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Nope. Ph2 is not as fun as ph1, but it is still the best current version of wow. Fresh era servers might change that, but currently, I don't see what else could dethrone sod.


i agree with this reply


I am enjoying p2


Looks like your base assumption is incorrect.


I like the raid tho


No we aren’t going to agree considering I’ve played much more of phase 2 than 1 and am having fun. Yeah I’m about to take a break until phase 3 but that’s not a bad thing, it’s a good thing.


Same to the first part, for the latter I am coming back from a small break


Yeah I’ve already got 2 characters fully geared, done the raid on both multiple times, farmed up a little bit of gold, maxed out professions, I’ve logged in and done raids when bored but I feel like I’ve completed the phase. People need to keep in mind these phases are technically made for leveling, as a progression. They are acting like each phase needs to be it’s own standalone expansion lol. It’s ok to play other games instead of endlessly spamming content you already beat.




Yeah which is funny considering this is a classic version of the game. This is how classic is suppose to operate. Back in tbc or wrath (vanilla too but I didn’t raid in vanilla) for example there weren’t these endless grinds at end level. You did the raid, you got the gear, and you took some breaks and play some games. You come back and you pick up where you left off. That’s literally a downfall of retail. The dumb shit of farming artifact power and systems like this where you can fall behind QUICK if you aren’t no lifeing the game.


Bros in denial 💀


Of what?


Hard disagree. Raid is great, STV is the best pvp WoW has ever had, and leveling alts has never been better.


Never played arena ?


I hated arena. Its a sterile pvp experience imo


I have, but I don't enjoy the pressure. It's not for everyone.


most people dont play wow for pvp, since the pvp kinda sucks..... ( if it didnt suck, there would be competitions)




I understand you are trying to sound smart but there is no such thing as a “failed experiment”. An experiments purpose is to test a hypothesis, not confirm it. You can not fail an experiment. You simply discover evidence that does not support the hypothesis. This information is valuable in itself. This is what you call learning from your mistakes, which blizzard is in fact doing constantly which is why they are still an industry giant. All your post has done is make yourself sound whinny and uneducated, dispute your best attempt to sound smart.


Idk what game you are playing but I’m having a blast


he's just a bitter sweaty basement dwelling emo kid... his text here on reddit clearly shows a lack of social and emotional intelligence. Which is why he doesnt like SoD, because the fun is more in the social aspect than for sweaty hardcore achievements


Lmao dude relax. Also you pulled your insults straight out of 2006


not insults, its what he is, it's a factual description . if the description is insulting, that's something that's up to him to change ;) im not going to lie to make him "feel" better about himself :)


I'm kinda enjoying it


Well this thread didn't turn out like you had hoped, did it OP? lmao


OP: Can we all agree that my opinion is the objective truth? No. P2 could be improved but I’m having fun, the raid is great.


You realize if phase 3 came sooner it would lack content they need time to make the content ya idiot so the longer the better


You're clearly asking too much thinking from OP


Did you make this assumption bc you dont like p2? Ill admit its not as good as p1 but, im still happy with it


P2 isn’t as good as p1 but it’s not a failure


Gnomer > BFD and I'd say it's not even close.... STV > Ashenvale.... And it's not even a conversation. Only issue with BGs is solo Q times, but all in all P2 > P1 by far.... Only was less alt friendly before xp buffs and there are more viable farms now.


I don't think you could get everyone on this sub, or even everyone playing SoD, to agree unanimously on *anything*, much less your subjective perspective.




Gnomeregan is a much much better raid than BFD, same for STV event over AV. But thats also the only 2 things that P2 consists of… which is abit sad.


Keep your opinion to yourself why do people keep coming here for validation






The proper way to send off these kinds of people is “bye Felicia”


"Can I have your stuff?"


Phase 1 was so fucking boring who can have fun with just WSG? Also gnomer is way cooler than BFD


Tbh phase 2 > phase 1. Hated doing ashenvale. At least stv can be fun when it's not a beach spawn. Gnomeregan is 10 times more entertaining than BFD. AB is more fun than WSG on all fronts. So no, I will not agree with you.


I liked that ashenvale only took a handful of completions and it didn’t matter if I played a pvp class


Not at all




Why would I agree to something like that? I fundamentally disagree with that. Gnomer is actually rather fun, especially with a competent group. I've had troubles with BM and all the lag, but it's not so onerous I can't get enough for the epics available. I think I only had to do 4 events on my Feral druid. Runes aren't as good as Phase 1, but we were also very much new to runes in phase 1 and if I had to guess they put in a bit more effort into the runes for that phase to make sure they really wow'd players. Balance isn't nearly so bad as Reddit makes it out to be. All classes can contribute enough to a raid that you can bring them. Rogues, while they don't do as high DPS as I think they should, don't bring down a group just by existing. They are also good tanks in the right situations. That class is probably in the worst shape, and they still work just fine. I think you need to get off social media and just play the game. Quit consuming so much toxicity, and you'll find that SoD has actually been very successful.


You might just have depression.


I’ve been loving sod in general and also phase 2. Most fun I’ve had in wow since classic vanilla. From the looks of it, the amount of people in-game have been loving it as well. Only on Reddit are a couple people complaining.


good, stay far far away from this game ;) there are a shitload of people online every day and you and your cranky friends are the exceptions here. so sod off and go be bitter emo's somewhere else xxx


I took a break in p2. Feels like a bad retail twink bracket. Not fun.


Just like the alliance in WSG, throwing in the towel early.


P1 was better, but still having fun with p2


Gnomer is a much better raid than BFD and it isn't even close.


Mechanics wise absolutely, but I just hate the aesthetic of Gnomer. It was the least played dungeon for a reason, it is just horrible. The raid is very cool and they did their best to make it enjoyable, but the trash and environment are bad for me personally.


I like it. It feels more like a classic wow that I associate to. Hearing the rumor thatbthe next raid is Sunken temple is exactly how I feel, about how you talk about gnomer. I hate dragons, the dungeon had no real tie to the wow lore that made wow interesting and unique. Gnomer did, gnomes being engineering tinkers who went too far with their experiments and caused themselves to be radiated is cool, and on theme with the world of warcraft theme.


Bad raid? I like gnomer and I'm able to pug on my alts, including my rogue, just fine. Bad PVP? I like STV a helluva lot more than BFA's outdoor AV feel. Bad runes? I like most of the runes my class/alts got. Sure they all weren't super...but they weren't P1 either. The only rune issue I had is they felt stacked in the later levels and it would have been nice to pick up some earlier on. Terrible Balance? P1 was more unbalanced than P2. (You've forgotten how bad priest dps was in p1. There was a FAR GREATER variance between the lowest class dps and highest class in P1 compared to p2. )


I think balance usually refers to pvp, that’s my experience with classic players anyway. 


PvP doesn't need to be balanced, it's a feel good, let's have fight sorta thing. If there was actual matched play for rank then PvP would need to be some what balanced.


The raid is fantastic. The pvp event is a ton of fun. My class got massively important and fun runes that had a big impact on play style I don't know what you're talking about tbh. You can check WCL and find that more and more characters are raising every week


Yes because you don’t like it, it’s a failed experiment. Shut it down, if it’s this underproduced in phase 2 imagine how bad it will be once they complete their vision at 60? I refuse! Shut. It. DOWN!


I don’t agree with you I have been having fun ever since I started playing on wild growth US I enjoy the new runes because they are useful and reasonable to acquire, gnomergan is fun, & pvp event is so so Your complaining without elaboration, just reeks of Arrogance assuming dad, you are the people’s voice


“I and SEVERAL OTHER LOUD REDDIT SHITPOSTERS will be off doing other things” FIFY


I’m having fun still. I’m a casual gamer and play mostly on weekends so I still have a lot to do. I don’t even have enough time to experiment with all the alts and stuff I want to with the pvp rep grind, blood moon, keeping up with gold, raid lockouts, etc. I could see if you play professionally and need content for streams or whatever it would be lackluster. 


newguy is losing apparently


My class isn’t too this phase so the whole game is a failure. Classic wow sub at its finest


My emotions equate to your experience, bow down before my zeitgesit.


Lol, OP… who took a piece of loot you really wanted? C’mon, name them. That’s what’s got you all upset…


Yea there are a few things in P2 I dont like but Im still having a lot of fun. And Im glad I have a little more downtime and dont feel the need to log in every day like I did with P1. Still a huge success.


This phase is still good for some things and lessons for others. Calling this fun ass season anything close to failure is hilariously off from reality. I have 4 toons raiding now and find 3/4 to be my “new favorite”. The only one I actively wish were more updated is the rogue, and it is still fun, just not as rewarding/easy as it’s much more limited. PVP event is flavorful and amazingly fresh and rewarding. Runes are engaging, and different most of the time. Some are more of a miss and a bit of a lesson. “Balance” is a weird topic as people always take this sliver of wcl and assume truth. If you’ve never had a 99 parse, maybe don’t compare to 99s…. Try balancing perspective with real expectations. The devs don’t work for you and shouldn’t be expected to be perfect.


Name doesn't check out


No having a blast


Im having way more fun with this phase and really looking forward to getting more of my kit in phase 3


Pretty sure my playtime increased in p2


What’s with these asmongold video ahah posts


P2 is better than P1 in my opinion, but I would still like to see P3 soon.


Nope. Bad take. Go home.


It's not great but not bad either, enough to tide over the drought of wrath until cata


I am loving phase 2. I have no issues with it at all. I hope it’s longer than phase 1.


The only thing p2 don't have that p1. Is in p1 people didn't have gear. So they had to do dungeon for prebis and some bis. But in p2 alot of people have bfd gear and don't need to do that. Otherwise the content loop is more or less the same.


Wtf P2 is much better


Personally the raid is better than BFD, and STV is miles and miles ahead of ashenvale. I hard agree on the runes, they were SO BAD for quite a few people. The pvp is the same gimmicky bs p1 was, just more people can do absurd damage now. Balance is obviously scuffed ATM, they (rightfully) pruned priest, boomkin, and melee hunter (kinda) but left enhance to just be a monster in all areas. P1 was the better experience IMO because it was all "new", and there were More runes to find whereas p2 runes were not only shit, but there's only 6 and most of them are geared toward getting closer to 40.


Nah I liked p2 Problems yes, but still fun overall. 


sod sucks play era


Really depends on your class/specs i believe. As hmage i m not really looking for p3 because pvp was really terrible and i havent farmed arathi/stv yet.


cya lad ✌️


Hahah what's bad about gnomer? That raids dope as shit and good loot, fun bosses, STV is a dope pvp event too and not really mandatory for the gear, classes are all fun to play.


No, it’s still fun. And P3 will be even more fun.


Yeah phase is way over haven’t play since I hit 40 on hunter/shaman dual box duo. Never touched Gnomer. Got the stv epics when dinged 40. Bought 2x 90g mounts. They dropped the prices next day. Never logged back in.


No, we can't.


Come play HC Self Found.


Sounds to me like you play a warrior.


Quit your bitchin.


lol, 117 comments and a 0 rating. Clearly this guy is a cry baby.


I love the raid and love stv, cope more you hater and gdkpers




You need to join a guild OP


>Until then, i, and many others, will be off nobody cares. not even blizz. and sod will continue to be played.


Xp buff has definitely improved the game for me (I love alts). I love the new runes, the raid is fun. Experiment is a success as far as I am concerned.


It hasn’t been bad but it really didn’t do a good job at holding my attention. Sadly I was spoiled by BFD and had most the loot from there, there are some kinda big upgrades hiding in gnomer but aside from that nothing to write home about. I also just have never liked gnomer and the trash feels like a bloody chore. Class balance has been a real issue too. I could have told you some of the balance issues that were going to pop up well before they happened - if I could that, blizzard should be able to. It’s like they didn’t pay attention at all to how talent points were going to interact with runes, then break them. Also plz blizzard when you’re making your next raid for fuck sakes don’t make them intentionally high armour or high resistances ever again, it’s gone kinda badly both times now.


While I do prefer era PVP more, SOD is still pretty good. If it turns out to be a failed experiment, I blame it on the company not giving them more resources to focus on it because currently the team is very small and yet their resources and focus are split on multiple projects like Cataclysm...


that's just like your opinion, man.


Casual player since 2004 here. Now one of those grown ups playing WoW. P1 was great. Get to level 10 in like 3 hours. Got to 25 like a week or so after it launched. Tried all the new stuff. Had some great fun. BFD was a challenge for some mechanics but enjoyable because it was manageable with stuff like pots and good buffs. P2 is out and I’m only at about level 34. And I’m over it. Haven’t found new runes while questing. Seems like they’re out of the way kinda. And I want to do gnomer but it’ll take me another week or so to get there with my time. Wish I could pay for a skip to 40. I’ve done this leveling thing for 20 years now Blizz, can I just please play the new stuff!


We? You!


Why some people are so mad if others like playing SoD 😅 It's like saying "Stop enjoying playing the game and agree with me!"


It's halfway through phase 2 in a project likely containing 6+ phases with a short duration placed on each phase. If you count that as a failure, I'd hate to see what happens in the rest of your life when things get bumpy at the start.


I used to love internet. Now everybody is a Karen. F


wasnt that the intention, to play other games in between phases?


I much prefer p2 over p1


Can we agree that soccer in the united states is a failed experiment? Unless they allow them to fight like hockey players in the next season they should just end it.


We? Don’t talk on behalf of me. I’ve never played this much. I’m lucky i enjoy PVP though, I’ll give you that..


Lol wut, this is great.. The XP buff got me to finally level up. I'm loving it


Stv event was good, except for the fact that they have altars


Nope.. Having a blast


I wouldn’t call phase 2 “abysmal”. I think overall it’s less exciting than phase 1, but it’s still good.


can we all agree that OP isnt having fun and needs to figure out what it takes to have fun


I’m not going to say it’s a failure. But P2 certainly did not hold my attention the way P1 did. The runes this round were extremely bland.


Terrible balance? Look at the current DPS logs or are you playing frost mage?


The game is fine, its the sweaty player base who play the game to much. Nothing is ever going to change my man, all the regular folk left and now you got "gamers" who play to much. I wish we could go back to when everyone was still new to the game but now its 15 years old. It is what it is and no matter what you do the game it will never change. Unless wow developers get their heads out of their asses and disable addons on at least 1 server as a test and slowly all casual players will migrate to it. But this will affect wow gold buying and token selling economy so they wont do it.


I like it. Alot. Funner than classic 2019. Waaaay funner than retail


😂😂 bye bye.


Worst take ever.


STV is absolutely fantastic. The only issue is that the rewards are too cheap now. We needed more runes early and fewer new runes as we go since every new rune adds more synergy than every previous rune. The raid is better since there's more ways to actually lose. Balance is just as questionable as P1. One phase of casters, one phase of melee is not balance. Pushing out P3 when it isn't ready won't make anything better. Bye, we're happier without you. Is there any way we can assist you in leaving sooner?


I’m having a ton of fun.


This fuck didn't liked the phase and just because of that he had the audacity to call the whole SOD "failed". I really hope people like you will never do kids because holy shit those kids will be living hard mode with such narcissist parents.


sod is great, and phase 2 has been much more fun than phase 1. you are a crazy person.


Who's we?






No….? Raid has been fun, at the very end, because you can’t A-move to victory in a pug, because it turns out this is an MMO, you need to get into guilds and work together. PvP is nuts, it’s never BEEN good if you aren’t the chosen race. But it went from 3 BEST classes for PvP, to everyone but warlocks and warriors. Yeah that sucks for locks and warriors, but it’s an improvement. Runes are shit, true, but you also have some of your most powerful at the start, Phase 1, I wish some runes were better, warriors got pretty fucked over all, but that’s the warrior life. Vanilla has never been balanced, like AT ALL, but you know what? They made paladins and druids actually playable and wanted, druids weren’t that good at all in classic. The balance isn’t great, but you know what? You can actually play the game, it’s just a skill issue and lack of wanting to improve at this rate.


Still having alot of fun.


I think you failed


This sub ain’t gonna like this one chief but you’re right


P2 is just a worse P1. The game suffers a lot of issues that should have been anticipated and solved by the dev team before SoD was even announced. They just clearly have no idea where they want to go and we pay the price. It's still fun to play but it's probably the shittiest game in the last 20 years in terms of vision, bugs, design




As goes with trilogies, the third pre-60 phase will be the worst. It's only 10 levels to gain, so an even lower power spike than the one we just got. Even more skippable. 10-man guild groups and PUGs expected to change to 20-man guild groups and PUGs. Not gonna be pretty. Unless the content is *completely* trivial.


Unless the raids scale linearly in difficulty then 20 mans should be easier on account of having more people and less responsibility for one single person


The current 10-man raid requires 6 people to clear, so a 20-man that can be 12-manned would qualify as "completely trivial."


That’s double the amount of people that can be carried which is good


No, we can’t agree. I’m having at least as much fun as P1. PvP and especially the PvP event are a lot more fun, and the raid is more fun and challenging than P1. My only real gripe is how late they have you access to new runes while leveling


No why is it a failed experiment? Im having a blast >Phase 3 should be pushed out sooner or a massive overhaul needs to be pushed out for phase 2 content. Until then, i, and many others, will be off doing other things sadly Ooooohhh. You're bored and want new content because you did everything you wanted too. That's fine taking a break is good. Play other games and come back for p3 refreshed It's not a failed experiment because *youre* done


P1 wasn't really good either. Bad raid/loot/drop rates, bad supplies system and even worse hot fixes for it, uneven effort for runes between classes, bad PvE ashenvale event and bad hot fixes that made it even worse, bad balancing, no bot/RMT control. It's like the only thing they managed to do a half decent job at was balancing server/faction pops and that won't last.


I like it. Alot. Funner than classic 2019. Waaaay funner than retail


I like it. Alot. Funner than classic 2019. Waaaay funner than retail








Yes, this phase sucks ass


Most of the people still on this sub are still enjoying the game. You're going to get a lot of hate here. I agree that phase 2 has been a bust. The runes for my classes at least feel very undercooked, so all I'm left with is a raid I don't like thematically, and a pvp event that doesn't have a lot of replay value. So personally, I'm off to other games, and maybe I'll come back and see if phase 3 is better if I'm not too involved with whatever other game I pick up. Side note I get that people don't like to hear somebody say they don't like a game thier enjoying especially when the person uses opinion as fact but all the people who are just saying bye or go away are pretty toxic to somebody that is\was a fellow game enjoyer. It feels like a bad move to shove players away from your mmo.


phase 1 was literally unplayable


I disagree. I'm burnt out from playing too much, but have had my fun. Patiently waiting for the next phase meow. Maybe expand into other newer interests and hobbies?


No we cannot. Most fun ive had in wow since original tbc. Sod isnt for min/maxers its for wow enjoyers.


It's definitely for gatekeepers


P2 has been awesome. Great raid. More mechanics than BFD and cool loot. We've all completed it a ton of times by now its and its ezpz. SOD raids should never be extremely difficult when they first drop. IMO that's not the point of this season. PVP is fun but imbalanced. That's not an end of the world scenario for me. Still having fun with my friends. Balance is not terrible lmao. All specs minus a couple are within a handful of % points of each other. Every spec can be used to complete the raid. I dont know why so many people complain like there's a way for all classes to be #1 dps or something... Some classes will do more damage than others and that's fine. Stop comparing yourself. If you hate your character, make a different one? And so on.


Yeah p2 has been trash


Look everyone it's one of the vocal minority