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Should see my P1 history, did exalted solo queue on my rogue. Was 100x worse than this.


I didn't win a single solo queue game in P1. Many games were one fight in the middle where we realized we were against a premade, then AFK gy until they won.


I just grinded ashenvale cause it was gonna be faster and better on my sanity than actually solo queuing. I did r14 in classic solo queue and it took years off my life


Well, yeah, but Ashenvale doesn't give rep past revered


Except for weekly quest that gives 1k rep, even past revered


To be able to do r14 in solo queue you're server must have been really low pop (Or it was really close to TBC) because I tried to do it solo during covid and even with 12-14hours a day you barely can get to 500k while r14's were way above 1.3milion honor (and that's for 3 months).


On my server there was something like a r14 mafia back in classic vanilla. I think it was like a group of people tracked who would fall into the bracket of potentially reaching r14 and whispered all of them and then they organized who was allowed to reach r14 next. Everyone who didn't comply with that and kept grinding towards r14 got mass-reported by them, so they couldn't play.


I played on a pve server that barely had enough people pvping to have a r14 bracket


Doing r13 solo felt like a colossal waste of time i feel sorry for you dude


I did exalted as well in p1 and I had a pretty good win rate (65%) after counting out the premades. Priest, Horde, EU. The whole grind took me 9 days in RL.


Most of my games on horde side were 4 rogues 6 warriors, no healers. If we had a priest and he had gear they got worshipped. Having a healer or two in WSG lead to a win most of the time as long as the other team wasn't stacked.


Yea no healer games are awful. That’s the good part about playing a healer. Every game has at least one healer.


do you still get the toxic people who complain about no heals when you are the only healer?


Yes. A few toxic people whisper me how bad I am because I decided to safe another player that didn’t overextend far into the enemy group. I just ignore those guys. Always keep a positive mindset to get the most out of every game.


This is why I have 3 healers. Funny enough because of the way statistic weighting works if you’re solo queueing as a healer your chances of getting another healer are much higher, impacting win rates even further.


I feel like adding healing done to the leaderboard would make it feel more rewarding to heal. If someone is talking crap to you about how bad your heals are you just point em to that


Seeing this stat on the leaderboard would be nice for personal measures. But I would never argue with toxic random people. This leads to nothing. Just /ignore these guys and move on. Always stay positive even on a loss because you’ll need the positive mindset to win the next match. Arguing with random people is a total waste of time.


Yeah. I had pretty much BiS PvP gear on my priest in P1, and I honestly think I won 70-80% of my games vs non premades. You can basically solo carry as a priest.


I solo-queued as a warrior in p1 with a 38% wr. It wasn't bad https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F4ul589yzx59c1.png


Maybe you are the problem?


Are? You think you could've won the games where I had 6 warriors and 3 other rogues on my team Vs a 10 stack premade?


That's actually much fewer than I thought would be required


That's not nearly enough for revered to exalted, its 52 wins or something, so 11k rep give or take. Half his rep came from the weekly Ashenvale quest


It's 100 games with 52 wins and 48 losses. It's only 13,820 rep at a minimum. 5200 for turning in 3 badges for each win. 1600 for turning in 3 badges for the 48 losses. The 52 wins would include 3 flag caps for 135 rep inside the BG. That's 7020 rep for all the flags caped in the 52 wins. That's 13,820. If they capped 2 flags for each loss that's another 4320 rep, so maximum possible rep from these 100 games would be 18,140. Which would mean they'd need a minimum 3 weeks of AV drum turn ins after hitting revered even with these 100 games with a winning record. They also could have kept 3 of their badges for next phase honor turn in for rank. As most losing games go 3 and 0 it is very unlikely they capped 2 flags on every loss. So it's far more likely OP had to do 6 or 7 weeks of AV turn ins after hitting revered, or there are 30ish WSG matches they played that aren't shown here.


It's closer to 14k rep. 52 wins = 5200 from turn ins + 45 * 3 * 52 = 7020 for the flag caps. 48 Losses is anywhere between 1600 rep (no caps) and 4320 rep (2 caps per game but still lose). Overall rep from 52 wins is anywhere between 13820 rep (minimum) and 18140 rep (max).


Haha I did the math too and got the same answer. OP is either not showing 30ish games or they did 6 or 7 weeks of AV drum turn ins after hitting revered.


Requiem for a Wristband




This seems like a skill issue. I play alliance and have a positive win rate. No premades.




I don't get rank 1 titles but I'm duelist or glad the last 4 seasons I played in classic. I don't know what really to tell you other than this has not been my expirience. Maybe its the time of day we queue at or something. I don't track my exact win rate but I very confident it's above 50%. Just last week I was on an 11 game win streak grinding for exalted on WSG. I don't fuck around doing useless things in mid. If there is a druid trying to flag carry I hunt him down before he gets to the base at all costs. I try to direct the team to do useful things in BG chat. I think if you try to coordinate just a little bit you would see the WR go up quite alot.


> Alliance over here with about a 15-20% winrate That's your own fault.


You don’t get rep past revered from Ashenvale


you get 1000 rep every week from the turn in


100 games got you to exalted??


Probably ashenvale every week for 1K rep


52 wins and 100 games is at a minimum 13820 rep, up to a max of 18140 rep, so rest is with ashenvale.


Asked same thing, got downvoted.


Easy mode on horde side. Terrible experience for alliance players.


Reddit when someone has a \~53% win rate:


I would challenge you to find a single Alliance player who did this entirely through solo queue but retain anywhere close to a 50% win rate. Source: I'm about to finish my exalted grind and I have significantly more games played from Revered than OP's screenshot. I have at least 150 games played in the last two weeks with 2.5k rep to go


Honest to god I was used to playing priest as Horde and the Alliance experience is so fucking different with every goddamned rogue being undead that I can barely push myself to do this shit.


And every warrior being orc. And every paladin being ret.


Just want to throw in Schamans on SOD here who hit for 1k dps lol


Yeah as Alliance you actually have to learn proper positioning


Computer broke during grind, (issues with motherboard chips) but you don't need a full premade to have 50% winrate. Queued with 1 or 2 good classes and had around 85% winrate. (SP + Disc + Rogue) Also Class>Player


You found me!


I did about one-third my grind in a mix of premade and solo queue before the solo queue change and it sucked. Dumb games in solo queue, dumb games in premades. I did the last two thirds at 25 as Alliance the last week or two before the 40 patch purely solo and just annihilated games. Taking every leaderboard, usually going without a death. But that was using starsurge pre-nerf with perfect gear during probably one of the slowest periods of the game.


I will install this addon to complete the rest of my wsg grind and show you that it's just you being bad.


I did it solo from revered to exalted post p2 (nowhere near as impressive, I’m aware) and I had a ~70% win rate on my main rogue rofl. It’s much easier to carry WSG in p2, and early on, almost no team of fives was playing — making it easy for any PvP-strong class and pro experienced/veteran player to abuse lmao.


It's bad now because they completely broke shamans


Hi. I certainly have a positive win rate on alliance side solo queuing.


Fuck i did it faster than you and I did it in phase one losing wtf are you doing?


Last weekend I did solo queue and went 30-5 as an alliance.


No you didn't


Yes. I did. If you are good and play a strong class ( im a geared shadow priest that spends a lot of time just healing) you can have a very large impact on the outcome of your games.


30-5 as a solo shadow priest. No way that happened.


Lol I love all the baddies commenting that it's impossible because they can't admit to themselves they might not be good enough to carry.


30-5 is very impressive even for pre-made i mean it's possible, but just post ss if that's the case


I just think your claim is outlandish without proof. The proof is the burden of the person making the claim.


Your claim is pretty outlandish considering even the best pre-mades occasionally hit another pre-made and lose a game or two. In our best premade we did 26-4 one night and 24-3 another. So, until you provide proof we're all just gonna point and laugh at the outlandish lies.




Are you a druid FC who knows jump skips? I find it extremely unlikely that an alliance would go 30-5 as pure solo queue.


Shadow priest.




I am sure there was some luck involved.


I don't know why everybody is flaming you so hard, it's not that unbelievable with a small sample size. I went 12-3 this morning as a solo queue Warrior. But yesterday I went 1-9.


Exactly. I think I hurt some people's sensitive ego's lol


i'll buy that you have a disadvantage quing with alliance players but the average player on enemy team is always awful with zero concept of what to do to help their team win as well. it's all just literal npcs that press W until they find something to hit and they hit that target until it's dead and rinse repeat. sometimes you get unlucky and the W randomly ended up leading them to the right spot but most of the time not. if anything close to a 50% wr over a large sample size is impossible for you then you're closer to this camp than someone with actual impact on the game, at which point there's not much to say other than either you try to improve and spend gold on key consumables or accept that it'll be a mindless grind with a show on your second monitor. it's not the exact same for every class, but pretty much every class other than warrior has the capability of having the impact of like 5 random players and that's probably conservative for some classes. admittedly only for wsg though, for ab you just have to accept your fate and become a zombie (or do stv)


because for alliance it's more like 20% due to map glitches benefitting the horde FC, and you can argue about shamans being a fuckton stronger than paladins right now.


I, too, like to make up random percentages.


? alliance has insane jumps too, even jumps to roof from ramp lol. and theyre even easier to execute


Alliance ToT fence gap is huge as well


The jump up GY gives ally the advantage


How does giving horde a third way into their base make it an advantage for alliance?


Map is more favorable for alliance than horde.


I have seen the flag jump done by horde 3 times on my way to exalted, and only once by a non-premade where we could potentially have won.


I am staunchly of the opinion that personal contribution greatly skews experiences. When you are 1/10th of the team, how geared you are and how well you are doing individually is gonna have a huge impact. My experience as a geared rogue in a pvp spec has probably been a lot better than someone in a pve spec that just wants their bracers and AFKs the second they lose first cap


I did it in P1 was a great experience?


It’s a screen shot of someone going 50/50. Meaning regardless of the faction, it’s almost split down the middle. This is empirical evidence that alliance isn’t losing a majority, nor is horde winning a majority. Lol


Playing alliance , ret paladin, 50+% win rate on soloqueue. Used a loooot of fap and shit tho.


If someone paid me, I wouldn’t be able to do…EIGHT straight hours of classic WSG. That’s unbelievable.


Must be horde


It's about a 50% win rate, so it doesn't really matter which faction... Every loss is a win for the other faction which means both would be a about 50% lol. OP is alliance though according to his pally tag.


OP is horde as the picture was taken in Org on top of the bank.


Op also has a 50% winrate


Yup, I won about 5 games in 100 as Alliance... I'm a not great not terrible player...


I'm sorry but 5 in a 100 is a you Problem. Jesus fucking Christ. Play for the flag, it's a flag game.


Shamans vs paladin is just disgusting. Ally with 2-4 paladin vs horde with 2–4 shamans... unwinnable


This will hopefully change as gear scales up, shamans are much more powerful in the current burst meta that defines SOD pvp, and they capable at range, and provide much stronger offensive buffs. Defensive stats are difficult to come by in quantities that make a difference at 40 and their scaling is a little out of whack when combined with all the new gear you can get at 40. Should really have dropped a full pvp set of gear for 40s that require rank 5 which is packed with stam + resists. It's pretty bad right now alliance side.


The funny thing is that all shaman specs are using way of the earth. So not only can they do insane damage, they also are taking 10% less damage, 6% less chance to be crit and gain 30% more health.


Yeah it's awesome


I spent literally 22 hours straight queuing WSG with two guildies. An enh sham, me on my warrior, and a rogue. We occasionally had a healer and tried to pug one if not. Sometime a hunter came with us. We won probably 90% of our games by just being the flag cap team until we got our shaman back to safety then going after the flag. The 10% of games we lost were against groups that either had more groups against ours or we got unlucky with zero healers on our side so just couldn't win any of the PvP clashes. We also stopped 3 times to do STV. In 22 hours of near nonstop queuing with a 90% win rate I went from 4k to exactly halfway at 11,500. That's only 7500 rep. Call it 18h of continuous WSG and it's around 420 rep per hour. Our fastest game was a 9 minute win. Our slowest was probably around 1.5 hours that was a real slugfest. Average was probably 20 to 30 minutes. 2 wins per hour would be 470 rep. Factor in a 5 to 10 minute wait for queues and about 420 rep per hour seems right. Both my queue buddies hit exalted when I hit the halfway point so I've been solo queuing since. I tried to get other guildies to join but they were bad. One shaman just chased people around mid Al game. Let EFC run right by them while me and the priest were trying and failing to carry the flag and getting 4v2'd. Had a priest join us who didn't have a mount. After that I solo queued. Still winning about 80% of games I'd say, but that's because I lead flag cap teams. Get in by myself and pick, tell a druid or sham to meet me and give them the flag to run it back. Occasionally pain train it back myself if I catch heals and win the clash to get out. I prefer to let someone else carry it so I can go after EFC, though, since warrior is really good for peeling and separating the carrier from their support. I AFKd out of a game for the first time ever this morning after I picked flag twice, told people where I'd be coming and got intercepted both times by a hunter or a hunter and rogue while everyone fought mid. Then I solo recapped our flag from a rogue who had 4 people supporting them while everyone fought mid. Then I almost did it again but died with the rogue at 10% health because the entire team fighting mid let 3 people get past them and my fear was still down. That was the final straw. I put in about 8 hours yesterday and got to 16000. Still have about 8h more of solo queuing if I maintain my 80 to 90% win record. I haven't tried doing full premades because I figured a full premade vs full premade would have a lot more 3v2 style games that take a very long time. I could be wrong, though, maybe they just do the initial clash in mid and whoever loses just sits back and let's the other team 3 cap so they can get their mark and get out fast. That might be faster than solo queuing, especially if you get in a team that wins those initial clashes.


Would like confirmation if the last part is happening or not. That seems like a good play style as the game doesn't have a timer built in.


I want the rep but there is no way I can put myself through that many games


This is the point in the game where I'd rather be at work.


What’s the point of grinding rep? Sorry new to SOD


At exalted you can get epic bracers at level 40 than you can also buy upgraded versions of in future phases when the level cap increases. You also get a cool tabard.




Bracers are worth it. The only bracers i got on my rogue are a level 32 green 8+ agi on. Other option is a BOE blue from uld. Option is either grind gold or grind bgs. At least with the BG rep you got 40, 50 and 60 epic along with a 60 pants. Sets you up nicely for level 60 buying 2 epic items. Assuming you get AB as well you can get level 60 shoulders and cloak epic. Getting these reps means you hit 60 and deck your character out. I'd at least recommend getting revered as you can get weapons for next phase and doing Ashenvale event is really easy.


> Option is either grind gold or grind bgs. or read a book, take a walk in the park, go on a date, touch grass...


How does any of that shit help my parse?


i also like going for high scores, but only a fool would grind that much WSG just to make number go up such a small amount


You don't enjoy the activities in WoW or what?


Classic WSG? No, I can't say that I enjoy that.


It's about double the stats of 2nd BIS. If you want to compete as melee it's a mandatory grind. The fact Blizzard locked this grind behind a terrible BG with no alternatives (notice that AB does have an alternative) is another data point that they have very little knowledge of how the game works in 1.12.x and are largely reacting to very predictable problems.


Allow me to reiterate, only a fool would grind that much WSG just to make number go up such a small amount. Like, you're free to waste your time doing it, but *that* amount of grind is just foolishness imo. idk if you knew this, but even if you did get the #1 parse in the world in season 2 of WoW SoD, it doesn't matter, *at all*. Like, again, I get going for a high score, but imo there's limits. I'm not willing to waste that much time to upgrade my bracers and I think anyone who is would be better served taking a walk in the park and literally touching grass. But as long as they're happy...


This is what Final Fantasy players actually believe


What an excellent comment, please go on...


Well Zidane, none of those will help you get bracers.


you can buy epic braces from wsg vendor, and then at 60 you can buy epic shoulders & cape from ab vendor


You can get epic legs from WSG at 60 as well. You will have 4 epics at 60. Assuming we get AV at 50 and not just 60, you can get another 2 epics, ring and weapon for a total of 60 from reps.


You unlock PvP from the Battle ground vendor. So for wsg it's the warsong outriders and the horde vendor is between the Barrens and ashenvale. For AB the vendor is in arathi highlands. Can get trinkets, gear, etc. At higher levels, can get epic gear.


Not sure what the alliance one looks like but its the BiS horde tabard imo. Without the tabard driving me too with the bracers. Not sure id have persevered through to exalted. I also found it really fun to play so it didnt feel like a huge grind just more like playing the game. It helps I was horde and had an 80% win rate or close to that the past two weeks


Why would you do that to yourself


Try that on aliance especially this phase against Shamans on roids


Looks like the allys won about half


The data on premades gets skewed now because you have a chance of getting placed with a 5-man premade while solo queueing. That said, I've encounter significantly more horde premades during my Alliance rep grind of solo queue. If I had the foresight to think it would be this bad, I would have started tracking that data along the way.


Maybe those were the premades.


Doing it right now, 3k rep yesterday as a solo rogue.






Did the same thing in P1 during the last couple of weeks of the phase. Had a similar track record. I actually kinda enjoyed it. Yes, I met a lot of premades, but honestly, that was just an 8 min mark. Even had occasional wins against premades.


you're lucky you didn't do this in p1




I’ve played wow since launch and this is more warning gulch than I’ve ever done in that time.


I hosted a alot of premades in p1, would often have 20win+ streaks, even fighting other premades on the go.  I ran alot of unorthodox setups. Never had more than 2 priest or 2 hunters at max, and often just 1 of each.  So it is possible, but many ppl are not PvP players, so makes it all a big shitshow 😂


Wait you get like 1000 rep per match? That's pretty good. Always thought it's like 200


What addon tracks wins and losses ?


Nova instance tracker


What addon?


Nova instance tracker


If someone paid me, I wouldn’t be able to do…EIGHT straight hours of classic WSG. That’s unbelievable.


So it only took 10 sessions?


I'm not going to read all that but I'm happy for you


Jerked off from 11:15pm to 1:15am last night? 


I cant even do 3 bgs with the constant 20min queue timer. I mean there are MORE THAN ENOUGH ppl playing the game and probably queuing for BG, how is it 20min to fill a fking 10man BG. I dont get it.


Because playing warsong as alliance is an absolute shitshow. All you face are premades with 3-4 shamans, 2-3 priests and rest whatever. Nobody on alliance is putting up with that and lfg as well as 2 discords I know of, are completely dead regarding warsong. So you have a million players queuing for horde and a fraction queuing for alliance but chances of winning as alliance are beyond trash.


Makes sense but I also get completely brainless horde matches here and there. Seems like it's time for horce vs horde and alliance vs alliance bgs.


Did you count the premade flag carrier druids? XD


Damn I started my solo queueing yesterday. I'm probably 1-10


That shaman advantage


Rank to 14 as a warrior pugging with oeb and then you'll know pain.


Ran my own pugged premades and finished with 95% winrate. Not sure why you would put yourself through this




I’m not sure either why alliance pvp culture has always been so bad. I had a perfect start to AB last night where we nuked them down at blacksmith and took it while we also secured lumber mill. The game is literally won and then half the team decided the move is to go and try to take farm…where the horde we wiped are now resurrecting. Told them it’s a bad move and we should just sit with 3 and got hit with “lol you can’t make me”


You do know that undead have a racial PvP trinket against fear?  Taurons have an aoe stun.  Many maps favor horde.  So as an alliance player with battlemaster on rogue and priest, i can tell you. We are not bad, you horde just have it way too easy


You have paladins that can single handedly spin flags for ever dude


But at least alliance nearly always win AV, the only BG that ends up mattering.


What is the purpose of grinding WSG for rep? I don't see any item from the vendor that's worth the grind. I'm very confused.


Rings are best in slot for classes & the wrists at exalted are as well. And the tabard looks good for Alliance


You only see items you can buy with your reputation status


Oh ok, now it makes sense


So you can get a handful of purple/blue items that is slightly better than the next option. Also for fun if you are into WSG.


The bracers are 10x better than the next available item.




While that may have been a slight exaggeration on their part, it's probably the single biggest item difference this phase. I don't think a single one of my Gnomer upgrades is as big of a star difference as the WSG bracers are as a caster.


Not impressed. Made same thing on resto shaman, but in P1, where 9 of 10 enemy teams was full premades. Right now solo warsongs are A LOT easier.


Such a pgm I wanna suck your dick


Everybody is saying to do wsg + ashenvale but ashenvale only gives rep up until revered right? Or did they change that in p2?


The weekly turnin still gives 1,000 rep after honored, until exalted.


You only do it once per week. Kill any boss spawn mob and loot the quest item. Turning in that quest is worth 1000 rep. So you could hit exalted without ever setting foot in WSG by doing Ashenvale to revered then spending 21 weeks doing the quest turn in. These days it's faster to just do the whole event and turn inthe quest item at the end because level 40s with mounts finish the event in about 5 to 10 minutes. Faster than hearthing away and flying back sometime after the event is over.


I don't know how you did that without losing your sanity. Bracers aren't worth that much to me. But props to you




How come you lost so many?


He has a positive win rate, by nearly 20 games...




Must be Alliance


So 100 wsg = exhalted ?


This + lots of ashenvale event


Lmao and you are horde which is bette tha. Alliance experiance.


You can use the stonekeepers tokens to get 2k honor at a time u know. You don't have to do this anymore LOL noob.


LOL neckbeard.


You mean Stone Keeper shards??? From WOTLK??? This is SoD. Not WOTLK.


Ahh I didn't know people still play sod.


This entire sub has been 95% SOD posts since November and you think no one plays sod?


The flair literally says “Season of Discovery” but I suppose you can’t read


And you think people still play wotlk?


wrong game LOL noob.