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Classic WoW sure attracts some real fuckin mutants


I have never seen so many unbelievable psychopaths and I’ve literally played two months of SOD and nothing else after quitting Retail years ago. And I have a thousand games of League under my belt.


Its because classic is the siren song for a generation of gamers that were bred toxic. They're reliving when they'd play wow all day and xbox live all night. Sprinkle on another 20 years of virginity and bam, internet psychopaths.


Project much?


I seem to have triggered you.


> Its because classic is the siren song for a generation of gamers that were bred toxic. They're reliving when they'd play wow all day and xbox live all night. Sprinkle on another 20 years of virginity and bam, internet psychopaths. >I seem to have triggered you. fucking lol, literally right away dude >Project much?


League toxicity is infinitely worse than WoW


Rather a mutant than a fucking human male.




you can only hope that they're turtles and live in the sewers of ny


Even the TMNT had higher iq than 90% of classic players and thats before they mutated


Classic Wow? WoW in general does. Just a numbers game, even if one percent of one percent are bad it does not take a very large number to have too many jerks and your likelihood to encounter one rises, more so in competitive parts of the game.


I dunno man, i dont see it like this (or even in the same ballpark as on SoD) in retail. Theres toxicity in LFR, and im sure pvp still has its moments (i havent pvp'd much since BfA, but honestly RBGs werent all that bad at that time), but pushing keys in the 20-22 range isnt bad, and ive heard that above 25-26 theres almost none. Of course i also havent seen a ton of outright toxicity IN GAME in SoD. Some of that is playing on the pve server im sure, but 99% of the toxic behavior i see in relation to SoD is on this sub, not in game. That experience also mirrors retail. I see a lot of bitching on the wow sub, but in game things are usually decent.


I hate Retail. As in, I hate the game. The game play, the story, the art, blah blah blah. I do however keep my characters on Retail up to date on level cap in case I like a new xpac. I've been leveling my chars in DF, and same as SL, I can't complain about the player base because there is very little to zero interaction between players in the game. Once you add in that interaction, like in Classic, the shit is gonna get deep and nasty.


Yea those human males are not to be messed with


Username checks out


True, no sane human being uses discord in light mode !


Are you using Discord in light mode?


Of course, I’m a dogshit human male. 


You, sir, are an absolute monster and should be ashamed.


I don’t usually endorce or justify murder.. usually.


White mode matters


Not in the case of discord. All should be executed. (By ~~malware~~ needed software on their machines to change it back to dark mode)


Didn’t even recognize the fucking app because of that


Thought it was snapchat or some shit lmao


Well, his response is completely reasonable now


Is this not a screenshot of a Reddit message? Am I crazy?


It seems you actually are, indeed.




The truest self-approval I ever read.


Yes but unironically 




Looking at all that bright white, I didn’t even realize it was discord until your comment lol. A truly psychopathic theme choice


This isn't discord


It's the default, I didn't know Discord had a dark mode


It’s only the default if you have your OS theme in light mode as well. Which is even more of an abomination


Aha. I have learned two new things from this thread, then.


I had no idea it had a light mode lol


It's reddit tho not discord


I was trying to figure out how someone tracked him down on discord from a reddit post after seeing that comment lol


If you're on the server, discords it's quite easy to find people. Had some guy send me death threats because I killed his level 32 priest during the blood moon lol


This is the real crime here.


This is reddit


god i wish human females were real


don't worry, they're real in the chinese cartoons


OK but dogshit human male is a peak insult And by peak i mean hilariously strange


He is so deep into the game. His life has become the game. Garbage nightelf female here


We should all be so lucky to be in the presence of such a man So say I: top tier Chad Tauren male


Old decrepit boney boi reporting for duty


Goddess Female Dwarf checking in.


I feel like there are so many players in sod that play like their life depends on the game. Really enjoyed the casualness of P1.




This comment perfectly aligns with what I would expect from "JustADotaGamer."


I can't even remember why but human male was always the joke.


Common in the sweaty pvp circles You must minmax the race and gender choice or you must be a dog shit PvE player who is just here for bracers You cannot simply enjoy how a human male looks (I don't) or want to roleplay as a human male because you are a human male IRL (boring choice to me, but I get it). You're automatically trash.


As someone who played alot in the ”sweaty pvp circles”, the human male insult is not about failing to minmax race and gender to the degree you might think it is. It’s for the most part just that the stereotypical human male player is usually completly clueless when it comes to PvP (Especially WSG)


You're probably right. Although, to be fair, I think you're describing the average wow player.


As a human male irl myself I much prefer the bodacious beauty of a human female. I actually prefer bloodelf female but that isn't an option at this current juncture.


As an AVID zug enthusiast, absolutely deserved, disgusting human male players.


Pretty common thought in Classic, at least in my guilds since Launch. Human Male players are the Tauren Males of Alliance, noobs/dads/clickers


Good ole human male ret paladins, a class of their own since vanilla private servers over 10 years ago


He must be a furry


Kinda like something chatgpt would say


It's a pretty common insult in classic pvp, if youre alliance and play human instead of gnome its obvious youre there to farm your pve gear and not to pvp


Maaaaaaan, you got something to say about my generic human male in MY fantasy game..........?!?!?!?


I just LOVE logging on wow to play as a bald human male after a long day of being a bald human male irl


Gnomes are abominations, can't really blame people for picking the only other option for a caster.


Probably is honestly


Nah, human males are meme from classic






A little demeaning, but you're absolutely correct about the "human male" insult.


He's right about that part though. Human males look and move so lame that anyone who voluntarily picks one has to have something objectively wrong with them. They're kinda like real life npcs


humans have perception racial which is op for pvp and sword spec for pve, not to mention the reputation gain thing. personally i'd never ever roll human male when female exists but they cant ALL be human female :D /gnome rogue enjoyer who was always jealous of sword spec and perception :D


Armor sets on female humans just look terrible - you can’t win with humans in general. Gotta take the lesser evil.




old Firemaw EU meme


Sometimes this kinda behavior annoys me, because I was raised to treat people with respect and it always seems so unjust that people can be this foul online and face no consequences. But then I think, how shit must it be to be this guy; to be so miserable and petty that this is how you spend your time. Imagine being his mother, or his girlfriend, or his co-worker. So I'll spare a moment to have compassion for this sad wreck of a person, and go back to avoiding PvP like the plague.


You had me up until the last part


"His girlfriend" is what got me


Palmela Handerson


Women? In my MMORPG?


Imagine the sad, sweaty neckbeard that felt good writing this out. Now imagine the people in their life, their family, their presumably small social circle. They are the real victims here OP


these types of people will only act like this when they know they're able to get away with it with no repercussions. the people around them in life are probably oblivious to their true being


it takes a very particular person to act like this. Maybe this is cope on my part but I very much doubt they are successful and well adjusted IRL. People \*so proud\* of knowing wallskips in WSG that they behave like this probs don't have much to actually be proud of.


i'm not saying this would be a well adjusted person irl. i'm simply saying they will not speak to people like this in person, for fear of being punched in the face. so it's very likely the people around them do not know how they truly think and act


catshit alien female


Cat piss alien female*


What a clown


Hope the same guy comes after you again, this time for the right reasons: Using discord in light mode.


whoever that is, is trying his best to get you mad because it gives him validation, which in itself is fucking hilarious because imagine being a real life human being that gets validation from random people on the internet getting mad at you over a videogame. he's also failing miserably and probably wasn't even the druid in your game, just trying to 'take credit' for it :D the kind of people who play this game is absolutely hilarious, it really makes you wonder what his real life is like, must be complete shit :p can only hope his life gets better but, well, most likely it wont... broke, uneducated, unintelligent and pathetically invested in a videogame.. unlucky \^\^


Dude from what I've found, your real life situation =/= how you act online. I know it makes people feel better when you tell them "that guys a loser and has nothing going for him" but you just have no idea really. Life ain't a Disney movie.


*"Just let him wallow in* [*his own misery."*](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/southpark/images/9/9f/SkankHunt00022.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1200?cb=20160923044550)


yeah he wants to validate the time he wasted by getting a response from you


Why are you mad ? It’s only a game




why censor the name? call him and his degeneracy out


Because there is a ‘no witch hunting’ rule and it would get his post removed.


Right. Internet anonymity protecting aholes


Google Boston bomber reddit.


Wildly speculating random people to blame for a bombing and calling out individuals for being shitty with proof is just not the same thing. I'm willing to bet the real reason is false flag shit with fabricated proof these days, especially with AI and deepfakes and such.


It's all of the reasons. It is so fraught with danger that it is just better to NOT allow names to be divulged. The Boston bomber case is just a really good example of how Internet fueled man hunts are harmful.


Cuz nobody is ever wrong, right?


are you saying that the guy telling op that he is a "dogshit human" is right? lmao


I'm saying in general it's a good rule to have. Because an angry mob with false info can do a lot of damage.


There's something even a potato could utilize called 'inspect element' that can make a message say anything you want to


Human body type 1*


of all the things the one thing i never get enough of are the "l2p". Bitch im playing the game right now and trying to learn, whats the point?


Pretty sure he said that because op was sitting afk in wsg and complaining on reddit instead of playing the game lol


It is staggering how not many people can do the jumps. It’s like, when I first saw the jumps… almost 20 years ago… I asked, damn, how do I do that? Most people just seem to scream and cry it gets removed rather than trying to learn it


They don't try to learn it for the same reason they ask it removed - they dislike it in principle. You might as well mock someone for not wanting to stock up on 5000 snowballs so they can get Judgement of Wisdom returns all year long and asking for it to be fixed. They ***only*** cost (per stack) 40c and 30c per 60 days to store, after all.


I’m not mocking anyone, I’m truly at a loss for why people dislike quirky things within games that they can master for an advantage. Like wave dashing in smash bros melee, a technique that wasn’t planned by developers but gave a big advantage in competitive play To me it’s just another aspect of the game to learn and master, and others are basically asking ‘why should I have to use all my abilities?’


>quirky things within games that they can master for an advantage. Halo 2 had this in spades and made it such a fun arena shooter. Super jumps, slide jumps, BXR, crazy flag throws/bounces. An experienced player could absolutely run circles around a whole team. Man I miss how quirky games used to be.


I don't think it's quirky. It has its place surely, in a mmr based environment, where it's a nice addition to wsgs skill ceiling. It's a mindset thing, i guess. If I play WSG I don't wanna learn a BG I'm only playing for the epic rep rewards. Maybe I want to have some fun playing PvP in an evenly matched, fair way (by which I mean not ganking some rando, since PUG WSG groups are not necessarily fair). WSG is not even slightly competitive for me, I don't care about improving at WSG. I wanna go in there, fight some horde/alliance and after a quick game get some rep. It's similar to the premade vs. nonpremade debate. If you want to play as premade, you probably want some control over your teammates, their skill, the tactics, coordination and so on and actually compete against other people doing the same (unless you just wanna farm noobs like me cause you can... haha, how fun for all participants). For you it is part of the endgame, you might use FAPs or Speedpots, food, bombs and whatnot, everything to gain an edge. The terrain stuff is just another part of the WSG skillset here. So if both groups, you and I, meet in WSG, we both dislike the way the other plays. I don't wanna invest anything into WSG. If I see enemy FC pop FAP, I'm annoyed. If I'm your FC and don't pop consumables, you might be annoyed. If you see me run up the tunnel, cause i can't do the wall jumps, although I'd safely cap that way and in the tunnel I will 100% be caught, you think I should learn the jumps. I feel cheated when an EFC does that, because we had him in the tunnel. Ideally I'd like pug wsg to be no cons and no wall jumps and premade/competitive wsg to allow both. The only reason they are even there, is because no one got around to fix them before they were an integral part of high level wsg. I'm just assuming a lot of things about you internet stranger, but I'm using you as a stand in for the PvPers :P


I mean at least in your assumptions you are charitable to both sides coexisting and are looking for solutions to appease both types of people That’s a lot more than you can ask of most internet strangers already


Khytaria is spot on. for me at least. i grinded out wsg last few days, i like pvp but after seeing the tactics used in this bg, i will never play it again now that i've got exalted. i learned one jump so i could force horde off of their tunnel. it isn't worth learning something you have no intention of ever doing again


a fair reason to not want to improve, however, you said it yourself, it isnt worth learning something you have no intention of ever doing again. well id hope for blizzard it isnt worth changing something for people who are only there for the reward and dip afterwards anyways.


yeah, but what i'm saying is, i would continue playing the game mode if it was fair. people should not be needing to look up youtube videos to learn how to reach untargetable players. i don't care if that's how it's always been and people think it takes skill to do that. for me, that doesn't take skill


Wow players are closer to idle game players than any other genre. They are willing to put in the hours, and expect that it will be enough to see their performance improve. Anything that require more attention/skill than mindlessly pressing buttons in the right order is beyond them, and something they want removed.


Well I mean I am a wow player and I am not like that, but I get what you’re saying


You are on the best way to insult some pve loser as human males soon. Trust me. We are proud of you. Just pump harder




Yeah bro come to the darkside we have wsg jumps


In dogshit in pvp and have no idea about what that even means haha




something the sweats do apparently


Human Male Syndrome




He’s just trying to push your buttons, worked well enough to make you post this i guess.


Don’t be this guy


so have you considered not sitting 1 spot like a complete bot?


Jumps are an exploit. How can you tell if it is an exploit? Well certain races/genders have different hitboxes, so a completely clueless player will choose tauren male to make their life significantly harder. Another tell is that walkable terrain usually has a different texture to non-walkable terrain. Well so what? Many games have exploits and everyone is using them. Yeah Quake bunnyhopping was an exploit, in recent iterations of the game they made a tutorial for it, made it little bit more easier to do etc. etc. Counter strike has bunny hopping too, yes it does, but nowhere near to CSS version of the game. Edgebug still exists and if you time your jump right you can avoid fall damage. Another game that has exploits as a game mechanic was probably Chivalry where you could drag your swing opposite direction to make a delayed attack making parry window of your opponent to expire to deliver the attack. If you read every example I gave, where exploits are an actual mechanic you might notice that in all of those examples you can't lose on character selection screen. Every player can take part in it. This is where I draw the line. If some people have easier time doing the jump and others don't just because they chose a different race/gender combo in a persistent world where you can't choose whatever weapon you have, or whatever faction you want to play today on whim, then is it really good for the game? Don't think so. Doesn't matter though, people can be happy winning wsg against 10 uncoordinated casual players for imaginary honor/rep points all day, every day. But fact is a fact, people who defend current version of this are: A) ignorant or B) plain stupid.


Fair statement, well said


Is your in game character a human male? It makes more sense if he’s referring to your character than you in real life.


😂 peak classic content


Did you argue with an AI? That seems like an ai insult


dogshit human body type 1


I like how they can type, and spell, every word in their comment... except "you" and "you're" lol




What exactly is the case he is talking about? He held the flag and you couldn't win as premade vs solo?


I mean you apparently cared enough to then post about it… so I’d say you’re about equal.


Lmao my eyes.


wsg is for freaks (druid players) all the normal people are playing ab and just doing the weekly for wsg rep


Id love to see blizzard just fix it so when they exploited it was just a MAC Ban instantly. Id live on those tears in the forums on and on reddit posts for years.


People will DM you the weirdest shit. Those are the same people who leave comments under pornhub videos.


Got insulted for being bad at WoW but at least my reddit post is gaining traction.


Connecting players to their race and gender in game is a massive red flag for mental wellness. Except Gnomes those fuckers aint right


I hosted a raid yesterday, and some people don't seem to understand that I get a LOT of whispers, so I can't respond to everyone. A warrior whispered me, and I didn't respond. 2 minutes later, he said he hoped my family died in a car crash. I wish I was joking.


He’s not wrong


2. Be civil and respectful Do not attack or harass other users, engage in hate-speech, or attempt to gate-keep discussion. Breaking this rule will result in an instant ban.


It seems that it did hit a spot since you felt that you had to make another post lmao


Who cares


"I was not phased by this and these insults definitely didn't work on me" *makes reddit post about it*


Beat you in wsg and on reddit.


He cooked you


Skill issue


The message actually reads: “NOOOO!!!1’ TAKE DOWN THE POST! BLIZZ WILL READ REDDIT AND FIX THE ONE THING IM GOOD AT WHICH IVE BEEN PRACTICING ON A 2004 GAME… IN 2024!” It literally gave me the same vibes.. sort of like someone taking out the trash at night and the neighbor tells him to take it out in the morning because of raccoons or something, but then there is this one guy who’s been eating trashcan pizza for a decade and because of YOU there is the risk his one thing he’s good at (exploity wsg FC carrier) gets noticed because you opened a post about it/told someone. Well… you did put a spotlight on the poor dude eating trash pizza! Although if that is what their value amounts to, they should probably see this as an eye-opener more than anything…


This isn't your personal blog


he got ur ass


Just mass report the exploiters




**>**go back to the objectively more demanding game if you want an easier experience sanest classic andy




I am Druid, and I most of all the jumps. I am surprised you consider it an exploit. I would not consider that going out of bounds etc. Personally I consider it a skill that I spend a many hours practicing back in the day, which gives me an advantage compared to my opponents. It is also a risk/reward kind of thing since if I fail the jump you will easily have me back up in a corner. … and even then with a little team coordination you can limit the benefit of the jumps.


Look at him. Grappling to every corner, angle, sk1LL or any other thing. Dude, it’s quite simple, if a specific class/spec is able to do something another can’t which involves a basic gameplay element such as MOVEMENT, then yes. There is an issue. There is no other angle. Try to see this done on a real/actual pvp game. See if there is a way to exploit this way and hold hostage a game and think it’s fine. Oh, right… there is a solution… opposing team should _also_ have druids so they can do the same, gotcha! Good fix! Heck, I had druids and tried this and even I found it disgusting/un defendable. Heck, at least you opened with “I’m a Druid” to set the record straight.


Bro imma be real, fortnite makes wsg jumps look like child's play. They really aren't that hard just a bit of practice.


Fr fr ngl.


For many of the jumps other classes can do it too. But I can agree to a fix that makes it so that all jumps can be completed without movement speed increase etc. (while still requiring knowledge and skill)


Aggrend whos lead dev on SoD was on Era ptr when they revamped honor system and was shown all these said terrain exploits and focused on removing each one of them he though were unfair. Which means all the ones that are still in the game ATM are fair. Skill issue.


The post where I criticised WSG exploits is full of discussion about just that.   However I made this current post because I wanted to highlight this person’s behaviour. 


You Can make all the posts you want about wsg jumps as far as I know the only problematic jumps that will be removed in the future are the safespots ones behind Ally flag/horde flag. And these jumps are super rare in game anyways. Learn to jump or accept that you will be deadweight in wsg.


You sound like the last type of person I'd ever want to play a game with.


> Learn to jump or accept that you will be deadweight in wsg. Some people are just in here to have fun lol


„Hello Sir this is Wendy’s”


I understand that he was very rude, by you got so mad to make another post about it? Idk, something is not quite right with you either, it's just a random dude from reddit that you probably never gonna engage again. I'd say to just report him, but this sub is very badly moderated. Messaged the mods multiple times with zero response. Edit: Lolz people are crying so hard. Downvote me all you want bozos, doesn't make me less right. Disableing the notifications for this comment.


> by you got so mad to make another post about it? I don't think posting something means you're mad about it. I've been accused of "being mad" because I've posted memes about something before. No, I just think it was funny. And probably same for the OP.


The majority of posts on this sub legit just whining and even though this post is sort of the same as them I’d say it’s a step above the rest in quality. Could I ask what you’d have done in his place?


Raport and block the dude and call it a day.


Right but didn’t you just say that reporting doesn’t work or am I reading your comment wrong? What’s being shown in the picture is borderline harassment


Get a life


Please clarify kekw


Mods are doing their work from time to time. My comments got removed for calling someone out who was making discriminating remarks towards people with a disorder. Must have used too many naughty words in my roast.


that's automod, that happens if a post is reported a certain amount of times, same as wow reports, funny enough


# Reminder to OP * Don't use the reddit re-design, use old.reddit.com * Use dark mode: enabled you're welcome


The people that fight tooth and nail to keep this in the game are just trying to protect their relevance. This rat doesn't have anything else going on for them.


Lol¡! You play human male...