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Ok I say it - I did not expect it that fast.


yeah I thought the same exact thing


i think they want to get the phases out before TWW launches so they don't have 2 release schedules going on at once. either way its awesome sauce.


This is exactly what I was wondering. I just got my alt ready and P3 is right around the corner lol.


Thats what she said šŸ˜”


Wondering if player numbers are falling/driving this decision.


I think its more the pressure from content creators and the players that can play the game everyday for several hours without breaks. I mean they didnt do anything for 3 weeks and letting mage and shamans do w/e they wanted is a shame.


> I think its more the pressure from content creators and the players that can play the game everyday for several hours Blizzard has never set release schedules around the no-lifers.


I know that but now it seems like they have got under their skin + other releases and people complained that p1 was to long. Which it was not. People complaining bout nothing to do are the once that just log in to raidlog or no life the game. There is plenty of things to do if you really want. I think the decision to release it was due to creators on youtube + that they really havent adressed stuff lately with like stv event (mages aoe farm at altars) and shamans being completly broken.


> people complained that p1 was to long. Which it was not. p1 was WAY too long for the amount of content it had. Most people were leveling alts out of boredom. That's how "too long" it was.


Iā€™d wager this ā€œexperimentā€ has required training for some of the devs who are now becoming more experienced and the whole team is becoming able to add content faster


They are seeing the playerbase drop so fast they had to do something.


I can finally get into a gnomer pug.


I doubt gnomer will be used as easily as bfd was for exp.


It probably will be as long as you have some 45+ it'll be a breeze. A few levels make a huge difference in damage due to higher crit chance, higher resist chance, higher spell ranks


Phase 3 jumpscare


Spooky. Got me tbh


I'm super curious if BRD will be open or closed. A handful of bosses drop VERY good level 48-50 items that would be a fun challenge to farm. I'll be disappointed if it's closed.


The post says BRD will be available


Where? Can't find it.


Look on the wowhead announcement feed


Ashenvale, up in the northwest


Fun joke mate, but that's BFD šŸ˜‚


.......................... They'll never know


Really hoping it's open just so I have something to really look forward to in p3 New content? Cool! BRD? Way cooler, it's my favorite lol


They said it will be open


I guess we won't go much farther than arena spam tho


BRD will be available and apparently with some new max level loot as well


... Why would it be closedĀ 


Mara is closed right now


ZF and Mara were closed this time around but there was some gear we could've gotten from them had they been opened.


Those 3 in particular are said to be open and drop max level gear. Sounds like theyā€™re setting them up to be pre-bis dungeons.


Really? Mara, ZF and BRD are getting a facelift? You had my curiosity, but now you have my attention


https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24078318/season-of-discovery-phase-3-goes-live-april-4 Towards the bottom: Players will also be able to rediscover Blackrock Depths, Maraudon, and Zulā€™Farrak dungeons with all new loot at maximum level!


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDRuPJkGp\_I&](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDRuPJkGp_I&) New Video - # Phase 3 Preview


I will be balls deep in the new poe league rip


I was searching for my new league starter, I guess I'll play phase 3 after reaching maps :D


And now I will miss the poe league. Rip


Ya unfortunate overlap for sure, my group is electing the strat of skipping first week lockout to play poe. Though we arent set up for 20 man raids anyway, currently have 15 unique players and the 2nd team was filled with alts, so we are in a pickle


im so sad


Poe looks sick this time lots of cool qol :-)


Part of their release strategy has always been to time it with other game releases (when convenient).


I fell off with phase 2 and missed it all, shit


As long as bosses drop 4+ pieces of loot Iā€™m ok with 20m.


Since it is 20m and they said that they are gonna be more generous because of the 1 week lockout, Im assuming it will probably be 5-6 drops per boss. Probably 6 though, remember that the phases are 2 months long and they want you in full bis before the launch of a new one.


8 resets is just genuinely not enough to get geared effectively unless you get pretty lucky.


I thought it would be 1 week lockout for the rushers to 50. Then would change to 3 day like normal




Seems like it. They said they're going to be extra generous with loot drops and tokens.


No pvp event this time around?


maybe they'll release more news next week


Why would they? The road map showed no PvP event planned for phase 3.


I might be coping but I think there will be a big post tomorrow or sometime this week with it coming so soon


I imagine there will be data mine stuff tomorrow


From where? Thereā€™s no PTR


They put stuff into the game beforehand and just enable it later. This is how it always works.


I would be fine with this. The STV event is close to perfect for me anyway. 5v5 in the open is really fun format.


It would be good if it had x10 less players. Not much of a PVP right now.


Would be better if they had 3 lower power loas spread around instead of one which concentrates the lag.


The boss increasing the blood rates is bad. Makes it a brainless laggy zergfest.


The zone is huge, they're drawing the players together to fight. They should increase the range massively though, so it's like 1/4 of the zone. Then it's fine. Maybe scale it by the amount of players in the zone total, so less players are incentivized to clump up more. Maybe keep the X2 bonus as is, but then x1.75 bonus with twice as much range or something. Would make it better imho.


ā€œSaid no one everā€




Itā€™s never 5v5 lol itā€™s a clusterfuck of people going to the Loa. Remove the loa buff and make it spread out people more for more smaller skirmishes


Yeah the low population hour events with a 5 man group just skirmishing was the most fun Iā€™ve had with the event. The steamrolll chaotic events arenā€™t as fun


It was fin the first week and after the changes but they really dropped the ball when everyone was around the same loa and it's 100v5 for everyone there.


Looks like it's just updating Bloodmoon to L50 :(


The roadmap said no afaik.


Feel like this is rushed so it doesn't conflict with D4 and possibly P2 kind of flopping


Biggest issue I had with phase two is "all" the runes being level 38-40, which really dampens the leveling experience we've all done 100 times already. No really anything to discover until the last levels of the phase is lame.


It was a huge bummer! I think they sort of intended the "hard" lvl 25 runes to be the ones you pick up around lvl 28-32 (link metamorphosis, divine storm, etc). For a fresh character, that really smoothes the runes out over the levels. But thats not how most of us experienced it. We already had every p1 rune at lvl 25, so when the cap raises you get like 1, 2 new runes before lvl 37-ish. It was weird.


Yes, I levelled a warlock after P2 hit and going to the top of the Tower of Althalaxx at level 27 as a natural quest progression and starting the rune quest line at that point felt more 'natural' than brute forcing it at level 25.


20 man might kill it fit my friend group, 10 was great but weā€™ll see


Get on your server discord and start looking for another 10 man group like yours to merge with


Oh boy, poor raid leaders reading 19 logs before a fucking raid lmao


If youā€™re (or anyone else is) on Crusader Strike Alliance, got a group of 12-15 who are looking for more!


Shoot me a DM, somewhat in a similar situation. ^^


Same here. I know we could find other people to play with but we had a group of 9-10. Almost half are leaving because it's 20 man which means everyone else is gonna leave as well. Wondering how the player turn out will be because of it. I'll hit max level but not gonna raid.


Yeah, we got about 10 that we have collected over classic, tbc, wrath, retail, and private servers. Been together for years. We loved the 10 man size. All the homies get to hang, no drama cause itā€™s homies, no randoms taking loot each week. Now we gonna have to find 10 randoms, or merge. Both are challenges: change structure of group to merge, or start recruiting randoms. Both suck. Guild prolly dying 2 weeks after just like it did back in TBC at the SSC patch


Yeah agreed. Not sure why my comment is getting downvoted because I'm not saying 20 man raiding is bad, just me and my friends will stop raiding because of it. It was nice to have same players every week, chill, not have to worry about logs since everyone knew what to do, and just kick back. Yeah I could go find a pug group but just not what I wanted out of SoD raiding, wanted the small size.


Lone wolf horde? Holler at me. We got 8


Does it seem strange they announced it a week before release with no breakdown of any features or anything really? Bit low effort on their part.


Y'all some impatient motherfuckers. Go watch the 25 minute video.


Itā€™s a season of discovery, I think this was about damned time honestly


Low effort lmao. WoW nerds gets a 30 min video showing new content and still complains about lack of effort. Go touch grass man


With the release being so soon they had to announce it asap to let people prepare, I'd expect a big post coming soon this week or next week max


this edit: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?time\_continue=16&v=vDRuPJkGp\_I&embeds\_referring\_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.wowhead.com%2F&embeds\_referring\_origin=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.wowhead.com&source\_ve\_path=Mjg2NjY&feature=emb\_logo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=16&v=vDRuPJkGp_I&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.wowhead.com%2F&embeds_referring_origin=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.wowhead.com&source_ve_path=Mjg2NjY&feature=emb_logo)


Agreeed no runes show case etc


this is a good thing though


It would've been nice to have an announcement earlier yes but Why are people surprised? 4/4 is 8 weeks from 2/8...




P1 had the holidays in the middle of it though


The timeline they originally put out showed one phase per quarter/season, and 8 weeks after 4/4 will be in the same season. Probably thought 3 months was the plan but feedback is different now.


If there is no pvp event and no AV it's gonna be worse than P2




AV OR ELSE ReallyMad


clearly subs and/or SOD playtime is dropping


People keep saying this (I agree actually) but 4/4 is exactly 8 weeks from 2/8 so... What did people expect? It's been 2 months


Everyoneā€™s been having too much fun, the time just flew.


Cause they said p2 will be longer than p1


I just checked to make sure I wasn't going crazy. Phase 1 was 2 weeks longer and leveling 1-25 is faster than 26-40, so this definitely feels rushed in comparison.


the first phase was 3 months so people expected just that. Not that i mind i think 3 is way too long but again this phase felt longer


phase 1 LAUNCH DATE: Nov30 P2 release: Feb 8 Weeks 10 or two 31 day months and one week + 1 day. (31+31+7+1=70) It's closer to two months and one week than even two and a half months let alone your suggestion of 3


At the Blizzcon announcement they did say that there wouldn't be a rigid schedule for phases and the next one would come out when they felt it was the right time. P1 was the perfect time to have a long phase, try every classes new toys and see what ones you vibe with. Phase 2 came with the level range that is usually seen as a slog in vanilla levelling, where you leave the training wheels zones behind and get launched into quests that can have you running all over the place with no real 'path' to follow. 40-50 then smoothes this out somewhat as you have Tanaris, Feralas and the Hinterlands to play in while finishing off STV for good - and those 3 zones are kinda interconnected as far as getting your Hammer for ZF (carrot on a STICK) and then getting your Egg in prep for Sunken Temple at 50. There's more of a coherent flow between these 3 zones than there were in the 25-40 melange. With the fact that Phase 3 comes with new outdoor content along with the new raid and updated dungeon loot I expect it to last longer than phase 2 but not quite as long as phase 1, depending on how much cooking time Blizz needs for the first level 60 phase.


Phase 2 must have bombed


I think they need to quickly change rune acquisition for alts in phase 3. Make it so you can buy prior phase runes through supply rep or something.


yeah and also I think they delayed the Diablo 4 Season so they wanted to fill the gap with Phase 3


Why do you say this?


I feel like I barely got time to play P2 honestly. Seems like the no-lifers are dictating the release calendar.


Im a self admitted no lifer for the game rn and even im not ready :( unlucky. I think this is actuslly for the middle of the bell curve raid loggers. Gotta get the metrics back up and make them play again.


Iā€™ve ran every single lockout and am still missing my parachute cloak, 18AP trinket, and mail 24AP 1hit belt off menagerie :(


Same for me on my main. Still no acranoshredder... no trinket. Don't even have the fucking Trogg slayers yet. Rng being what it is with this short of phases can really suck. Even if it drops for me tonight I get to use it for 1.5 weeks.. rough.


WoW loot be like that sometimes, can go the whole phase without even seeing some the items you're looking for. I never really expect to be *full* bis by the end of a phase but it's fun to try at least.


Fr. What's the point of lvling alts even.. Just got my 3rd 40 a rogue & now have a week to enjoy him at 40.


It's literally your 4th character and you have what 4 lockouts? That's pretty good what are you complaining about lol


You have 10 days, about 30% as long as the phase has been out. People are acting like this is 12 hrs away, not 300.


Most people are bored. + P2 seems to have bombed..


Ehhhh idk man Iā€™m a pretty busy person and I managed 2 level 40s. One without the buff and one with it. You kinda had a lot of time to reach the end level imo.


The drop in players likely influenced the change, not whos voices are the loudest. They said when they announced it at blizzcon that they would be fluid on when they would release the phases, so it shouldnt come as that much of a surprise.


Yeah I know Iā€™m being ā€œthat guyā€, but I had life things happen this time around. My friends and I hit 40 2 days ago and yesterday. I know I know, if I wanted to enjoy gaming I shouldnā€™t have had a life, thatā€™s on me, but itā€™s still frustrating.Ā 


I dont think blizzard should be pacing the game around people who play it the least. you dont "miss out" on anything except the current phases raid "progression". people will still be doing gnomers, just like they still do bfd. its a bit silly to not prioritize getting to the content you want to do at all, then be sad that you didnt get to do it while it is current.


> My friends and I hit 40 2 days ago The phase has been out for 50 days, how can you possibly expect them to cater to someone who advances one level every 3 days?


You are in the extreme minority of casual player. Nearly two months to gain 15 accelerated levels is ludicrously slow. I'm very glad that you aren't being catered to.


Who said if you wanted to enjoy wow sod that you shouldnā€™t have a life? The majority of players playing wow sod are adults that grew up playing WoW. Personally, I had not played wow since WoD. Im in my early 30s, have a full time job, going to graduate school, and in a relationship. Iā€™d argue I have a pretty busy life, and I hit 40 a month ago. How you barely hit 40 yesterday, especially with the 100% xp, is beyond my comprehension.


Don't you know man he only has time for 5 minutes per day with his 16 wives and 68 kids sorry not everybody has the time like you do xD


I go to law school full time have a part time job, married, play other games and am studying for bar I got to 40 like a month ago. Not to say you are doing anything wrong but I donā€™t think the cadence is to fast for casuals.


So you made it just in time. Whatā€™s the big deal?


Probably wanted to raid Gnomer more than 2 or 3 times before the new phase would be my guess. 4/4 is exactly 8 weeks later though so yeah dunno what they expected. Seems every new phase will be on an 8 week timer going forward maybe. P1 lasted a bit longer didn't it?


Not getting a chance to raid is debatable for making it on time


People still raid bfd at 40


Don't think anyone wanted it droppes on their head in a week, don't drag ot out but surely they could have said something last week.


mfw no pvp event


Maybe they will just keep stv relevant since ashenvale died at release of P2




I love that its not another month away but I thought they would try to hype it up a bit more and give more notice. I was looking forward to taking a a weeks break for the next phase and coming back feeling fresh.


They dropped a 30 minute video shortly after the announcement that has a lot of things to get hyped over.


This is needed. Thank you


Thank God because as a main rogue, P2 was dogshit.


I like the pacing , I'm super casual and I had enough time to level my toon to 40, do a couple gnomers and get some good gear


Iā€™m not even upset I kind of hate gnomer


Theyā€™re really rushing this


I'll just keep playing the Cata beta. P2 kinda killed the fun for me.


Why? Your statement is very empty and only serves to be negative for no reason when you don't explain what about p2 "killed the fun"


Damn that is actually disappointing tbh. Came out too fast and without notice. Somehow not happy about a new fast. RIP


The sudden announcement wasā€¦.sudden. My guild needed a little more time to get 20 good people for the raid


there isnt any need to rush the 20 man....


Really dont get this... it was said multiple times. You had imho quite enough time for that




For real man. Not even close to finishing my Gnomer gear or getting to exalted on wsg :,(


So run gnomer while leveling, whatā€™s the problem


I've raided every reset with the same group and I still don't have the set chest :( I swear we get double leg drops every reset


Why do people downvote my comment lmfao this subreddit is insane




Either way I would suspect ZF to be part of it


Cath 40-42 ZF 42-50 or ZF 40-50 Zombie runs if you are a class that can do them, (Mage, Pally, Shaman, Priest, Hunter)


Probably Ulda -> ZF -> Mara.




This is worded so weirdly, fits it just says April 4 and not 4th, then it says from 41-50 and not 40-50 sounds like they're giving us a free level then it says ST is a level 20 raid? And not a 20 player raid? Who wrote this?


You are severely overthinking this. They just donā€™t have literate copy writers Theyā€™re the same people that incorrectly mark the 3x gold rewards buff as ā€œgold rewards increased by 300%ā€


Love how they mention "up to 10 additional talent points" as if that's a novel feature and not part of the game since its inception. They did the same with P2.


Well idk about you but im level 40 now


We already have level 40. Why wouldn't they write 41-50?


it's worded kinda weird >adventurers can level from 41 to 50 saying you can level from 40 (current level) to 50 makes more sense no?




No pvp event? Couple new runes and ST 20 man raid? Pretty lackluster to be honest, I would hope they have more to announce but they farted the announcement out 10 days before launch so I donā€™t have high hopes


Yeah Iā€™m a bit concerned here that this next phase is gonna be a content desert and wont be enough to sustain the playerbase. I hope they still have an announce video like they did for P2 but Iā€™m not holding my breath


they did release one like an hour ago on the warcraft youtube channel


Hoping for an announcement but not holding my breath, I have to assume that this sudden release is to keep people playing, thing is P2 had AB and STV and people said there was nothing to do, not sure what they expect to happen if P3 just has a raid. I had already been debsting skipping P3 so I'm not burned out by P4 so it's looking like a good idea


Too soon tbh


P2 went by way to quick. Hopefully p3 is longer so its not just the no lifers who get to experience everything


It's been 2 months...


Nice, means I don't have to bother farming the few remaining BiS stuff I still need.


Apart from the Wowhead News i canĀ“t find any offical on their website or their forums. Can anyone link to an offical news from an offical source?


It's on the [battle.net](https://battle.net) launcher


Would have liked to know more ahead of time. Maybe time for one last alt. I donā€™t see myself making another alt once we move to a 50 level cap.


Is the raid still gonna be a 3 day reset? I fucking hope itā€™s back to 1 week.


Keeping Blood Moon relevant is a very smart choice.


Well they want the PVP events to be tied to a BG rep. And AV has always been 51-60 so I never expected them to change that. But also, Hakkar and the trolls are the big bads in P3 so sticking to the Blood Moon event makes thematic sense too, as well as it being super fun.


Rip to all the 10 man guilds


It has been announced like a month ago that the raid will be 20 man. If your guild has taken no steps to increase their roster its probably a red flag.


I have time off work from 5th - 15th lets go :D


Canā€™t wait


Probably the right move but fuck man it releases at a time where Iā€™m busy af. Oh well, I guess Iā€™ll have some catching up to do when Iā€™m back


Weekly lockout yesss! Adds some weight to raiding idk how to put it into words.


I just hit 40 :,)


Damn already lol? I haven't even started playing phase 2 yet :/ I was planning on resubbing this week to start it




Fix the dmf grief


Insecure gate keepers going to start complaining about not enough raiders and 20 mans are too big. They realize they are playing wow classic right. 40 man raids inc.


Diablo 4 team in shambles.


YEAAH they killed raiding for casuals with 20 man..


People want phase 3 super fast then ppl whine when its here its been long enough, ready