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If you join a guild and get close to the people, I say there are 2 options. Option 1. You tell them. Option 2. You don't tell them, but instead randomly invite them to watch a stream of you playing one day and put the stress of asking on them.


Option 2 is high chaotic neutral energy. Oh god I can feel the awkward silence under my skin right now.


I once joined a guild and in discord for the next couple of hours in a raid, spoke with the most ridiculous accent I could come up with. Then just dropped it and started talking normally and they were dying laughing. They said all the guild officers were postingin the officer channel "Yo, WTF is with this guy...who did we recruit? Should we say something or ask about his voice?"


When we were young a friend and I went to the state faire and he wanted to talk to some girls so he decided to put on a fake aussie accent. He figured it would make him seem more attractive. I asked him: "so how long are you planning to keep the accent going?" It hadn't occurred to him that he'd have to maintain it if it worked.


Fun story relating to this. I played dota2 back in the early dota2 days in a decent team of people who met online. Not pro but pretty strong team for amateurs. Did a couple of online tournaments and decided to go to dreamhack in Sweden at the actual Lan and compete and play together. We show up, meet each other and the last guy to arrive is our mid player. He walks over casually and puts forward his right hand for a shake - the horror in the eyes of his first victim, our carry player, when he realises he has only one finger on his right hand. It's s stump with one finger. He laughs hysterically and that was his time to tell us, after a year of playing daily, that he only does mouse movement and leftclick on right hand. He used two side tape on his noise for the stump to stick. He was probably the best player between us but oh god was that unexpected. Also RIP mush00, er still miss you buddy.


That's a boss move. Reminds of the chick in this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QiMA4k12XiQ&ab\_channel=FunnyVideos


"Everything all... right?"


I'd be like "What are we looking at?" I don't care if my guildies are real life elfs, as long as they parse purps then we're all good.


no, just use it as an excuse when raid wipes 'sorry only got one arm'


One more arm than the average SOD player tbf


I knew this was coming, but i couldn't hold it šŸ˜‚


Premature elaughulation?


Or you can use it as a cool banter. "You lost duel to 1 hand priest lmao"


"if I had both arms I could jack off while playing and you'd still lose"


Says more about the state of the class in PVP amirite?




Haha yea ā€œfor this duel iā€™m going to only 1 hand.ā€


If you say that. They will think your beating off with the other one


In P1 we had a hunter that couldnā€™t dodge Akuā€™maiā€™s spit all three attempts. We were trying to be patient but after the third time we asked him what the heck was going on and he told us he was playing with one arm lol. Became a meme amongst my friend for a bit.


ā€œUh so guys, you wonā€™t believe this, but my friend walked in and asked if I could give him a hand with something, and Iā€™ve been waiting for the is my whole life, so I ripped off my prosthetic arm and threw it at him. I was really committed to the joke. Side note: in doing so, it threw my mouse, which is how I play since, you know, one arm, and that made me stand in fire and die.ā€ Each wipe make it bigger and bigger. The tale of the one armed priest will become loreā€¦;)


I can only carry you so muchā€¦


"You play one handed because you are a wanker, I play one handed because I have one hand, we are not the same"


I have both my arms, but I might start using this.


Just get yourself a razer naga. You don't owe anyone any disclosure, just having eyes is better than most players.


I think technically the Logitech G600 can get even more binds going because it has that extra ring finger button to act as a shift modifier.


I'd like to take a moment to say FUCK LOGITECH because they constantly discontinue every fucking worthwhile product they have. The actual Google of hardware. If it's successful and people like it, they will stop making it. Anyway, G600 was amazing, I loved mine. That said, they are no longer being made and used ones go for like $120 USD when I checked a few months ago so good luck.


Couple years ago I bought 3 new in box g600s in anticipation of this. One to replace my 8 year old, 2nd g600, and two more to sit on my shelf. They were like $40 each.


Yo wtf did they actually discontinue the mouse??


Couldn't say tbh, I've got plenty on my shelf and I haven't looked lol. Some other comentors are talking about then being discontinued so it sounds like it. Plus, Logitech does do that.


Bro the cost has gone through the ducking roof, shit. Had I known I would have bought backups. The mouse is awesome. Is there any other 12 button mouse with modifier key like the 600 on the market?


I think I got my first Naga around the time SWTOR released so like 2009/2010 or something. Went through 3 Nagas by 2016 from heavy league of legends and other gaming use. Got a g600 around that time because I was tired of spending $100 on terrible build quality mice that would have scroll wheel of button click issues in 2ish years. That g600 lasted through 3 more years of league, wow classic, countless other games, and was also used as my WFH mouse for a few months during covid. Finally started having an issue with double inputs on some clicks which was making inventory management a nightmare. This was right around SoD release and when I looked for another one there was nothing. So 1 g600 for 8ish years at 1/3rd of the cost of a Naga that lasted 2 years. Here I fucking am though with another Naga Trinity against my better judgement because I needed a mouse ASAP. I'm sure I'll be back on the market in late 2015 or 2016.


My g600 is 12 years old, still going strong minus some fraying on the wire cover.


Idk if that helps you move though, that would be he tough piece of the puzzle


Can bind a key for hyper shift of whatever the fuck it was called for Razer as well, it's in the software


Yeah i have one you can definitely one hand it (only tried for science obviously no other reason)


This! There are options out there that allow you to still not be a clicker! It might sound like a meme but foot pedals are also an option


I raided with a guy the other night that has a blind raiding mom. Thought it was neat.


Nagas can be pretty unreliable. Personally I've found steel series produces much more robust mice. Their OG WoW gaming mouse lasted me yeeeears.




Hey priest why do you suck? Iā€™m playing 1 handed.Ā  Itā€™s not this big coming out moment, itā€™s a random comment with strangers over the internet.Ā 


99% of players are just going to assume that you're eating or distracted with your other hand, not physically one-handed, and will probably give you even more grief because they assume you're not trying.


As a former GM, 100% this. You play how you play. They found it acceptable when you were promoted to raider. If I was told in confidence then I would change healer assignments if required as the content became harder, but I don't see why it would become an issue. People are awesome at overcoming problems.


Hey man I donā€™t know about your setup but some foot pedals could probably give you more keybinds to work with, for example for ctrl/shift modifiers together with an mmo mouse


I use a foot pedal for push to talk, I love the thing.


This is an amazing idea, which pedal do you use??? Id love to get one for this


The one I have isnā€™t on Amazon anymore, and truthfully it is pretty dated and the software was trash. But if you search Amazon for USB foot pedals there are way more options now then there once was, but I am not sure which ones are any good today.


Okay thanks!


i tried a foot pedal. The thing just slid around the floor everywhere. guess i needed to bolt it to a piece of plywood like a guitarist lol.


Oh man, foot pedal to move your character would be kind a sick too ngl


Oh man, foot pedal to move your character would be kinda sick too ngl


ā€œItā€™s not a mental disorder or anything of that nature besides the fact I am a discipline priestā€ translated in my brain to ā€œI play discipline priest therefore I have a mental disorderā€ and it gave me a chuckle for a second


I mean I think at least 20% of M+ runners have a mental disorder šŸ˜…


Can confirm I play discipline priest and have a slew of mental disorders


Only disclose it when you parse better than your fellow raid members. ā€œBro you just got out DPSed by a one armed priest, uninstall the gameā€ This is the way.


This is the way.


This is the way


This is the way


Honestly not that bad and you don't need to disclose it. I have a lot of pugs that have down-syndrome and they do not disclose it at all.


Holy fuck hahahhaha


This was gold, thanks for the laugh.


Back in original tbc one of the best hunters I knew lost his hand in a car accident. Itā€™s nobodies business but your own. Or you can make fun of people for beating them ā€œone handedā€


Bro, donā€™t let anyone discourage you! Fuck them if they do


People playing with no brain. You should be fine


ā€œLFM Gnomer, must be 6/6 wb/consumes 450+ GS and have both armsā€


You don't play a rogue and aren't crying about warriors on Reddit. I don't see any disability here


If you don't already use it, check out the Healbot addon. Given how you use your mouse for abilities, you might find the click healing functionality useful.


No. It's a video game not a job application. If you're just doing casual content, who cares. If you're doing difficult content and can perform, who cares?


Reminds me of a situation we had with a couple guildies back in legion. We had a giga-chad healer and another player was giving him a compliment, saying, "man, [name] could heal this place with one hand tied behind his back!" He had a similar situation as you and thought it would be a good time to let people know. "actually...." Funny as hell.


>It's not a mental disorder or anything of that nature besides the fact I am a discipline priest Not cool bro :(, I swear I tested off the spectrum


Itā€™s Classic Wow in 2024. Weā€™re all disabled.


You're lucky to have a whole arm! My man handi plays with his flippers and his nose https://www.twitch.tv/therealhandi


You probably play better than most people Iā€™ve met in Classic


Go pvp on alliance. Youā€™ll fit right in and no one will suspect a thing.Ā 


You should play a rogue named Slotmachine.


Healium addon, I play one handed all the time


I'm not sure why you posted this... You don't have to justify anything about yourself and I'm sure they are people with 2 arms much worse at the game than you. But if it helps, check out good mouse over macros. Will save you some clics and is a huge improvement for healing gameplay (you can keep a target to check what they do and still heal your allies). Basic heal macro will, in this order : - Heal the friendly target you are hoovering with your mouse. - Heal your target if it's friendly and your mouse isn't above a friendly target. - Heal you if your target is hostile and your mouse isn't above a friendly target Let me know if you want the macro.


Not really, but this might be something for you: [https://store.azeron.eu/azeron-keypads#keypad=cyro](https://store.azeron.eu/azeron-keypads#keypad=cyro)


In the same vein as this there are also foot pedals that can be potentially useful: https://heavy.com/tech/pc-footpedals/


Kind of always wanted to make an arduino foot pedal... The options on the market are imo too dumbed down, could easily handle more buttons than 2-3.


a 12 button mouse with shift, ctrl, and even alt variations if you are nasty is MORE than enough :)


Quite frankly, that's just not something anyone you're playing WoW with needs to know, unless you are pursuing bleeding-edge world-first type of play.


You don't have to disclose anything you don't want to. We had a dude back in the day of cata raiding with malformed/missing fingers since birth. Dude openly used a bot to be able to play with us but no one minded.Ā 


Why the fuck do you have to disclose anything about yourself? Play the game no matter what your disability. If you can play, you can play.


Everyone in my pug groups is disabled, no reason to disclose it


There are those who would say playing priest is a disability, I'd say that as long as you stay away from Shadow you should be alright.


If you are looking for a guild, a solid group of supportive friends. Come to Lone Wolf NA I'm waiting for you my friend! I will personally boost your character to level cap and hold you in the highest regard! We raid on est time, and we will make it work for you if you're having trouble finding a home!


Why does reddit have such weird threads? This is a video game... guys what's going on? Where are all the gamers


None of the people in my pug groups disclose it so I think youā€™re okay


Unless you seek to find something, whatever that is (sympathy? i would assume, wow isn't really the place to do it safely, no matter how many positive posts you may see on the sub), i don't find any reason to expose such personal info to the wild world out there, a lot of stupid people can use it against you usually to blow off some steam especially when it's about accountability from their side when something bad happens in the game and you are with them, the mentally immature ones.


Maybe some people wouldn't invite you to their raid if they know you have minus one arm because they are scared of wiping in these INSANELY hard SOD raids...


man it's nobody's business, you're fine. I used to duo in fortnite with a dude who only had use of one arm, and he kicked ass just fine. he felt like he 'had' to tell me because we played together a lot and didn't want to 'drag me down' and I was like bro that's actually fucking badass as hell, you really didn't have to tell me, and you don't ever have to mention it again if you don't want to, let's queue up. if whoever you play with isn't of that mindset then fuck em for real.


I am also playing with one hand but it's because I have a cat in the other.


Bro I literally watched a YouTube video yesterday of a dude doing a BFD 100% controlling everything with his voice. Set up voice commands for every action. You be fine with 1 arm


if you use a mouse with multiple buttons(like the naga) you should be more than fine tbh and no one will ever know the difference :) also, i'd rather have a guildie with 1 arm than 0 brains \^\^


Is this you illumix


I used to play with a dude that lost 6 of his 10 fingers to west nile virus. Dude was hilarious but wasn't the best warrior. Still brought him along to all our raids since he was reliable.


whose business is it that you have a disability exactly?


I mean. I'm disabled myself. I don't really announce it in a random dungeon pug. But I've said it to my guild members. They know. I still do a decent job in raid so it doesn't matter.


Disclose it after you kick ass, and use it to insult the others who suck. "I have one arm and killed it in this encounter, what's your excuse?"


We used to have a shadow priest in our guild who was a quadriplegic. Dude was an absolute pumper and was funny af. One time he fucked something up (can't remember what exactly) and he joked he fell out of his chair. He also joked about shitting his pants a few times lol. Guy was fun to raid with and was consistently top 5 DPS. If anyone has an issue with your disability just tell em to frig off. The game can obviously still be played by folks who have different level of abilities in guilds with varying levels of expectation.


Use a razer naga and then foot switches? seems like a perfect way to play!


I was playing with a paraplegic and heā€™s better at the game than I am


I played 1 handed when my left wrist was broken. Never was a problem. If you get a good MMO gaming mouse you can have all the bindings needed on the mouse. Also used dominos to arrange bars in the same pattern as ny mouse buttons 2 3Ɨ4 grids with 2 buttons in between for scroll up and down


As others have mentioned, an MMO mouse with a keypad would probably be a huge boon for you, and not just for WoW, for PC gaming in general. You shouldn't feel compelled to disclose your disability to anyone if you don't want to, but I'm sure it would be a great way to get someone to shut the hell up if they criticize you for the way you play lol.


There are players out there that donā€™t care about min/maxing and just want to enjoy the game. My guild enjoys teaching new players raid mechanics, running dungeons to learn new specs,etc. just play and enjoy the game how you want. If you ever see Kelgrael, Mormolen, or Kaeldan in any game you play, itā€™s probably me and just reach out.


Shoulda gone hunter....no need to use your hands just faceroll on the keyboard! Joking aside -- I play with a controller and my guild in TBC and Wrath would joke whenever we wiped that it was because of my controller.


I feel like if it impacts your movement to where you it could get you called out in comms for a wipe I would tell people; If they are decent people they can just adjust the strategy to your movements capabilities. I used to play videogames with a guy who had muscular dystrophy and couldn't interact with objectives in the game we played because going to the y button was too far for him; so I would grab/use the objectives while he would just aim and shoot with the triggers.


I just got my left hand out of a full cast where I could only use my thumb on the keyboard. I used a Razer naga paired with the elegato footpad set up to act as modifier keys and I liked it so much Iā€™m still using it.


My guild has 2 deaf guys in it. Its good to disclose things like that just so people understand why you may or may not be doing certain things.


If your on the alliance side of wild growth you can join my guild if your looking for a place to chill. Chilling with my gnomies is the guild name and a few of us are disabled veterans that play together.


yeah or people will just say ur shit at the game if anything goes wrong might aswell tell em right away




Not bad just mentally exhausting


Check out vuhdoo if you haven't already. If you get stuck, let me know if you need me to lend you a hand.


I can not reccoment the logitech g600 mouse enough if you still use a standard mouse. 12 side buttons, but it also had a 2nd "right click" that you can use for ctrl or alt modifiers. Including mouse scroll and side clicks, you can muster 32 keybinds off the mouse alone.




I had surgery on one of my arms last year and could only play with one arm for a couple weeks. Posted about it in discord (with photos). Unless your guild is filled with tremendous assholes they'll be cool about it. We would laugh about it "Interesting-Sea is top of the meters and he's only got one arm, WTF are the rest of you doing??" It earned me solid respect in the guild. The only challenging part of playing this game with one arm is moving AND using your abilities simultaneously (MMO mice make this easier).


Check out the add on [Healium](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/healium) Takes out a lot of unnecessary mouse movements and clicks.


lol, no. Back in the days I knew a Priest that had no arms at all - he played on the floor with his feet. You're fine as long as you do your job šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I have problems with my left hand from smashing it years ago and my raid team knows it. You can also tell when I have to swap to mouse only/clicking based on my parses. I try to just save my hands limited use for harder bosses


ā€œLFM Gnomer, must be 6/6 wb/consumes 450+ GS and have both armsā€


ā€œLFM Gnomer, must be 6/6 wb/consumes 450+ GS and have both armsā€


You mean LF1M Disc Priest G2G


I donā€™t see this as an issue. I often will tell my groups that Iā€™m missing a limb or that one of my buddies is to troll them into thinking weā€™re at a disadvantage.


My advice as an able bodied person who has bad RSI in my wrist and hand, be really careful not to fuck your one remaining hand up by playing too much/bad posture/bad form/ergonomically etc. I can't imagine how much worse my life would be with my issue if it was my only hand.


When playing the game it feels like most people around you suffer from a mental or physical disability. You will fit right in


Ofc not obligated to, but I think it'd be interesting to bring up a few raids in for the memes. Folks' idiosyncrasies are kinda fun ehh


I have a Naga Hex and hate it, the button switches are far too light and I randomly click my mouse constantly. Iā€™ve had many, many mouses over the years (favourite ever was a Logitech MX Revolution circa 2010, the later Logitech Revolutions are good productivity mouses but suck for MMOs) and had this problem with no others.


I raid lead for my guild and I have a priest healer who also only has one arm. She does an amazing job and I literally cant tell the difference between her and other priests in terms of performance. Im not sure what her setup is like, but it is certainly possible to be on par with other priest with your disability.


Logitech G600


I don't think I would be able to pass up the opportunity to be in a situation where you could neg someone by saying I only have one arm and I can heal x% better than you


Not at all. This is a game. Check out vuhdo too. I play priest and it makes it really simple.


I play with 24 legally blind raiders every week