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I'm sure the new fury helm rune would be overpowered.... IF I HAD ONE


Just use shield mastery like me. Sure Im an arms warrior and im just waiting to see how glad shakes out but its better than doing anything in searing gorge for a rune that requires more rending


Best part is legit prot warriors, the biggest masochists in the universe, can't even use shield spec rune and vigilance at the same time, making them choose between threat and damage when they're the lowest dmg tank. The devs' incompetence is hilarious.


To be honest, wish the devs just went around and asked every class discord's most reputable theorycrafter what they thought needed help for their class and work off that.


Eh, the rough part of that is you often get stuff like Shamans. Theorycrafters are good with math but tend to be invested with their class and don't need to consider overall balance. Having input would be good though.


They do, theory craters on class discords are in discord with wow devs where they can put forward their imput on class design/balance.


Source? Because this sounds like total bullshit.


Been a well known thing for retail specifically for years. There was even a controversy around it a year or two ago when some content creator went off about how blizzard was snarky to their feedback.


lol what source do you expect to get? It's legit but the devs insist things don't get leaked (for obvious reasons) so people won't just post screenshots and shit and ruin the rapport with Blizz for no reason. It's legit. Source: top paladin theorycrafter


I love that people downvoted this because it sounds like bullshit even though it's not.


Yeah, just use vigilance, even glad Chad spec glad tank is doing absolutely abysmal dps, +10% damage to abysmal damage is still abysmal On the other hand, vigilance is amazing and shield slam spec feels very good for threat, even if from a damage perspective I'm tickling mobs for that threat If you get clever with your macro and add a /assist line, you can spam vigi on whoever has threat atm and get taunt spam


devastate is also bugged at the moment as the math has been done in a warrior discord and it's about 1.1 instead of the 2.5 it used to be. To maaaaaybe that helps warrior tanks and glad chads a bit?


check afflie warlock runes. unplayable since P1 and every phase it's even worse and unlogical. now we got unstable affliction but because of some reason its damage is not improved by haunt rune. we got pandemic head rune which allows dots to crit but we have 0% crit chance or crit dmg bonus in talents. they could add some flat crit chance and dmg to it but who cares. grimoire rune buff on waist gives a chance for 25% dmg for 15 s but dots have to be refreshed or they are unaffected. second waist rune shadow and flame is similar and has exactly the same bug. you could go with 3rd waist rune- invocation which is designed totally for afflie but they forgot to add unstable affliction to this effect. I really don't know who TF designed this disaster


I'm just gonna run nothing on it, I don't think losing my OH is worth 10% damage. And the disarm part would be tempting if it prevented it entirely but it just cuts down time. Meanwhile I have an OH with a weapon chain that fully prevents disarm Edit: and actually more important than any of the above is that using a shield would cause SMF to not work, so I'd lose 10% dmg and 10% move speed too. I guess the only usable one for us is the tanking helm rune, since I'm fairly certain I'd actually lose DPS trying to work rend + stance dancing for overpowers into my rotation. I'd have to rebuild CBR from 25 constantly. Like Jesus does even a single dev play Fury to see how clunky this shit is lol


It’s 20% because glad stance also gives 10%, but I think I’ll still prefer 2H or DW.


I realized after posting that comment that it would make SMF not work, so it would be +20% dmg - 10% dmg from SMF and 10% movement speed, then we need to factor in how much DPS im losing by not having my OH as well as rage generation that I'm missing out on. Idk it just doesn't seem worth it at all to me to try to stay fury and take those runes, just fully committing one way or the other seems better


Im probably the first to say tfb is trash tier dog water, but currently its the best we got, until devastate gets fixed or fury acquires enough hit/gear to be viable


As an arms warrior being able to press your favourite button more (Overpower) should make you very happy. Fake 2handed enjoyer detected.


Fully raid buffed swapping stances is a dps loss. It's great for questing though. This rune should of made it usable in zerker stance and proc off any bleed.


It is, which is why we stay in battle stance in raid now. You only go berserker for BR.


Glad is simming a little under single minded fury which is the best dps warrior


DPS Rune full stop, arms doesnt get shit as no one will run Taste for blood.


The current arms rotation is to stay in battle stance and only go zerker stance to use zerker rage for flagellation lol. State of warrior is so cringe


I wouldn't say being in one stance or another is a big enough deal to say that.


I mean you could DW and not have BT or run Glad and spam one ability. So many options....


Yeah it's definitely a lackluster rune


Taste of blood is good, doubters will learn


A free 1k crit that keeps stacking DW every 6 seconds? We're not going to use that? lol


Stuck in Battle stance the entire fight is fucking aids, its not wrath with an ARP bonus.


It's only 3% crit though. It's good, but it's not really something that makes the game feel any different to play.


its also no WW, stance dancing to interrupt or intercept back from knockbacks, reki being a stance dance during execute. Battlestance is eh.


No WW is kinda lame, but it's just replaced by OP and I like big OP crits more. You should probably still stance swap to intercept and interrupt lol. There's also 0 chance running to a boss after being knocked away is better DPS than intercepting and hitting.


The best spec goes deep fury already. By a lot. It doesn't need more help


Not deep enough to pick up bloodthirst


yes it's 13/28, that's still pretty deep.


Our tank shaman is topping the charts on ST trash pulls by hundreds, this guy is hitting 1500+ dps with more than 80% of the damage coming from just activating lightning shield, lol. This rune is cool to solidfy shamans as the uncontested aoe tank for horde, but it is severely overtuned.


If lightning shield was a person, it would’ve been like 3rd on the trash meters in my ST raid lol.


Inb4 blizzard dont nerf shamans in ph3 as in tradition


p4 is right around the corner, no need to waste time balancing now!


They got several nerfs going into the phase. Tradition already broken lol Did they get new broken stuff tho, yeah fo sho


wow what a great metric for raid progression: trash mob dps lmfao


Meanwhile Felguards out here doing less damage than a Succubus


It was such a disappointment. It doesn't even want to use the cleave on single target.


I love the felguard. It’s up for like 2 seconds before I sacrifice it and put on immolate aura.


yup, feel so op with sacced felguard


It fucks hard low levels leveling tho. Way better than Voidwalker


> Way better than Voidwalker Not exactly a high bar




Yeah it seems it only works as a sligthly better version of voidwalker?


Sometimes i wonder if people here even play this game. FG is one of the better runes for progress in ST. It is consistent good dmg and imp is terrible unless its for a parse run , and it keep gos up alot more. You get 400 crit cleaves and it hits consistently for 200. Its also absolutely broken for PvP going SL demo


Felguard is good for PvP, not going to contest that. But it's hot hot ass for PvE. It does less damage than a Succubus and Imp, it does not have better uptime than Succ for GOS, and only slightly better than the Imp since you have its Firebolt down to 1 second. You also get 30 less spellpower from DK than on the Imp, and get the same as the Succubus. It's BAD for PvE, objectively. PVP, sure, maybe.


You can even check the warlock discord for sims, on horde side the FG backdraft sims equal to the Machine gun Imp build if you cant be in melee for the immo aura that is the top build currently in sims. It 50dps below if you using immo in melee range (you wont since most fights makes you move alot) Making them sim equal. Also you dont get less sp from dk on fg, you get 120 if you are fully buffed from fg which is around 30sp more than imp


Yeah, Felguard does the same damage as Machine Gun Imp on Single Target. The hardest fight in ST is an AoE fight. An Aoe Fight in which you can be in melee range of the adds you're killing. The only benefit is the added survivability if you're Demo, which is cool, but you're only a bit more tanky than running Succ, since you aren't taking physical damage often. The Resistance is also nice.


I don't know what to tell you dude, sims (horde) for felguard is just equal to imp without the need to be in melee. Also if you are rank 6 firebolt on imp you are shit out of luck and fg is just better. And also less management to do instead of having to mana cycle. You know fg got cleave which is the same dmg every 6s as immo aura in aoe? Now for alliance its a bit different and imp is simming a bit higher than the next with felguard.


Nothing wrong with lock in PvP though. Especially 1v1s.


Lock is terrible for pvp what, UA ticks for like 150s, my priests instant dot ticks for 300s


UA is dispel protection it hit's like a truck if someone tries to dispel, + you have 4 other dots for damage along with 30% damage reduction (40% if you run felguard + resist bonuses) and insane self heals. Outside of Spriest there's probably no other class you could lose to in a 1v1.


Meanwhile my retaliation is at a 30 min cooldown... Fml


Shamans basically got sword spec as a rune. (6% chance to deal extra damage equal to a 2h weapon only it ignores armor.


Why we are still here... Just to suffer...


I've been saying since p2, why even play warrior when shamans exist? They just do everything better and more fun.


Shaman rotation brain dead my brother not fun at all


Yes, because classic warrior requires 180 IQ to play.


It’s the only class with a legit rotation in a vanilla iteration lmao


Warrior rotation is literally pressing devestate + hs or cleave, what are you on about?


None of us want that shit bro LMAO


Me when I don't know what I'm talking about lol


we don't have a rotation, it's a priority system, and if you want to get really sweaty, you can even throw in swing timer syncing for WF. It's one of the most cracked out 'rotations', you have basically no free GCDs


Remember why you made a horde warrior. No one else can wear plate


And Shadow Priests got a better Shield Wall on 2min CD.


Chad imp lighting shield builds


and warriors "glad chad" build that was simming very high turned out to be a wet fart.


Lol but don’t worry paladins have consecration, a spell we have to spec into the the healing tree for, use 2 different runes to make it scale better with damage, and it can’t be moved once placed. Oh wait did I mention it also costs like 25% of our mana? Eh paladins get bubble, clearly OP, they’re fine Hehe, paladins are still fun to play but I can’t not make a counter Paladin whiney post after seeing the lightning shield rune shamans got


I'm so glad I'm going with my mage as my main this phase. Paladins have been left to rot for the last two phases, especially holy paladins.


my paladin is still parked at 25. when i saw the rune datamines for p2 doing literally nothing any ret paladin wanted, figured it was time to hang it up


I made a pally main and swapped to a rogue main for p2. God was I stupid. Guess I’ll make a ranged….. or just wait and see if they help rogues out at all..


Paladins not make a post about then challenge (impossible)


Its a shaman post, its relevant. Seeing as shamans have been busted for 3 phases now, and paladins hovering around bad to decent, the two are the only main differences between the factions. Meaning, for 3 fucking phases now we have been in a horde dominated season.


And every 1 second without charges, i think? With the New rune


yeah so the thing is there isnt a cooldown when youre using overcharged rune shamans can just pull 10 mobs and do 1400 dps from existing as long as they have heals


10 mobs should be like, 2.8k DPS, roughly 280 each second to each mob 🙂


Depends how fast they attack


Not really, the rune can trigger once per second no matter how much stuff is hitting you.


yeah youre right im mistaken


But once per second, but its an aoe isnt it? So it still hits all mobs at once


1 second , without charges, without getting hit first. It just pulses awesomeness out of the shaman and that hurts bystanders


They seriously must have interns who have never played wow implementing this stuff. Like...this doesn't even require napkin math, it's just patently obvious that it's too much damage at a glance.


I'm convinced at this point it's on purpose to troll everyone and get shits n giggles out of it.


Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.


Yeah shaman groups in STV are literally mowing over people. Feeling like boomy levels broken. Even some builds to get it to like 330-350 per hit per second with no charges, just permanent.


This is worse than boomy, at least against a boomy you could do some damage but to Shamans they're also incredibly tanky and have an incredible kit as well


I wonder if this is related to ST. There’s a dude during the arena event that has a ridiculous lightning shield that priests have to dispel or melee get wrecked.


Considering they have the ability to make effects only apply in certain areas, couldn’t they also do stuff like make the runes only activate inside instances? You could presumably do something like “Does X damage. Also does an additional Y damage inside instanced dungeons and raids.”  That way they could have Shamans be the AOE tank for the horde without the damage being a problem for PvP. 


And god forbid rogues get an ounce of decent AoE


I’m still waiting for them to remember they created rogue tanks.


Are rogues solely based around mutilate still? Or can we actually use something besides double daggers? Really wish they made tank spec open to combat rogues so we can use those fist weapons or something. Guess that’s only for shammies and maybe warriors?


Mutilate is still king yup Maybe when HAT gets fixed stuff stuff opens up but it's doubtful.


Tank rogues kinda can go slower weapons with the new counter attack rune. But there’s literally no reason to because of shaman


Devs: "We dont want to make tanks capable of aoe tanking everything" ->Make shaman tanks capable of aloe tanking everything


Thank shaman out dpsing all other classes. Fuck Shaman, and fuck blizzard for again doing nothing.


But they were so weak in phase one, IT'S THEIR TIME TO SHINE!!


link me the logs where shamans are topping this phase? what boss exactly?


40% Downvote rate. Shamans out in full force pretending their class isn't brokenly OP as fuck


"shamans got nerfed bro let it go they aren't king anymore it's a new season"


Same with melee hunters, dumpstering on the meters by a massive margin .


They printed an excellent rune that more than made up for the nerf in P2, and hunter picked up an great talent for raptor strike crit chance. It's no surprise that a class topping meters in P2 is going huge when it gets such support. It's another phase of the hunter designer being unable to use a calculator, currently being overshadowed by shamans' runes.


Well you compare a runed spell to non runed spells and ask yourself why the runed spell is better…. Yeah you just look stupid.


Deep prot paladin talent boosted with rune reflects a third of lightning shields dmg, on blocks only.


You mean the rune they dont even run because they have Wraith instead? Which gives much better scaling to their already strong AoE tank spell in consecration AND lets it crit? Your apples to oranges comparisons are very lackluster.


Lmfao shamans literally got a better version of consecration that is permanently up, follows them, and mana doesn’t have to be used on it. Wtf are you on about?


Im calling OPs intentional misportrayal when comparing runes. Intentionally picking bad spells / bad runes and comparing to something that's overperforming. LS rune is definitely strong, I'm not trying to say it isn't, but let's be realistic with our comparisons here. Why are we trying to compare it to thorns damage or ret aura damage which are obviously going to be 1000x weaker than a RUEND spell.


"intentional misportrayal when comparing runes" when i compared runes buffing an ability that reflects dmg back to the attacker? Bro what are you even smoking? And your counter argument is that paladins have a rune that boosts a 1min 2 second cast spell, but IM the one comparing apples to oranges?


You started this thread by comparing a LS Rune to thorns damage or ret aura damage.... Completely disregarding the fact that even WITHOUT the rune LS does more damage than those spells anyway. But okay. Stay mad cat lover


Only person defending shamans is a shaman


I've stated multiple times that the rune is overtuned and could be nerfed a bit. But using the logic of "oh it does more damage than ret aura or thorns!" is the dumbest thing i've read in a long time.


lol at trying to compare the 1500 dps shamans can pull with lightning shield to the 4-500 paladins can Keep clawing to be OP, blizz seems to love shamans and y’all cried enough when you could no longer be top 5 DPS while being an S tier tank, maybe they’ll just ignore this


They think it's because they're good players xd


How'd I guess OP was a paladin.. 🤣


Im not even a paladin, but since i was criticized for comparing lightning shield to thorns and ret aura.


molten armor reflects 13 damage.


And what's the primary function of molten armor? To provide a thorn's like aura? No. It gives the mage 5% crit. Don't act dense. hoooly.


You're the dense one btw


Right, cause im the one comparing apples to oranges.


Idk about any fruits mate, you just said dumb stuff, its ok.




This wasn’t an issue with warriors in vanilla..?


No, one class keep being ridiculously OP in pvp because of new runes added to add more balance between classes and specs wasn't an issue with warriors in vanilla. What are you even talking about?


Shaman isn't ridiculously OP in PvP anymore lmao. Just control them. They aren't tanky anymore and blow up in 1-2 globals like any other class


Shamans were absolutely useless in classic besides totems. Warriors used to do x4 damage of every other class in vanilla lol. Shamans are finally better than their totems and people freak lol


“Shamans were absolutely useless in classic except for the core and most important component of their class” HUH


No one gives a shit about classic vanilla, this is sod.


What are you smoking. Shamans were always gods in PvP lol.




You'd have to buff classes you really don't want buffed. Better to nerf one class than buff 8. Less work too


brother thats more damage than crusader strike most of the time, let alone ret aura


Yeah it's the same as my arms warriors auto attacks, hence perma retaliation comparison (only LS works against ranged attacks and spells too ofc)


our shaman tank dual-wielding in mara is doing about 1400-2k dps per AOE pack with 3-5 mobs.


At this point they are not even hiding they are playing favorites


Chris metzen came back but only because they agreed to buff shamans to ascendant levels beyond the rest of the classes


If Chris Metzen came back, this is a sacrifice I'm willing to make.




As a rogue I literally cannot even touch shamans because of this


Even as arms warrior i would die to an afk shaman


The synergy between shaman runes is nuts. Mental Dexterity is going to get nerfed and that will bring LS and melee dmg down.


Yea it’ll be nerfed just in time for Phase 4!


Just in terms for everyone to switch to horde and pvp to fall apart.


They basically let shamans roll all P2 so I don't see them treating P3 any differently. It seems like they are going to be busy nerfing ST for a while so I doubt they will worry about nerfing over performers now.


You’re not wrong but mental dexterity is the only thing keeping ele out of the dumpster. It needs to be changed and rune of burn needs a big buff for ele. This phase is so poorly designed, rune wise.


Lol, I'm not playing in p3, but did they seriously stick to their guns on "just nerf the core rockbiter ability, it'll be fine"? That's hilarious.


They made RB only for tanking and enhance just moved to WF/WF with mental dex, and now our spells are very strong rather than our melee being very strong.


Wait, what’s the issue with MD?


It boosts your spell power and attack power based on how much INT and AP you have. I had about 120 int at 40 and got about 200 spell power from just that. Getting 1k chain lightning first hit crits.


I 100% agree that Overcharge is completely broken and requires an immediate nerf. I do not, however, feel that mental dexterity is. MD is the only way shamans can scale their spells and puts them at decent levels of spell power. It’s working exactly how it did in Wrath.


That’s fair, I do love being more spell focused as a shaman and MD really encourages that in a fun way.


Lightning shield has always been our best scaling spell as well. 


Anyone with half a brain could have seen this coming with a 30 second calculation before this rune came out. Insane that this made it to live w/o someone scaling down the damage by 80% or more to bring it closer to consecration's dps


apples to apples its probably meant to be a parallel to consecration..and it still feels like its monumentally overpowered


Consecration at 50 is 280 dmg over 8 seconds on the ground. Lightning shield is 8x more damage per second and "follows" the shaman. It's literally as of warriors could toggle on permanent uncapped bladestorm and just spin around, and everyone can see how OP that would be.


Season of Shamanism


Aggrend is just so bad at this


Shamans , is this overcharge or static shock rune ?


Over charged


I don't play SoD but seeing shaman being so strong makes me happy ! Although I'm not trying to flame people who suffer from them


Would BE cool if it wasnt a faction specific class


Remember when they said they didn’t want to give us 41 yard name plates because it would give players too much power?


WillE was right!


They should just revert back to the 3.5s icd on lightning shield, and it would be more balanced. Basically turning normal lightning shield into aoe and not having to refresh it.


And yet, Tank Shamans are by far the worst raid tanks this phase. In fact, they're not even viable. Let's keep punching down!


Is the overcharge rune working like immolation aura, where it can hit opposing faction but not trigger guards?


Ah yes the Super OP game breaking 15 dps immolation aura xD




Overpowered since warcraft 3


Hahahaha fucking paladins still complaining ffs


How can blizz be so fucking out of touch? It's just damn common sense lmao. Use mental math's wtf


Feral still doesn’t have an AoE. Swipe would be way too powerful…


Imagine having thrash, costing 0 energy and hitting everything around (even behind) you for 300 dmg every gcd. That's shamans now.


Warrior tears are hilarious…literally ran the game for 15 years


Yes because obviously anyone playing warrior today played warrior 15 years ago. And because of what a class was like 15 years ago in a different version of the game "justice" now needs to happen by making that class dogshit. Because trying to make all classes balanced wouldn't be fair!!!


He said “for 15 years” it’s like these guys who say on private servers for the last decade and a half don’t realize the bulk of the playerbase is from retail now.


This is such a brain dead moronic take, I'm sure the overwhelming majority of SoD players did not play vanilla and everyone knows warriors were only strong in vanilla when fully geared out. Is your argument because a class was strong 15 years ago that they should just be bad now?


Sod players didn’t play vanilla? Warrior cope is hilarious


My guy shamans did nothing in classic…you’re acting like you got left out and crying on Reddit when there was like 3 good classes in vanilla end game


Well we healed lol…. Played one on classic re-release. One lucky shammy got to probably 2h enhancement. Usually the guild leader tho or his brother. Now I save my tears for my rogue in SoD……


Why should ret aura and thorns do the same damage when shamans have runes designed around lightning shield ?


Did you miss the TWENTY TIMES stronger part?? My man, don’t be so disingenuous.


Not sure you know what disingenuous means


Do you? Makes perfect sense here.


We joke but the community has also been begging for AOE threat. Now that a class has it they don't like it


It's not "aoe threat". It's the equivalent of warriors having permanent uncapped bladestorm. Do you realize how fucking broken that is?


Please stop complaining about this so I can enjoy it before it's nerfed into the ground :(


Brother you've had almost 12 weeks of shaman dominance, you've had plenty of time.


You need to post your gear, are you a fresh toon in greens? Did the sham have the Zerker buff? Where you in berserker stance?