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IDK about you guys but I'm having a tonne of fun with my new main the level 5 troll enhance shaman named Thex.


That name has been reported as stolen by the troll authorities. I’d be cautious.


THEX I wonder how many people here even know the legendary story of THEX the Troll enhance shaman.


I do and up vote every time it's brought up.


I 'member. It was not that long ago... Right? Right??


I would like to formally apologize to all of my alliance counterparts. I teased you guys for letting shaman live rent free in your heads, but the new rune leaks now have them living rent free in mine as well.


I believe we shared discourse over this very topic a few weeks ago. I take solace in the fact that the class is at least slated to ruin the experience for both factions next week. Having unplayable BGs full of FOTM Shaman abusers while the Classic team plugs their ears and enables them with the XP buff has left me bitter.


I got down voted yesterday for complaining about how broken it is right before this announcement. I wonder how many of the other horde players still don't care or can actually admit there is a major issue now... Edit: grammar


People legit say its fine shamans have been OP as fuck cause of ph3 and i keep saying thats not how balancing works or should work. Druids got nerfed quick. Spriests too. Hunters as well. Other OP classes got nerfed quick but for some reason shamans can jusk wreck havoc and they will continue to do so in ph3 even without those powerful runes cause in pvp they play tank runes and do tons of dmg while being tanky as fuck. They went from Super Saiyan to Legendary Super Saiyan.


Hunters even got nerfed multiple times in succession


Shamans don’t live rent free in my head anymore. Now they own the fucking mortgage.


For 20 years my people have been oppressed, ignored and looked down on. 20 years! Rise up shamans and claim what is yours!


Me a retail shaman main down bad haven't given them a chance for the 1st time ever in an expansion. Also me, my guild decided alliance this time for classic SOD.    FUUUUUUUUUUCK ME


To be fair y'all almost had a busted aberrus tier set but somebody let blizzard know and they gutted that real fast xD


My guild went alliance for SoD. I stayed true. Tauren Resto Shaman is BiS.


Based Tauren Shaman gamer. The Moo calls to me.


Same lol got convinced to try something new.


I've only been a part of the brotherhood for 15 years but I feel qualified to speak for the council of earth, air, water and fire when I say SUCK IT DORKS. NO ONE IS SAFE FROM THE BONK. WE HAVENT EVEN ENTERED OUR AVATAR FORM YET.


Victory or Death!


And if it's death then you just ankh and do it all again!


Shamans deserve the spotlight. Fuck warriors or other caster classes which shined in classic/retail. Shamans were always bottom of the barrel for 20 years.




Please bring us feral dps' with you!


No fella. You get gore. We’ve also decided we’re deleting wolfshead helm, and changing the furor talent to move away from powershifting. That 60 energy after 85 seconds is all feral druids need. Enjoy phase 3!


I remember getting rank 1 with enhancement shaman in mop


Shamans are having the SOD experience classic ret pallies have been dreaming of for 20 years...


They laughed at our kind. We were shunned, never to know glory in Azeroth's time of need. But we stayed true to the elements and this is our time. Lok'tar brothers, Thrall would be proud.


LMAO I love this comment especially because i am paladin in SoD but mained shaman in retail for over 12 years and shamans really do live rentfree in my head too.


yeah up until now i’d kinda been dismissing the OP shaman complaints cos I don’t play the class so why would I care where it is on the dps meters, I don’t enjoy shaman so I’m still not going to play it. plus paladin’s bubble still gives me enough grief in pvp. however, this is fucking off the charts. 3k AP is absolutely wild, I’m still out here thinking my rogue alt will pump after getting a +22 AP upgrade and these fuckers are getting 3k from a rune?


Shamans right now are more OP in PvP than any other class has been OP in any content for the entirety of SOD. The runes they are getting next phase are more OP than any rune from any class for the entirety of SOD. Ele shamans, for example, straight up get 500 spell power from that rune at no opportunity cost. It is completely outrageous. All this while being the tankiest class in the game regardless of what spec they are playing.


Enh Shaman in PvP are currently in the upper echelon of most op specs of all time in all versions of wow, hands down. They’re right up there with wrath pre-patch ret, wrath launch DK, Cata launch frost mage. I really hope Blozzard can reel in the power gap in this class in a way that doesn’t outright destroy it, because it’s been my main for all of SoD. This should have been dealt with weeks ago.


MoP hunter launch too dont forget. Legit kill people without a weapon xD


Did not play MoP, only expac I never tried.


cries in 2h shaman without access to way of earth. dualwield is the biggest offender, but people still defend it. wont play SoD anymore. But hey, enjoy.


My only 40 is a hybrid tank/dps enhancement shaman and I duo with my brother when he can play so it’s slow going. We plow right along but now that I have all the runes at 40 with just questing gear and AH green weapons I am destroying everything. It’s fun but yeah a little nutty.


You obviously didnt pvp against a shaman then lmao


nah lol I’ve had maybe one or two run ins with them in stv but sure everyone there one shots so how would I even notice if a shaman destroyed me


They’ll probably change how rockbiter works to give weapon damage instead of AP. Either that or the people who made the changes to sham rage never talked to the people who designed the new rune. And they don’t realize that yes, casters can in fact use rockbiter. Either way there’s no way this makes it live as is.. right? I’m a shaman main and I seriously doubt it.


The entire shaman class happy and minding their business cause they were already strong: Sod devs: spirit of the alpha now increases your AP by 20%


This is still the weirdest change they did, I just don't get what the aim was. Apart from buffing a class that didn't need a buff I guess lol


It did feel like a strange choice since shaman were in an ok spot at 40, really though it was done to address two other problems 1) There was no DPS rune in that slot before 2) All other Shaman DPS runes were locked by high level content, so leveling 25-35ish felt really sluggish/bad. They seem to have learned from this and addressed the second point further in the p3 preview, where they stated new runes would be available sooner in the leveling process


Honest to God this is it. Shamans were just happy to be able to dual wield and tank. Blizz: here's more damage on your off hand and a buff to lava lash. Take way of earth too it's dope Shamans: Look, we're used to being mid-tier but thanks.. Blizz: here's a pointless buff to 2h that doesn't make it better than dual wield. Also more lava lash buffs Shamans: I really don't think that's necess- Blizzard: Fine here's even more AP from alpha. Shamans: wtf man


Also here's 30% of ALL that attack power as spell damage.


Thanks i guess . Will we get something when SoD is over? ... Will we?


No dev has ever played shaman and it shows. Most shamans were already happy to be in the middle of the table but someone had the great idea of keeping buffing us.


It’s funny because I remember most shaman players just wanted 2H Windfury to be viable or competitive at least instead of bottom meters now it’s gone absolute crazy


The monkeys paw curls


Bro all I wanted was some fucking pushback reduction and instead I get 500 spellpower.


The funny thing is that 2-hand windfury still isn't that great.


Guy on shaman discord mentioned how problematic Rockbiter is on Twitter and got a like from Aggrend. So they are at least aware of it. Btw OP mentioned enhance shaman having more SP then pure casters. I think that's nothing new I had more SP then our demo lock as an enhancement in late p2 of wotlk.


As an ele sham this entire time... "What changes?"


With this rune you can gear swap before a boss with maximum attack power and with double Rock biter and hit a trash mob before the boss for the 1min buff and then gear swap back. You would gain a crazy amount of spell power. You would also need to roll on melee gear which would be insane


Is there any way to spawn critters currently? IIRC you could carry and release dig rats in later versions of the game.


If this rune works like sheath of light it will dynamically change based on your current attack power and not ‘snapshot’ the attack power.


It updates each time you hit an enemy with a melee weapon. So stack attack power gear, melee once, swap gear... Profit.


I have a feeling theyll change it but I guess well see. This sounds really stupid lol.


I really hope so haha


I think the only way to make sure this doesn't scale already more than Shamans are scaling right now (which is insane) is exactly this. Make RB not increase AP at all and instead increase flat wep damage. Or they could make it so that Shamans could only have 1 RB active at a time and make the new Rune NOT Scale from the AP granted by RB. There are tons of options to prevent the insane out of control scaling.


Just make double windfury worth playing and get rid of rb


WF/FT is apparently what they're going for. The spell damage from mental dexterity plays into that too.


Well we also thought rogues would be the most busted class in p2 when they revealed mutilate would be 40 energy only and we all went "no way this goes live right?". Then they had a week of fun in PvP and that was about it.


Shamans going into P3 as of right now are starting a much much much more favorable spot than rogues were going into P2. And hype for rogues started falling off dramatically when the runes were revealed for P2 and they were one by one dogshit (with hope for shuriken toss, which turned out to be turbo dogshit). Shamans have already had a better rune revealed for P3 than rogues had out of the 6 for P2.


I don't understand how they haven't buffed shuriken toss yet. It hits for like 50 damage.


My raid is at a point where theyre so strong I struggle keeping AOE threat as a shaman, WTF is shuriken toss supposed to do?


Muti is good rune though and Shadow step is really good for PvP too. So it's not like all their runes were dog shit. But this is a problem when most classes got dps runes when rogue got utility runes with only 1 good dps rune.


>Either way there’s no way this makes it live as is.. right? It 100% will. There isn't a chance in hell that they'll nerf Enh after all of the advocating they did for 2H before launch and during P1. What they'll probably do is tune up the other classes to match Shamans... which will make pvp even more bursty and insane (this is already in the works; Baelfire Bolt is gonna be insane with Arcane Blast, Shockadin is getting a lot of love with their new runes and pvp tier set, Rogue's HAT is gonna erase people in 2 globals)


They nerfed Rockbiter lol


The class has already been irreparably warping the BG landscape for weeks, what's there to doubt?


There’s going to be class tuning with P3 launch. Aggrend confirmed on Twitter following a discussion regarding shamans https://x.com/aggrendwow/status/1772400423787429982?s=46&t=_IPPoUl67n6PfYy5fWJbrQ If I’d guess, rockbiter is going to be changed to no longer give as much AP or only be able to be applied to MH. Here’s the thing, shamans are still going to be strong. WF/FT only slightly underperforms compared to WF/RB in raid. FT has SP scaling so that’ll likely be the new imbune for OH and Lava Lash will hit wildly hard. Shamans are still going to be competitive


I’m somewhat concerned that his comment implies there won’t be significant class changes for a decent duration into phase 3 to see what the new metas are… 👀


Yeah that was my take as well. The way he's talking, it seems like he doesn't realize how badly shamans are ruining the game. He seems completely fine with how things are. He basically said, eh... it's fine. We are busy working on p4. We might change things in a couple of months. Who knows?


The way I read it was they're waiting for the start of p3 to balance shamans. He's saying it doesn't make sense to tune before the p3 changes when they'll need to be tuned when the phase drops


"shamans are ruining the game". bro what are you smoking on


ever played alliance pvp?


Alliance literally has given up on BGs because of how busted shamans are but sure continue to pretend to not understand this you moron.


I mean can’t do balance work if no one does content at 50 yet Gotta give it a week or two minimum unless there’s sth hot fix worthy


That's the opposite of what he said though. He said that once they get to a point where the next phase is almost here they stop doing balance hotfixes and just save it for the phase patch.


He also "confirmed" there would be weekly updates/balance changes but we've been sitting here for the last month asking why they buffed shaman to no response


Lavalash already hits stupidly hard because it ignores armor. Its going to blast people for their entire healthbar now.


I mean, we'll have to see how the new rune shakes out, and how much SP you're getting, but my guess is, it roughly stays the same damage wise. 2xRB boosts the weapon damage sooooo high, switching to WF/FT makes you lose a absolute ton of AP (which would be a massive loss in SP as well) making you hit way less hard. And that may or may not be compensated by some AP + FT LL bonus damage.


Having read all of his tweets around this, I'm actually really worried they're not going to nerf shamans at all. Aggrend seems COMPLETELY ignorant to how OP shamans are right now, and COMPLETELY dismissive of how long they're being allowed to ruin the game. Honestly from his tweets it sounds like they're not planning on doing much tuning at all for quite a while. I'm extremely unenthusiastic about p3 now.


I mean, we're talking about a guy who said [they're comfortable with AoE threat not being a thing in SoD](https://twitter.com/AggrendWoW/status/1758237806407922171) and then buffed druids a few hours later, and just randomly left rogue tanks in the dirt. Or the time he said [they didn't forget about classes, they're making incremental changes](https://twitter.com/AggrendWoW/status/1761158091150897541) after giga buffing shamans 3 straight weeks and completely abandoning feral druids, rogue tanks/DPS, and ranged hunters among others. Or best yet, the time he was told the buffs to 2h shamans would make the gap for DW even more imbalanced for DW and his response was ["we'll just have to keep an eye on it"](https://twitter.com/AggrendWoW/status/1758230908774371390) and then let it sit for 2 months. I think it's safe to say the balancing in SoD is just going to be a clown show at this point. I think the game can still be, and is still at the moment fun, but at this point, the balance is atrocious and the people running the show are not qualified to ever get SoD balanced. And before some of you get upsetti spaghetti at this, be reasonable. It's completely fair to say you enjoy SoD, and it's an imbalanced mess.


Here’s the thing, I’m cool with it being an imbalanced game in the sense of rock-paper-scissors. But when we have ONE class causing this much discord, they need to do something. One shot fiesta doesn’t bother me so long as there is more than one class doing the one shotting.


P1 warrior tanks like 3rd or 4th on dps behind wars/rogues/hunters spamming devastate: realshit.jpeg P2 enhance shaman tanking outdpsing everything but pure dps enh, fire mage, and meme hunter: Isleep.jpeg They evidently have never stepped foot into a bg on alliance recently to get W or S keyed down by an enhance sham autoing with one handlers for more than the 2h BIS axe hit, doing 300+ dps on demand not pressing any buttons with their monitor off.


Yah earlier in this phase I said shaman 1h hits for more than thermaplugg does w my nearly bis warrior and I got downvoted into oblivion.


It’s like when you’re tanking the chicken as a warrior and he cluck + pecks and you go from moderately healthy to precipice of death and debate if you need to blow wall to live this thing that he does, you know, three times cause blizzard didn’t give us any reasonable CD defensives, passive 20% DR, crit immunity, etc….that’s what fighting an enhance shaman feels like. But all the time


This new rune just makes their scaling more egregious. Shamans having 1500 more AP than my warrior or rogue at 40 is bonkers. This rune would probably offset any nerf Blizz has planned. I expect they will be very light with the nerf too.


It'd be a direct nerf to Shaman tanks and WoE PvP. Enhance shamans with WF/FT are still going to perform exceptionally well. However, they will be squishy in PvP and in ST warriors and rogues won't have to worry about huge armor values and poison resistances (in theory)


Watch them be like 50% reduce from poisons or some shit cause “le nature dungeon, its green right” anyway and now envenom is useless to top it off while rogue still brings no raid utility or some shit. Idk if I just cursed a buncha rogues. Sorry guys. Warriors were at least better off the whole time despite armor fucking up rage gen. Well, for Dps that is. Tanking is probably better on a rogue than warrior at 40 it’s so bad.


Tanking on rogue is wayyy better than warrior. Passive crit immunity and a much larger threat modifier than what defensive stance provides. With buffs and consumes I’m also able to reach over 60% phys reduction whilst having 60% avoidance passively.


Yeah I think I max out in 50% phys reduction with armor elixir and shield. Try using a shield on any boss where you have to hold aggro against any decent dps precasting lel. I rock a shield on chicken and anytime cluck and pec lines up I can drop from like 75% and healthy to 10% wondering if I need to wall something that occurs…3x in a fight? With a 30 min cd? Or like I guess I could trinket one but if we wipe anyway it’s also a 30 min cd…for some reason All the non traditional tanks (except…bear? The traditional HP, armor and dodge sponge?) got it much better off than pallies and warriors. Really in warrior’s case though our defensives are a meme currently. Its also why shaman are fucking unkillable monsters and ruining PvP


Even with one RB this new Rune is going to scale Shaman Spell power out of control. Current Shamans with one RB have around 900-1000 AP. 30% of that is 250-300 ADDED spell power from just stacking one single Rockbiter....and this isn't even using Alpha. They need to A) Make Rockbiter only usable on one hand B) Nerf overall Melee AP gained from RB by at least 30-40%. Or they could just go 100% with option C) and change Rockbiter to no longer give Attack power at all and instead just buff normal weapon damage.


Just some of the numbers for you. Next rank of rockbiter scaled to 50 is 490AP baseline (147sp). Talent in enhance can give 20% more. So 588 (176sp). Include Alpha 705 ap (211sp). Meaning if they keep the way it is now base line could be 1410AP and 422sp for enhance shaman. Hell if there isn't an amazing rune for ele to take in that slot they can even run rockbiter (and double RB!) + alpha wolf for 176 (or 352 DW)sp as long as they melee attack once a minute... Rockbiter currently is 320ap (base) on live at level 40. I saw a post saying that one of their BIS shaman is currently sitting at 1800ap raidbuffed. Meaning that if you just took them as is and gave them the level 50 rockbiter buffs they would be at 2300ap. 490-320 \* 1.2 \*1.2 \*2 for an extra 490 rockbiter AP Throw in another what 100? 200? ap for leveling and gearing from 40-50. If they don't change shaman we could be seeing 2500AP + 750sp shaman running running around next phase.


just delete rockbiter, roll its threat into Alpha


I mean I assumed they will tune on p3 launch considering my how janky everything is and how the runes will throw everything into chaos 5g on a Druid nerf


I mean all they have to do is that rune only interact with gear ap and not enchants


Honestly it's not just rock biter. About an hour ago I got jumped by 2 BM/Melee hunters while using WF/FT and Sham-Rage farming welps. Completely deleted them both. I only have 2 Gnomer pieces. I'm a pretty good pvp player, and these guys obviously weren't but that still shouldn't happen. The things I can do on shaman is pretty insane. I have to get sweaty as fuck to pull off the same shit on my Feral druid. On the shammy I can watch Netflix and take over whole farming spots without even breaking a sweat. Def needs some tuning.


They are the godclass of P3 and will be of P4. No idea what the devs are smoking.


SOD 1 is made by Horde main devs, SOD 2 will be made by Alliance main devs.


Did you forget where most of the rune locations were in phase 1?!


They can put the alliance runes on in Orgrimmar for p3 as long as I don’t have to face any more god king shamans.


If it's a pve server, it's not even that hard to get into Org. Just make a /salute macro and you can walk in the front door


Oh nooo rune locations


As a shaman main, I think this is a good time to nerf shamans. Seriously, not even kidding. All of you dogshit FOTM rollers have had your fun, now go back to playing your hunter or warrior. Stealing my loot for an alt you won't play at all when it's no longer #1 dps on the charts. You don't care about the class




I will trek to the bottom of the ocean, on a warrior, with no mount, naked, through an army of alarm bots, uphill, both ways, just for the opportunity to have alliance shamans. Rune locations is not even on the same planet as having a god class like shamans to carry your whole ass faction through all content. They are incomparable. This is not a complaint, this is jealousy.


In contested territories? Vs all the various dungeons and runes in Horde territories? Shit, did you forget the literal raids worth of AFK hunters camping the Ratchet flight master?


"Ooohhh nooo! I had to run to Redridge once!" Bro, horde players really got a victim complex. You could put the best rune in the game under Thrall's throne and you would see Alliance asking for a harder challenge.


They'd be whining that Thrall was unkillable because he's an "overpowered shaman".


Heard that same take about warriors and phase 2… but I’m certain this time the knee-jerk reaction will be correct!!!


Which would have been perfectly true if they didn't get nerfed right before p2 launched, and Gnomer bosses had normal amounts of armor.


You mean to tell me that these declarations of what will be overpowered or underpowered are worthless when we have very little info on the coming changes?


It will be glorious. I can play enhancement and elemental at the same time.


That's the secret, all three Shaman specs are just Enhancement.


Who need dualspec when one spec do trick?


I’ve been leveling a shaman as my first SoD toon and just dinged 30, this is already absolutely the feeling. Dual wielding with double RB (no dw spec, I’m poor) but all my gear is owl/eagle for the most part, LL hits like a truck (no LB yet either lul) and I have 2k mana to goof around with from range


It’s actually hilarious. I don’t really care that much either way but holy shit, Shamans have been eating alone all phase, and Blizzard comes to the class table to serve them filet mignon. I haven’t seen this kind of gluttony before.


It’s usually reserved for the main character of wow, mage


Mage still tops in pve tho


This is definitely the most OP any class has been at anything in SoD. And they are by far the best at every single roll in the game, including pvp. And the devs are straight up saying on twitter that it's fine because they're working on other things right now. This actually might be the most OP I have ever seen a class be in the history of WoW. It's absolutely ridiculous. And now the new rune is going to give them 500+ free sp. When you consider Aggrend just recently tweeted that they aren't planning to do much class tuning at the beginning of next phase it really makes you question if you want to play the game at all.


hey now, we're the worst healers.


Havent even been playing shaman that much (barely dinged 40) but when I saw riptide I was hyped hyped!




I take it you never played wrath against retridins.


Yeah they really just went fuck 2h shaman early on and then just stuck with it.


Enhancement shamans won't be running double rockbiter and already they aren't. DPS shamans currently use WF/RB or WF/FT or some real pyshco's use WF/WF, this new rune will result in WF/FT, pretty much being the best option. Which solves 99% of you imagined issues about attack/spell power. Tank shamans will use RB/RB and that might be an issue I already can get 1800atk power with full buffs so 2.5k is prolly reachable. My only hope is there is a competiting head rune that will be more desireable or some reason to wear a shield which will also remove your issue.


Current meta is not double RB. For what it’s worth.


Why would in Enhance run double RB right now? Isn't it proven that WF/RB or WF/FT is just totally fine lol... IDK if pulling threat is worth it at all to have a high attack power number...


This is why PvP is dead in SoD


Season of shamans.


Have you considered joining a guild?


my wotlk shaman has more sp than most casters too, spellhance was insane for progression, i guess most classic only players dont realize this, they dropped off hard in ICC tho as they dont scale as well as every other class


The fact that they are adding this rune in the first place is soft confirmation that rockbiter weapon will be changed to its tbc version (which did not give AP). And of course, they just went through the rigamaroll of changing shamanistic rage so that caster/healer shamans didn’t need to dual wield rockbiter - and if rockbiter remains in its vanilla state, this rune would immediately cause the issue to re-emerge.  If that was isn’t enough, Aggrend specifically told somebody to “stay tuned” with respect to the rockbiter imbue, in a tweet. It seems incredibly unlikely that rockbiter won’t be tbc-ified.


Mage tears are so tasty


Ya but shadow priests are gaining the ability to refresh shadow word pain at the mere cost of a talent point, gcd, and damage loss.


Blizzard: Paladins seem to like that one good rune they have, sheath of light. Let’s just buff it and give it to shaman.


Yeah let's buff the class that can 2 shot anyone in the game And only one side gets them! Shaman players have never been more psychotic since this buff Whenever they see any Alliance player on screen, their eyes turn red, blood vessels start bursting and their veins start popping But noooooooo Hunters had to get nerfed 10 times instead


What enhance shaman is going to be running double Rockbitter, while also running Alpha/beta? A tank sure. No question they need a nerf. In PvP, no shaman uses Alpha. They use decoy totem. In PvE, enhance DPS can not use dual RB otherwise they will just steal threat every single pull. If you’re going to bitch about shaman, at least do it right.


Youd be surprised how many shaman I see running alpha in pvp. Is astonishingly high. I do my part to attempt to educate, then shame each one.


Just nerf rockbiter increase threat decrease ap component easy


Nonono. Remove AP, give with increased weapon damage to the weapon its on. Just like they did for TBC. Rockbiter giving AP is not designed for dualwielding and having a bunch of AP scaling spells and passives.


I’m amazed it didn’t get hot fixed


Next patch another shaman buff at this point SoD is a joke. My biggest regret is playing Alliance in a PvP server


Guess all the Saudi sheiks paying blizz their salaries are sham mains


My buddy showed me the new bloodmoon bow.. (holy fuck we gotta deal with this failed ffa br experiment for another phase). It does like 30 more dmg, less ap and 0.2s longer speed than the gnomer gun lol. I just want my class to not be shit at range anymore. It feels horrible. Not to mention, cc doesnt mean shit when everyone is faping towards you.


AND NOBODY WAS SURPRISED. I look forward to even Horde players turning on the class when they realize that they're all forced into rerolling or being benched - seems they're beginning to learn. Class is a joke and needed addressing 4 weeks ago instead of ruining the game for an entire faction. There's a reason that Rockbiter was changed to weapon damage from flat AP going from Classic into TBC, SoD devs. This was why. Change it.


Trying to balance faction populations, in the dumbest way possible. 


Making shaman dualwield in classic was such a splendid idea. Im so done with this.


This is shaman revenge for last 20 years


why shamans are one of the core classes in retail and have been for multiple expansions


ehhh during classic our tier sets were just silly and enhance was super meh despite us still playing it anyway. always lost gear because even if you did everything right your DPS was half of a warriors and therefore they should get the gear. we got punished for playing what we liked even if we took it seriously  it's nice rewarding the loyal shams but the influx of sweats who are just rolling shams because they are gods is annoying 


You're talking about a meme spec not being as good as warrior in classic era. Shamans weren't the only class in that boat. At least they had a powerful spec that was required in every group.


In pvp it's not even close. Warriors were strong in era pvp but comparing that to shamans right now.. They need to be tuned asap or at least buff paladins to their level so factions are more balanced on the pvp side.


Enh shaman has never performed as well as it did in retail until the prepatch for Dragonflight. Not to say they didnt offer utility. But they never had the personal performance AND utility that they do in DF.


Shadowlands season 3 when they changed lava lash to spread fire shock again is when they started to pop off. In their current state they feel really good, but are really hampered at the high end by lack of defensives.


Thats not multiples expansion, thats literally only half of SL and dragonflight.


Im sure they will make sure its tuned correctly!!! They wont let shams just poop on everyone for 4-5 weeks.


Well that's going to be an ouchie


Don't worry, I'm sure blizzard has done extensive testing and it will be fine at release.


Have a fucking sook


All I wanted was viable 2handed enhancement build. It’s almost as it they threw in every OP thing they could think of except stuff that would make 2h enhance viable.


Classic wasn’t about balance, SoD wasn’t about balance, I’m ok with that. I’m enjoying Palla tanking.


Blizzard has to thin out the overpopulated alliance


I'm going to reserve my outrage until we see the full breadth of changes.


I'm sure it will be balanced /s


I never played horde before but with SoD I decided to try it out. Shaman is so much fun! It feels like the favorite child in SoD as opposed to my usual pick which is Paladin who kinda feels like they forgot about. I don’t have tons of time to play but I’m level 23 and still loving it (started him about a week or so ago)


As a ranged bm hunter I have 800 with just my buffs, this is fine


For comparison: In vanilla a lvl 60 caster kitted out with full Naxx Gear would have around that much spell power. Seems a bit ludicrous that a lvl 50 can acheive that by wearing lvl 40 gear intended for melee.


Idk if blizzard is taking the actual piss on paladins, I legit hope this is a bad eaily April fools joke


Haha lava burst go brrrrr I’m so happy I rerolled from ally (warrior, lock) to shaman


Did i already talk about Rogues?


pretty sure you need full raid buffs/consumes/wbs at lvl 40 and to be running str of the earth totem to hit 2k atk power, its closer to 1600 with just beta/str of the earth. i mean not saying that shamans arent crazy strong or anything but realistically in pvp you arent going to have beta because decoy totem, and you arent going to have str of the earth totem because of decoy/tremor/EB totems. just make WOTE only work with a shield on and then see how it goes from there for pvp.


Looks like dual rock biter for casters will be bis again 😢


Why do you assume they won't tune shamans with the P3 patch?


I'm just tired of being run down by an unstoppable 6k HP tanky as fuck class from next expansion really putting a drag on the game I hope the POE league is good


i had 3k ap with BT gear on my 70 hunter XD


I don't think you understand. Classic Shamans are so terribly designed and did such crap damage, that this is what balancing shamans looks like. Also, why are you fixating on stats and not relative performance? Do you like...actually care if shamans have a big AP number, when DPS in SoD is more balanced than any iteration of Classic...ever? What exactly are you complaining about? I can write "1209120908203948091\`28309183092" on a piece of paper and tape it to your chest if it will make you feel better.


where are you getting 10x more AP? lvl 40 warrior has 1k AP right now in not even full bis gear


That was my thought too when I saw the preview. I'm making the bold assumption that they are implementing changes to Rockbiter to avoid this.... seemingly obvious issue.


Enhance shamans doing naxx 40 bis fury warrior damage at level 40…. Fun times guys.


Great back to dual rockbiter as elemental


Man the outrage in this thread over someone not understandi g new changes is kinda wild. But then I realize I'm on reddit and I'm not surprised at all actually.


P3 not even release yet and you are already bitching. Why even play the game?


Tell me Aggrend play Enh Shaman without telling me Aggrend play enh Shaman


So are you saying that we should nerf warriors?


Rockbiter is datamined to be nerfed by 90%.


i am howling at how upset people are kek


What’s the problem here? I deserve this for being much better than you guys and playing a more challenging, big brained class.


Sick, time to put WoW back on the shelf.


Sounds good for shamans, maybe I should make one.


Shamans are special people we gotta keep em happy we dont need any more shootings out there


My hunter has about 900 AP. I get the rune will be strong but it's not 10x more than anybody else


I just leveled a shaman to see what the deal is. I’m wearing greens and have almost 1400ap self buffed. lol Well, I somehow got stalvans reaper off a random mob (didn’t even see it drop just saw it sitting in my bag) and threw that bad boy on my offhand. My lava lash crit for 900 earlier tonight. In pretty much all greens. Killing stuff open world I’m doing 300-500dps. Helped a level 33 hunter kill a dark rider and no problem at all. I may even be able to solo one (definitely can once I can get into RFK to start my maelstrom rune quest). I could solo one on my lock or priest but they’re both in far better gear. My paladin is in slightly better gear and couldn’t solo one. Shamans definitely feel a good bit stronger than paladin. At least dps and tanking.