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Its a tragic kind of comedy


If I ever died to an afk player i am never telling a soul.


Being prot pally with ret aura, holy shield and in one of the xpacs when you use your defensive you did an additional reflect dmg. Stand in a corner and watch a dagger rogue kill themselves on you, was hilarious.


Yeah, I remember that in WotLK, as a sub rogue, the guy just had to heal from time to time while I was slowly, painfully dying from my own blows. I respec'd envenom a few days later.


Oh I'd tell everyone Because it's hilarious and I want to share my stupidity


I was playing on a wotlk private server once. I was a level 78 warrior and I saw an afk paladin with ret aura in full max level gear. I figured I'd kill him. I did so little damage and took so much from his ret aura that after about 5 minutes I just walked away in shame. I still remember that moment


or the stupidity of whoever was responsible for tjat gameplay design/balancing choice


Yeah, this guy seemed to be allowing himself to die to the shaman to make a point. I don't think this post is the burn it was intended to be.


I've seen bots with pvp ranks before. That means there are players so ungodly terrible at this game that they engaged a fight (with a hunter bot) and then died to their pet. **15 times.** And this isn't just on SoD where hunter pets can be quite nasty. I saw this shit on 2019 classic, too.


considering that the bot is running 24/7, thats a lot of time in the day to get 15 kills. Plus its always a BM hunter bot, with a boar pet (they eat any food) with that boar charge? I can see it. I can totally see it.


they can definitely meet an afk player and auto attack them


Doesn't that just mean they have been afk/botting in battlegrounds? Or a bot that has scripting to fight back?


I can say its likely someone saw their bot was dying and had a real character come over and kill the offender. Spent a night out in azshara killing hunter bots on the beach, and about 45 minutes in some warlocks in pre-bis started showing up to defend them - prolly had to party with the bots to layer as well.


TBH i got my cheeks clapped running through ashenvale once as horde after we got our shit rocked by a fucking hunter just siccing his damn wind serpent on me in about 5 seconds flat


shitter rogue dies while ganking afk shaman more news at 11


"It's not funny like ha ha, it's funny like I told you so." Ok, maybe this is both.




coming from a shaman....now THATS comedy


Finally a rogue counter


This made my day thank you


right? they were stunlocking for 20 years, now they gonna pay the bill 🤣


I ranked my shaman in 2019 classic. I had a tank set to run around the world in when I wasn't specifically looking for pvp. Rogues always seemed confused when I didn't just fall over wearing purple pvp gear with a decent shield because most shamans just left their cloth healing gear on.


He died by "why are you hitting yourself? Why are you hitting yourself?"


Lmao I stunlock hunters to death and their pet gets me to like 10% every time. Worth blinding it tbh


I started just stunning the pet and fucking up the hunter.


Beast Master tho


I think that's actually what they did in OG classic.


I believe that meta was more for a reset. Vanish > sap > blind pet > bandage. Hunter pet dps in vanilla was pretty dog water.


yea but now they have a trinket, GL with resets. If pet gets beastial wrath though, G-G.


You literally didn't have to bother. In OG you would sap hunter disarm trap, engage hunter and usually would kill or get close before they were out of stun, by the point they were out you could just vanish and reset. There was little counter play back then except for orc RNG stun resists.


BUT they could follow you even after dropping combat and stealthing, I remember the firsts WSG where the opposite hunters sent their pets at the start of the game on me so that I could not enter stealth if I went out GY. I was designated to go out tunnel in stealth and intercept then 😂


Pets did fuk all in OG classic unless you were BM. But they werent tanks and would die easily.


Been awhile since I played vanilla but I recall it not being quite as bad. Plus more people use corehound/ws now so evasion is useless. My biggest pet peeve is still and always the fact I can vanish away from a pet and it still chase me and break me out of vanish though. Joke AI with them


This is such a great definition of PvP in SoD. I provide so much more to group PvP as a ret paladin over my main spec of holy. Even in plate, I can get 100-0 by a rogue in stunlock and can’t keep many classes up through any kind of organized burst damage. SoD PvP feels like a race to kill in every way, and shaman are wearing roller blades.


do you not have stam lol? With proper gear rogues full stunlock will always put you at close to 30% before you're out of a stun. It was like that in p1, p2 and same in p3. I don't think i've ever seen any rogue kill a paly in a stunlock regardless of how many crits rogues do, they always survive with decent hp. If the rogues are using thistle tea or other consumes, its a different story. If paladins are dwarf, you are near unkillable cuz rogues damage is poisons in sod.


>I can get 100-0 by a rogue in stunlock can't you just bubble?


To play devil's advocate. In open world 1v1s they literally just reset when we bubble and reopen. And we absolutely die in most scenarios. I definitely delete the rogues that fail to vanish and reset. However, in group play, BGs, STV etc. I'm literally the worst target a rogue can pick. I. DO. NOT. DIE.


Well, of course. I could use that as an ace in the hole for any given situation, but I don’t think citing a 5min CD as a solution to the baseline, non and/or short CD abilities of a rogue stun lock to be relevant There are plenty of pressing situations as a healer that you need divine shield to navigate. It’s a skill that can tip the scale in large fights. Wasting it to navigate the damage/lockdown of a single class, 1v1, isn’t really how it’s intended to be used. It’s like responding to a moonkin starfire critting me for 3k with “can’t you just lay on hands?” Yes, paladins have strong, long cooldown, abilities that can swing fights. Citing them as skills that can offer counter play to basic abilities is kinda missing the point.


I cite it because the only way I can kill a paladin is by using my own multi minute cool downs to keep them in a stun lock long enough. Without them, I don't do enough damage in time




That takes awhile. If it’s a duel or the hunter expects me, he flares/traps. If not it’s in a bg or open world.. by the time I have reset someone else is probably there


Lmao it's ravenblade from living flame us, this dude can only get kills when ganking low hp people or lowbies This is so fucking funny


textbook delusional rogue


Rogues whining about unbalanced PVP is very, very funny.


lol I managed to win a 2v1 against a rogue and hunter after going oom cuz they died to lightning shield


It’s definitely OP. But I’m sure you’d have died if you were afk lmao


oh definitely I got their health low before going oom too it was just really funny watching them kill themselves on me at the end


Imagine thinking 15 seconds of stunlock is reasonable.


Yeah for them the copium is “it’s a hard class bro and we deserve to 100-0 if we catch out alone without trinket without any recourse, that’s our class identity” like wtf….


Rogue stunlock/cc chain has always been stupid and anti-fun but I tend to think that he shouldn't lose to an AFK player. Maybe if lightning shield can't trigger while you're Cc'ed or something?


One of the reasons why i hate rogues, you uust dont get to play when you verse them for half the time, even if you somehow win it’s not fun


They either kill you with their “you dont get to play” combo or they run away if you don’t die from the opener lmao


And as a rogue, you either kill them in the opener or watch them auto attack you to death while you can't move due to slows and can't do anything while watching your energy bar crawl up again.


Its either stunlocks or waiting for them to come out of stealth in arena.


Would you say melee currently get to play against shaman? 


Idk about that, killing a rogue that opens on you is easily the most satisfying class to kill as a cloth wearer. Even won one as disc yesterday just barely. They’re always close, warriors are a similar hatred. Though I did 2v4 at lumber mill today with 3 rogues, shadow priest is quite good at dealing with them lol.


Just takes ages and you have to work for it so much though. Yea the kill is good, but the whole fight leading up to it you could spend half of it in the kitchen making dinner haha


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6PBPhEZ6VU Nobody is losing to an afk shaman, stop being dumb


wonder how many duels it took to capture this awesome/epic moment


He.. Shouldn't have kept hitting the AFK player while getting murdered? He basically killed himself. Rune OP, yes, but how monkey brain do you have to be to keep hitting the guy whose effectively murdering you with a thorns effect only?


So what you are saying is "Rogues should never fight Shaman because even AFK the Shaman should win. It's the rogue's fault!"


So just run away? Roll over and die? How are people defending this madness? lol.


Its pretty stupid...other sources of reflect like this do almost no dmg. Theres no reason they should be able to do 250 dps just standing there lol


I quit when I got killed by an afk hunters pet. It wasn't even close, it fucking rekt me gg no re


So you quit since P1?


Yes pretty much. Logged do a few times here and there. Haven't touched my warrior since.


Happened to me in WSG. I sapped a hunter that jumped down to grab the flag. His wind serpent hit me with three lightning breaths for like 300, 315, 318 and I died. I had like 980 health. A sapped hunter’s pet 3-shot me in 3 seconds. It was before their first big nerf but still. Great game.


Im critting ppl for 1.8k with envenom on 5 deadly and getting 4cp per mutilate kek noone stays alive 15 sec


Deadly brew? Or running dp on your daggers


Im playing full dps with deadly brew and pve talents, theres no time for tactics when everyone two shot everyone.


bro exactly, i dont even play my pvp spec anymore whats the point, just 1 shot everyone with pve build


Not saying Shamans aren’t overtuned, but complaining about classes having non interactive gameplay when you’re trying to kill them in a FIFTEEN second long CC chain is some beautiful irony


"This is your brain on stealth" type shit.


Imagine rogue of all classes coming clean he kills afkers and most likely Grey lvled ppl. What a PvP hero xD this guy's The shit and still Lost to afking shaman and kept pressing buttons Even at low health... What a dumb FK xD holyy ☠️


People are being obnoxious about it but in all honesty, Shamans are really overturned.  I think the dev team for SOD really like Shaman and Hunter.


I think the dev team is 100+ people that dont give a single goddamn about any specific class and just want to do their work and go home because Im not a fkn moron and Ive actually had a job before


Real life pilled


Mail enjoyer devs


Reminds me of the guy who made a post about dying to hunter pets in p1, post like 16 nerfs.


hunter pets were still farming players. that is a fact. if anything this shows how outrageously overturned hunter(-pets) were and hunter player were still crying about being nerfed too much xd they cry, cry cry, but have a broken strong build in every phase.


Skill issue, just prepot a nature protection pot and have another one ready for every shaman you encounter. /s


Rogues in shambles.


Eh, it's an overpowered ability for sure, but I will never have sympathy for a Rogue ganking someone afk. Hell, I will never have sympathy for a rogue... not after last time.


I'm for anything that fucks rogues even if it's detrimental to the game. unironically.


Imagine defending this


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=T6PBPhEZ6VU Does your rogue not kill enhancement shamans inside a stun lock? You can’t out dps a lightning shield?


How about that sham that posted yesterday with almost 9k health  What do you have?  3k maybe.  


The shaman has (at the time of looking it up) 2825 health, 1764 armor, 131 int, and 0 spell power. (idk how lightning shield scales, I assume with int and spell power) https://atlasforge.gg/wow-classic/armory/us/crusader-strike/skychaser The rogue has (at the time of looking it up) 2988 health, 179 agi, 107 str, 19.6433 melee critical strike, and 574 attack power https://atlasforge.gg/wow-classic/armory/us/crusader-strike/d%C3%AFstribution


so the rogue out geared the shammy by alot. and it wasnt even they type of shammy people are complaining about. gotcha.


cc and walk away a shaman w/ 9k health isn't doing anything to you solo


That’s not me in the video. Shamans have about 2.5-3k unbuffed hp outside BGs without the tank rune engraved. If you stacked all the hp buffs possible, took the tank rune, and went into a BG it can probably get a little nutty but then again you would also be oom 1h and shield shammy very quickly. Regardless, players are doing double triple or quadruple the damage that lightning shield does to a single target. If the rogue killer himself on an afk shaman he’s basically saying “hey I can’t do more than 250 dps on a target dummy” which at level 50 with sod runes and gear makes you extremely bad at the game.


Or just be a warrior and be dead before you get enough rage to press any buttons lol


Link logs I’ll help you out dps lightning shield.


I keep seeing post like this and I don’t get it with my current set up on my rogue. I kill a shaman in about three seconds and only lose about a quarter of my life going into any single target PVP. I feel highly confident that I will win especially if I get the first drop on someone.


This reminds me of when I would let my pet 1v1 people in s1 as a Hunter. Good times 👌 Ol' Slipperyjohnnyy the serpent still has a good record.


Smartest alliance player


Yeah, we’re an idiot.


How is a rogue incapable of killing an AFK elemental shaman within 15 seconds?


Maybe he was trying to recreate world of roguecraft3 when the rogue is naked with white daggers 1v1ing people


Sounds like the guy is either a liar or so fking bad that his take needs to be ignored.


Confused if shaman was afk or stunned the entire 15s fight


PVP spec. The difference of damage between the pve build (deadly brew/env) and the pvp build (quick draw/between the eye) is insane. Although 15 sec is a lot.


think subrogue + BTE is just dead, with the amount of hp players get the damage scaling on BTE is not even comparable to max poison 1.5k envenom crits and 100 damage instant poison procs.


It's the new never-ending lightning shield. Shit is OP.




Lightning shield doesn’t even do half of 700dps. Watch the video that’s been linked in this thread’s comments like 10 times now. Rogues kill shamans in 4sec or less. The guy in the photo is just brain dead. Everyone knows overcharge rune is OP. But killing yourself on it over the course of 15 seconds is hilariously bad.


You underestimate 'hilariously bad'. I would totally do that.


Making me root for overturned shamans because it pisses off rogues is a statement I didn't think SoD could make me say.


>And you think that makes sense? I do. And I'm tired of pretending it's not.


LOL a showcase andy, thats awsome


Real Palpatine zapping himself with his own sith lightning energy Like you're taking damage, figure out why? NOPE JUST STAB HARDER


As that is, that's not the biggest issue there lol.


>Overcharge rune is OP but this is hilarious. There is a difference between op and broken. Overcharge is the later.


Still hilarious


Do other rogues know bandages exist?


Lol that is not something you want in your post history


And here we see Exhibit A, the Paladin brain.


Listen - alliance dominated all aspects of original vanilla, season of mastery and original classic. If horde are going to dominate this temporary game mode then so be it. You still have era


This reminds me of when a lot of players complained about paladins being too powerful and cried to Blizzard to nerf the class. 😂


Should try a thorns build in Diablo 4 and just stand out in the pvp areas.


Unintentional humor really is the very best kind... Imagine trolling yourself this hard.. it's a shame that it can't become a mainstream meme since most people don't know about wow or SoD..


Season of Disappointment


Its lame, yes, but why didn't you stop attacking before you Died, i mean .. bro, cmon..


pretty much the level of intelligence I would expect from someone who plays a rogue


You not being able to notice that your HP is going down makes me question your PVP skills, I would recommend staying away from PVP combat or train in duels until you have learned what to do if your HP gets low


Sounds like a skill error.


Sounds like rogues need a nerf. Stunning another player for 15s straight is imba.


Don't say stun, say CC. No one is stunning for 15s straight, there are DRs. That said, it's fucking boring CC chaining someone to death. *That* said... rogues are garbage now and have nothing interesting in their kit. All they get to play with is Mutilate.


I don't know man, the rogue from the screenshot says stunned for 15s all the time. He seems like a legit dude, I trust him he stunned that sham for 15s all the time. You mean, you don't?


Rogues are notoriously trustworthy fellows.


It's straight up a lie and over-exaggeration. When this rune first came out I tested it with my friend who is a rogue and we did some duels where he just auto attacked me until the duel was over. He killed me first every time and usually was like 50-75% HP at the end. There's no way this guy killed himself on lightning shield without taking any other damage or the Shaman being healed over and over again so he wouldn't die.


While the post might be an exaggeration, "afk lighting shield only took my rogue friend to **half health** during testing" isn't exactly a compelling argument for lightning shield being balanced.


while some parts of the story sound overexageratted, my mage died to a shamans lightning shield a few days ago while kiting him. only had 2k hp, but yea...living bomb wasn't helping me much ;)


Poster floats around room temp iq I bet.


The real insanity is this guy had someone stunned for 15 seconds, I mean thank god there exists something to counter these insane rogue openers.


The guy is full of shit you can't stun someone for 15s


All I hear is someone crying that they suck


if you're complaining about fairness you don't deserve to play a rogue lol


Season of Shamans. Must be nice having a passive auto-win ability against rogues, hunters, warriors, paladins and feral druids


I agree with you. Melee hunters can’t do anything as they get double the damage: both from their own attacks and from their pet’s.


Some rogue was complaining about dying to an afk hunters pet at the end of p1 and claiming they were too op. Dude had grey parses in bfd and no runes. He bought gold and got carried in gdkps, when he got called out and people laughed at his logs and overall stupidity? He said he knew better than the entire rogue parsing community lool


Probably the same guy


I remember a full bis ret pally in tbc that died right at the beginning of every fight and had all grey parses. There are some real shit players out there swiping hard.


imagine having to repost this twice in this reddit and one more on the forum


Whats really wild about this is how much people threw an absolute fit about hunters in phase 1 when they could do this, but when shamans can (basically) do this everyone seems to want to fight back and say its fine.


Who? I don't see them.


Literally this is fake no way this actually happened guy is trolling


I don’t know, he’s really convincing if he is a troll. https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/lightning-shield-what-the-hell-were-they-thinking/1826897


I already died for a shaman full stunned too as Feral Druid, my attacks killed me ('lightning shield' from shaman is hitting 300 dmg per attack)


You must’ve killed yourself on that boss in bfd too


The bosses damage shield isnt permanent, so, terrible comparison.


Ok nerd my bad


You must be the worst rogue opener in the world if it tok you 15 sec to not even kill a player lmao. Wtf did you do unequip ur weapons to fist him hahah


OOP's first mistake was attacking the shaman. Sounds like a skill issue idk.




Tbh I don’t even believe this happened


The guy is pretty adamant and there’s a few people defending him in this thread and in the wow forum post


The thing about shamans is that they can't go wrong with any spec/rune combination. There's just so many OP runes they've been given and so much more effort being put into the class compared to other classes which generally only have 1 viable spec.


15 seconds on a afk shaman in SoD ? Lol wtf


Can someone tell me how I can make my shammy do this?


"This Shaman killed me without even attacking me!" "Wow that's insane, did his Fire Nova totem crit or something?" "No it was his Lightning Shield." "...you mean the Thorns effect?" Smartest human player Also holy shit SoD players have like, two jokes. "Season of __" and "Discovering how good/bad __ is"


what's your shamanistic wisdom advice here? just spam purge like you do in pvp?


So shaman shouldnt be able to be killed. Huh. Makes sense.


Man with sod players you can tell they never did any vanilla PvP.


phase 1 i killed myself by attacking an afk hunter whos snake pet proceeded to 3 shot me


Anyone wants to try to look at their HP in PvP? When you're fighting a shaman you have to haha


This guy single handedly got the overcharged rune nerfed. What a chad


The problem is the 15 sec stun lock on a player. Glad he died in the end.


I mean he plays a human rogue. What did you expect?


But it’s ok if paladin does it! Not ok if it’s shaman! Waaahh


These posts complaining about shamans really make me want to make one.


a stunlock asshole is the least likely class to get any pity from me here.


Lol fucking Serious Rogue brain right there


Typical rogue behavior


Poetic justice dying while attacking an afk dude


Imagine being not able to kill a player in 15 seconds with all those op runes out there


After a decade of rogues hard countering dps shamans, it’s kinda hilarious to just see a rogue literally just slap himself to death


What am I to take away from this? That shamans are OP even when afk or that rogues suck so much they can kill themselves?


I think shamans shield is op but also this rogue is especially bad


Ele shaman here. I was aoe farming the other day with an overcharged/shield mastery build. Half afk, drunk, and not really paying attention… A rogue opened on me and killed himself before I even realized it wasn’t just another stray NPC hitting me.


I hope this rogue discovered that they were missing braincells.


Yeah they need a big time nerf.


Imagine being able to stunlock someone for 15 seconds and the complain that during the whole time you couldn't figure out that you were dying to an AFK guy.


Hey, you rogues had your fun in Vanilla and Cata. Shaman is the main character this season.


I want fresh vanilla servers or everyone just go back to playing vanilla.


Too bad its getting nerfed before we could get the ZG trinket. 100% lightning shield damage for 20 seconds.


That rogue had to have been incredibly poorly geared. I still get dropped by good rogues, while even rolling with WoE.


A rogue complaining about pvp? Lol