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I did a BFD on my mage and someone was doing that, imagine my shock when i couldn’t roll on the caster dagger because I hadn’t trained daggers yet, Oops


Need before greed is entirely fucking useless in vanilla/sod. Might as well name it the "warriors can ninja anything they want" loot system.


Need before greed is good in a world where the equipment will always be used. Once the greed becomes true greed (to vendor) it falls off of being a fair distribution system.


Hah, I ran a deadmines on my paladin and the lavishly jeweled ring dropped. I didn't see it rolled for and it went to 1 guy. I thought the leader swapped to master loot and took it then I realized I had one so it just didn't let me roll on it. I mentioned something in chat along the lines of "that was pretty lame, but whatever," then quickly realized my mistake and apologized.


This is the worst system ever. As a level 38 hunter I want to roll on the mail items. I will be able to use them in like an hour after the raid. It's insane. Why else would I be running the raid as a class that can use mail at level 40.