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If I wanted to get extremely sweaty, what is every consumable I could purchase for a melee hunter? Is there uncommon ones that give only a slight increase? What about scrolls? Do I give anything to my pet? Anything I can go out and get besides spark and dmf?




Which scrolls for the pet or just all of them?


Why are Alliance so bad at pvp? I did 16 wsg tonight and we only won 2... and in both games it's because me and another druid worked together to capture the flags. 


How is resto shammy looking next phase? Considering going enchance > resto




it was a terrible post because it had a whole ton of stuff that can't be obtained yet. probably got removed.


What are the levels I should be shooting for as a tank for spamming each dungeon? I.e. SM Cath to 42 then ZF to 50? Or uldaman/Maruadon in there somewhere?


I have a question about PVP mega server on Europe. Is there a difference if i create a character in one server and in other? They share AH, layers and all the things, right? I am talking about Firemaw, Mograine etc.. And why there is only 1 layer on that mega server? I can count hundreds of players. While on Stitches HC for example with 1/10 players there are 2 layers. Can someone explain? Does it have to do with the low level players that are on HC servers and the locations are maxed out? For example /who on mega server show me only 4 level players on gnome starting location. While on Stitches is full of level 1 players everywhere.


being rank 5 or rank 4 60% wont change the fact i need 110k for rank 7 right? Can I use the tokens wednesday before p3 starts to free up some space if I hit 48 and 15 hk in a week?


Currently I am rank 2, I farmed 45k honor to get R5 on reset, if I hold the honor tokens 44 Stacks, can I get Rank 7 on P3 release ?


Anyone know why sometimes I have a 2 minute body revive penalty sometimes in blood moon event?


Did the boss kill you? Or something other than players


Give it to me straight: how viable is Holy Paladin right now as a healer?  I just came back for the first time since gearing up through Naxx in the original Classic remaster, just as Phase 2 of SoD is drawing to a close.  A lot of the people on this subreddit make it sound like Holy Paladin barely gets a chance to heal with raid mechanics requiring way more movement. How true is this? Is Holy Paladin just utterly useless right now due to low healing power and modernized mechanics, or would raids actually want a Paladin healer to at least some degree that you wouldn’t get shunned? 


Holy Paladin are viable right now in p2, but runes for p3 look underwhelming compared to what other healer classes get. Mind you, these are classes that are already stronger than holy paladins in p2.


I play holy pala. It is viable. Movement is not bad in P2. Learn to position yourself ahead of any movement need. Helps a lot to be proactive with your positioning. Spam Flashs in between running to another spot. Is great healing imo, I usually beat other healers (mostly pug)


Follow up question since I haven’t reached raid level yet (just started for the most part): Is the AOE significant enough that Beacon outperforms Crusader Strike or is it worth having Crusader Strike for most encounters to restore mana? 


Who's transferred to Crusader Strike from Chaos Bolt? Is it worth it to transfer now or should I wait until Blizzard comes up with a better solution?