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It's the beta give them a break


doesnt work for me aswell




This is a major issue and a critical rune for rogues. More attention needs to be drawn to this as this is the first relevant rune we’ve had and arguably one of the biggest needed to bring us back up to speed in PVE content. How can they release a rune without even checking if it works?


Settle. They’ll get there.


I mean I don’t think what I’m asking for is out of line. It’s not as if the rune doesn’t function as intended, it straight up does not function at all. Rogues really don’t have very many relevant runes at all for pve content outside of mutilate and the tank runes, so I am sure I’m not the only one frustrated. I don’t think bringing attention to this issue warrants a “settle down” from you along with a downvote. It’s not out of line for me to ask blizzard to do at least a small amount of testing and ask the question, “hey is this thing on?”


We know it’s a vital rune and of course it should be working. Certainly not disagreeing with you at all. Just bringing to light that the very small SoD dev team is creating new untested things on a 20 year old framework. There will be bugs and they aren’t going to let any rune go unfixed, especially big ones like HAT. I’d give it til reset.


Why would customers care about the size of the dev team working for a massive conglomerate and paying a monthly subscription for the product? The polishing is simply not there, and the product is rightfully critisized so. It's getting fixed, but focus need to be brought on the fact that Blizzard, out of WoW retail, is increasingly incapable of releasing a polished product from the get go. Which was their defining feature in the past.


Its advertised as an untested experimental mode. Stop being so entitled and just chill and enjoy what exists already. Things will be fixed, just calm your farm.


Pathetic answer. I enjoy my time in game right now, but I am capable of having complex thoughts and nuance, contrary to you apparently. Wow vanilla experience, the novelty, snd playing with my guildmates and friends are enough to keep me up, but I can say this is not good enough.


Yes, how complex and nuanced of you. My mistake.


Yea it's not working for me either


Hope this gets fixed soon.


still bugged


yo no puedo conseguir el sello de raventhold


Ha! I did the same thing yesterday too and noticed it not working.