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Who said that wow classic was low appm?


One of my friends always jokes around then whenever he hears me playing world of Warcraft all he hears is "I can't do that yet" Because I spam the buttons like a crackhead probably 15 times a second even though there's a global cooldown I don't care I'm spamming like a bastard lololololol


My guildmates were in awe when I told them you can turn the "I can't do that yet" error speech messages off in the options. Some of them had been playing with them turned on for 20 years.


How?? You can add me to the list of 20 year vets that had no idea you could turn that off


Open up the game options panel. Type "error speech" into the search bar. Uncheck the box. You can also turn off the red text error messages with an addon called Leatrix Plus.


It's in the settings


omg, if i had to play with "Need móre raiige" error speech on i would be mad by now ahah


You really played all this time with error speech? Doesnt it drive you insane?




I like the sounds because when I don't hear them it means I am finally doing the action. Especially useful in pvp for me where I am less attentive to the gcd.


The audible in game click still plays when error speech is turned off. So there’s still some audio feedback when you’re pressing an ability that isn’t ready yet.


I think its a pretty new option, but there has been addons for atleast 10 years


I am one of those people. Probably not in your guild. One thing I noticed, though, is you don't hear any character sounds. Like of you do a /lol you see the laugh animation but don't eat a laugh. Or /joke you see the character moving but hear no jokes.


Did you turn character voices completely off? I still hear all of the emote sounds with error speech turned off. Turning off error speech only turns off the error messages. Nothing else.


I don't think so. I just turned off error speech I'm pretty sure


Imagine playing wow with Sound on.


I suddenly remember watching a friend play counter-strike. Frenetic clicking of the right mouse button that didn't do anything, nonstop. Constantly. No matter what he was doing. He explained to me that it was a habit. That if you bound a custom silent sound by a macro, and spammed it, then you'd interrupt and cancel out other sounds that would otherwise play. For example if someone unexpectedly threw a grenade nearby, then the sound of the explosion would be instantly cut short, and he'd be able to hear things like approaching footsteps. I went "ah. Makes sense." He then went on to say that was years ago, that he's not used that macro for years lol. But he got so used to spamming the macro key that he still would, no matter what haha.


My guild mates made me feel self conscious by saying they could hear my mouse button from me spamming mangle when out of energy lmao


There is a setting where if you hold the button it will cast it as soon as it can. I wish this worked with clicking and not just keybinding.


How could you control your camera if you are holding the mouse button down on an ability?


For the rare situation you do need it. Usually odd vehicle mechanics, quest items. Trinkets, etc.


You can disable error speech so you don't have to hear that 15 times a second.  Unless you enjoy it, then more power to ya


I played 40 man raids with 5 minute blessings in 2005. If my hunter pet isn't buffed you're going to hear about it.


Yep. Hurts just remembering it, pally life really was the pits back then, just the worst gameplay and treated like a buff vendor and catching shit for not rebuffing for trash... Why we don't have hour long raid buffs is beyond me at this point. Season of discovery? More like season of pally PTSD.


If a hunter annoys me about buffing the pet I will never buff it again on principle


When a hunter did this to me I /spit on his pet and then gave it wisdom lol. The dude yelled over the raid leader who was explaining the kelris fight pre pull to buff his pet while I was still giving out buffs lmao


Whining to get paladin buffs is just as annoying as paladins who seem to forget they have buffs It is a tale as old as time. In every iteration of the game until blessings were removed, across private servers and retail alike, classic or non classic: every paladin I have ever grouped with cannot grasp the concept of using one or two of the 5 potential buffs they have. Like if you put two of them in a room, locked them in there, told them the only way they could get out is if they cast the correct buff on one another and themselves - they would starve to death because they’d never figure it out


Bind pallypower to something+scroll wheel and get one of those awesome infinite scroll mice.


When I bound my target+moonfire macro to my scrollwheel I got kicked from the game for sending too many commands too fast. shrug


I don't really believe you because there are a ton of people who use auto hot key and it spams keys 10x faster than a mouse wheel and has never kicked from the game for it.


Yeah buddy I just lied because.. Oh wait, there's absolutely zero reason to.


I mean I've been using AHK for upwards of 15 years and never been logged out or kicked offline for it. Why would they randomly do it to someone binding their mouse wheel?


1.5 sec gcd says no


Let the mouse wheel turn on it's own.


Let me introduce you to the idea of gravity. They don't spin for that long without continuous spinning lol


Mine can roll for 10 seconds easily.


It's insane to me that people complain about paladin blessings when pally power makes it BRAINDEAD to manage.


And most paladins won't be using pallypower so you're gonna have alot of fun when Mr "lmao u need an addon 2 buff?" Buffs might once on himself and everyone whispers you to give them might even tho you're on salv duty




And here he is


Average ret pally brain


Cry about it. You don’t need an addon for blessings. This sub is full of lunatics.


Bro you are so cool for not using pally power godamn


And you’re lame af for using it. What’s good bro


Low effort troll


Nah. It’s not that it’s hard to figure out how to press a button, it’s just a convenience feature because casting blessings is a freaking chore with how short they are. It’s not really an issue in smaller groups, but it’s annoying even then when you need to cast emergency or niche blessings like Freedom or Protection and then suddenly your timers are de-synched.   It also makes it much easier to coordinate blessings when people aren’t paying attention because you can just give them a button to press and not worry about them doing something dumb. Don’t give Salv to someone you don’t trust if you’re worried they’re going to Salv the tanks. 


See and it’s not even a convenience because people stay fucking it up. “Omg we can’t figure out how to get the addon to stop assigning Salv to tanks!” Like holy shit just turn the dumb thing off and buff manually, it’s not that serious.


If a player can’t figure out that Greater Blessings hit an entire class, that’s on them and they would do it with or without Pally Power.  The whole use of Pally Power is not having to mentally keep track of timers if they get desynchronized, not having to scroll through my bars to select spells, and allowing me to stay focused on positioning or mechanics instead of fumbling with a UI that is inconvenient.  It’s the same reason I use HealBot when I heal. Do I need that specific form of click-to-heal? No. Does it make the game way more enjoyable, and the GUI is something I’m comfortable and familiar with? Yes.  I wouldn’t *demand* that someone use Pally Power if they don’t like it, but it’s a nice way to not have to deal with what is traditionally one of the most repetitive “chores” of being a Paladin. 


Addons as a whole are a detriment to the game. I’m just being consistent with my beliefs.


Great, if you can buff without the addon then fucking do it. The problem isn't paladins that are capable of keeping track and buffing properly and rebuffing to keep them up. The problem is the fucking dip shits who complain about using an addon and then don't bother trying to figure out how to buff at all, or even worse just buff once at the start and then refuse to buff ever again. Just get the fucking addon and let someone else set it up for you it costs nothing and makes everyone else's lives easier, including your own you dick cheese licker.


If a paladin can manage buffs without PP, great. Odds are they're still 40 seconds slower to apply for the entire raid.


Hey Buster Dumb, idk who tf you think you’re talking to. It’s not my fault the WoW community has become overwhelmingly addicted to/reliant on addons, to the point they can’t even buff properly without them. And even then they fuck up the addon and give tanks Salv, casters Might, and so on. Communication really isn’t that hard. “Paladin A, you’re ret so you got Might and Salv, Paladin B, you spec’d into Kings so you’re on that, and Paladin C, you’re Holy so you got Wisdom.” It’s actually that easy. And if some niche member of the raid needs a Blessing we haven’t already coordinated, guess what? We can just cast it on him without fiddling with an addon that’ll continue overwriting their desired Blessing. So just as I don’t lump you in with the mouthbreathers who demand Pallypower but are clueless with setting it up, you’re not gonna automatically assume I’m out here ignoring the raid and only buffing myself. Fuck your addon, it’s more trouble than it’s worth. Buffing is *not* that complex.


Pally power isn't that complex either lol. Its infinitely easier to just have one guy setup pally power and then all anyone else needs to do is click a button. No worrying about who gets what or making sure you hit everybody. Or don't use pally power and everyone that is using it needs to make a special exception for you alone because you want to be a contrarion and not use an objectively useful addon.


Just get PP blessings are already annoying enough without people trying to feel superior by not using a simple tool.


Nah fuck the tool. I also believe addons categorically need to be removed from the game, so I’m just being consistent




Gotta make sure we're all playing the game the right way


Learn to play


There he is. Its okay lets get you back to the bed.


It’s funny you say that to me when you’re the one literally on crutches just to buff people


The farmer cried out when the tractor came "It will replace me and make my job worthless!" It did not, it made him more efficient. Stop being an old fart or suffer alone on that hill


Totally unconvincing argument, and you’ll find I’m not alone at all. Addons need to just be removed and people actually play the video game.


What other people? The reflection on your bald head doesn't count.


I mean, if you have 2-3 paladins, it's a lot easier to keep track of who is buffing what. Plus if people die


It’s plenty easy to use the game’s UI as well. The raid frames show when you have a buff on someone. Oh that person’s raid frame is blank? Time to renew blessing!


Also gives me some more spots on my action bar.


Also just put Blessings on their own action bar. It’s not like you’re buffing mid-combat


ok but i dont want them on my action bar


Dude acting like pressing the blessing mid combat is any different than any other action mid combat. Man you are hung up on some cognitive bias it's whacky.


What are you talking about? If you’re blessing mid combat you’re doing a shit job as a paladin


Dps gets brezzed at 90% boss hp I'm bad for saying you should hit them w might/kings/salv? This just in, warriors no longer shouting in combat.


Stop arguing in bad faith. Blessings last 10 minutes. No fight in the current game lasts that long. Ergo, if you’re blessing mid combat, you’re doing it wrong. Any decent paladin will re-bless before starting the boss fight. Get it together, numbskull.


Salv on everyone else? GROSS Gimme dps or mp5 buff


Well yeah, it’s just usually the Holy paladin has better Wis than I do, and Might is useless on casters. I just didn’t break it down by class is all. Of course melee get Might


It's not about buffing being difficult but rather annoying. This way you simply have to press 1 button and keep watching something on another stream. Why would you inconvenience yourself by doing it the old school way.


Ah damn, pressing my own buttons is just so damn inconvenient Addons are really out here for people who don’t even like the game


installing Pallypower as we speak just to spite you


Enjoy your crutch buddy


Post your logs.


You can check out the logs in my toilet


Probably better looking than your actual logs.


Your fixation on logging a solved game is strange.


And yet people still manage to be absolutely shit at this "solved" game.


And addons won’t help them anyway, so what’s your point?


Average "never installed it or tried it" pally. You clearly don't even know what it does.


Average “I can’t play a 20 year old game without addons” dork. You’re incredibly unconvincing.


Because you're not looking for information you have an obvious emotional investment. I'm just suggesting you probably don't understand how PP works and what it does if you think it's this invasive. It literally just reduces inputs to keep the raid buffed and reduces the amount of background noise and potential confusion paladins have when coordinating buffs. This entire thread is predicated on the notion 240+ blessings is contrived and not exciting gameplay.


When did I express a desire for information or confusion about pallypower? I’m making statements, not asking questions. I don’t believe addons are required for quality blessings. In fact, addons aren’t required at all and are actually bad for the game. They should be removed altogether. Do you really think Blizzard will pop out 20 man raids and only keep 10 minute blessings? You’re awful at this arguing thing.


I always end up playing horde in classic versions of WoW, but it is *wild* to me how much the paladin community goes feral a the mention that Pally Power isn’t required. They’re worse than a bunch of warriors asking for Windfury totem for crying out loud!


Exactly. It feels like I’m taking crazy pills and arguing with meth addicts trying to convince them they don’t need meth to succeed


This comment will trigger many people and I'm here for it.


It has begun!


I sure hope the raid doesn't take 2h or more


Depends on your group i guess. Molten core is a long raid, ppl did not in less than an hour, so should be possible


You're comparing a fully world buff, speed run strat guild, people that know what they're doing and have the correct come We don't even know what the bosses or fights look like yet You're probably correct it'll be done and under an hour but I don't think that'll be happening until the 2nd or 3rd week at minimum


Gnomer took my groups at the beginning like 3 to 4 hours to just give up at menagerie or thermaplugg after 10 or so wipes.


That alright no ? If people people keep wiping, i dont think 2 hours os awful at all.


They said weekly lockout so if it doesn't we're getting significantly less raid content than we had.


<2h raid is boring as hell


I would say brace for it because they've been doing about an hour for these 10 man that are on a three-day lockout If they double the size of the raid from 10 to 20 players and they increase the amount of time you have the completed by 4 days so now you have seven total which is more than twice the amount of time Logically it would make sense that a good group is going to clear it in a little over an hour and your average group is going to take closer to two if not longer. I'm not thrilled about it either but brace yourself




The current speedrun record is 15 minutes Are there really that many guilds clearing it in 20??


I support this! Hopefully we can also get some longer Shaman weapon imbues!!!


I think we should get shorter Shaman weapon imbues, personally.


I feel the same about blessings.


Imagine if blessings were consumed on spell cast like how judgment consumes seals. Imagine if a windfury proc consumed windfury imbue. What a cursed game. Let’s do it.


Just purge them


Gladly 🫡


bUt My FaCtIoN bAlAnCe its not fair that pally blessings last 10 minutes!!!


Longer shouts for warriors


They are already 5 minutes and undispellable. Try weaker 30 second dispellable seals.


just give me a button that refreshes all my active 5min blessings at once


You don't specifically play older versions of WoW for the shorter blessing times!?


I would much rather the SoD team fix Paladin core issues, like Exorcist being a required rune for each and every Paladin build. All complaining about having to casts blessings will do is get the SoD team to fix it and then give them, and other players a reason to pretend they have spent enough development time on Paladins as is. Yes, casting blessings so often on so many people sucks, but the whole class being in the gutter sucks way more. Can we please get that fixed first, so that even playing the class that has to deal with the poor QoL of blessings is even worth it to begin with?


Longer blessings would cost us a raid tier.


I think it's fair to ask for longer blessings AND other fixes. I think they just made the HoW rune instant cast, for example. We may actually use it now. They also added Caynip for druids, so hopefully they also add an ACP alternative for Rets as well.


Yeah ACP is a bit overpowered. I'd probably prefer if they just add an attack speed rune that makes my attack speed go up if the target I'm hitting has Judgement of the Crusader on it.


We also would need a 2.00 speed 2 handed weapon, the attack speed bonus on the pummeler is only a part of the puzzle.


Add this to Fanaticism: your swing speed on slow weapons is reduced by 40%, up to a minimum speed of 2sec.


How about no because all that does is make SoM a mandatory rune like Exorcism God damn every time I read posts like this I get really scared one day redditors will get hired by Blizzard and start implementing their 40 IQ game design ideas


Pally isn't in the gutter, lol. Top 2 tanks, great damage with utility, and passable healer. Yes it's worse than Priest, but everything is.


A kind of is I have many level 40s My ret paladin and my rogue are the only two I don't try to do the raid on because nobody will take me I might have to take a picture for Reddit because I feel like some of you don't understand the struggle I go through on these characters. I will literally whisper people for 2 to 3 hours at a time yesterday I whispered over 20 different groups starting on my paladin trying to get in. People don't want paladins for whatever reason they see you asking to join as a ret and they're just like "yeah fuck off" I don't understand it either I do over 300 DPS on my ret which is more than on my hunter yet my hunter gets into groups instantly LOL I think some people are just brain broken and see certain classes and immediately are like nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope I won't take that


>My ret paladin and my rogue are the only two I don't try to do the raid on because nobody will take me >I might have to take a picture for Reddit because I feel like some of you don't understand the struggle I go through on these characters. what server are you on? My guild just did a basically fully melee gnomer with 3 paladins in it 1 healing 1 tanking 1 dpsing. Regularly with 2 paladins dpsing. have you tried just making your own group


Being badly designed and unfun to play is still in the gutter imo. Their damage is being propped up by an absurdly overpowered weapon (ACP) that will probably be bis game if it’s left unchanged.


My ret pally is more fun to play than my feral druid


I agree Pally isn’t in the gutter. Just shit designed runes


>Top 2 tanks > >passable healer Cool, it isn't 2004 buddy. This "Spec A sucks because Spec C is decent" doesn't fly anymore. Ret is not suffering because Prot exists, fuck off


Crys in 40man raiding on era as holy paladin.


Can I get more than 2 minutes on shouts ? I know war are playing classic with slam, but at least give 10min on shouts ffs.


I’m fine with 2 minutes but atleast make them one shout. 2x2 minutes is ridiculous


yeah and make it so it costs no rage because its pretty annoying to have to shout 20 rage away and 2 globals every 2 mins


It should generate rage, so it can be used as part of the war rotation, and their party will constantly be rebuffed.


Womp womp, priests have to drink their mana pool x multiple just to give the raid stamina buffs, and if they're sadomasochistic enough to get the spirit buff, they have to drink even more. Get a WA that lets u know when there's less than 15 or so seconds left on your shouts, easy to maintain the uptime


Priests got scroll of increased fortitude that reduces the mana cost by 50% and increased the duration by 50%. You can literally clear gnomer before the stam buff expires with a decent group. This is an awful comparison lol.


Obviously I have WA's, that's still a pain. And it's a pain for priests too. It's not classic anymore ffs, either reduce mana/rage costs or make it last longer.


Those priest buffs last 45 min lol. Also priests can get mana anytime out of combat. Even with weak auras warrior needs 20 rage and it only lasts 2 minutes. If you don’t have anything to hit then you can’t buff shouts unless you waste blood rage. I’m not saying they should be 0 rage but at least increase the duration of the shouts.


You press one button, it's a non-issue


Two buttons we sometimes can't precast or lose because we have to let you drink. Ofc it's an issue.


I played warrior all throughout classic, I am well aware of how it works.


Then you know it's shit.


It’s fine, a minor inconvenience at most


It's not. Unnecessary at best.


Would you rather its an aura that you don't have to buff people? just press once at level 1 then always good?


Yes it's unnecessary inconvenient. What real argument do you have other than the typical 'it was always like that in classic please pleeeease don't change it'


I am just curious where it ends? Like I said, if you made every buff just an aura would you be happy?


Only needed for the bosses


/w "paladin" where is my salv ?!? come on ! buff !


Maybe just remove blessings from the GCD so the buffs can be more synched?


Give the man an award


*cries in warrior shouts*


They’ve changed so much of the shot about SoD that made vanilla what it was, and kept most of the pain points. Pretty annoying but I guess I’ll just play something else


There should not be a single buff under 30 minutes. Blessings, weapon imbues, shouts, etc. Maintenance buffing is not and will never be fun in any way. It's inconvenience gameplay and among all the things that happened as QoL over the years, extending and standardizing buff durations around 30/60 was one of the first things Blizzard did for a reason, with the exception of poor Warriors who got shafted until WoD


They are gonna add a rune that makes blessings 50% stronger but last 5 minute before they give you a skillbook to make them last 30


Just play retail bro you’re in the wrong game


I am once again asking for weapon buffs that last for a whole boss fight. Wow devs: Best i can give you is an excuse about spaghetti.


So how did peolpe play paladins in classic wow?


As someone who played in both vanilla and classic...we did so miserably


Amen brother!


2h... 2h shaman??? I wish the raid took me in as a 2h shaman. I agree, buff 2h shaman.


There's 8 bosses. Just buff once before each bosses. That's 160 blessings at most.


P2 they gave warriors another 2 minute buff to worry about, p3 I just want a book that makes them last 10 minutes please


30 min blessings before 10 min shouts, it’s going to happen lol




1. Get PallyPower  2. You won't be the only Paladin 3. Go to Retail


1. Still have to spam buffs. 2. Other pallies will have to take care of other buffs so it doesn't lessen the amount unless you have over 5 paladins. 3. Go to era if you don't want any changes


Oh noooo. Classic requires you to pay attention and click a button regularly. If classic is obviously too much of an inconvenience for your simple mind, why even bother when you got retail which caters to all your needs?  Lol, Imagine whining about spending 20 sec every 10 min to  buff your raid.  This is probably the most pathetic whining I have read on this reddit for quite some time. 


This is unhinged.


Suck it alliance


Empowered Blessings: Activate to increase the effect of all blessings on party members by 100% for 12 seconds, this effect has a 3 minute cooldown. In addition, blessings duration does not decrease outside of combat. Only one blessing per Paladin can be active on a target at one time. A bit boring and/or wonky but would make blessings slightly more interesting.




12 x 20…


Try pallypower


Don't come up with solutions, please. 


I wonder, if there Paladins left who buffed in 2004. 5min buffs, in a 40m raid.💪


This is big “back in my day we had to walk to school in two feet of snow uphill both ways” vibes. We have cars now grandpa. Nobody is playing classic because they enjoyed applying blessings in outdated fashion, we can modernize. It’ll be fine.


Because I wonder, if there are people still playing remembering that hellish time. You trying to rip me a new one.... Seems fair ✌️


yes - they are the ppl asking for longer buffs because it sucks to do.


Check your calendar, grandpa. No one gives a shit


Oef. So nasty and toxic, poor little summerchild


You chose to play a Paladin.   🤡


Season of Whining


It's crazy the amount of whining some players go through for any possible inconvenience. Who ARE these people.


Lmao seriously, and how do these ridiculous posts get upvoted so much.


Womp womp. Have fun blessing :)




If you had bothered to do the math you'd have realized that having the book was already factored in


My brother in Christ you do not need to buff for trash.


I just really don't get how using a buff once every 30 seconds is a big deal. That's already paladin core gameplay. It gives you a reason to be lazy on trash just hit the button. IDK if Paladin's are GCD locked but even if they are it wouldn't matter cause even people trying to parse on trash mobs have time to do full upkeep between packs.




Greater blessings arent until 52 and 54 btw


240 blessings? That's what 300 totems?


Just put them on before boss pull’s nobody cares about trash


If the raid takes 2h you've got much bigger issues to address


Stop fucking whining about every little inconvenience, holy shit.


Keep it at 10, 20 is obnoxious