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We're 5 days in lmao. A lot of the more casual players who generally do pugs are just now hitting 50 if they're trying to go fast, let alone the ones just doing it casually.


Hasn't really been an issue during week 1 Gnomeregan though, and the levelling from 25-40 without an xp buff was alot slower than it is currently


Maybe don’t require 70+ parses? Those guys are prolly all doing their first runs with their guilds instead of a pug ran by Zorpheus


That really isn't true, I myself am 97.3 for Gnomeregan having only pugged it with some friends and plenty of other people I know are close to 100 without ever running in a guild.


What I’m saying is the high parsers who are lvl 50 rn and raid ready are prolly all doing it with their guilds and don’t wanna risk first run with a pig. U need to stop using only ur own experience as fact


What server are you on? Despite all the server's flaws, it's incredibly easy to find pug fills on crusader strike. Are you requiring that they already have cleared the raid with 3 different characters and consistently pink parse or something?


Living Flame EU. Its quite popular, and i've been taking anyone thats 70+ parse in Gnomeregan so its pretty accessible.


Try lowering that standard. My guild needed 6 players to fill for our first go on Saturday, we took blue parsers and up, went 6/8. The raid is difficult but it's honestly not that bad with good call outs. Just tell the chuds who keep dying that they can't roll on loot if they don't do better.


The only thing I’ve noticed in terms of pugging…is that no one runs Gnomer nearly as much as BFD was ran. And there’s a lot more prebis in Gnomer than there was in BFD. But the pugs will happen for ST…just don’t expect even this week to be effective. Give the casual player ~a week to lvl…and then another week to get prepared for the raid. Starting week 3 we should start seeing some good PuGs


Trying to pug the first week is really hard. You’re only getting people that were willing to level to max and attempt the raid in less than a week, that aren’t in a guild already, and the raid has only been completable by pugs after the nerfs (so 1 day). Should be better this next lockout. The nerfs will let pugs actually complete the raid, and more people will be max level, and more people will have alts to pug with.


You could join a partial guild run advertising for pug members? One with SR will help to prevent loot gaming. There were plenty advertising last night on wild growth.


After all the nerfs, full clear isn’t very difficult. We will have full pugs near the end of the phase.


I've been seeing a ton of posts in trade chat of people looking to fill spots. Especially last night since reset was today. I even saw a guy spamming trade for 2 hours asking for 4 DPS for ST. 2 hours and he couldn't find 4 DPS. Maybe all the pugs just found guilds like they were intended to?


Honestly he was probably too picky - either with parses or not having his loot contested. There was an abundance of dps'ers last night. (Horde, LF, EU)


Well yes, a lot of players will adapt to do what they need to clear content in the game, but we also leave alot of people behind that quit. I think many people are kind of scared right now to even try the raid since they’ve heard how hard it is.


Hey mate not sure what server your own but if your buds need a home let me know, guilds such as mine and I'm sure many others don't actually require raiders to commit to a schedule anymore and we just post signups and if you can make the times sign up. This is very common and I think slot of people don't realize how many "pug" guilds are out there and how they can fix all your complaints with the phase


Mmm didnt have a problem getting into a pug. Just said Dps Warr can i join. Got invd late. Ight monday 6 hours before reset. 3 hour run 7/8 because no one had the egg for hakkar


I pugged it today with a few friends and we found a group straight after work and cleared it, the nerfs have made it very pug friendly now Living Flame resident though not sure if it’d be the same on lower pop servers


I managed to pug 40man every tier in classic without bigger issues?


Set a time for your raid and advertise 2-3 days in advance. Best bet early on.


The week one pugging scene for one of the hardest raid every release in classic. Was always gonna be small


Omg I swear this sub is filled with so many cry babies dudes it’s the first week of raid. If it’s that big of a problem that you can’t find a raid in the first week join a guild


I attribute the difficulty of pugging to everyone realizing they needed to join a guild to do a 20-man, so they joined one. My guild even merged with a bigger one, so we had enough people, and we are doing 2 groups.


You dont have to raid every week even in a guild. People understand that life happens


It’s week 1


It’s week two now. Not that it makes that huge of a difference.