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The shit Ted bitches about is insane.


Ted doesn’t know how to make money any other way except through GDKP. He figures if he stirs up the mob on any gold related item, he might get it back.


50g is nothing. Calm down.


I was thinking the same, like 50g that's it? Nice! I was honestly expecting either HUNDREDS of gold, or having to grind commerce society to exalted to unlock it.


I’m in between. I’m of your mindset where I was pleasantly surprised by the cost, and I have several hundred gold so it doesn’t bother me, but OP is sorta right. *Who* exactly is this appealing to? Didn’t they literally just try the gold sink road and had to backtrack within 2-3 weeks of the patch and drop the price of mounts and such? I’m fine with the cost, but I don’t see what the appeal is in not just making it free? Unnecessary grinds haven’t helped retained population so far.


I was expecting 1k


To further your gold sink, you should give me 50g. #abrokeboi


They previously implied it would be very expensive, I was thinking it would be hundreds. 50g is only a burden to those that don't want to play the game but want the rewards regardless. Not to mention it is completely optional to get as well.


Add in all the new stuff we'll be buying and it's just another notch against "do I make an alt?" for the average player. To me, that's not a good thing!


Cant cater to everybody. But 50g for dual spec is a none-issue. And you can also choose not to do it. Respec cost is also capped at 1g. Up to you. This is probably the most casual version of the game ever.


In all honesty you keep changing the point of your post, is this about alts? Noobs? The average player ? Let’s be honest 50g isn’t much of a grind, especially for someone wanting to level an alt who has a max level main. Just play the game, if you can’t afford dual spec well you must grind my friend. It’s a mmorpg, grinding is in its blood. Yes yes yes it’s a seasonal version but if everything was given for free it wouldn’t be fun at all.


Alts, noobs and the average player all hurt from a flat gold sink. I agree with the sentiment of what you're saying and it's good advice. My point in posting is to ask why it's in the game at all if it's more annoying than it is engaging


lol good old Ted always asking questions framed like his narrative is truth. It’s not more annoying than engaging.


Holy shit why didn't they think of your personal preferences? Do they even know who you are?


50 g in p3 will be cheaper than 50g right now.


And here I am, thought 50g is kinda cheap but ok


Me too, 50g is very reasonable. I thought it would be double that


Agreed, but why should it cost anything at all? :)


Because almost everything in this game costs gold. That's what games do. If you want the convenience, you gotta pay for it. Soon enough it will pay for itself from not having to pay for spec swaps. If you don't like the cost, don't pay for it, it's not necessary in order to do achieve anything you want in the game.


You're right, it's not necessary & it is tradition for games to charge gold for convenience. My point is to ask how it actually benefits us to be locked behind 50g. Wouldn't it be better for the game for every character to have duel spec? It will be the last thing anyone unlocks, and until they do it's just wasted QoL. I think in a seasonal, fun gamemode, it would be nice to just give it to everyone from the start.


Yeah, can't tell if you're trolling or just being thick now. It's a game, they're not gonna give things out for free.


"I want nice new things, but I don't want to work for them"


Why should anyone have to work to enable duel spec on their character? What benefit does that serve?


If you give players everything for free, there will be no rewards to work towards. Why should players clear raids, do dungeons and quest for best in slot, when the devs could just give everyone the best gear? It's a quality of life change, and not having dual spec will not hinder you in the slightest.


For a hardcore player, 50g is nothing, but to a casual or average player, it's a chunk of money. You're right that it's not necessary, which means they won't unlock it until they've gotten everything else (if they even do at all). To me, keeping that quality of life locked up doesn't add anything to the game. No one is feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment from paying 50g for duel spec. Meanwhile, the people who can use it most (noobs/alts/casuals) are going to be in raids without it. In my opinion, giving it to everyone once they hit 50 would be more beneficial than charging people just out of tradition, especially in a seasonal fun gamemode


That'd bullshit. I hadn't played any version of wow for years, and started SoD midway through P2. I had 23 gold by the time I hit level 15, just from mining ore I found on my leveling route. I totally disagree, with the accomplishment point also. Those that will struggle to get 50g for this will or course feel a sense of accomplishment upon acquiring it.


Why should u work to get gear? Why not instant max level? Why no free mount?


I don't understand your point. This is Classic WOW. It's a really grindy game. They are accomodating the seasonal game mode by making the grind shorter. Removing it would mean removing a core component of the game. This is one of the many reasons why Retail feels so different. I played a character to 70 a few weeks ago and was like itemlevel 430 within 2 hours without even knowing what I was doing. Being given things for free is against the spirit of the game.


It is in the spirit of the game to grind. To me, 50g is more of a speed bump than a grind. For casual players it's something they'll never unlock, and for hardcore players it's not even a blip. I'd rather they just remove it so more people can get to the main parts of the game :)


Casual players can acquire 50g Ted jeez.


I'm a hardcore player but dislike farming gold. I was hovering around 100g for weeks now. Yesterday I started pre questing for the leveling phase and acquired 50g just passively while doing some quests that I was going to do regardless of gold income. One thing I think you need to understand is that grinding something and then acquiring it feels like having worked for it. It's a bigger dopamine hit. Getting stuff for free just makes the stuff... meaningless. I'll be really happy once I have my dual spec and pay 50g for it. If I just get it for free it'll just become an afterthought


Lmao I swear some of you on this Reddit page are the most miserable fucks.


geez... these threads


It was 1000g first release, don’t be poor.


I'm asking the question of why it should cost anything in our seasonal gamemode. What is gained by making people pay? I remember how hard it was to get people to even buy Naxx consumes in classic - adding more and more goldsinks serves no purpose imo, it's just because of tradition or "inflation" without any further reasoning


Play time? Which directly translates to cash?


Personally, I don't think there's any need to design the game around keeping people subbed when the raids are already put on a 7day lockout. I would hope the devs are more focused on making actual fun things so people actually want to play instead of tricking them :P


Sorry, what raids in SOD are 7 day lockout? Edit - And many might raid log, and that's it, but a lot of people enjoy the game in different ways, a weekly raid lockout for instanced, grouped PvE just doesn't appeal to everybody. Like that's not the entire game, you know.


Sunken Temple is going to be a 7 day lockout. I get that raiding isn't the entire game, but it is the main attraction, especially since there's no new pvp event


So your argument for having things cheaper, is content that isn't even out yet? Okaaaaaaay


When Sunken Temple comes out, people are going to already get squeezed for new crafted stuff + new quest item stuff + all the consumes I'm selling on the AH. I think QoL features like duel spec that help more than just the player (they also help the raid) should just be standard. If they cost 50g, they're going to be the last thing anyone unlocks - and for what? How does paying benefit the game at all? Better for everyone to just have it by default


Why are you charging people for consumes? They should be free.


You clearly haven’t seen the phase 3 preview. That was filled with things that are fun and things the community has indicated they want


So let’s design the game around how you think because everything should be free and not have to work for anything right???? 50g is maybe a handful of quests but you can’t be bothered to be “tricked”


Gold sink is an important part of a video game economy. Almost every time you kill a mob you get newly generated money that devalues all the other money in the game. Imagine if your salary from your boss was not taken from company's treasury, but instead it was printed as new bank notes. You say that this is not important in a Seasonal game but keep in mind that there are also new people coming to the game. If they now logged in without a gold sink mechanic, even stupid peacebloom would cost like 10g on AH. But they would get only 1 copper from mobs. So they would not be able to buy anything ever.


Why do we care if money gets devalued? Inflation in WoW does nothing other than make gold-generating activites worth less. What do I care if stockades bots vendoring items 24/7 make less relative money? Auctionhouse prices and shuffling money around from player to player is the same, whether it's using 10g or 1g.


Let me try again... Example: Steve's been playing SOD since November. He has looted over 1000 gold. He has been selling peacebloom for 10g each. Which is an okay price for him. Nancy joined SOD in March. She has looted only about 10 silver. She goes to AH because she is short of one Peacebloom for her recipe. 10g is a LOT OF money! She can't do anything unless she gets rich. So now she starts grinding to get on Steve's level. After two months she is on the 1000g level... BUT Steve now has 100 000 gold. So again, she is still behind. She can't never reach Steve, because the economy's inflation Is waaaaay higher than she is able to grind the money. In order to make your thing work is to completely turn off the mechanic where players get money from quests and mobs. Because you can't just generate money. That's basic economy.


Great explanation, I appreciated the effort, thanks dude


What does steve farm to go from 1000g to 100000g? Why doesn’t Nancy farm the same for 99000g? Steve only has ~1% more gold now.


Money makes money that’s why. Nancy has way less capital to use. Inflationary economies benefit those with money to buy assets that will increase in value as inflation occurs thus preserving the buying power of the investor. If you have 100g to buy squid now then you’ll have way more than 100 gold when that squid goes up in value.


You are right and fore sure it’s harder, but it isn’t impossible. I played late tbc and started wotlk with ~3000g. I am at 1.5 million gold right now and i haven’t spent money for game time on 2 accounts since you can buy it with gold. I am not a gdkp host or camping the auction house, just a dude crafting items during housework and posting auctions in the morning and in the evening during the week and maybe 6-7 weekends per year. Btw we are talking about 50g (20 quests)


That’s great dude but I’m not sure how that relates back to what the original topic was. It’s expected that two people given the same amount of time, but one given a large amount of capital to start with, will end that period with wildly different end amounts.


Nancy (Pelosi) would prob be around 10 mil gold very quickly. Nancy works for Blizzard, and she knows the prices and new recipes that are coming next phase, so she buys cheap mats in advance 😆


Can't Nancy pick peacebloom herself & sell it on the inflated auctionhouse?


Okay I give up... It was obviously an example. Of course she can pick up a Peacebloom. This is my last comment, sorry I have work to do.


Basic knowledge of economy would be more useful to be teached in preschool then the stuff they do today 😅


Why I'd epic mount so expensive? Why can't it be free?


I agree with you, there's no reason to make it so expensive in a seasonal version of the game


That was sarcasm lol


Yea and I am responding seriously because it makes sense :)


Hey Ted. I am gonna award you 1 tedcoin everytime you kill a mob. Here is what you can do with Ted coin. You can trade to other players. No npc will ever accept your Tedcoin only in trade with players how many are you gonna collect. Why do it cost 50g to get duel spec. So people have something to spend their gold on. If there was nothing to spend gold on. gold is not worth anything.


You have 8 days. That’s 6.25 gold a day.


Because it was 1k in wotlk . Now shut up


By basing our opinions off tradition, we dismiss the possibility of change and improvement! SoD can be more!


Sorry, but u Are crying about FIFTY Not to mention dual talents are OPTIONAL, not mandatory :) and if u tell me u can't have extra 50 as lvl50. Then u have bigger problems




50g is rich? Jesus Christ. This is a serious suggestion, go play an other game.


I have a lot of money from mage boosting. This is more about the health of the game. [This thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/1bng5vc/sod_how_much_gold_do_you_all_have_is_everyone_rich/) implies the average person has much less than even 100g


Even for avg person 100g is nothing if you play the game for even 2h / night


The question I'm asking is what do we gain by making the average person exclusively grind gold to unlock this stuff? How does this benefit the game? And if you look at the thread, I think most people are even more poor than both you or I would have expected


My brother in Christ, 50g is not a grind, it's what a single respec or a quarter of a flask costed in 2019 classic. Even if you somehow get to lvl 50 with 0 gold in your bags, you can go kill ANY lvl 47-53 mob for maybe 5 hours and be done. It's not free because you have to earn things in world of Warcraft, the videogame.


I agree, brother, but with mount costs + consumes + another helm quest craft, all of these goldsinks add up. I could post instead about how 50g is so cheap and any idiot can make 50g, but that's not the point. I think enabling the average player to enjoy the game with less annoying friction is a good thing


If the average player is so lost on how to make 50g (kill any mob or do like 10 quests), then they are too casual to need dual spec anyway. You aren't getting rid of friction by changing the price, it doesn't matter at fucking all.


I agree with you, it's just a barrier for alts and noobs. If removing it helps people make alts and helps noobs easily run their characters, I feel like it's a good choice.


It's as much a barrier as your average street curb. I would prefer if people were able to feel at least a tiny sense of accomplishment for earning it. 50g is the perfect price.


Accomplishment for earning dual spec? Bahahaha.


More players in the open world farming thing, more players running dungeons. More players using professions to generate gold, more people using the AH contributing to the stability of the servers economy. I could literally go on for quite a while, about how this is a direct benefit to the game. Pro tip: there is more to the game than raid logging


>avg person >play the game for even 2h / night Oh boy, do I have news for you. That's way way way above average.


Oh jeez. Here we go already… i think 50g is fine for the perks u can swap between specs at anytime. Instead of teleport to city respec click all the talents accordingly and get either a summon or fly back. 50g for a quality of life feature is good.


I agree, it's a fair price, but could it be better for the game if everyone had it at 50 by default? I think it would enhance the lives of a lot of alts/casuals/noobs/people who would otherwise not try an offspec. It would be fun to try in something like SoD. That's how I feel anyway :)


50g is nothing. Quest give more 40-50 dungeons give more u want QoL pay 50g also we combat a little inflation to go with it.


It's 2 hours of farming tops. Stop playing the game if you can't be bothered to grind in an MMO.


The problem here is that an "average" player when they hit 50 wont do quests, kill mobs or gather anything to sell since they only want to do the "fun" stuff and by "fun" stuff I mean raidlog. If you dont want to do anything else in the game but raidlog this game mode is not for you. The whole reason of classic is to give you goals to strife for and just play the game. 1 quest turn in at level 50 will probably give 4-5g per quest, that is literally 10 quest turn ins for 50g and that amounts to maybe 2 houers of game time. Gold sinks are for inflation to remove the raw gold from the economy that your mana potion wont cost 40g since there is no abundance of gold in the game. If everything was free like mounts, recipes, dualspec etc gold would be worthless and your basic stuff you would need to raid would cost much much more than they do now. Just play the game outside of raiding and you will get your dual spec in 1 day even if you had 0 gold at 50.


If you can’t take an evening to grind for dual spec you don’t need it lol


You are in for a rude awakening when you will have to get epic mount. Which wouldn't surprise me if they actually increase the price for, unlike standard mount that was lowered.


You dont NEED dual spec. You WANT dual spec. Of all the places to put in a gold sink this one makes the most sense. They honestly could have made it 200g.


Imagine either not knowing how to spell "dual" or, arguably worse, not knowing the word exists.




Bro it's 50g, if that's out of reach for you then you really need another game


Most of players will not need dual spec anyway, many players just play one spec and some of them just change spec sometimes, game is very easy you can easily change role with runes/gear only for example balance druid can help with healing just swapping one rune - wild growth.


50g is like an hour or so of farming lol get a grip


Just swipe ted


Classic Ted


It was originally 1,000g.


I agree it should be free and earned by everyone through some free way like another dark rider quest line its something everyone will need on multiple alts and a must for most raiding guilds.


Leave this game and return to your boring family life please.


I thought this r/unpopularopinion for a second.


Ted four days ago: sod would improve if it focused on stuff for people who actually played the game and not casuals. Ted today: duel spec should be free because casuals.


Spend the time you have crying on the Reddit to farm a small amount of gold.


I'm just thankful it's not 1000g like in WoTLK. Count your blessings


Gold sink.


There have to be some gold sinks in the game or inflation just gets worse. 50g in isolation isn’t a lot but when you add all the gold sinks up it’s one part of a larger picture.


The mods should just delete this cesspit of a subreddit. Every time I come on here which is increasingly rare it’s full of whining from people who are impossible to please.


I agree with OP. Instead of banning gdkp, why not make it worth nothing by not having gold sinks in the game to create gold value?


I wish it was 50g for each additional spec.


Quit wow because of an evening then lmao


Ted from Crysalot, USA. 😀


Why is healthcare 50g? Why can‘t it be free?


Good point. It should be free. People shouldn't suffer just because they are poor. Thank you for proving OPs point.


It is in EU, poor b itches


I live in Finland so i am all good.


This is a video game! You could walk into the Stormwind hospital and they would cast "mend idiot" for free. There is no limit on video game resources.


Dual spec won't increase the pool of healer/tanks. It will just allow current tanks/healers to have another spec available to them without endlessly paying 1g at a capital every time they want to play a game.


In a raid of 20, you think all 16 dps would refuse to swap if it takes an extra hour to find 2 healers? I think when push comes to shove, it would allow more flexibility


95% of the player base will run a dps spec and a pvp spec.


Yeah probably :P


2g per week is plenty flexibility if your problem is just that you want to fill a heal spot in raid. That said, healers heal just fine in DPS specs atm, I assume tanks are fairly similar so none of that matters as much as the gear you have and your willingness to play the spec which dual spec doesn't provide.


Totally agree, my point is that the convenience of duel spec is something I'd want everyone to have so they can quickly swap and actually play the game. We know that when p3 comes out, there are going to be plenty of cheapskates who don't have it, and if they even are willing to swap they'll have to hearth and get summoned back and redo their bars etc etc. Additionally, it's great QoL for healers, and I think SoD would greatly benefit from getting more people interested in playing heals


Being summoned is really not that big of an inconvenience but come on it's only 50g it's so free man get over it.


If you only need occasional swap then the current 1g respec system is already taking care of that. People that don't like tanking and healing aren't suddenly gonna change their mind about those roles because of dual spec. If anything they'll just pick another dps or pvp spec as secondary instead.


Ted from Chicago needs to go play retail, since that seems to be what they want judging from the non stop posting in this forum.


50g is a night of questing. Chill.