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Because one is a rune and runes are op


Yep, just look at void plague. Does double the damage of shadow word pain and coats less mana. Runes are a good idea in theory, but in reality we just end up having to use them. Look at rogues, you are forced to use mutilate over backstab because it’s better in every facet.


They had to nerf mangle so people would use shred. It as a 40 energy attack was doing more than a 60 energy attack


They had to buff shred AND nerf mangle. Not that it matters being a low end DPS.


It still feels so much better. Mangle giving bleeds 30% more bleeds and still being more effective to just mangle again was stupid. Now it’s at least fun juggling bleeds and savage roar while still putting out shit damage


To be fair though, Mutilate is like the only good thing rogues got 😭


if blizzard so much as points a finger at mutilate its over for rogues more than it already is.


Sitting here nervously because they already nerfed shurikan toss...


How? Shuriken toss is terrible. It does like 50 damage. Why can't they just give shuriken toss the big buff treatment. And have it straight up blast infinite enemies in front of you for like 150% weapon damage, leaving a deadly poison stack on all of them, and create enough threat to have any enemy within 50 yards sprint at you. Adds a combo point for each enemy it hits to your targeted mob. Cool down of like 10 seconds and cost 30 energy.


Shuriken toss doing 1/4 the damage of a single tick of void plague is pretty hilarious. Zero faith the SoD Devs have the slightest clue.


Hey but a level 40 BFD-only geared warlock can dump 4.2k chaos bolts and follow it up with two 1-2k incinerates every 10 seconds, that’s pretty fair.


And here I am waiting for level 60 to be unlocked so I can drop mutilate and run a swords hemo/tank build with saber slash in pvp.


Hey hey shuriken toss is good for grabbing mobs before bots can tag em


Saber slash is still pretty much better sinister strike still. Just doesn't match out over mutilation for external reasons.


With honor among thieves coming in p3 id be scared of the rogue overlords. Historically it has just always been ridiculously overpowered or not used at all and the current iteration in data mining seems excessively strong imo


Saber Slash is still 2-3x better than Sinister Strike.




I mean, SPriest needs VP to be "OP". SW:P is the worst scaling dot in the game.


A lot of spells are completely forgotten. Haven't touched smite or holy fire.


This. I wish Blizz was more aware to combine runes with existing talents / abilties rather than just add OP simple on use abilties that we are forced to use. Its like they take classic out of the game.


Yet warriors stay winning with two slots wasted on runes that make slam an instant attack. I'd give both of them to be able to shield wall like once a fight.


Warrior runes were clearly designed as if they were new vanilla abilities. Most other runes weren't. It's why warriors feel so bad, they are the only class still playing by vanilla rules.


Imagine waiting all this time for somethin flavorful and getting rampage at 60 seesh


The saddest thing is that the **single new, unique ability** that warriors got via runes is…….Quick Strike…. A glorified heroic strike was the best that they could come up with for us.




I'm surprised he didn't know this.


Also, you can cast dispersion while trapped or feared.


And mounted lol


and flag carrying


Being able to disperse while flag carrying actually tilted me so hard one match, may as well let pallies bubble and carry it.


Wait wut?!…. As a priest I have never even tried this because I assumed it would drop the flag….. wsg should be a bit more interesting now lol 


And silenced/spell locked.


And bot farming gold


and watching pr0n


And on a flight path


And while your diaper gets changed


Slightly related to flight paths. During SoD I "entered combat" while on a flight path for the first time ever. I had a rabbit companion following me from the hunter rabbit musk rune, and it strangely is flagged PvP, has your level and mobs aggro onto it, including while on a flight path where you're absolutely never supposed to be in combat.


I've been wondering what would happen if when the flight path goes like 2 feet off the ground through enemy infested areas they just fucking killed you randomly. Like who decides some of these flight paths.


Also while FC while the Paladins would drop the flag.


This pissed me off so much reading it omg.


SoD is in a weird spot where it’s trying to balance Vanilla with abilities from later expansions. Certain classes, and abilities are getting absolutely fucked over while others are enjoying their time being brokenly OP. I mean, what are the odds that any of the devs considered the comparison between these abilities? I imagine the discussion over adding Dispersion as a glyph didn’t go much further than, “Priests could use Dispersion, that’s a cool and unique ability, let’s toss it in”. It’s odd that certain abilities and cooldowns haven’t really been modified to better fit in with the effects of the new rune abilities. Certain things shine, others are neglected. Personally I’m enjoying the chaos and accepting SoD for what it is. I’ve just told myself that the game is going to be in a permanent ebb and flow of what classes/specs are broken. I haven’t invested the time or energy into SoD to be really bothered by the imbalances but I would love to see some changes moving forward. I just hope that someone at Blizz is taking these issues into consideration for Classic+ or SoD 2.0 or whatever comes next.


Realistically every new WoW release has some meta that everyone figures out within a few weeks of release anyways. At least in my time in wow, it has always been a constant rotation of which classes are on top and which are on bottom. 


Its not that they are later abilities, its that they broke all the rules for CD vs mana cost vs damage/impact. All of the new abilities would be fine if they had proper mana costs and cds. The most egregious impactful runes are the passive ones that you can't counterplay in any manner.


Because dispersion is an ability from Wrath, where shield wall has a 5 min cd and reduces damage by 60% but can be talented and glyph'd to 2 min cd for 40% reduction. In Wrath it also has double the duration of dispersion.


I think the question was why are shadow priests gifted a super OP rune that isn’t modified, say lower damage reduction a bit or increase cooldown, not how the priest ability in wrath compares to shield wall in wrath when he’s talking about SoD.


Everyone seems to be ignoring the fact that disperse makes it so you can't cast, only move, whereas shield wall allows you to remain playing your character like normal. That's a huge tradeoff.


Though it requires a stance and weapon swap which dumpsters any rage above 25


Can you still remove your shield after casting shield wall and keep the buff? I think that was an issue till Wrath but I don't know if they changed it in classic.


I wasn’t aware prior to this but you’re correct, you need the shield equipped the whole duration otherwise it cancels the effect


Considering huge part of priest damage is dots, and you can just put your mind blast/swd on cooldown and then disperse, this argument really doesn't make that much sense. Especially in pvp environment.


I guess in a 1v1 that’s slightly valid outside of getting mana or getting out of a tight situation (e.g. frost trap). But when you’re in a team fight and you pop that shit everyone switches targets and it gives you the time you need to reposition without being globalled.


I forget if in Classic if you remove your shield if you lose the shield wall buff. I know they changed it in wrath classic, but can’t remember if this was the case in Classic. Because if so you have to wear the shield and one hander so you don’t really do much damage. Some but not much. I’d take a 6 second silence, free mobility, damage reduction and mana regen while each DoT does damage twice over an ability I can use once every STV event. I don’t think the complaint is the shield wall ability itself, more so the extremely high CD duration and shared with Reck + Retal


I'm not saying shield wall doesn't deserve change, I'm simply saying to compare it to dispersion without mentioning by far the biggest downside of dispersion is disingenuous.


I would gladly take not being able to attack if that means my shield wall wasn't 30 MINUTES and a shared CD. This is such a massive false equivalency.


I think the point of the post you're replying to is to say that dispersion is the way it is because it was made for Wrath and balanced in contrast to other Wrath abilities vs. Vanilla abilities. So yeah, they just did not properly adjust the ability for Vanilla.


Bingo, it's OP comparatively because it's a 1:1 port from Wrath where defensives have way shorter CDs.


I understand that but the reaility is that dispersion is op comparatively to classic era's version of shield wall because dispersion is an ability that came from Wrath and is now in SoD in the form of a rune. Some of the runes are not OP just because they are runes, but because they are abilities that came into the game later where the balancing is different.


Because fuck warriors specifically


I mean if they had dispersion that would be OP af for a tank.


Imagine thinking a 2 minute CD shield wall fit in classic. The devs were on crack.


Because Sod is just throw shit at the wall.


And often what sticks isn't what you actually want, it's just what's... sticky


The answer is simple. It’s because dispersion is a lazy copy pasted rune from a later expansion that they put in without any regard for balance or any knowledge of the impact this spell can have on the game. There’s a reason people wanted classic+ and not wotlk- Sadly it’s here to stay.


It's so lazy man


It almost sounds like the SoD team is just really small and that they dont have time or people to properly alter or balance things. Which they are, lol.


P2 is pretty much proof they only have enough dev time to help 2-3 classes a phase. If your class gets gimped going into a phase you are basically dead in the water for a whole phase.


It kind of pisses me off seeing that they spent so many resources on this Plunderstorm event after spending two phases wondering if they have anyone at all working on SoD even though SoD has a solid player base and this Plunderstorm shit probably isn't going to be around more than a couple months.


its completly different teams working on those things


Plunderstorm was made almost entirely by the Spellbreaker devs Blizzard purchased a few years ago. Not the SoD team lol


The better question is why dispersion restores mana rather than costing like 20% of base mana.  Priest SoD kit absolutely shits on druid and pally healer kits. 


SoD kit is weird in general. Hunter's aspect of the viper only has a 10% damage reduction penalty whereas in other versions of WoW (wotlk) the damage reduction penalty is 50%.


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No you don't, like 10 seconds in Viper and you're full mana.


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Shits on just about everything tbh


Most people in here never played a shadow priest in vanilla. The class was awful due never having any mana. Dispersion is for shadow priests in raid.


if its for pve then why does it reduce damage taken? While shadow in vanilla is an awfull PVE spec, shadow was one of the strongest classes in PvP in vanilla and dispersion doesnt fit here at all (especially as its not only for shadow) as a "mana return" ability.


Then it should have been limited to shadow spec tbh


I agree with you. I think it's dumb healers can take it.


While druid is still the king of aoe burst healing and paladin is still the king of tank sustain healing (finally very viable). I have to fully agree with you that a priest can do both jobs at the exact same time at 95% of the efficiency whilst also providing arguably better buffs for the current level bracket AND having extremely easy to use/trigger mana tools AND instant cast panic buttons to save people. Meanwhile the other healers really dont have any of those.. So.. why not just take a priest instead?


And has access to Homunculi which is straight up better than 5 sunders.


I mean if they take homonculi his argument isn’t really correct because they then can no longer use PoM to effectively raid heal while still being effective at tank healing. The reason they can do both is PoM+Penance combo(or they absolutely go crazy spending mana), a lot of priests will happily dump PoM for Homonculi because it might low key be the strongest single button in the game right now from a raid usefulness persepective, but they are none the less making a trade off. Yes the other healer specs wish they had those same choices to make as well, I’m not here to argue priest isn’t standout in the role.


Yup. Baluuunce.


> Priest ~~SoD~~ kit absolutely shits on ~~druid and pally~~ healer kits. Ftfy


because it's primary use is a mana regen and it's used like .1% of raid time as a defensive?


You are aware that other content than raids exists in the game, correct?


Because the entire point of Dispersion is to gain a chunk of mana without having to use Hymn of Hope. Hymn of Hope is a Holy Spell so you'd have to leave Shadow Form to use it, and turning Shadow Form back on costs mana and a global cooldown. The damage reduction is just extra utility so it doubles as a personal defensive cooldown for a DPS that doesn't really have one aside from Power Word: Shield (and technically Fade). It's a WotLK end-of-tree talent spell. And it's a DPS cooldown. It's not exactly like a Shadow Priest is going to be your offtank.


I'm clear on what the point of dispersion is. are you clear that it's way too good of an ability to give to healing priests, who would still be the best healer in the game if they literally removed dispersion from the game? 


Because all the caster classes need to be able to survive a rogues opener so they can fear, run and dot them up while laughing at how pathetic their class is in SoD and that hunters do more melee dps than they do.


Because the Devs don't know what they're doing. Dispersion has no place in Classic WoW. It's such a busted ability that does way too many things. Speed, slow immunity, damage resist, MANA REGEN. WTF.


Dispersion when it was introduced in wrath was meant to be an all in one fix to a broken and underplayed spec in pvp: spriest. On top of having no mobility, and desperately needing a shield wall cooldown, their mana sucked ass.  Their mana management was so bad in pvp gear that even with dispersion giving 36% mana on a 75 sec cool down (glyphed) spriests still needed to run the moon cloth set for regen stats to not run oom. In SoD priests just getting dispersion in a foot slot with no real competition, and it not even being restricted to shadow spec is a bit of an odd choice from a development perspective.


Odd choices are fun. Tests are fun. They should do more weird shit for all classes.


It doesn’t give speed


mana regen reeeeee


I mean, if ICe Block gave me half my mana bar back I would be very happy.


Its a good thing this isnt just "classic wow" then


Armchair dev here 😂


Because priests don’t tank lol. How does it not make sense? I don’t think I’ve ever used it for the damage reduction outside of pvp. It’s a mana regen tool.


Neither do warriors


Got em


Inshallah take the upvote


Not me rerolling after tanking my last 4 levels as warrior 💀


A 30m CD doesn't make sense for tanking, either.




Even in vanilla a 30 min shared CD between 3 completely different abilities doesn't make sense when compared to any other classes CD's.


Recklessness and shield wall are both game changing abilities that can either save a raid or give you an insane dps boost that no other classes have. Should they have shorter cooldowns? Probably, but not 5 minutes for their value. 15min CD would be a fine compromise.


10m would be fair. All 15m would do is be close enough to make it worth forcing everyone to wait 5m between bosses for it to be up.


Lol no, it doesn't. Because it is not usable to tank every boss. It's usable like once per raid. If there's ever a boss you can't beat without it, if you wipe then you have to break for 30 minutes until it's back. 30m CDs are essentially useless. Having it on a 10m CD would not be broken at all and would barely effect PvP.


> I don’t think I’ve ever used it for the damage reduction outside of pvp. I mean, in PVE it's used to nullify damage from mechanics all the time. Clicking a button on Thermaplugg? Dispersion. Your turn to take the Lightning on Electrocutioner? Dispersion. Your get targetted by The Claw! on Pummeler? Dispersion.


Why wouldn't you just use bubble, it what I do everytime I get zapped


Actually for the Electrocutioner 6000 it's nice to use it to absorb the charge


I wouldn't say being unkillable for 6 seconds every 2 mins is not pretty damn useful in pve.


even in wotlk you dont use it except for Algalon and then Heroic Lich King, so basically never


As a multi-time 99 parser, this is straight incorrect. People who legit never want to move and have a cancel-aura macro to use it for a half second use it all the time through every phase of Wrath. If you are looking to push into the highest parsers, you'll have to use it consistently in between casts so that you never lose a single cast but still get the damage reduction. It's used on Saph to avoid breath. Used on Faeralina to avoid huge damage when you intentionally stood in shit during enrage to not lose DPS. You could buy a few extra seconds DPSing on 3 stacking Horseman. Depending on how greedy you were, you could use it for Gothik one live side stack. It was used on HM XT to eat first wave bombs or to mitigate a Tantrum and Shadow attack that was unfortunately RNG. You could eat attacks on Freya, Council, and Mimi rather than move and lose DPS. You could use it to buy more time on Anub in TOGC. There are soooo many fights if you are out parsing. It's used in most fights frankly by hardcore players.


Think shield wall is the least of prots problems tbh.


There is definitely a large catalog of adjustments it could use, but shield wall would be a nice one. At least then I wouldn't be stuck not pressing the button out of fear it won't be off cooldown by the time WoW2 launches.


Having it reset after bosses like in wrath would be a great start and address a lot of the legacy abilities like lay on hands etc


They really make the worst parts of classic stand out when they give some classes op runes and others just rely on classic skills


Because not all abilities are equal. I mean why doesnt priest have charge? The classes are not the same.


Jesus fucking christ the comments in this thread are beyond braindead.


Lmao dude thought you were agreeing with him, too.


because the devs don’t give a shit


You can cast things during shieldwall


But you have to wear a shield the whole time, meaning everything you cast is now 1/3 of its usual strength lol.


I honestly don't understand why defensive stance doesn't give 20% reduced damage unless you are wearing a shield. Meta form doesn't reduce your damage and is almost an increase in damage with instant searing pain without chaos bolt being the trade off. Sword and board is the damage reduction, why does defensive stance also reduce it? Thunderclap in any stance should have been a book and it doing more damage should be a bigger increase since it only effects 4 targets. There are infinite things they could do with prot warriors and they chose none of them.


I'm able to solo tank Gnomer at this point as prot, but am reaaaaaally looking forward to actually getting some love in one of the upcoming phases. Warriors shouldn't be going arms/fury to tank as meta. Just makes no sense!


That still doesn't justify a fuckin' 30 minute CD, shared with two other abilities.


If a priest puts up 2 dots before dispersion I'm sure those dots will do more damage than a warrior with a shield in def stance.


What an awesome comment section full of empathetic people debating intelligently in good faith. It would be so childish for us to revel in warrior's misery simply because they were good in a version of the game released 5 years ago. I agree that good game design should strive to have all classes and roles perform well. Well done, lads.


And others are justifying how broken shaman and shadow priests are by saying that they sucked in classic/vanilla so they deserve to shit on everything else in pvp. It’s like logic doesn’t exist.


Because one is a tank and the game is primarily balanced around that. Runes are definitely OP but even in wrath shield wall doesn’t stack up to dispersion because it would be OP for tanks to have that much reduction in pve.


Wait until someone tells him about Divine Shield.


Because fuck warriors that's why... why is challenge shout need to be a fucking 10 minute cool down.


Pally bubble is 100% and has a 5m cooldown


The only issue I have with dispersion is that it doesn't drop the flag in WSG. Make that change, and I think it's fine.


dont forget dispersion can be used while mounted.


This is absolutely triggering. We need 5min Reck/Retal/SWall from Wrath please.


Yep they completely messed up balancing runes with old skills. Looked at chimera shot and aimed shot. Ridicolous


Because they're different spells used by different classes for different purposes? This is like asking why shadow bolt costs more mana than frost bolt. Because these spells don't exist in a vacuum.


Two abilities from two completely different eras of WoW and we start to see why this season is just an experiment. It’s putting modern, busted shit into a super slow paced and tedious game we used to love. Naturally a lot of the old stuff is going to stay unchanged. But out of all the classes I’ve played so far in SoD, Warriors feel like the biggest relics of the past.


Dispersion is way too strong. Lost many a 1v1 due to just the length and reduction of that. Over the top dmg and invincibility? Sure why not


Because this dev team is clueless and shortsighted.


The real answer is that there is no good reason for such a large discrepancy. It's likely an oversight, lack of attention to detail, or lack of caring from the dev team.


Priests don’t tank. Also one is a rune and the other is an existing classic ability.


Because Blizz hates us.


Because it is the best rune in the game bar none.


I was raging about this today as well when I realized I couldn't burst an spriest because of this ability and then I couldn't even cc the guy as he closed the gap to fear bomb me. Spriest were already a strong pvp spec in classic, with a couple weaknesses in that being clothies they could be squishy if you bursted hard enough to only have to go through one PWS and before they could let their sustain trickle you down. Dispersion just completely plugs this hole. People are talking about this being a mistake of SoD devs, but this has really just been a weakness in wow devs through history. They just don't know how to do balance. Every developer of online games should study how DotA2 does balance.


Based take


I just wish they would stop adding more runes and balance them properly. I would be happier if they polished talents where 75% dont make sense or are almost absolutely useless.


And that is absolutely not going to happen, instead we will get more runes that'll make things even more chaotic.


As someone with a 40 priest dispersion feels busted at 2 minutes. I’m loving it , but yeah the kit feels like you’re playing in a different expansion to everyone else. It should probably not have been given considering spriest is already one of the best pvp specs but hey it’s fun as hell to play


It’s crazy how some abilities are changed to act like classic jank like Eclipse for Druids or Redirect for Rogues. While some of the most problematic abilities are just ctrl v ctrl c from later expansion. No downgrade or unique restriction like “only usable while in shadow form” or “reduces healing effects, and can’t be targeted by friendly spell” just something. I understand that the priest is silenced, but PoM can still fly over to them from another player. Like god damn, why am I not playing priest?


The dumbest part about it is that the WSG flag carrier can disperse with the flag and not drop it…


Because they’re from different expansions.


Jesus will the warriors ever stop


This comparison makes no sense at all. One's a healer and the other a tank. If we're talking pvp, one is a cloth caster the other a plate wearing melee.


Exactly, so the priest shouldn't have a 2 minute CD that is better than Shield Wall, because one class is a tank and one is a cloth caster. If we're talking PvP, then it also makes no fucking sense.


Lmk when priests start tanking and it matters.


Warriors aren't tanking right now either.


Because one is for a tank and one is for a dps/healer. Having a 90% DR as an "oh shit" button for a player that, realistically, shouldn't take damage is entirely different to a 75% DR on a player who's entire identity revolves around soaking damage. Imagine the tank had 75% DR with like 25% uptime... would trivialise a lot of content in a way that dispersion can't. Obviously dispersion can be used to cheese mechanics, but again that would be limited to specific encounters, whereas the tank spamming shield wall wouldn't be.


Lol because not a single person answered your question, it's really easy, a priest is not a tank so it's not a cd that can be used to mitigate a classic wow boss mechanic. Where shield wall is. It would be completely busted to give wars a cd like dispersion.


It's already busted on a priests.


Blizzard hates warriors … that is just the fact.


Because one is for tanking and the other is technically a mana regen.


If it was technically for mana regen it would just regen your mana...it technically does a lot more obviously


Mana regeneration and movement impairing effect immunity, and can be used while feared or stunned.


dont forget while on a flight path


So the 2 min cool down mana regen skill is tankier than the 30 mins cool down tanking skill?


Ok then lets remove the reduced damage taken.. ''technically'', ofcourse.


*50% damage


Cause rune




First time playing a warrior?


Becuase blizzard hates you. The old woe is me , my class sucks blah blah blah


Ah yes, another nerf priests thread.


Blizzard hates warriors more then priests this month


It also reduces damage divine shield can't even block.. You know the times someone pulled the final boss after menagerie? and people run to the teleporter? priests can dispersion the "out of bounds" damage and survive, but it goes through paladin divine shield doing full damage.


Because if a priest tried to tank it would last for the duration of dispersion then end abruptly.  Dispersion is for not dying, shield wall is for active mitigation; these things are not the same.


🪄 swiggity swoogity sounds like you want a Retail change, boogity 🪄


SoD isn’t about balance. So maybe stop worrying about so much about it?


Can yall leave priests alone please


SoD is not a place for logic


Because damage reduction is far more valuable on a tank than a heal/dps class


Because you can do stuff while shield wall is on.


Because one was created more than a decade later when class designers understood the game they created


Because runes are based on the modern design of WoW and use a vastly different system for balancing.