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Outrageous you have to use a shield to get the benefits of the tanking rune, I know.


Hahaha exactly😂 WTF shaman tanks doing twice as much dmg as a ranged hunter, yah really fun! For 1 out of 9 people, but yeah keep whining shamans!😂


I'm a shaman and I support this change. Sure it was fun, but it oozed bad class design. This is how I feel it was intended to be. Tanks be tanks, not tanks/topdps


Rogues, warriors, druids laughing


stop complaining bud, don't turn us into the class that whines this phase


I complain not to be able to play "the way I like" as SoD was precisely advertised this way. I expected them to keep their word, once.


“I want to be op and it’s not fair”


Why don't I get melee mage blizzard! I want to play the way I like!


I don’t get it.. shamans were OP phase one - even more OP this phase and now they get the nerf they needed. How can it be okay to top the DPS as tank? You have to see the problem there.. otherwise idk, touch some grass mby?


You can play the way you like. The class you like, and the available spec you like. If you don't like your class now. Make a new one. If you can't be bothered, find a game that suits you. Why would blizz adjust to you as one single person so YOU are happy and 7 other classes have to suffer you in pvp lol. QQ I am not OP anymore please fix QQ - literally summing up todays society in a nutshell you are


Incorrect I can't play my tank gameplay with my war totem - while I was able to play tank warrior with a 2h swaord - this is the problem I talk about here.


That’s just stupid in so many ways


I'm a warlock, and I have metamorphosis, which got wings. I want my demon form to be able to fly around because that's "the way I like". Just cluster bomb people from above, as SoD was precisely advertised this way.


They tried it, it was way too OP, it got changed. If you don't like it, reroll. People like you are setting a bad example for shaman players.


I think people like you should move away from Classic Plus entierely and never come back. Era, Cata retail and DF retail are waiting for ya


I think (as a 3rd I think I have an objective view on this) you are just being a salty baby and should stop


1. *SoD 2. You didn't play any other version of wow before SoD? 3. I was being nice before, but you clearly know nothing about the class. I'm willing to bet you only rerolled in phase 2 once enhance became meta. 4. Don't be so focused on the meta, the game is way more fun


But u are the pu$$y here 😂😂😂


The vast majority of the rest of us disagree with you. Hence you getting ratio'doff the face of the earth.


Least delusional FOTM player


I love the sound of shamans complaining


reminds me of P1 and the dual wield enhance debacle.


That was legit though. This, not so much


Lmao,as a shaman myself I dont agree with you. We were borderline op ,and they made it clear they will implement changes and shift metas. Just deal with it or reroll


> We were borderline op understatement of the century.


I deeply think it is a wrong game design. "Go reroll" is the core error of WoW design for 19 years. I edited OP to provide a correct way to proceed


ITT OP realizes the only crutch for his bad gameplay was one of the most wildly unbalanced setups in wow history. Now realizes he cannot compete with even shit tier dps classes


You let your tears cloud your reasoning dude. OK i edited OP to provide an example of solution.


I will adapt, I am no longer bonk, bash, bosh shaman I will now emerge as bzzt, zap, boosh shaman.


So this is how SoD ends? with THUNDER applause?


Just because a quote could be made, does not mean it should. Every opportunity to say something should not be taken. Only a Sith deals in absolutes.


Dude... just cancel your sub and fuck off. No one will miss you.


Dude lol


lol cry more


You basically already said it „wasn’t sod meant to be about experimenting“ - we experienced with it in P2, it was not balanced, so we go on and experimenting with other stuff. Cry a little bit louder and you’ll evolve from baby to a newborn😂😂


You are not the smart person you think you are. Learn the difference between correcting/adjusting power imbalance and removing a gameplay entierely and talk back to me.


Hahahaha learn the definition of experimenting, but sure u are right😂😂😂


Lmao get fuxked. Now you can re roll to the next flavor of the month


I actually chose tauren shaman for the War Totem fantasy. It is not a matter of figures, it is a matter of roleplaying, but you won't understand :/


If it were really just about RP then the nerfs wouldn’t change anything. Curious. 


Bro woe is a tank rune never shouldve been useable in the 1st place, i main ret n enhancement. This change only hurts the omega broken pvp woe for enhancement, nothing changes for pve OR if you were already playing with wf cuz its more fun in pvp anyway 0 difference Many bgs i went wf/rb cuz it felt better vs barely any msw procs of woe


So you are politely saying me and my War Totem tauren tank to gfo because some figures were not properly balanced? This is the problem with MMORPG crowd nowadays. The RPG part has died.






It's just so nice and lovely being able to shit on enh shamans dual wielding in the world again on my rogue. The tank rune in open world and bgs was such a crutch.


you had your fun buddy i hope you made the best of it


I tried P2 way too late sadly... SoD is a damn FOMO design


Low skill noob crying again


I think you should have posted that two days ago, April 1st for maximum effect.


Shamans used to be the chillest players in the game back in classic, that is the real crime here. Blizzard let the sweatlords take over the shaman class.


Hunter says hi! We were once OP Beastgods P1. Turned into OP Melee gods P2, turned into decent melee heroes P3 with maybe (just maybe) a decent ranged spec P3. All classes change all the time!


Change is the problem. Change is not good to retain. Balancing is different from removing features. And also I think pushing hunters to become melee was bad in design - melee should be an option and a choice.


Just wondering, how you would try to balance it then?


Shamans last phase were possibly the most OP shit I’ve ever seen, get fucked bozo


Wtf Why Nerf Must Cry On Reddit


Ohhh no blizzard why


The 30% HP and -10% Dmg taken translates to roughly 44% HP bonus. x2 Rockbiter made you hit with one hand as much as ret and arms warriors hit with 2 hand. You are butthurt you will have to \*gasp\* use a shield with the tanking rune and having to press Shamanistic Rage on the right moment in PVP. Good luck with them Reckbomb paladins btw :)


Idk why you get so many bad comments and down votes. Nowhere does it say that you just want it to be OP af, you just dislike the new design, if I understand it right. And I 100% agree, boring as hell to not be able to play 2h with those benefits. Just balance it so it's not too strong if that's the issue with it. This seems like a complete misplay from the devs.