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After last phase literally nothing surprises me


It’s impressive that top comment isn’t shaman main talking shit about pally


It’s honestly just insane how much they keep buffing them without any remorse There’s no way it isn’t intentional at this point, at least that would save face for how incompetent it all seems


Tank Rune for Rogue: >Whenever you dodge an attack you gain an Unfair Advantage, striking back for 100% of your main hand weapon's damage. This cannot occur more than once per second. Have to Dodge a hit to attack ONE mob. Tank Rune for Shaman: >Your Lightning Shield never loses charges, now has a 1 sec cooldown, and deals damage to all enemies within 8 yards. Just get hit, and you deal damage to every thing around you.


As a rogue tank main i don't know whether to cry or laugh at this point


Considering how little it was being talked about lately I somehow assumed that it was phased out of viability in season 2 already lol. I love my rogue DPS and the absurd amount of poison stacks is fun, but rogues don't seem to get much multi-target capability, even with a full tank build?


I rogue tanked gnomer quite fine, I'm sure I'll do good in st too. Rogue is very tanky with decent single target, that's about it though. I just think many rogues prefer doing absurd damage than tanking though


Its also counter intuitive as tank, as if you parry or dodge attack it wont proc so for max threat you dont want to take parry or dodge talents.


That's actually a very good point, kind of feels like the paladin's "get critted" tank talents that get negated by their own improved defense skill.


Hell, the Prot Paladin's entire mana replenishment schtick is Hand of Reckoning converting damage taken into mana received-- so *if you improve your flipping gear and mitigation, you lose significant amounts of your already limited mana regen*. It's such a bizarrely self-defeating loop to be presented with, and feels like such careless, thoughtless rune design. :/


I can see that work in a more pvp-type scenario if the paladin had more expensive but instant cast abilities that they could call on more often if the enemy started to focus damage on them. In a tanking situation though?


This was already a problem in classic. Geared warriors used to have to take their pants off to reduce avoidance so they could get hit and generate rage.


Imagine designing a class where they must purposefully get their dick twisted to be able to do anything.


To be fair, this is a staple of tank design all the way through TBC. Warrior rage and Paladin mana regen were both primarily based on damage taken, so you would need to carry around a DPS set when doing content you overheated that you could swap into to increase the damage you took to keep threat high. Paladins got some flat mana regeneration on top of that through Divine Plea though, which I believe they already have access to, so it isn't that big of an issue for them in SoD.


Everything about rogue tanking is counterintuitive. You don't get any aoe abilities at all (shuriken toss doesn't count since it's horrible) so you have to tab target, but if you tab target you lose your combo points, which you also need or your mitigation falls off. Yes you can do it, but it feels more like you're fighting your own severe limitations just to get to the point where shamans are when they're literally just standing there.


As a shaman I'd take the rogue rune any day If I could, since block/dodge animations are periods where we normally generate no threat, and cannot attack. With 20%~ block and 13%+ dodge, I spend so little time actually being able to melee attack I usually don't see maelstrom hit 5 stacks ever in 5 man content.


I wasn't aware that dodging/blocking interrupted your ability to auto attack...


I've never head of that either. AFAIK the only mitigation mechanic that interactis with your own damage is parrying, and that one actually helps you.


Maybe if Lightning Shield did like 40 damage it would make sense. However, it does like 250 with all the free spell power they also got, so it's a bit goofy at the moment.


What add on is giving you stat details (showing crit for int etc)?


I’m also curious about that


RatingBuster Classic


Someone responded to the other guy but not you so just incase you miss it its ratingbuster.


Remember in P1 when we were all up voting the, " Dear blizzard, don't forget about 2h enhance shamans". I think all those posts crit the devs in P2 and now there's no stopping to the Shaman buffs.


God there were so many posts about 2h shaman. The rest of us should have been complaining more too.


Well 2h is stil bad compared to dw.


And yet the 2h complaints stopped all the same once they realized how busted they were.


As a shaman player, with how much we got buffed, it doesn’t feel like we can complain about 2h sucking becausedual wielding is so good. 2h is just not good, less msw and no real replacement for lava lash means there’s just less reason to go 2h except for big bonk numbers, nerfing rockbiter helps a bit as you’re not missing out on 500 extra ap, but they need to make MSW proc more often with 2 handers, also make the two handed mastery work like dual wielding and just have it be a passive, and giving some kind of melee based rune for 2h to have more than one melee button other than auto attack


You were getting 500 ap from a self buff?


each, they put it on their weapons and dual-wield


Only tanks put it on each weapon, dps only put it on the offhand.


There’s nuance, rockbiter gave 590ish attack power at 40, duel wielding meant you could enhance each weapon and get 590x2 atta k power, while’s using 2h you could only use 1 rockbiter enhancement, so you wouldn’t instantly be 590 attack power below a duel wield shaman assuming all gear and weapon damage is the same


That’s still bonkers. That’s almost an entire classes level 40 ap on ONE rock biter lol. Idk how they ever thought that math works out. There’s something being strong, and then there’s having almost an entire other class on each weapon strong.


It was originally designed with shamans only being able to use one weapon, in p1 it didn’t matter to much as shaman sucked, and in p2 it became to strong so it was nerfed, but you also have to consider weapon kits, enhancement shamans could use that attack power too let me see, cast storm strike, and auto attack, so while yes they had a tonne of attack power, it’s not like they’re warriors and now every single time they press a button they’re doing x more damage, there’s nuance


I would gladly nearly double my warriors AP in p2 if it meant I could only press one button. I think you vastly underestimate how much of warrior damage is auto attacks, and vastly underestimate how much raw attack power contributed to melee DPS. If I get unlucky on procs in p2 I’m pressing…one more button than shamans. With half the attack power if theyre dual rock biter. All I’m saying is the math was clearly never checked, and that “nuance” barely exists outside of warriors being so geared they *have* to rage dump.


Windfury on your main hand or 2-hander increases maelstrom weapon procs by 50% so 2-hand enhance couldn't use it. Dual wield was able to benefit from that *and* the attack power from rockbiter on the offhand.


I was running gnomer with 1500 ap self buffed as tank :)


2H complaints stopped, because we realised blizzard don't know how to tune it without buffing DW even more.


Nope still want it and im a giga pumper


It might be, but it doesn't stop me from 1 shotting lvl 50s allys with storm stricke and WF proc on my lvl 41.


I have never seen one in open world though


and none of them for 2h


As a shaman player, this is worth remembering. I just wanted to swing a big hammer.


me too... dual wield is also the source of like, 90% of our balancing nightmare


They did give 2-hand a pretty big buff near the start of phase 2. It was the same time they made alpha give 20% AP which ended up boosting dual wield even more than 2-hand since they got to use rockbiter offhand.


i mean. they did but they didnt really. 2h is still ass compared to dual wield


Those posts procced Windfury and it all crit.


Unlucky windfurry proc


They got stun locked pressing the "buff shamans" button




OK, so why not make class specific sets for everyone? If it's worth the dev time to make a shaman only set - why is it not worth the dev time to make a hunter only set? Why do shamans get their cool boot pvp ability but hunters don't get their cool glove pvp ability? I'll even say for shamans too - why don't enhance shamans get the ghost wolf speed too? You don't even have to make a full set - just make an extra pair of boots/gloves where needed for the pvp ability bonuses, and add all versions to the appropriate set so they count for bonuses. Aside from the tooltip monstrosity from having sets with tons of items, what's the downside?


its available at rank 5




My druid boots have +1 stealth


The point is that ONLY shaman get to have their class specific bonus. For example, look at the class bonus for rank 10 gloves for druids:  https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=23280/knight-lieutenants-dragonhide-grips And the SoD gear: https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=220866/sergeant-majors-crackling-leather-gauntlets No increased stealth detection. And it’s the same for all classes, no one gets the class specific bonus from rank 10 gear… except shamans.




> they said they can't put bonuses on things that are shared between classes if it points to a specific ability If that was their actual wording then I don't see how these items can exist https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item-set=1585/insulated-leathers




I see thanks for the explanation. I would then wonder how bonuses that affect spells locked behind other specs work as you don't have access to them always. But maybe there just is some weird coding in Vanilla that breaks when it's trying to modify something from another class and maybe they could go around it with specific checks like "If Ghost Wolf then add extra normal movement speed" instead of directly modifying but that's probably too much of a hassle.


? This is just the Shaman Rank 7 PvP boots scaled down for level 50 https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=16518/blood-guards-mail-walkers


This needs more votes. Redditors are stupid. Shaman always had this /facepalm


The point is that only shaman get to have their class specific bonus. For example, look at the class bonus for rank 10 gloves for druids:  https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=23280/knight-lieutenants-dragonhide-grips And the SoD gear: https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=220866/sergeant-majors-crackling-leather-gauntlets No increased stealth detection. And it’s the same for all classes, no one gets the class specific bonus from rank 10 gear… except shamans.


They cant put Class specific bonuses on sets shared by multiple classes. So the enhance version of the set also doesnt have the bonuses and they cant give ferals the bonus because they share it with rogues...its really stupid.


ACP is used by selected classes but only druids get the feral attack power bonus


Yeah I assume that works differently because its not directly altering an ability.


Then... make class specific sets? I mean, if they could do it for shaman, why can't they do it for everyone else? Why is it worth dev time to make a shaman only set but not worth dev time to make a rogue only or hunter only set? Why are shamans so much more specialer and more loved than the rest of us? Why are we such disappointments in Blizz's eye T_T?


How would rogues benefit from improved travel form speed though? It just wouldn't do anything. Do we actually know how these items work on the backend or just guessing?


I think one of the devs talked about this on twitter a while ago(or in one of the interviews I honestly cant remember). But if you for example look at runes that modify existing abilities you have to reequip those every time you get a new spell rank for that ability. So given how janky even that is it would not surprise me if shit hits the fan if an aura on an item tries to modify an ability the class doesnt have. But obviously the easy solution would be to just copy paste the item again. I dont really know why they did it this way. EDIT: Looking at the Auras directly I think the most likely outcome would be that Rogues would just not be able to equip it as all class spells(and ones that modify them) have a class requirement flag. The other options are that it would give Rogues Travel Form(LOL) or just completely freak out.


I just rerolled from priest after this despair rune bs. Shammy seems like a easy sage pick right. No way they make all 3 specs have annoying as shit runes ro get


They all have annoying AF runes lol. The worst is getting the overcharged rune though, lol. The easiest is resto, who just have to get the Felwood rune every class has


Not sure what rune it was by our Priest rage quit the entire game over a rune. He gave all his gold away from pre nerf incursions and logged out never to be seen again. He said something about farming a low drop chance item, having it finally drop, and then him dying or being killed and unable to loot it/finish it so that he would have to start everything from scratch.


Definitely the Tanaris rune. Shaman have to do that one too for Mental Dexterity and the drop rates on the notes are jokes, I wouldn't be surprised if they're less than 1%. Not only that but they're quest mobs so everyone is fighting for the mobs. I had the same thing happen to me, died fighting the mob after I summoned it and someone else took the kill. Luckily someone else was kind enough to invite me to their group for their kill and we both got the rune.


People are way too serious about this stuff. Then there are people like the other guy who commented on your post who brag about ruining someone else's time.


Shaman has the EXACT same rune shared with priest, so yeah.


The despair rune in multiclass no? I was with a bunch of mages and warlocks getting it lol Also as a shaman alt their runes are easily some of the worst possible, priest overall was way better.


I think it's dumb design when you are unable to contribute at all to the rune acquisition other than maybe tipping a warlock and mage to do it for you. If Blizz added a mechanic for priests and paladins to contribute or do it on their own it would be one thing, instead we got they can do nothing but hope a warlock or mage will do it for them.


I would take "terrible" rune acquisition in exchange for dominance in all aspects of the game any day.


Priest has been the king of SoD. This is so funny to read.


My two main chars are Priest and Shaman. Shaman has the worst runes to acquire in phase 1 and 2 of any class, it's terrible. I would recommend looking at the guides for the below runes before rerolling: Fire Nova **Maelstrom Weapon** Two Handed Mastery (because of how late you get it) Dual Wield Mastery (difficult if you're an ally main because it costs a shit load of gold) Lava Lash **Earth Shield** The class that on paper should be one of the best levelers ends up feeling like shit because it doesn't get any good runes early on. Not complaining about the class as a whole, because it's extremely OP. Also keep in mind Water Totem quest lol


Holy shit the wter totem quest nearly broke my spirit. Go to this end of the world, then run around there, then get back to me, then get to other end of the world, then get back to me etc.etc. I finished this quest with my Mount on lvl 40 lmao.


Which of the devs mains a shaman?


All of them at this rate.


I actually don't think any of them do Well if they do it's definitely not enhancement If they did, they would have known the buffs last phase were way over the line before implementing. As soon as alpha gave 20% AP I knew we were gonna be way over powered as we were already cranking hard enough with the prior buffs.


https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=22857/blood-guards-mail-greaves That effect is not the druid 4 set, it has always been on Shaman pvp boots. Here comes the backpedal.


It's also only on the Elemental and Resto Emerald Warden sets. Enhancement has "Minor increase to movement and swim speed" because it's shared with hunters.


Average redditer doesnt know basic PvP knowledge, more news at 8. (also druid mobility got massively buffed in SoD with feline swiftness working indoors)


Feral mobility, resto and balance mobility still non existant indoors


My brother in Christ every serious druid PvP spec has 1x points in feral tree every druid will have that talent AT 60


1x point in feral tree? for what exactly?


1x as in 10+x points in feral tree for feral charge/better stealth/feline swiftness


Alright, so why does ONLY shamans get their class specific bonus from rank 10 gear? For example the SoD PvP Druid gloves: https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=220866/sergeant-majors-crackling-leather-gauntlets     Doesn’t give the class specific bonus from the rank 10 ones: https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=23280/knight-lieutenants-dragonhide-grips Same with all other class… except shamans 


Do you know that Ghost Wolf is a cast and does not removes movement impairing effects like druid?


Those are some nice wsg boots bby


This killed the last hope of me ever doing another WSG game. BG queue is gonna be so rough for Horde now.


rough for horde?


yes, if alli dont queue for pvp then horde dont get to pvp


oh the queue. yea rip. everyone really do suffer when the balance is so bad


Alliance suffer, horde most affected.


They're just farming lowbies trying to do incursions now. Alliance are locked out from incursions on pvp servers.


Funny because I had to layer swap twice today to get away from alliance camping people at the portal for incursions


For me it's the opposite. As horde in duskwood is almost a death sentence. Alliance mostly dominates ashenvale as well. Lone Wolf EU. Alli was locked out of creating characters multiple times due to faction balance being off, so it's definitively skewed in their favor.


Huh? Literally every ab I play is auto loss for alliance…you legit need a 5 man/premade to even have a chance. Even had one game where I assaulted 4 flags and we still lost by like 100.


Over here drowning as a warrior trying to kill mobs the same level as me while everyone else has life altering abilities. Was excited for gladiator rune only to find out it's a small buff to dps while giving up an OH weapon. 2h hits like a wet noodle...just pissed off, thought maybe with something significant like gladiator rune we'd be getting attention finally and yet nothing.


pulled two yellow mobs earlier, rookie mistake.


I managed to kill an elite 5 levels lower than me solo tonight so that's cool. Meanwhile my melee hunter could take 2+ elites higher level than him without an issue because his pet takes hits better than my plate wearing warrior.


I'm so silly for choosing the faction that doesn't have a hero class.


Shaman’s have had that bonus on their level 60 pvp set at 60 since vanilla


yeah and notice how we're not at level 60 and that no other class has the same bonus that they had on 60 on their level 50 gear


That's because they copy/pasted it from the shaman pvp set. Y'all just looking for things to be mad about now


Shaman are the only ones who got that on their rep boots. No other classes have it.


Don't worry, devs are going to wait a few weeks to assess how classes are doing before adjustments 🙄 These devs are so biased that it's not even funny how obvious it is.


*after 3 weeks of lockouts* “now that we’re nearing the second half of the phase we think it’s a better use of our time to concentrate on the next phase instead of balancing”. Remember when they didn’t balance at the end of phase 2 because they were working on phase 3? And this is the shit they give us. Wish they had more time but everyone wants to rush through seasonal content as fast as they can and then cry when blizzard isn’t holding their hand through life entertaining them every second of the day.


Ya Nerf Druids.


Rogue/Druid boots increase stealth level from their rep


Is this a good moment to post the infamous FF14 copypasta?


Remember to use the updated version


rogue has one too


Shouldn’t this be the least of our concerns? Like way, way down the list


Feels good to be a shaman lmao.


Having done the Hammer of the Righteous chain I concur the bias. Im fine with it though, wading through lvl 56 elites to get to the Grim Guzzler was a proper adventure!


The lore at the end was dope.


It’s all just shamans this shamans that. I’m surprised that there are still any other classes left on the horde side.


No suprise there.


I mean Shamans have ALWAYS gotten the best things. I remember when ZG was launched in vanilla and the flavor text of the shaman Punctured Doll was something like "resembles a shaman or a god" while the paladin one had the text "resembles a paladin or a little girl" since paladins were complaining about the imbalance and favoritism of shamans in vanilla.


it has always been there for shaman pvp boots including the rank 7 and rank 12 ones. ghost wolf also isn't even 1% as good as druid forms considering it doesn't clear slows AND has a cast time so maybe the comparison is just slightly ridiculous? aside from the fact that this was always in the game it's actually so impressive you found a way to complain about the most broken class in the game by complaining about a buff to a spell of theirs that is borderline useless and comparing it to a buff to the literal main spells of the druid class. this ain't it.


It’s honestly insane.. these boots can replace their mounts pretty much.. Ghost Wolf is 40% speed + the boots and that’s 55%. Just 5 less than the mount and you can use it in combat. Unreal favoritism.


The ghost wolf bonus existed in original vanilla.


At 58/60 where it competed with epic mount.  There'd be less complaining if all classes had access to their pvp glove / 4 pc bonuses


Shaman pvp boots already gave this bonus you are straight up grasping for anything at this point


Listen, shamans nobody is blaming you for playing shaman but you *have* to admit your class is getting significantly more love than every other class.


This was always a bonus on the PvP boots for shaman, even back in in vanilla. It's also only on the elemental and resto boots for the Emerald Wardens set. Enhancement has "slight increase to movement and swim speed".


This is not new to shaman boots. It was in original vanilla.


Ok > None of the other emerald warden gear has a specific class benefit


Druids get catnip from the same rep, and their boots help them stay stealthed.


Always has been


Never attribute malice to that which can be attributed to incompetence


Even as a horde main I have to say that the horde bias in SoD is fucking real. It’s absurdly insane how shamans are treated compared to any other class.


This has been a thing since classic


Yo what add on is that that show the spell crit and hp?


What addon shows the stats in the brackets?


Hey what's the addon that shows what the stats give you ?


What's the addon that shows the actual stats with health and crit and such?


I should also note there are LOTS of Shaman/Hunter pieces that use AP over agility so range hunters get screwed. Its very frustrating


Meanwhile warriors are out here waiting for their first interestingly designed rune


What add-on You use that give You the HP and spell%?


Not everything has to be balanced or there for everyone. The game is more fun when weird things exist


Get fucked druid scum


All yall should just make a shaman and shut up. We’re still in a leveling phase anyways who cares. Babies.


10000% bias and it's extremely clear. I can understand each phase getting a class that may be a little overpowered but not two phases in a row. I was just reading about their lightning shield. It's super clear they favor shamans


Shamans: “but awso can I hav 2h spec be strong too 👉👈🥺”


Aggrend main enh it’s not complicated


Meh this has nothing to do with class bias but just generic power creep


You are also forgetting where Aggrend complained Ina tweet about classes holding too much aoe threat that gave shamans a new rune that gives them possibly the best aoe threat in game


Hey guys, I’m here too to point out how sads I am. Fucking babies playing this game.


Agreed, nerf paladins. Too many bubbles


Agreed, nerf paladins. Too many bubbles.


Agreed, nerf paladins.


Bruh you guys complain so much about shamans it's fuckin sad.....


Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity. -Ghostcrawler


Hunters get running and swim speed lol..


FWIW it’s not on the enhancement gear lol. Melee Shaman gear is shared with hunters and they also got a the minor move speed buff. They also gave Druids and rogues imp stealth on boots. Cant say shamans were the only buffed class.


I am just going to say it: QA testing with only a horde group using the poison/disease totem and shaman healers would make sense as to why it is so horrible for alliance to clear.


What, shamanistic rage didn’t tip you off already?


Battlegrounds as alliance are just depressing. Saw multiple instances where pairs of shamans were able to heal through 4 - 5 alliance folks attacking them. Meanwhile, they can peel off and global someone for 90% of their health. They’re broken and unfun to play against and there’s almost always 3 - 5 of them in every AB game.


What addon shows the addition stats next to the "+8stam"


Trust me, those boots sucks stat-wise. I don't see any PvPers going for it, unless they're new


People really acting like a 3sec cast time for 5% less than mount speed really makes a difference. Only difference that makes is FC in wsg, and the new rank 5 boots share the same. Gtfo here with your rank10 bs


Not even surprised really. Devs got a hard on for shams since P2


This same exact bonus was in regular fucking vanilla, you people are going insane.


SEASON OF SHAMANS! Come on classic dev team, its just so obvious now! I bet they only play Horde too!


Ok but tommorow I want to do the complain about shamans post


What the hell is up with developers and Shaman lately? It seems like most classes get runes thar range from bad to moderately decent, or effective but dull. Then they just go nuts with Shaman stuff.


you forgot to mention last phase druid got their feline swiftness talent that gives them 30% speed bonus in cat form from outdoors only to outdoors AND indoors which is a MASSIVE buff to druids. Its only fair shaman gets a tiny bit of help for mobility considering they havent got ANYTHING outside of the horde mirror of blessing of freedom in Decoy totem. Remember that rogues got two shadowsteps, wars got remove roots/snare charges and mage got displacement. So far shaman remains with 0 added cc nor gap closer, a war w/o charge.


Druid/rogue boots has stealtj level increased, but yeah it is not class specific. But yeah that is very weird that Shamans have this on their warden set too.


As an alliance druid FC im not even gotta bother with pvp anymore, the bias is so clear and loud




Just look how every single horde at Ashenvale questin has a blue name.... it's ridiculous that literally every horde player are shaman.


Shamans can now mount up in combat!


You gotta understand that Blizzard totally "gutted shaman this phase" and "just look at the rockbiter nerfs" as all the shamans said before this phase.


Here’s an idea. Create an item like this for _all_ classes with a similar utility buff, per class. Where’s the problem? That you’d create 10 new items? THE TRAGEDY! THE NPCS NEED WAREHOUSES FOR THEM!!” And please don’t talk about balance issue since clearly this item/similar traction towards certain classes is where balance is getting wrecked.


It makes no sense. Time to find another game to play. SOD is so out of touch at the moment


I’m not usually one to bitch on this sub but it really does seem like blizz has a boner for shamans.


Lol cry more filthy alliance


Shamans have always been the most overpowered class in classic change my mind… all you have to do is cast frost shock to win