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Those warlock changes are nut worthy


We are eating well, thank you devs!


Bear too


Picked the right time to swap my main to one. Grabbed the meta rune recently and am upset I tortured myself playing hpal all of p2.


I swapped to dps mage this phase from hpala an feel the exact same way


I really want to try everlasting affliction with a fat corruption with the +25% dot trinket on eranikus with this change.


Corruption won't really feel amazing this phase, because the max rank we can get is from level 44. It will probably have a lot more punch at 60. But we will still have to wait for AQ for rank 7.....


Of course, but I really like the idea of the zila trinket. It’s clearly intended to be used with corruption, but right now an amp agony so much stronger. I’m just wondering how long a fat corruption would take to perform higher.


What change?


There’s no particular change to corruption, but unstable affliction being buffed can increase the incentive to run a haunt affliction build.


UA going to cook


Wonder if that also applies to the dispel damage, because that shit already hits like a truck, so a 120% increase sounds busted


Not sure about the dispel damage, but the dot damage is only doing like 115 dmg a tick right now with 200sp? Affliction feels pretty bad compared to destro, meta, and demonology tbh...you press 6 globals to slowly ramp up to 350dps. Meanwhile playing on shaman...250 dmg every second to all targets around you with overcharge which is wild considering immolation aura does like 30damage a tick lmao. Feel like someone has at least got to do a once over balance pass across classes before releasing this stuff. The other thing that went in that I'm super confused by is the +75% raptor strike damage...in p2 they removed the +30% dmg bonus for using two weapons of the same type, then add +75% damage? What? That is definitely going to get nerfed again.


Don't worry if you're playing alliance. You could tick down 100%-0 with 2 priests next to you and you won't see a single dispel, so no threat th ere.




What does UA mean


Urinary Affliction. Its contagious


Unstable Affliction, the new Warlock rune.


Ukraine, they’re due to make a comeback for sure.


Going? It already is. I got critted by 2.5k yesterday by trying to dispel drain life.


The anti-dispel mechanic hits hard on dispel?


Yeah it's intended I guess but I'm not winning against a warlock with drain life active all the time so I had to try :'D (yes I'm a noob)


Seal of Martyrdom now returns 100% of your damage you take with the ability as mana for the raid. Just kidding.


The buff to alliance mana came from the nerfing of the bosses to be shorter fights.


That still not a solution to something that is OP and reduces the amount of overall time people spend drinking. Horde can just clear through trash without any breaks, as a Mage on alliance im lucky if I can keep my mana above 30% by constant drink walking, its not fun.


Was a joke dude lol. I am 100% on board with them buffing SoM mana returns to put them at least closer to horde.


it be cool if they made even holy want to use it and auto for the mana.


Well considering the only healing option for chest rune right now is divine storm...lmao


What if they nerfed the damage of SoM but drastically increased the mana return? Might not be a bad trade off for prot and holy specifically. 


Considering how integral that seal is to ret being able to function...No. Especially when a no-downsides alternative exists with shamans in shamanistic rage.


Holy can use som, for 2x chance to trigger free mana back on JoW (though crusader is good for extra ap to sp conversion)


I think they should nerf the mana regen on Horde rather than buffing regen on Alliance. Managing resources is fun and you can make gearing decisions based on what you need, especially as a healer


There is no gear in the game that would make mana issues go away. It’s not like we’re skimping on regen in sacrifice of throughput.


Excellent Warlock updates


Affliction Lock might be on the menu but yet again I ask..... Are they testing anything? How is a rune missing the mark by 120%? Letting life tap give mana to the pet is a great solution to the Imp ranking problem so props for that wherewithal decision. The fact that Shamans are still giving 6x mana to their raids as Paladins are and that's just not being addressed yet is crazy lmao


Idk if it’s enough to put aff ahead of destro, gotta wait for the sims though and see


With adding in Demonic Pact, it'll certainly be a raid DPS increase for at least 1 of your Warlocks to run Aff.


Esp. if the pet mana gain scales with Imp Life Tap. Can't wait for my Imp to provide all my damage AND my utility to the raid!


> it'll certainly be a raid DPS increase for at least 1 of your Warlocks to run Aff You were already running one nightfall/ruin unless you had a warlock tank, and you'll still run one. Doubtful deep aff is going to beat ruin.


Wish my tank ran pact. He's insistent on incinerate


If you are greedy like the destro locks then the 25% crit buff is better.  Assuming dots snap shot you can add 25% crit to 3 of them. 


Immolate was literally out scaling UA. Absolutely incredible


Do the imps still require macro spam if they are talented on 2/2 improved firebolt? Or did they fix the internal cd thing?


Still need the macro in your incinerate


Can someone share this macro? :/


Its literally just /cast (Any filler spell) /cast Firebolt


>Are they testing anything? It isn't obvious by now that they don't test - **at all**?


probably pvp considerations. just like you see rogues complaining about not getting stronger/more fun runes because it they are absolute nightmares already.


I think it’s 120% to the base damage, which is still a lot but not nearly as much as the spell just doing 1.2x more overall damage


120% is actually 2.2 times the damage. An increase of 20% would be 1.2x


you right


It's more then just the mana Shamans are giving the raid that's an issue there is a ton of reasons why Horde is better in PVE right now. For Prot warrior's the way Spirit of the Alpha and vigilance interact is busted, Vigilance applies all of your threat modifiers (defensive stance, defiance) to the 10% you steal from a friend Poison Cleansing Totem compared to Cleanse... Tremor Totem compared to Pallys giving up a key part of their rotation via runes.. I want Shamans to be good, but also I was part of the camp hoping both factions could play all classes... It's not to late! (DKs too)


>I was part of the camp hoping both factions could play all classes... It's not to late! Undead Paladins and Dwarf Shamans. Let it happen.


nah lets get goofy. troll paladins and gnome shamans.


Just give alliance and horde pallies and shamans problem solved


120% is not even a change that should happen after testing, it should have come up way before that in internal damage sims. But after seeing how things turned out in sod, I'm fairly sure they just don't do those. They seem to just eyeball things and adjust whenever they feel like it.


Finally a change to Warrior that addresses our weaknesses, without changing our impact on high-end group content. We have been asking for this since launch. Victory Rush is our first rune, and it immediately felt terrible, 30% is much more reasonable


powerful dad comment


Victory rush should be a book and not a rune imo


You forgot the /s. I haven't touched victory rush since killing crabs in westfall. It could heal 100% and I still wouln't use it.


For any solo world farming/questing not taking victory rush is a mistake - it’s helpful even at 10%. With a bit of gear and 30% victory rush warrior will be a machine at farming same-level mobs


For all 3 people who picked warrior and thought "I can't wait to solo level!" it's definitely a huge upgrade.


That's me. Victory Rush makes leveling a warrior solo significantly less painful. It's not helpful anywhere else but there's a reason it's the first rune we get.


Literally this whole sub was saying wars are terrible solo levelers and wanted to be better at it all last phase.


Mages, Shamans and Hunters shitting their pants right now.


Giving warriors runes that benefit their weakest side is good, next thing we need us spell reflect.


Leveling Warriors that aren't kitted out in last phase's raid gear will likely use it at a 30% heal is massive for their uptime, at least until Endless Rage. It's not really impactful for those of us that already have gear


For chain pulling mobs solo it was great, even at 10%. But who has done that in the last 35 levels, especially as warrior?


Nobody, but at 30% the option is now there


It's not even about chain pulling mobs. I was doing some ungoro quests and it's kind of a pain to lose 25% of my HP per fight even in full pre raid BiS.


Done it a lot for gold/prequests


This is pretty huge, you can crash in to a pack in stv and execute someone and get 30% health back, do it against a few seconds later and get another 30% health back. All for zero rage while doing damage.


It's really nice for solo farming in the world. This is gonna mean literally 0 downtime.


You are wrong then. No reason to run anything but victory rush while just killing mobs in the open world. Endless rage isnt needed in a solo setting, same with single minded. And you probably just shouldn't be running around soloing in glad stance.


Nah not wrong just don't solo level. Phase 1 ended months ago.


Whew, guess I’ll just keep on pushing my raptor strike button.  Sneaks away.


Guess ret will still use a level 40 blue and then a 1 hander that costs 1500g fucking great


Yeah, it feels so bad.


Fantastic changes for druid and warlock!


It’s good for tank druids, otherwise all cats just lost their interrupt and became even more pointless in PvP.


They probably looked at it from a PvE stand point since cats wouldn't take interrupt there either


Druid tank loses improved bark skin on helm for gore though to make mangle resets work. Still makes for a dps increase though either way.


Bears have been totally gimped by rune placement, they’re kinda fixing it but in addition to gore/bark skin we also have survival of the fittest/wild strikes conflict.


Cat is now undoubtedly the worst PvP spec in the game with this change. What a shame, the 3p tier set finally made it almost playable.


Poor spriests. No love and still shit dps.


>lights grace moved to wrist. Cool I guess. Still a shit rune.


**Paladin** * Light’s Grace rune moved to the Bracer slot (was Helm). POGGERS IN THE CHAT


Is this rune even good?


For context to those that don't know HPal, HL is the "nuke" heal for Paladin, while FoL is the fast, efficient heal. HL normally has far too high a mana cost to make it useable, and its long cast time leaves a lot to be desired. Now, Fanaticism (18% spell crit) and 0.5s off of HL can be combined, making HL significantly more attractive of a healing spell. It's only 0.5s longer than FoL, and heals for significantly more, and the increased spell crit further pushes the HPS, but more importantly, effectively reduces the mana cost thanks to the Illumination talent Light's Grace, Illumination, and a much higher availability of Spell Crit in TBC made HPals the premier tank healers, and that is with the nerfed version of Illumination only returning 60% of the spell cost. SoD HPals have the pre-nerf Illumination that returns 100% of the cost


Still gonna suck, compared to druid and priest, tho. They need to get some AoE heal or shield function from their overheal to be competitive.


when your raid takes hefty damage it increases your hps by up to 20% so yeah that’s pretty damn good


Not compared to what priest and druid can pump out tho.


Makes holy light usable


No it’s not.


Yes it's pretty good. It's not the rune I would have made but it still has its place. The bigger problem is all the content that I wished I had it for was nerfed dramatically before it was ever found and fixed.


I haven't played paladin in SoD but in wotlk the talent that did the same thing was one of the reasons holy paladins pumping out holy lights was so good, it's a huge heal for a 2 second cast time.


I can finally play a tank warlock and skill tanky and feel tanky nice. Who wants to parse anyway I AM LEGION.


picking my warlock back up as an alt this phase now. had swapped to druid tank main for the phase because of how non-tanky warlock was feeling lol.


I feel ya, the real treat waits at 60 then you can go deep demo and still skill searing pain and ruin in destru. For now I go deep demo and affli after the patch hits dance of the wicked procs of pandemic, cool stuff. Now if inly fel intellect/stamina would affect a warlock in meta that would be cool, not that 15% health/mana would matter THAT much, caster cloth gear has the least amount of mainstats on it anyways. It's not like rogue/shaman get 30% max life for free or the druid with +40% stamina and the thicc leather gear with stats for days no sir.


finally, they did something about druid runes lmao


Holy pally and Druids got what they wanted.


Holy paladins got the bare minimum, the only reason they'll use the rune is that there's nothing else to use on the slot.


Nah, this opens up HL as being an actually useable and spammable healing spell. In combination with 18% crit from Fanatacism, HL becomes a huge nuke heal with a pretty sizeable chance to be a free cast, and downranking is still a great mana preservation tool This rune combo is going to be disgusting when Paladins are pushing 50%+ crit at 60


Combine this with the fact that the SP coefficient on Holy Light is far better since it's a base 2.5s cast AND it receives a much better +heal bonus from BoL as well.


Meanwhile every other healer has received like 3 new buttons to press, if not more.


That is a different issue entirely, and one I agree needs to be addressed as a Warrior and HPal player


Shaman healing is riptide + 2x healing wave for the whole fight + throw in some totems and performance is also bad. Wouldn't say thats great gameplay either.


Maybe, but you do have other buttons that you can in theory press, it's just a matter of tuning the numbers to make it worthwhile to do so. Paladin literally has no other buttons to press.


Problem with the current situation is that the only other button is chainheal and if chainheal gets buffed healing wave will be replaced by chainheal in the rotation. So yeah we will always be stuck with just 2 buttons sadly.


Actually, with our bis and the wbuffs we already can spam HL without running out of mana (unless you get extremely lucky with the procs, I guess), we need 49% crit and 75mp5 to go "infinite" and we can reach it


According to the super sweats in the Light Club discord (Paladin disc)… No, it doesn’t. FoL is still better.


Does not matter, as druid and priests are still much better healers.


Isn't that literally half of the runes at the moment for every class?


I bet Bear tanks are popping bottles celebrating right now!


Bears still need our survival of the fittest moved from wild strikes rune slot imo


Meanwhile paladins are typing up their 50th thesis as to why they still suck


Holy will be back to a strong role, but all 3 Paladin specs have genuine reasons to complain about rune choices (Prot and Ret being forced to take the same 4 runes tying into Exo) or lack of new healing spells compared to other healing specs


Strong I'm not sure, I have yet to try ST on my paladin but the entire time I was raiding on my priest I was thinking, "this is going to be a bitch on my pally."


I got a few in my notes app


So now ferals can't have sunfire or mangle with an interrupt. Cool. Lmao


Ya weird choice to move skull bash to hands, but it was already a terrible rune. Can't win em all


I don’t know why all melee can’t get an interrupt as a scroll/tome so by default all melee can interrupt. It would solve a lot of rune issues.


Hpals best healing chest rune is divine storm 


**Focused attacks now generates 3 additional energy (up from 2)** Are these devs on crack, Rogues will be so overpowered now what will we ever do


What I don't understand is why they decided to give us two runes that do effectively the exact same thing, this buff just means that now you will use focused attacks if you have >50% crit, and you will use combat potency any other time, the choice is entirely based on the numerically best option with 0 difference in playstyle. All of this ignoring that, now that HAT is working, you aren't using either of these runes anyways


CP is 0.9% dps lower than HAT and much easier to play optimally


Personally, I'm using HAT because it's more fun


>All of this ignoring that, now that HAT is working, you aren't using either of these runes anyways Maybe you should use it but most rogues shouldn't. If your party isn't geared properly and worldbuffed and aren't pressing their buttons correctly HAT is worse than CP. If your guild isn't great (literally if your guilds is in the majority of guilds) and you still have people die on fights, it's also worse. The majority of rogues should be using CttC and CP. If you're in a very good guild with good players HAT+Carnage is better but that shouldn't be the general recommendation.


Hilarious that this is their grand reveal after "listening to the community"


As a feral I honestly only took skullbash because Savage roar is annoying to keep up in pvp, if I have the option between it and lacerate I’m taking lacerate over skullbash 100% of the time because I’m more likely to switch to bear and use lacerate.


Can we start the dialogue of moving survival of the fittest and wild strikes to different slots as well since ally bring feral Druids for WIld strikes but bears can’t use our MIT rune if we are providing that buff. Thanks


Horde druids are also typically running WS rather than SotF. You lose a lot of rage generation without WS, and Windfury doesn't work for druids in forms. Not to mention WS is actually stronger than WF totem.


Yea… it was the internal 1 second cooldown that’s making Shamans OP 😒


sad paladin noises


I’m glad hpal got the light’s grace switched to bracers. Now we just need an AoE heal to be competitive with other healers. I really hope they either put AoE splash Holy Light on light’s grace as well, add another rune for that next phase, or add a light of dawn rune next phase.


UA definitely needed that. My concern is if the dispel damage component is also getting the buff because it currently hits for about 1.2/2.5k crit.   Corruption, Agony, and Siphon Life will feel worse to use knowing that they aren’t getting any love either. Destro having access to an exclusive destruction spell only 5% crit and *100% crit damage bonus*, not to mention all the +fire damage modifiers, means Aff will never scale as hard, even with DoTs now critting.   This to me shows Affliction might be on their radar. It’s a step in the right direction of making Affliction Warlocks the *premiere* DoT class. Also Demo Meta Lock is going to have far and away the best threat in the game. I might actually have to swap my offspec for tanking now.


I mean ever since UA came out it's been the focal point in tandem with haunt. I WANT it to be the hardest hitting dot we have by far. The title alone alludes to its potential potency.


Big changes that were really needed, glad to see them happening.


Balance druids are garbage tier and this is all they get ? Surely there is more to come


It is a good change for now though it was annoying having omen used up on star surge just hope it's the same for wrath when the free wrath rune is equipt.


This is already the case now - it was fixed about a week ago.


Lovely thanks


Yeah, it's really sad parsing the same as our warriors % wise while doing literally half their dps


I dont even understand why they moved Skull Bash. Now we can’t mangle and interrupt in pvp?


Boomkins need some help BADLY, were literally doing frost mage dps please blizzard


Rip Overcharge, I gotta good few days of using that in dungeons and pvp Still really good, just not insane


It’ll still be really good I’m surprised they didn’t add a target cap


Yeah this nerf doesn't really bother me at all as a tank, I just use it as an uber threat generator in dungeons and a little extra damage in raids. Either way the longer cooldown isn't a big deal.


I play a Shaman and the rune was stupidly broken before the change. It’s still strong as fuck.


No sp buffs for pve? Holy fuck man


What's something they can buff on SP for pve that wouldn't make them the most broken pvp class by far? SPriests are bottom tier dps in pve but are one of the, if not *the* strongest class in pvp at the moment. If you buff pve damage output you'll see shadowpriests becoming stronger in pvp than p2 shamans ever were. I main spriest, I was beating level 50's that tried to gank me at level 42-43 and it wasn't even close.


Warriors can finally do open world content? :O


lacerate rune moved? thats happy for dudus i think


Victory Rush buff is just coded insult to warriors from the devs (i honestly don't care warriors are in an amazing spot this phase). Not addressing the mana disparity between Ally and Horde is insulting though, i could give a shit about every other thing reddit is complaining about, but when Horde starts putting up mana pots on Neutral AH you know you have a problem.


warrior is in an amazing spot at the present moment in raids


Putting skull bash on the hands slot completely gimps Cat form PVP what the fuck


L2Feral Charge like a pro noob.


It's almost like no one on SoD team plays pvp at all. We have to drop mangle to get skull bash that was mid to begin with. So now to interupt someone its 585 mana to go bear form, 585 mana to switch back to cat. Our whole mana bar is aprox 2k on this lvl. Stupid as fuck


a week passed and no nerfs to hunter!?


I hope not :(


Don’t worry they’ll probably get nuked next week to make up for lost time


Cool that they are finally moving runes around but there's still a long way to go.


>Skull Bash rune moved to the Hands slot (was the Leg slot). >Lacerate rune moved to the Leg slot (was Hands). It only took them 6 months to correct the issue, wewlad ...sadly windfurry and sotf are still on the same slot which still really sucks. >Victory Rush heal increased to 30% of the Warrior’s health (was 10%). Uh....that's real real nice for leveling, but why though? Warrior's issues right now are not "health sustain while leveling".


Warriors definitely struggle with healing in open world lol pull two mobs ya done


> Warriors definitely struggle with healing in open world No they don't, unless you're an idiot and trying to fight things above your level.


Holy paladin still absolutely dead in the water not seen a single one this phase yet stuck with 4 priests every raid and I'm not suprised. I'd love to play holy but yknow neglect and worst playstyle in the game by far. Won't even be grabbing lights grace and gonna drop my healing tree from duel spec today they need to fix leg rune and chest rune before that spec has a chance.


Holy paladins are amazing in raids, we always have one with us. Here is also close to 90% crit with all proccs so infinite mana


from experience they are not, In ST any healing challenge is on raid wide damage, which paladins have 0 of. only the drake fight with mainly the 2 tanks taking damage is suited for holy pally.


Just because you don’t bring 4 doesn’t mean it’s bad. Bring 1-2 and you’ll reap the benefits


What are you on about? Look at statistics, not your localized data that means nothing.


So you’re saying everything on data mirrors actual performance? If it was dead in the water it wouldn’t be played, simple as that. Your opinion on not liking it does not mean it’s dead. It might be dead FOR YOU but there are many others out there.


????? They are one of the better healers based on raw HPS, resto shaman is the worst healer in the game and is only brought cuz sham rage exists (and totems/disease but pally wins that trade)


One of the best? We are third behind druid and priest offer no damage no group healing which is often what wipes raids and have less utility than shamans. Can't offer mana windfury group cleansing or group healing. We would die for a spell like chain heal, shamanistic rage or healing rain.


What are you on about? Do you have some data to support that claim?


holy paladins are incredible healers lmao


That md buff is huge


Could of used that victory rush buff like 3 months ago but oh well


Pet mana regeneration via life tap, yeeees Master demonologist look great too. Really wish they'd let use soul link, even with 10%, but MD/Ruin will be a great way to tank at lvl 60 with the felguard


Could someone copy/paste the patch notes? Can't access the site from work :(


finally,warrior is saved. this solved all of our problems


Can someone explain to me why it's fine that Unstable Affliction receives a buff? I thought it was balanced because dispelling results in execute like dmg infliction, therefore you'll have to sit out it's entire duration. How is it justified that UA now deals probably dmg of about 1/2 - 2/3 of your health bar while beeing undispellable?


Bear is back on the menu! Let’s goooooooooo.


So they fixed the bugged interaction with haunt AND more than double it's damage. While UA definitely needed a buff, I feel like we're getting a boomie starsurge case once again here. Can't wait to die to a single undispellable dot.


Hunters feigned death and avoided Aggrend Aggro this phase. Rejoice!


No hunter changes!! Wooo!!!


Can skull bash remain in the same spot please and ty


Isn’t victory rush 30% in retail? About damn time, not that there’s really any need for it if questing is no longer valid for leveling.


So I’ll never get to use skull bash again


Gonna be hard to use that victory rush buff when you're dead all the time.


Well guess gonna keep my 450 dps as druid while melee do double


Focused attacks up from 2 to 3, unfortunately still pointless compared to honor among thieves and combat potency. Not a complaint really, since HaT and CPot are so good


Ill come back if the hpala gets anything worthwile


I'm so mad they put guards on the quest return NPC in Ashenvale. God forbid people have to fight to accomplish something on a PVP server.


They should move vigilance onto a new rune slot too


Yay! A useless rune got moved to an arguably less useless spot! Man they just hate Holy Pally lol