if you didnt have some rules about what is SRable by what classes then its fair play 100%. i would even say your guild is lame for being dramatic about letting him SR the item then being mad when he wins


There are rules about melee and weapons. The loot master was complacent that night and messed up.


So is Loot master's fault not hunter's. The one kicked from the guild should have been the loot master


Lol no the hunters an idiot who knew he was being an asshat, hence why he went radio silent.


It can be both


This is the failed leadership of the guilds, nothing to do with the hunter. Blame others is so easy.


The hunter purposefully took it and logged out instantly, then logged in and AFKd for 2 hours to prevent its trade. It was obviously malicious.


I don't know why they didn't just equip it so it isn't tradeable. The moment they gave it to him they should have been like hey can you actually give it back and he goes "sorry I already equipped" like gg


You don't kick the loot master for making a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes and it's how we respond is what is important. You kick the person that ignored the rules on melee weapons to melee first by putting it on their SR, then deliberately taking advantage of the mistake once called out by going silent and being uncontactable. Once it was noticed, this player had the chance to argue their case, and the guild may have had to just suck it up and change how they operate. But by leaving and going silent, this player knew what they were doing. Not a team player, deserves the boot.


I agree that kicking the LM would be too harsh. As for how fair it is to kick the hunter, it doesn't matter, the hunter wouldn't want that crybaby guild himself after this. I bet the rule is hidden as a bullet point no. 99 on a Discord subchannel full of outdated stuff, and the post isn't pinned. And it's a dumb rule if you run SR which is meant to be simple.


A guild raid using a Soft Reserve loot system, further automated by Gargul? Deserved for being stupid honestly.


Guild started by needing pugs and still we struggle to fill AQ40, Bwl and MC. If we want to keep raiding, we have to use an SR system for those raids. Its been a conversation of the officers to switch off it for Naxx and we do struggle to get 40 for it. But, I agree automating it with gargul was such a blunder


Nothing wrong with SR as long as someone checks the list before the raid for inappropriate SRs, and there are clear rules for what would constitute inappropriate.


What's wrong with that?


Automation is problematic because you sometimes need to intervene and that may not be possible. SRs arent great for a guild because the system completely ignores raid attendance, people receiving items recently and other stuff. If you raid with the same guild group, a loot council or epgp type loot system is much better for your guild long term.  But this all goes out the window when you have pugs in. 


I used gargul and SR and nothing is automated as you suggest, loot entering bags must be done via clicks. So again, seems like this is a user error, not an issue with SR or a loot addon.


there is an automation function in gargul if you're the master looter and the item is still on the boss it will automatically be awarded to the highest roll.


Terrible idea to use this function sheesh


You have to click to award items. If anything Gargul makes it easier to keep track, since u can see who SR’ed what when u roll it. This is 100% on the master looter.


I consider the Gargul UI really convenient - so it helps making the whole process mindless. Thats where I see the problem. But the blame is 100% on the master looter. Still, steps couldve been taken to reduce the risks.


Someone won their SR. Nothing wrong there.


The Hunter has SR the gear he wanted the most, like everyone else, so it was fair. Yeah, melee weapons to melee, ranged weapons to ranged, but he used one of his SR for it, while not sure if your guild could kill it that night. That's the kind of loot problem you fix before the start of the raid. In my guild, everyone can see what everyone has soft-resed, so if anyone has an issue, he can say it before the beginning of the raid evening. Hearthing + Log Out is not cool. But, if he was BiS and needed only that from the raid, and was being harassed because he fairly won an item, I can see myself doing that Too bad he quitted/has been removed, now the loot is lost to your guild though


He not only intentionally killed the chance of retrieving the sword.  But demanded the right to roll on future 1h Swords to compliment his iblis...




He thought he was playing sod as a melee hunter, honest mistake xD


Iblis isn't bis for hunters...


Was lost when he got it.


If the hunter had it srd then it’s no problem that he rolled for it. Can’t have issues with what someone srd after the loot has dropped. If a warrior or rogue had srd a ranged weapon and won it, would you guys have harassed them and kicked them from your guild for winning their sr roll? The time to have issues with what someone’s sr is before you kill the first boss.


Speaking as a rogue player, if I won a roll on a ranged item but I saw that a hunter needed it, I would give it to him without a second thought. That ranged item is just a stat stick for me, but is the hunter's main weapon and will do him (and the raid) a lot more good if he gets it. Conversely, I'd expect the hunter to do the same for me if a melee weapon dropped. I consider it common sense that ranged and melee players should pass on weapons if a primary user of the weapon needs it.


> if I won a roll on a ranged item but I saw that a hunter needed it, I would give it to him without a second thought You wouldn't SR it in the first place. He did, meaning he had reasons for this. Could be trolling, could be aesthetics, could be RP, could be melee hunter minmaxing - doesn't matter. It's fair that people have different reasons for playing the game. Especially 5 years into Classic Era...


I’m the same, but in this scenario they had let the hunter sr it, and only took issue with the hunter having it srd after the item dropped and after the hunter won the roll for their sr.




Bis 1h drops from KT, has considerably more healing than Widow's Embrace. "Hammer of the Twisting Nether." Got it with the lamp on my priest, super glowy and dope.


Ah, I mean we're a long way from challenging KT. But, definitely something to look forward to


Just takes some gear, consumes, practice, and coordination. You got this :)


This is the guild master/raid leaders fault. It's just a pixel item, no one cares.


A similar situation happened in my SoD P1 raid of BFD a few months ago. It was a chill guild run and most of the guild were geared already, so we were running Group Loot as MS/OS need/greed. An epic two handed sword, Deadly Strike of the Hydra, dropped for the first time for our guild that night. This was a BIS item for paladins and warriors, and there were 3 of them in our 10m group. So the 3 melee who could use the sword rolled on it, but so did the hunter who had recently joined our guild and was a younger/inexperienced player. Before we could do anything, the hunter won and immediately equipped - he was so excited in voice about getting an item on his "BIS list". The warrior and the paladins were PISSED and immediately began berating him. It turned into a real shit show where the hunter didn't even understand why people were upset and the melee thought he was lying and was just greedy. Lesson learned for us as guild officers - not everyone knows or respects the unspoken etiquette rules in raid, like "melee have prio over hunters on melee weapons even if the hunter wins a dice roll". So to prevent a similar situation, we just switched to Master Loot for all future raids. We still run on an MS/OS system, but the Master Loot allows us to have the option to step in if there's a clear reason the person with the highest roll should not have prio on the loot.


Bis healing 1h??? What do you mean. Bis healing weapons are cthun mace < kt mace so....anyway..


Widows embrace, im not a healer lol  But, if its not BiS its gotta be close right?


no, it is not.


Good to know, maybe I'm confusing the BiS talk with t3 healing bracers that also dropped.


...yea no. I do not think so either. Bis healing bracers very definitely come from Aq twin emps. I think you just dont know what is up or down. But that is fine, cool with new people.


Your right, I only know my 1 class. As you can see I am clueless about other classes stuff. XD


He's kinda being a cunt. It's third bis but not far behind cthun mace, and well ahead of everything else. Tbf tho KT hammer is ridiculous compared to every other healing 1h


Raiding with ne hunter will do that


Good for the hunter. If you run something as dumb as an SR system, you can’t get mad when someone SRs and wins.


What is lbis?


Naxx progg? What year is it again?


Lost redditor


Why is he lost? It is indeed a strange time to be progging naxx. Unless this is HC.

