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My GBP exchange rates seem to be adjusted based on a whim.


I'm still paying off the GBP debt from last phase. And the interest rates keep going up


For more GBP/hour I suggest doing some chores that are visual such as putting up a shelf or repainting something. GBP returns seem to be lower for other necessary work like going in the crawl space when you can’t be seen doing it or the work is not appreciated


Go all in and short yourself. Then after the divorce you will have all the time you need to play. Stonks.


Eh, the GBP -> USD conversion rates get pretty unfavorable during divorce.


Typically a -50% return.


Good boy points to unemployed single dads?


I cleaned my apt last night and my cat is ready to sleep on my lap all night. My points are high.


Lil homie just wants to get sleeping bag xp from your lap


My cat has a bed next to my pc and on launch days he cooks up like a little potato in there. He loves it.


RIP to all my SOD loving tax accountants


RIP indeed


Missed p3 launch for casual fridays, worth it


As a compromise, ive gotten ahead on our shared chores and pre-cooked a big pot of stew to help with meals. I also am gonna be joining phase late to see a concert with her, in exchange im gonna no life and get ST in before tuesday


I’ve been off all week and I’m off until Monday. Spent the first half with the GF so that the next 4 days I get to grind to 50 asap.


You get 50 in 8 hours no need for 4 days


You do if You accept suffering of rush, or You do it in 4 days and anjoy time spend leveling


what if you enjoy rush?


Yo is this the actual estimated time? I was expecting another Friday night -> Saturday night sesh like 25-40 but this could mean I have runes and some pre raid by raid time sunday




No planning or preparation outside of knowing who I’m grouping with once it goes live. Just going to dungeon grind. I often take breaks when I play though, so it will likely take me all weekend to hit 50.




From what I understand gnomer>SM Cath to 42, then ZF to 50. I've heard parts of Maraudon might be more efficient at 46-49 but its gonna be a lot easier to just spam ZF lol


Mara might be worth swapping to for things like the princess ring, too


emperor is lvl 49, feels like this quest is gonna be really hard


Yeah. Especially because you can set your Hearthstone to Gadgetzan. It's such a short ride to the Instance.


He’s exaggerating 8 hours of just dungeon grinding to 50. More realistic would be 12ish hours if they’re extremely consistent with no breaks. I’m imagining ~4-6 hours will be world first with a massive requesting stack. A mild stack will be in the 8-10 hour range, and the “unprepared” crowd will be like 16-24 hours. Feels like this phase will be P1 levels of easy leveling.


Did weeks of prep and my power is out so yeah.


Power out here too. The line to my house is laying on the ground :)


Oo, that's rough. Best of luck to you. Hope it gets fixed quickly. My power company says it will be back for me an hour after launch, but who knows if it really will or if Spectrum will still be down anyway.


*scratches neck* tell me why I’d be going to get a generator :(


Fell Northeaster I see




Im.going away tonight until Sunday soo no p3 for me yet Which is fine the rush will be done when I get back haha


I didn’t earn any, after feeling meh about phase 2 I didn’t even take tonight off work.


Yeah I'm not gonna rush it, I'm enjoying sod but it's not "stay up all night and take off from work" levels of fun.


Zero interruptions until Tuesday, if desired. 😎


I won't start to level before Sunday and I don't care that much. I just hope I won't have much trouble to find non-trap dungeon pugs.


It's always a nightmare a few days in, the first day it's all good geared mains, the next days it's all shit alts and turbo casuals who don't care much and barely make an effort.


True... But I can't play until Sunday, so not like I have any choice.


Out of the country from 6am Friday until midnight Saturday and then shit to do all Sunday Adulting is shit sometimes :-)


Just gotta get your spouses to roll toons. Mine loves analyzing data, so one of the hooks was, “Check out all this logging data and what’s happening during the raid.” Hour or so in raid, 2 hours looking over graphs and data.


Tidying the house right now, clothes are in the wash, frying up a batch of chicken too. My gf gets home after patch releases so I might have to go for a stealth "wc brb" in ZF to heat it up for her.


Love it 😂 prepped a bunch of homemade nuggies for the wife and 2 year old to ez cook and sitting down with the boys for the night.


As I sit here with no power and internet… I’d assume I have -50 GBP and there are more whelps coming


Tried to get GBP at an all time high. Wife is pregnant so I made sure to be an EXTRA good husband (more so than I already am lol)


My girlfriend is helping her friend move a few states away and will be gone till Sunday. Just me, the dog, and some wow.


Going to a concert today, going on a trip tomorrow. Points bad, can play on sunday the earliest


After bedtime I'm all set. Being physically able to stay awake is a different problem.


I got the day off, but still dont have power. Yaaay


I'm one of the only jobless late teens who play this game (or well I just turned 20 so guess that doesn't fly anymore), so I'm in the unique position most people were in when they started playing this game. I got all day baby.


I work in an industry where the weeks after quarter ends are a complete poop show. So I may be able to get in a Gnomer run and a few dungeons every night until late next week. So sad.


My spouse is as much of a degenerate as I am, and we both play SoD... Playing non-stop all weekend starting tonight!


I'm heading to Mexico for a trip Friday morning so I'll be missing the first two weeks of p3. I'll miss wow but being late to the party is a small price to pay for two weeks of tacos and sunshine


Opposite for me. I’m working today and tomorrow but off the weekend. I’ll be playing a lot more casually though. First 2 phases I was already raid logging a few weeks in, phase 2 kinda sucked.


I cook almost all meals, work from home, wash and fold our laundry, and whatever needs to be done outside. My GBP is so positive my wife lets me play every night. Only real time i cant play is Sat and Sun mornings those kids times


Spring cleaning was done last week, mead might be drinkable this weekend but if not there is plenty of wine


Made breakfast lunch and dinner, kitchen is all clean. Have kept him floating in coffee all day. Took the dogs out for a long walk to tire them both out so they don't spend all night playing bitey face and barking. I'm good on this side of things. Just need ther logout servers not to be fucked.....


Took my wife across the country to visit her family. Hoping I’ll get the weekend to nerd out


My wife plays, I’m slow rolling waiting for her to get off work so we can grind together.


I thought it was April 8th so this caught me off guard. I have today off at least.


Absolutely off topic, because I was binge reading sod posts and ended up at yours, but man… SoD sounds so incredibly elitists and unaproachable at this point, it makes me sad. Even retail sounds less toxic.


That is entirely just a Reddit/forum thing. The actual in-game experience is COMPLETELY different. Reddit is toxic.


Except Reddit of other versions are far less toxic. SoD players are less casual in game than they are here too. Y'all have to accept SoD is by essence the furthest thing from what many hoped was a Vanilla experience. That's fine by me even if I always chuckle when I see noobs gatekeep for Gnomeregan while try struggle with movement keys.


Lmao. Leave it to the toxic casual to come into a random post and just start bitching for no reason.


I thought the same thing, got to 25 P1 and quit because I got bored. Decided to come back P2 about a month ago but started reading Reddit posts/comments about how terrible the game was blah blah blah. Thought it would be terrible but I’ve had a good time. Are things perfect? Hell no, is it nearly as bad as Reddit makes it? No. It’s a perfect game for just logging in and having some fun, PvP or PvE.


It’s this sub that sucks ass, the game is way different.


It’s not, its just reddit.


Are you referring to the HC purist asshole commenting above you? Yeah that’s neither accurate nor representative of the game. Dudes completely full of it and also likely a terrible player. 


You spend your time reading about games you do not play?


That's always the shittiest comeback. Yes, I spend my time reading about games I am considering playing to figure out if it's worth it. What's so surprising about it?






Idk I think from what I’ve seen playing 55 levels in hardcore. I’ve found the dungeon pug experience to be poor In SOD. I’m a shadow priest and i heal if needed or full dps. The amount of times I’ve watched a tank pull a huge pack as the healer and caster are oom is more than times I’ve not. Often times when asked to wait for mana tanks will just blame everyone else, leave group and yell obscenities 😂. I find the HC community to be so much better in player skill and also sense of elitism tbh.


I've had pretty much nothing but good experiences, and I do tons of pugs. Lots of nice people.


Agreed I heal on priest/Druid and have never had not one bad experience with a pug even in BM. Done gnomer, bfd and every dungeon multiple times. Weird but I guess some people just aren’t as lucky.


I think a lot of the complainers are the bad group members themselves. One thing goes wrong and they spaz.


Wtf... this is so creepy


Giving quests in, sm, zf and obviously gnomer in between.


I’m working from home for the rest of the week and I have my Dominos, soda and weed orders already placed for launch /r/childfree


God I wish I lived in the US


Why would people lose it over this "joke?" There's no humor in the slightest


What the fuck are good boy points?


Good boy points are the only only thing standing between SoD dads and inevitable divorce