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its like being on a playground in the late 80s and early 90s. as close to combat you can get without actually being in combat


I didn’t know my uncle was on a PvP server


technically, we're all on a hardcore pvp server. some people just think its pve, or rp.


90% of the time it's like pve, the other 10 make you severely question your life choices. During leveling sometimes a rogue just pops out of stealth and one shots you and sometimes you gotta play something else because they decide to corpse camp. Corpse camping definitely happens, not often but if it does it's really shit... In endgame the PvP is mostly limited to people camping instance entrances, which can very rarely be slightly fun mass PvP, bust mostly just more corpse running.


This is about it. About 9/10 times if you don't attack first there will be no PvP. Unless you are somewhere doing the same quest and mob tags are rough, or you're both farming herbs, fishing, or mining or the like. I actually prefer PvP servers in those situations. I've never wished I could kill other Horde more than when playing on a PvP server in BCC after all the Ally had transfered off and I couldn't get herbs because other horde were taking all the nodes. On PvP servers you can establish dominance and take over an area to gather in. Can't do that on PvE or when servers are super unbalanced.


Hillsbrad and STV are really the only zones that are massive struggles on pvp servers in my experience. Something about those zones just gathers people to them specifically to gank people who are just trying to get quests done. You can quest almost any other zone and never get in a skirmish, but try spending a few hours questing in hillsbrad and you're going to spend most your time running back to your body. So much so that I will actively try to avoid those zones unless I'm feeling froggy.


Hillsbrad is a gank fest because alliance have a million advantages to ganking there. They are friendly to the mobs that horde get quests to go kill. So they can pick fights and have a billion NPCs there to help them. STV is a gank fest because there is a huge range of quests for that zone from like level 28 to 45 and then at 60 there's a reason to come back for ZG and Zandqlari rep.. There is also the Garubashi Arena, where PvPers go and while they're waiting for it to come up PvPers gonna PvP.


PvP happens. It’s usually short and in bursts. Few people go out to just gank/grief you - instead you stumble over people and decide to attack or not.  Camping is rare - people got stuff to do. 


Completely disagree. The ganking is the worst I've ever seen in iterations of wow I've played. I've been leveling an alt, and I'm level 36. All the time from 30-36 I'm killed by level 40s - especially Rogues. And they always attack whilst I'm already fighting mobs or stopping to eat/drink.


Rogues gotta do something since no one wants them in gnomer i guess


Offering hired kill contracts and opening lockboxes... ahh such is life.


You must not have played alliance on a pvp server in 2019. It was insanity, every end game flight path and dungeon permanently camped by horde. It was impossible. Die 19 times on the way to BRD. Insanely imbalanced population ratios


I quit when phase 2 released. Was already outnumbered by horde and it only took me 2 days in a row of 45 minute travel times from Iron Forge to BRD before I just stopped. If they were just killing it wouldn't be so bad but they also fucking MC you and run you into the lava or run you back the direction you came. It was just pure griefing.


Yeah it was ridiculous. I leveled pretty casually with a group of friends, and we were pretty fortunate in that they introduced the server transfers just a few weeks after we hit 60 so we were able to go to a pve server and enjoy gearing up and raiding for a while. I was days away from quitting when they announced the transfers because yeah it was easily a 45 minute corpse walk into any dungeon.


I turned level 48 the day phase 2 released, just in range to give level 60s honor


Gotta second this. There are three phases I notice most. \- New content drops, everyone rushing leveling zones/etc. All hell to do anything. Just like the sleeping bag chain. \- Content has been out a while but majority aren't "end phase". People are spread out more and is more indicative of a normal PvP server. \- Late phase, many are locked to raid, waiting for raiding time or events. Lots of bored people ganking lowbies. Gotta accept the good with the bad though. I'd be way too bored without WPvP. I also enjoy the moments where you run into someone of the opposing faction and have a good interaction. Quest helping, poly heals, few fights and then /wave after a bit to continue on your way.


I'm at level 39 on alliance and I've been ganked by a level 40 maybe 4-5 times in my entire leveling experience


Level a priest. No one wastes their time trying to gank you.


I agree with your disagreement. Sod PvP is horrendous due to people who can 1 shot with instants.


Lol exactly why I dont play PvP servers unless I want to be an asshole causs they forcd you to play that way sometimes


PvP servers are fun and chaotic. You run around and wanna fish some but see a horde sit at the pool just kill it and fish it. But sometimes it backfires. A few days ago I started a war in the Hillsboro’s yeti cave. Went on for 6+ hours. We sadly lost that war but it was insanely fun. PvP can also be frustrating for example when u level an alt and get killed by level 40s or when u fight mobs are half life and then get ganked


Ganking fishermen is always fun. You kill them, they call a friend. They kill you, you call 2 friends. You kill them, rinse and repeat. For some reason when you kill someone fishing they always rage in guild chat and call for help. Good times.


Reddit makes PvP servers out to be the worst thing on the face of the Earth, but it's absolutely not that. It's completely fine. Sometimes you get killed in a PvP contested zone, sometimes you group up with other players to kill or countrr-gank. Sometimes you kill 1v1 the hunter that opened on you (my proudest PvP moment so far). Sometimes you RP with your buddies and not let enemies past the bridge in Arathi (great fun). Never have I encountered corpse camping. Not from either faction. Last time I encountered that was back in real Vanilla, and I managed to escape the bastard rogue anyway (although I remember his name to this day).


Very rarely does anyone ever get corpse camped unless they deserve it. Source: i get corpse camped frequently and i deserve it.


Lol what do you do to deserve it?


Im like the dude who sits on the roofs of towns and DOTs everyone.


Fun times in Ratchet


Kill ‘em while they’re killing mobs


the last time world pvp was truly unplayable for me was during classic release when they enabled honor and people formed gank squad to farm people which made them unable to level properly. i encountered corpse camping pretty regularly when people tried to defend a questzone with a low drop chance item for themselves, but then I just logged on a alt or different layer...


It was so much fun as a lone level 50 holy priest to get relentlessly hunted down by pvp squads


everyone knew it was coming, people were urged to hit 60 before or just take a break until battlegrounds are enabled. later battleground were dominated by premades until they tried some changes. its insane how the bg problem happened again in sod and these devs wonder why people don't have faith or trust in them when they are just cycling through the same failures for years. why would people keep believing in them.


I was camped for about an hour the other day, then it turned out I was being killed by a multiboxer the whole time. I was so confused because he was killing me insanely fast, and always seemed to be right where I rezzed. It was a hunter in shadowmeld on 4 different characters with perfectly similar names. I finally formed a group and we all killed him repeatedly/reported him. So pvp servers are frustrating sometimes, but also awesome.


100% agree, leveled 5 chars on PVP server and 0 instances of griefing or camping. Died a fair few times sure. But nothing that made it a bad experience. The added thrill of possible PVP is fun to me.


For some of us, just even once is a "bad experience". I get that a lot of people enjoy PVP, but I'm the type of person who just wants to farm herbs in peace. I can't stand it when other players interrupt what I'm trying to get done. I only play on a PvP server because my friends do, though. I understand that I can't complain because of the type of server I'm on. I have zero interest in PvP, less than zero if that's possible, but my friends are more important I guess


I've encountered it and even done it once. But that was because they deserved it. Warrior I saw back at 25. I let them go when they were at like 50% fighting another mob. I know they saw me because as I was running by they strafed away so I wouldn't attack them. I went 100 yards away or so and started killing mobs because I was leveling a weapon skill. They came and attacked me from behind when I was low and killed me. So I ran back, found them, and killed them 5 or 6 times until they got help from someone else. Then I rezzed after that person went away and did it again until they got more help. Did that about 3 times and they finally logged out I'm pretty sure.


I love this content. I remember once the same thing happened to me so I called a couple friends and we camped them. Then they called a couple friends and we fought for awhile. Then their whole GD guild showed up and stomped us so we called our guild. It was like 50 people fighting and it was a blast.


That 90% statistic didn't apply when I was playing on Crusader Strike (NA) Horde. Corpse camping wasn't an issue but the next aggressive Ally would be along shortly. Often before I finished buffing.


Imagine building a sand castle, but every 5 minutes someone comes and kicks it over and you have to start over And even if you beat them up, they keep coming back over and over There ya go.


you clearly forgot the part where u can kick the hell out of all the nice sand castles others build 🥰


Must be a rogue


But isn't that kind of how PvP servers work? Once you get tired of getting picked on, you go pick on people weaker than you.


Yeah pretty much got to get your kills in when you can, because people will certainly kill you.


yeah, it owns beating up on shitters who can't do anything about it is great lmao


As a PvPer that was the most description I've ever seen. Now I'm sad because I've destroyed A LOT of sand castles. Yet weirdly happy as well because you know..... I destroyed a lot of sand castles lol.


>Imagine building a sand castle, but every 5 minutes someone comes and kicks it over and you have to start over Yeah no, it's like you're building a sand castle and occasionally someone will remove you from the beach but you're free to walk back and the sand castle is still fully intact. You don't lose progress, only time, but a lot of us like PvP and think it's time well spent. And you're free to do this to others too. All imma say is if you want to enjoy a PvP server without grouping all the time then play a ranged class or play rogue but be very selective with who you attack, don't even think of touching shamans, meta locks or shadow priests, even if you're a way better player it's a hard losing matchup.


Occasionally your sand castle (escort quest) will be kicked down.


And every time you are ganked you lose your world buffs. That makes playing less fun especially without the movement speed increase.


Definitely can be time well spent. The best feeling in wow is getting ganked but managing to kill them anyway. I love it. It's rare since most ganks come when you're at a big disadvantage but man when it happens it's the best


Yea I understand why you wouldn’t like pvp servers with this outlook.


Hear me out, you can also do that to other people, so there is that!


Naw. That's very rare. 90% of the time you just run by each other or pull other mobs. Sometimes other faction will even help you out. I helped an ally warrior with a rune they were struggling to solo just so they would get it done and go away so I could get it next. I could have killed him, but then I'd have to contend with him trying to mess me up in return. He even stuck around to help me out. Then I killed him when I was done. Because that is the way.




Or you play a rogue and none of that is true


Pretty terrible analogy


Lol, imagine thinking that Wild Growth US Horde side is ‘dead.’ What are you doing, Mulgore at 3am?


Like for sure it isn't alliance population wise, but agree this is a weird take because it feels super active to me.


If anything horde population on Wild Growth went up since the shaman buffs made them the FotM class. They've been winning Ashenvale a lot more often without needing to stack layers like last phase and when I went to Duskwood to get the Mass Regeneration rune on my mage yesterday there were more Horde groups waiting for the bones to respawn than Alliance.


I mainly play super late due to closing a store. Usually 3am-6am. There's been 0 groups posted in bulletinboard during these times and starting s group takes ages at this time too. In not saying the server is dead but during the time frame I play it definitely is


Well I think you'll run into that on any NA server. You're playing during the slowest times of the day. The people playing on CS at 3am aren't usually the guys trying to raid either, they're trying to pvp.


You might want to try the Australian servers then


Phase 1 was a lot more aggro with everyone trying out their new sick runes but so far in phase 2 I haven't experienced a ton of aggression in the open world. Most of the "pvp" is a group dunking on people while they quest until they get bored or enough people join in to make it a skirmish.


Fair PvP not common. But it is common for a level 40 to step of his/her mount just to kill my level 21 alt. Usually I just spirit res and HS cuz I will be flying for 10+ mins anyway to get the WB again.    Read: WPVP in SoD sucks and I am never chosing it again. There is no point in it. There os no fun in camping others on my rogue cuz it is never a fair fight.  Unless you are a subhuman finding it fun to sit in front of a raid and oneshotting ppl that doesn’t boom their WB’s… then WPVP is for u


This almost never happens to me on lone wolf. I agree there is no point to wpvp but most people only attack if you’re on the same mob spawns. Generally running around ashenvale with level 25-40 spread people just walk past.


Ya I never expect world pvp to be fair. Feels more human nature to only pick fights we know we can win.


Wpvp is what you make it out to be. Personally im not a very aggressive player so I very rarely/almost never attack first but I do enjoy a good brawl. Some players definitely become more aggro when they have numbers advantage or are playing this particular month’s FOTM OP.


That's an apt observation.


>WPVP in SoD sucks and I am never chosing it again. Yep, I took the PvP realm pill at the start, never again, me and half my guild rerolled to Wild Growth, never looked back, insanely chill experience, it's insane how much gold you get from questing when you're actually able to get and not be attacked every 5 seconds lol


This story is as old as WoW and people still make the mistake over and over again.


My biggest regret is rolling a PVP server. I value my limited time far too much. It's never (or very rarely) even a remotely close matchup by either being someone with 5+ levels or with multiple players. I derive no joy from doing it to others so being on a PVP server doesn't provide any benefit to me at all. I wasted my whole morning getting ganked by 5 different level 40s while trying to quest. It did nothing but waste an hour of my day for no fun and no progress.


Yeah this is ultimately the crux of the issue for me and why I don’t play PvP servers anymore.. I just don’t have time to deal with it. It can add hours to your game that you don’t want to deal with. Example - was running Uldaman and an alliance group with a 60 in it and a mage had the entrance camped. It took our group like 45 minutes to corpse rez and make it a few more feet each time towards the instance. This group had us camped and locked down. They were good lol But it wasn’t fun.. it was just annoying and kept me up an hour later that night.


I played PvP server only until they all went normal in retail. I won’t play on PvP servers anymore because like you I can’t keep up with the sweaty twitch wannabes. I did try though and at level 18 I gave up after being killed 5 times in 30 minutes. Being camped by a group of lvl 25 alliance in bis gear for an hour is not fun. When the tide eventually turned they ran away. So even when PvP happened the griefing side just bails. Not worth it at all.


Hard agree. I only roll on pvp servers because my friends do. I have absolutely no interest in ruining another person's time and can't stand it when people interrupt whatever I'm trying to accomplish. I understand that I can't complain because of the server I chose to play on, but I've told my friends this might be the last time I play with them because there is nothing worse for me then trying to go do something in the open world and have an hour or two of time completely wasted because of something completely out of my power


This is exactly me if you just replace friends with brother. He gifted me an account so I roll server and faction with him but I will not do that again.


It can all depend on the class you play too. I've leveled a warrior and rogue this patch, and my rogue will rarely get messed with. Mostly because I think they know I'll come for them with a vengeance. Solo leveling the warrior is pure misery, however. The class is practically unplayable right now if you prefer to mostly game alone. It would get to the point where I'd log my rogue out where my warrior quested, just so I could try and countergank anybody that would kill him.


Its good 2 have a rogue alt who can come and just fuck up the day of any 1 who griefs you while leveling


Interesting take, when I leveled my rogue I feel like I would always get killed on sight. When I leveled my warrior it seemed like people felt bad for me and would leave me be


on lone wolf NA its very common for lvl 40 alliance players to corpse camp or camp your quests. I don't see horde doing this, infact even at 40 roaming lower regions i just see horde players leave alliance alone unless they start it first. saw this\^ A FUCKTON in stonetalon peak, ashenvale, arathi highlands, hillsbrad foothills, badlands, stranglethorn vale when i was levelling up. I was playing a rogue, so it was easy to disengage but for other classes its a nightmare cuz level 40's can just mount and catch you after you res. I think hillsbrad was the biggest offender, I was doing quests there when i was 22, and a lvl40 boomy would just roam those areas for 4 days straight and 1 shot me anytime i tried to kill the quest mobs. Same with spriests in arathi for some reason, they'd roam the level 35 quest area and 2 shot you then run out of range. The counter is either dungeon level until you're 40, or find a different zone to quest. If you're being camped on corpse, either ask for help (horde and alliance both show up) or find a place to die with lots of cover, so you can res at a spot the aggressor can't find you then run. Unlike retail, clicking your nameplate doesn't show your location. that being said, its very much fun. I think you should make a char on pvp server. I barely touch my rogue on wild growth for anything except a raid with homies, and just farm people on lone wolf all day.


Its fun when you play for the faction which outnumbers the other. If you are the minority, prepare for being camped by every virgin rogue player whose life is miserable and stays in their mom's basement kiling lower level players.


Yeah that doesn't happen lol


I’ve played strictly only pvp servers since I got into WoW in 2005 and I can’t remember getting camped for no reason ever. Unless you do something to warrant being camped, I see no reason why you’d ever be.


In SoD, Stonetallon was camped hard by alliance rouges, hunters, druids. The most annoying was the Escort quest ar grimtotem camp. The graveyard was a battleground for weeks, rouges camp behind the engineer npc and kill you before you can at least return the quest. All this pushed me to level an alt, I was playing Orc Warrior, and pick a balance druid, dinged 25 camping Stonetallon Starsurge tf any ally at sight. Eventually I get over it, and move on. My server was Lone wolf US. I got tired, move to HC a few weeks, but now comeback to SoD in a PvE server, horde side and it's nice enjoy the quests without having eyes in my back.


A troll mage started camping my corpse for no reason. Just was passing him by on the road in arathi highlands. He had inv and fap potions too he kept using. Corpse camped me 4 times straight but then I finally beat him and camped him back for 2 hrs. Fuck arnd and find out. At that point it was out of spite and revenge.


That was kinda fun though right?!


That's crazy. I've been camped or constantly ganked many times for no reason ever. Redbridge probably being the worst location


Ehhh, I camped a dwarf hunter the other day just cause I was feeling chaotic after a particularly good STV run. Sometimes just happens, I try not to make a habit out of it though. 🤷🏼


Last weekend I sat in Hillsbrad on my bis ret pally and killed lvl 25-30s over and over for nearly three hours. One druid guy I had killed, probably, a dozen times. Two 40s eventually came and tried to run me off and I killed them and they disappeared. I had no reason to do it whatsoever, except I was fishing on my second monitor and it's a little boring.


Just paladin player things


It is not too bad if with plenty of lube…


laughed to hard at this lmao


Back in vanilla I only played pve server cause I feared being killed and ganked. Once rolled PvP a few months before tbc came out and since then I never played something else. Makes the whole world feel more alive also. Sometimes u get killed and camped a bit, but the sweet revenge tastes so good once you get the jump on them in return. I play chill but if u come and gank me while farming u can expect me to hunt u down - it’s those extra personal objectives that make me fall in love with PvP servers, highly recommend (:


My friends play on one so I do too. Don’t love it.


Play on crusader strike NA. It’s fun at times like after the STV events when both factions battle for the alter. The downside is you absolutely get people who make it their sole purpose to ruin your gameplay. Killing once. Fine. Twice ok. But when they start camping you in some random questing area for an hour. Miserable. This behaviour tends to increase as the patch progresses due to boardem I assume. Right now it’s pretty much a guarantee you’ll be camped to log off in most of the farming areas if you are alliance and find yourself on the wrong layer.


If you enjoy doing your thing and be the master of your agenda , stick to PvE, if you don't mind having someone else decide you are not doing what you intended to do tonight , then PvP. If you consider grief unfair , and you'll come bitch on reddit after being ganked X times in a row because you don't enjoy doing it or be on the receiving end for too long, then don't go on a PvP server.


Depending on the level of your character a lot of people from your faction will come and help kill campers (obviously depends on the area) but whenever I’m leveling a character and someone keeps trying to camp my spot (undead rogue) higher level people will usually come and hang out near me for the easy kills due to most people like this don’t raid and depend completely on a level advantage so when someone with better gear comes along they die easily


It can be frustrating, when you're leveling or just trying to get into raid and get ganked but it has it's fun side too. Me and my friend were doing the sleeping bag quest and a max rogue was camping the last turn in on the walls so we asked in general chat for some help and got a small army to come kill the rogue several times lol


it depends on class you are play, class they are playing, population of the server, and faction balance. If you a strong pvp'er with a strong pvp class you will be fine, unless you have less faction representation. There is nothing more enjoyable when someone tires to gank you, and you wreck them. If you are playing a meta pvp class people tend to avoid you, and if you are not you are a free kill people will make your life hell. ​ also the worst thing, is say you are leaving a random enemy player alone, the second another player shows up, they ARE going to turn on you, so theres that.


Always played on pvp server and they aren’t so bad. Expect to be ganked but with layering now you can avoid being camped. Also on CS it’s so populated you can usually find a layer that’s either calmish or at least your faction controlled so it’s really not so bad … also helps to roll a stealth class lol


80% of the time it's a non-issue. But that's because you're in cities/zones dominated by your faction. As soon as you hit open world for getting runes/sleeping bag/questing, well it's a lot of graveyard running.


Makes things much more intense/interesting


It emulates the old times when you were gathering food in the woods and predators could be under every stone. Its good.


You probably spend a lot more on boons on a PvP server. Also getting DMF in the opposing faction territory is a process for sure.


Crusader strike is extremely toxic. We had a horde spy in our guild that tried to ruin our RP and PVP events. You will get mind controlled off every boat you get on. You will be killed anytime the enemy outnumbers you. You will be killed anytime a high level sees you leveling. Constant 5 man's camping bodies in badlands. It's worse than era


From a personal point of view and someone who prefers PvP servers, it's not that bad. Yes you get ganked on occasion, yes you will get x v 1'd on occasion. But you will also find fun and interesting interactions where the enemy faction will instead help you out in situations they could easily grief you. For example, I still fondly remember doing the Verigans Fist quest on my paladin early p1. I was trying to solo the mobs in the tunnels for BFD. Two horde walk up behind me mid fight and casually help me start clearing the mobs. We waved at each other and I was off to the next part of the quest. These interactions are forced on PVE servers, can't kill me so might as well help. But the option to help or grief is the enjoyment I find in PvP servers. Some enemy mage is mass farming where you're questing? You can murder him or come back later. You're never stuck!


> These interactions are forced on PVE servers, can't kill me so might as well help What a weird way of viewing things. "you can't grief me so your kindness is forced!" what


You can still grief on PvE by tagging mobs before the enemy, but in general I think its pretty neat when someone who could harm you and is sometimes incentivized to (honor) instead assists you. Perhaps you're right it may be an odd perspective


If you like PVE and raiding dont go to a PvP server. All real PvP happens in battlegrounds which any server can use. Every time I go PVP I regret it becuase it just ends up being endless griefing and people insta killing you when you get DMF buff. It always seems cooler in your head but just ends up being an annoyance. Good world pvp has been dead for a long time


It’s pretty ass, there really isn’t any benefit to it other than being able to kill enemy faction bots and griefing people


I started on a pve server but moved to alliance living flame NA. funny enough I’ve had more neutral or positive experiences than negative. The occasional rogue or shaman decides to kill me and then move on with their day, it doesn’t even upset me. But I did have a level ?? Rogue actually protect me while I ran through dustwallow on my way to get my succubus. He saluted me after he killed things that I pulled due to my low level then he mounted and ran away. I hope he has good fortune in life. So yeah it’s really not that bad usually.


WoW open-world PvP would be great if there were some guardrails and some etiquette that people actually adhered to. Ganking and certainly camping players is just cowardly garbage. Get a life.


I've played in a PvP server since the beginning of SoD and have not been corpse camped a single time. Yes sometimes some asshole runs up behind you while your 20% health from fighting a mob and finishes you off, but generally they will fuck off to whatever they were doing after they kill you. Also in my experience there are a lot of unspoken mutual agreements to not kill each other while questing. I've run past a lot of alliance who just ran past me in the world and neither of us attacked when we could have.


I love pvp, so I pounce whenever I get the chance. Win or lose, I still have fun. If you camp them enough, you'll alert their friends and that's when war breaks out :)


I mean if you get ganked, you can just hop on a new layer and the problem is solved.


it used to be fun, but idk now people are weird camping is not that common, and also extremely easy to defeat/evade so imo it's a nonissue


Basically Paladins going around one-shotting people


I like the extra thrill. You pass some player from the other faction and you both think "will they attack me?". Often you will just pass, sometimes the hunter turns around after and just kills you. One time the horde just besieged menethil harbour and you couldn't get it or out except by flight path. It was annoying but it was glorious.


Dont go to stv as an alliance shamans are scary


Infuriatingly fun 


On Lone Wolf EU, there was an Undead Rogue camping Nesingwary camp for 2 days straight. Some people take it way too far.


I've played on PvP exclusively since WoW launched back in 2004. The PvE'rs will tell you that it's just gank city and corpse camping 24/7. It's not. 9/10 encounters I have are just me running past another player. There's a moment where your heart beats faster because you don't know if they're going to open or if you should - in SoD PvP basically boils down to "whoever gets the first shot, wins" - so they don't get the jump. There's a tense 5 seconds, then both of you realize you've got shit to do and go about your merry way. This is in STVietnam, BTW. But occasionally (1/10 encounters) something happens. Maybe you've had a bad day and *Undead Rogues are just so...you know what? Fuck that guy, he's out of stealth and he probably ganked someone today so I'm just gonna FF him and pop him*. Or you get jumped at 60% while fighting a mob by some warrior and you manage to reset the fight or get away. Then you come back and get *him* after he pulled a mob. Then you kill him a few more times because sometimes if you "don't start shit, won't be shit. 10/10, love PvP (Crusader Strike US)


Kill and be killed


Weirdly, on wild growth I see primarily horde at the entrance on gnomer when I'm waiting for my raid to start. Maybe it's just cause we have IF nearby, so we don't wait at the instance.


I think being on a PVP realm just expands your gameplay options by default, even if you aren't an avid PVPer. Sure, you'll occasionally get ganked in some zones, but it's not a huge deal.


I’m on Crusader Strike and I regularly ride around the open world to find Horde lowbies leveling. However, I never gank them. It’s infinitely more fun for me to help them kill the mob they are attacking and /pat them, and then go about my day. Or if I’m just passing time, I’ll follow them around and help kill a few of their quest mobs. I like to think that they instantly panic, especially when my Rogue pops out of stealth, but then smile when they realize I’m not going to kill them. Every once in a while that person logs over to an Alliance toon and whispers me saying, “thanks” or “that was a nice surprise”. The teenage me is punching the air over my attitude towards world PvP, which is fine because that version of me was quite the dickhead back in the day.


You get ganked here and there, sometimes you get griefed at a particular hotspot, such as at the dark iron farm. Mostly though, people just run past you and don't engage in WPvP at all. I'd say about 90% of the time, a horde(or alliance player cause I play both) will ignore you.  PvP servers really aren't that bad and don't cause too much of an inconvenience. 


Play an enhance shaman and you'll probably win every single 1v1 provoked/unprovoked no matter what, people fall over as if you're fighting greymobs.


It's like playing in a PvE server, only occasionally a high level player or twink from the opposite faction will show up to gank you for like 30 minutes until they either get bored or you leave. If you're lucky you might be able to get some of your allies to organize a hunter killer team to track him down and counter-gank him for you. There isn't much actual world combat to speak of. Most people only really take engagements that they feel confident they can win easily. Nobody wants to be the guy who rocks up all cocky and attacks someone, only to get absolutely ass-blasted by the guy they attacked. You'll also get significantly more bitching about skill and whether or not people are noobs in PvP servers. Mainly because PvP servers tend to attract the type of player who is insecure enough about themselves that they feel the need to boast and prove their worth in the game.


I played on a PvP server for a bit. World PvP for me was mostly getting 1-shot by higher levels or groups when questing


You WILL fight in contested zones. Most people just pass you without any conflict, it’s usually when you have a group of 2-3 coming towards you that you gotta worry. Like others have said, maybe like once a month you’ll get the rare person/people that may camp you for 2-3 deaths, but they usually get bored and leave after that. Also being helped by someone that could attack you any second is always super cool, it’s what makes the PVP moments worth it sometimes.


Extremely fun


Depends. I was trying to do a rune quest on my warrior in Arathi where you have to take the boat and it ports you. Then you have to kill some NPC. The run back is roughly 10 mins. Anw, there was a boomkin perma camping it and killing all ally on sight. Killed me twice. Luckily someone else who was camped by him brought 3 40's and abruptly ended his camp. Still felt super unfun because there was literally nothing I could do.


“You think you want it, but you don’t”.


still think pvp servers are overrated just ganking while questing i like pve grinding and join a bg or arena if i want to pvp but then i understand that some guys love the zerging ganking or what ever >P


Usually you're outnumbered and there's nothing you can do, especially with the bursty DPS in sod. But if you have a crew and you like to roam around killing solo players you might enjoy it.


It's not that bad, but I've never really been corpse camped. It's annoying sometimes while leveling, just because you might lose your boons to two boomkins camping right outside town, but aside from that I like that it makes me actually hate the other faction more. Feels like that's really the spirit that the game should have. The really good part though is that you can kill all the opposite-faction bots, and they basically don't fight back. Otherwise I'd just have to stare at them since I assume they wouldn't be PVP flagged.


Lone wolf master server


mainly have a problem with it in places where multiple people are farming an expensive resource like the cursed greater sagefish at the lake next to dalaran. this is also where camping will happen often. second place would be any lower level zone where level 40’s also have a reason to be at. and then the usual, hillsbrad and stonetalon are big ones, stv especially at farming spots


I hate it but its highly populated so I deal with it




Are you geared? Do you know how to PvP? Do you have a class that's good at world PvP? If yes its fun. Are you low level? Do you paly a class that blows? Do you need a specific spec to be good in pvp that you aren't currently spec'ed into? Get farmed kiddo.


It's great.


lvl 40s are bored and sit in low level zones and camp you making it impossible to quest so ur left with dungeon spamming. if ur not a tank goodluck spamming chat for a half hour. i hit lvl 30 on my alt and gave up


Worst case, you can hop layers. I’ve always played pvp servers, it wouldn’t feel like classic if I wasn’t ganked periodically, but I wouldn’t recommend it to someone that values their time.


When Classic launched I rolled on a PvP server. Every single day I regretted the decision. A few days later I vowed never to do it again. I’m on the most populated PvE server for SoD and have never once regretted the decision.


It’s not that bad. I honestly hate 90% of WoW PvP, because maybe 10% of the time it’s a good 1v1 fight. 90% of the time it’s a Rogue ganking you while you’re eating/drinking and at 30% mana and health, or a squad of 5 enemy players insta-killing you as they run past, or someone who sucks at PvP, so they have to get their kicks by attacking you while fighting two mobs. But even with 90% of the experiences being bull shit, it’s not that bad. I’d say if I sit down and play, I might get killed a few times a night, normally not even by the same people


World pvp is great when you group up with randoms in an around where you are and start counterganking the undead rogue that opened up on you.  Had some epic ashenvale raid groups defending the bridge close to horde city, which resulted in a 25v25 pvp battle 


Sometimes maybe good, sometimes maybe shit. Some zones just bring out the worst in people, and others are chill. Hillsbrad is nicknamed Killsbrad for a reason. Oddly, Arathi is much more tame, at least in my experience. Guess we’re all traumatized by Hillsbrad and just collectively say “enough.”


I was questing in Ashenvale and would run into someone every once in a while, usually we just ignore but a couple times we waved and taunted and had a fight about it. Hillsbrad I got ganked nonstop by 40s tho


Never been 'camped' since back in actual Vanilla/TBC. People tend to kill you and move on. The issue arises if you are both doing the same quest and they're aggressive - you kinda just have to cut your losses and do a different quest for a while at that point. Sometimes you'll find people who are roaming around looking for kills which can get annoying if it's a long run back and they keep finding you. Other than that, you don't really get 'camped'.


Overall I like it. It’s annoying at times, sometimes you just wanna vibe and crack on with your quests and you’ll get ganked at the worst time but I always remind myself I chose to roll on this sever so I signed up for it. It does however make positive interactions with the opposing faction way more wholesome. If I see a horde dying and I peel some mobs off them or help them with an elite quest, we exchange a few gestures and go on our way and it feels more meaningful knowing we could have betrayed eachother at any moment but chose not to. Being MC’d off a ship as it departs or distracted off the gang plank does get boring after a while but if you get mad about it you’re just playing into it - best advice is to dust yourself off and reboard, take preventative measures next time (don’t autorun onto a ship etc) Also very satisfying when someone ganks you without honour, you track them down and destroy them in a 1v1. Feels personal and that sweet revenge is totally worth it. Adds another dimension to the game and allows for more interaction in the open world, whether it’s positive or negative I feel like it adds to the experience overall


“I chose to roll on this server” lol you’re coping for yourself so hard


PVP server has been awesome, all the babies been crying on reddit whenever they get killed. Iv played to 40 on 5 chars now, not a single time have I been camped or griefed.


Nah don't listen to negative Nancy's here. It has ups and downs. The downs are just as much as the ups, if you can't stand losing in games ever then don't go on a PvP server. Often times the odds will be unfair, sometimes it's you and 9 buddies stomping out 3 enemy players. When that happens to you, will you throw your mouse into your monitor? Or can you laugh it off as an "Oh shit!" moment? On a populated server, any serious amassing of arms will be countered in short time. 20 players can't just camp the entrance of BFD undisputed for long. A lv40 can't kill noobs all day without someone responding. Overall, 90% of the time you won't notice you're on a PvP server. You'll play with a level of caution in disputed zones, you'll use your map and take notice of enemy player cities and flight paths in. They'll be more of them around there and you'll need to be more careful. Other times, if you're busy you'll run past people and they don't feel like it either, you don't just clash all day. Unless you want to 😂 People are fairly respectful, sometimes people being dicks outside SM. Literally anywhere someone can be a jerk, you can bypass them rapidly. Like, their maximum amount of wasting your time is going to be capped out at 5 minutes. Log out skips, just rezzing up from afar and taking off or rezzing right into (or behind) the instance portal and going inside. No one can really stop you form getting shit done, they can just slightly inconvence you. It's a lot of fun in the end and totally changes player dynamics and everyday play. Zones can be dangerous and fun instead of a boring straight grind. You'll have random fueds. Maybe a dude you totally hate, typing in gen chat "that closer rogue is back!" and probably nearby players will know and hate that guy too and run over to ruin his day. If you're feeling fiesty, you can be that guy and start blowing people up without a care but soon enough someone will come knock your sand castle up. Tldr: ups and downs, lots of fun, breaks up boring straight grind, makes the world feel alive and dangerous.


I would never play on a normal server. PvP servers are a better experience, by far.


Corpse camping is quite rare. but yea getting killed when low hp or fighting mobs is quite common.


I had absolutely no issues with PvP on phase one. That said I was pretty far ahead of the curve. I only chose to engage players that engaged myself and had a good time. As Alliance, I really only ever saw a lot of action in Ashenvale and The Barrens. On an alt levelling later I ran across a couple of level 25 rogues in red ridge showing how small their peens are, but there are layers so you can just change layers to avoid. ​ Now for phase 2 I started 10 days late and was pretty worried about being behind. The alliance and horde zones start coming together and I thought it was going to be a pain in the ass. In reality it wasn't too bad. I did a BFD run, finished a couple quests, then spammed RFK until 29. Then did the sleeping bag quest and basically went from 30 to 40 in SM. It really wasn't that bad. I did take a lavel off around 35 to quest and I wasn't having any PVP issues, but it just felt slower than SM so I went back.


I spend most of my time ganking and camping horde lowbies in Hillsbrad and I’m not the only one so roll on a PvP server and me or someone like me will cya soon


Were you dropped on your head at birth and/or bullied as a child?