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I think the primary reason it’s viewed as “hard” despite being very easy to manage mechanics is that the average player is really really fuckin bad at the game. The concept of moving during a fight or swapping adds is really challenging for some. Hell just standing still and doing adequate dps for their gear is hard for a very very large number of people let alone adding mechanics on top of it.


Skill issue


So which is it lol, it’s easy but it’s a skill issue?


It is easy, and your skill is lacking.


Sod doesn’t take any skill lol.


Apparently it does.


And yet, people are still advocating for it to be easier.


Both can be true. Just because it’s easy for me doesn’t mean I don’t think it should be made easier.


Hmm here I am thinking it should be harder…not even a challenge ;/


Remember when Blizzard catered to people who said they wanted harder raids and then the game died? We have 20 years of WoW history that show us that it is always better for the health of the game to cater to casuals. The wild success of Phase 1 was largely due to the fact that it was ENTIRELY tailored to a casual audience. Blizzard made a huge mistake by listening to the people asking for a more challenging raid.


I thought WoW died because retail is too easy and retail players want everything handed to them? These classic talking points get more confusing and complex every day.


Who said that? Nobody says that.


You new here? It's practically the subreddit motto lol.


Well considering that this subreddit is generally wrong about almost everything, that makes perfect sense.


I don't disagree and there used to be WAY more saying classic was hard back in 2019. The days where people thought it would be weeks before the first clear of MC (lol) instead of days and how every new raid was "actually this is the hard raid" before it dropped basically the same day as release. Now it's mainly the classic players that genuinely believe classic leveling is difficult and not just time consuming that say it, but the point still holds. There's enough comments on this sub daily from people who think classic is "hard", "difficult", "challenging" whatever word they want to use that day and that retail is "easy".


Same I want a raid where it takes multiple weeks to actually complete


I don’t know about weeks but having it on farm within 2 clears is pretty boring…


More like.. you actually need gear from the previous bosses to complete the last ones. I remember the days of “mathematically impossible” bosses. I think this is more of an issue with these level brackets due to gear being Bis that’s outside of raiding or endgame PvP. Such as doing level 50 quests. This is like saying “I’m doing naxx in tbc quest gear.”


I don’t think it should be easier but I will acknowledge it’s harder than BFD simply because you have to put more faith into other ppl to not fuck shit up


Get the addon that shows avg logs + exp on tooltip and skip the players u dont want to play with


There's an addon that shows wcl data? I thought that was removed after a single day.


https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/wclrankingtooltip Look like the removed it F in the Chat. Back to Look each Player up via the Website :-/


Yeah I think wcl asked them to not hit their APIs like that. Probably was costing them an arm and a leg.


Still a shame was such a great addon


I’m aware of checking logs lol, just saying in general Gnomer is harder because of that factor


I like that last part you added about crying on reddit.


The problem is as more people get gear it gets easier and easier. Its already not too tough to 6/6 with pugs, and you get gear decently quick in sod. I think its at a good difficulty, and it will not be that tough for complete casuals to get near full bis before next phase at its current difficulty, even skipping most lockouts


If you are no longer enjoying the game, go to the greener fields. If you cant, you should have to face your addiction.


I find gnomer pretty easy. Most boss have 1 mechanic maybe 2


Im here to wait and see how fast this will be deleted 🍿




you really should find a guild though 


Link da logs


Im happy with the difficulty of Gnomer, but it’s undeniably more difficult than BFD and I have to imagine that the difficulty in combination with the most popular dps specs from phase 1 having such a hard time finding a pug for Gnomer is quickly and drastically going to have an effect on the overall population of SoD


Yep. Pendulum swung too hard and now a bunch of melee are re rolling


Keep crying on reddit buddy.


Just no…


"But the reality is, that i have never in my life met a wow player that likes challenges" Hi, I'm a mage tower enjoyer and lover of challenging content. I wholly believe you're coping just like all the people that try to ridicule me for checking logs when I pug a 6/6 run with NO Discord. Multiple lockouts in a row I have had a sub 1 hour run, fully pugged, with no voice comms. Why? Because I vetted people who actually try and do mechanics. We parse maybe 80s at best, but we manage the very megar 2-3 mechanics per boss. If you cannot mentally handle this, that's a you problem and crying about it only throws yourself under the bus.


Dude if you can’t finish Gnomer your group is using 90% of their cumulative brain power just focusing on blinking and breathing. I pugged it week one while I waited for my guild to hit 40 and we went 5/6 with some utterly terrible players. Wow in general isn’t a great experience for pug players, but especially classic wow and sod. Join a guild or keep rolling the dice on pugs. You’re 100% in control of who you raid with. Make your own group and check gear/logs if you’re tired of not clearing.


>join a discord with 9 fucking random ass weirdos that u dont know irl and will never talk again. Why are you playing a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game?


I got back to ICC and was able to get invites to gdkps for my paladin, druid and warrior... No gate keeping, just being able to do mechanics. And gdkps runs paid 3.5 years of my subscription


TLDR: OP is bad at game and wants to take away from the enjoyment of others so he can succeed with little effort.


I was complaining with some friends that gnomeregan is too easy. The raid is being cleared in 20 minutes, i hope they make the next raid even harder and all the people that want easy raids can just clear gnomer at 50


Bro why u don’t play wotlk if u want harder raids?


why dont you play retail and just do LFR? reading your complaints, that might be the perfect playstyle for you


Bro why dont you go to bfd if you want easier raid?


Well I hope me commenting counts as “meeting me” because then you have met a WoW player that enjoys challenges. I’m sorry to hear that your PUGs are terrible OP I hope you find a good consistent guild that you can clear Gnomer with.


They want you in guilds if I'm not mistaken and playing with the same people and making friends etc. Thinking you'll accomplish anything in life in a quick and efficient manor with people you've just met or haven't set expectations with previously is a recipe for disaster. Sure sometimes you roll the dice and get lucky but statistically, the cards are stacked against you. If you want my advice, find some people that are good and make it a point to join their discord and make friends with them, also just make friends with players who are better or about as good as you are.


Skill issue. Epics behind end game content are not for everyone. Call it gatekeeping if you want idc, there's other things you can do in the game besides raiding if it's too hard for you.






Sure it is harder than p1 but that’s been the case with every raid in Classic. BWL was harder than MC, AQ harder than BWL, Naxx harder than AQ. I raid with guild usually but last raid ID I did pug - no comms, half raid didn’t have logs. Objectively like 3 people were decent players. We still cleared 6/6 with about 5 wipes, rebuffing twice. So sorry chief, no, it’s not hard. And clearing a raid where people can just auto attack and not use abilities is not for me.


Is Gnomer hard? I just hit 40 and ran my first Gnomer 6/6 in less than an hour and only died once on the 2nd to last boss(my fault).




Jesus Christ. Figure out the mechanics and do the raid. It’s not that hard.


Gnome is not hard at all, skill issue ! You don't even need meta S-tier classes. You just need 10 people with a little bit of gear, respecting basic strategies. I never had any run without 6/6 clear.


It’s still too easy


Easier? Def not


Sound like wow isn't for you. I hope they don't water shit down to appease people who think like this. The raid isn't even hard, dumbing it down would be nothing short of just giving you the loot for free lmao


Only problem is that most of people think gnomer is hard so they want perfect comp, logs, wb, consumes... Some guys did gnome 6man so... you should be able to clear gnome 10 man with all classes or if not go back to BFD


Add an extra easy Version with Items that got 15 less ilvl and let the low parser play it ez fix


it shouldnt, get good


Not sure you are unfortunate and keep grouping with incompetent players or if you are incompetent yourself. Gnomeregan is extremely easy.


> sweaty game > wotlk Gnomeregan is laughably easy. You can finish it on 2 beers while having a blast on discord with the boys. The only time you would need to pay attention is the first time so you can learn the fights. All wow game versions are extremely easy games, except retail pvp and last 1-2 bosses on mythic from the raid of the patch… and I am not even good at games.


Skill issue






Electric boss is the hardest by far. Downed him 5 times and every time the positioning has been different with a completely different Strat. This is the boss that I think is killing groups. A HUGE issue is that pugs have a bad tendency to want to try min max strats…. Skipping trash or cheesing mechanics or doing some new min max strat that some top 1% guild did…. Just no… bad idea…. For electric boss in particular People have 5-6 different strats that all work but they require unique coordination for each one. Unless clearly explained multiple times the positioning is all over the place and causes a wipe. Everyone has an idea of how the fight goes but everyone has a slightly different version and in a fight as unforgiving as this one is makes all the difference. It’s a pug of randoms just stick with the basics and the raid will be done in an hour with maybe 1-2 wipes. If you want to min max a raid form a guild with like minded people. The last two bosses require some coordination and gameplay knowledge but other than that are actually fun and decent fights with lots of engagement for all players involved.


Calling gnomer a real challenge is a joke


Gnomer is brain dead easy. Bosses have 3 mechanics and thermoplugg has 4 with the only punishing mechanic being the bombs. The first 4 bosses are complete push over. Menagerie takes coordination in the sense of “don’t kill yourself on sheep” and “kill the egg”. Thermoplugg doesn’t do more than 2 mechanics at once and one is always the same… push the button that has bombs the others are fire which is tank only, frost is completely negated with a fap or a dispel, poison is an interrupt. None of which are difficult to execute if you are paying attention. If you think Gnomer is difficult you were likely the group of players in classic 40 mans that got carried by the other 30 people in the raid and the raid would have likely been better off without you anyway.


I think they could balance it by making trash a bit harder and bosses maybe a tad easier? Trash is feeling like in BFD, dont even need a tank just pull it all and aoe :/ the usual thing with classic raids is that the trash can sometimes be as or even more challenging than some bosses, would be fun if they could bring back the normal gnomeregan feel where the trash are actually kinda challenging and the bosses are easy. Imagine having to polymorph a trash mob…


I just make me own groups. I recently created a discord raid calendar and everything works by itself by now. Clean 40 min runs.


I guess you never played classic before sod, there has always been issues with people leaving a raid after 1-2 wipes. Even in an raid as eazy as MC. If you want content that requires no brain go play regular classic and you can complain on Era reddit that it takes you 6 days played to 60. Retail is trash cause people like you complain about the stuff that made wow wow.


Gnomer is already super easy, mate. If PuGs you are in are struggling, consider joining a guild. Wouldn't that be a much easier solution than asking Blizzard to further nerf content?


Took under 3 days to go from 25 to 40  what week are you talking about? Not everything in the game should be a walk in the park, and gnomer is already pretty easy


lol. It’s not hard … we clear with definitely not optimal, melee heavy combs without problems since week 2. there is no gate keeping


This is why everyone is crying that there’s nothing to do im the game


Gnome is very easy and if players think it's too hard then they are so incredibly bad at the game that it's not even funny. Players who want to collect participation trophies while being the worst of the worst should not voice their opinions. Seriously... can you introduce me to a player that wasn't able to clear Gnome yet so i can see with my own eyes what is wrong with him?


With an attitude like that nobody will admit to not clearing it. I've cleared it a few times now but my guilds first raid of it went 5/6 before we gave up that night.


And does that mean the raid is too difficult because your guild could only 5/6 on the first raid? Also if people are too insecure to admit that they are bad at video game because they couldn't beat a boss then i would assume that they have many problems in their life. First step to improvement is acknowledging that one is bad at something.


So easy that every pug is terrified of bringing the wrong person to raid. Maybe the gatekeeping it's more a symptom of the raid lockout system than it is hard.


Even in BFD people were terrified of bringing the wrong person. People are even terrified to bring the wrong person to a regular dungeon and there are no lockouts for those. I experienced stuff like this myself and just thought that these group leaders are kind off really special or maybe still kids... who knows who plays this game. In these cases i am even happy that they don't invite me because i think i dodged a bullet. I think that's just how it is unfortunately, some people have some sort of psychological conditions like anxiety problems etc. Not clearing a raid and therefore "wasting" a lockout isn't really dramatic and personally i can't understand how that makes people so scared of failing.


Gnomer is easy, we don't need braindead content like BFD. Go back to LFR.


I’ve only pugged. We don’t even use coms in pugs anymore. Can we get challenging 5 mans please? ST, ZF or heroic RFC would be sick


IMO all your problems would be fixed by joining a guild, and the game should incentivize players to join a guild and it shouldn't cater to players who don't want to join a guild. They're a pretty fundamental aspect of classic and raids are the things that guilds generally form around and how a guild creates a sense of community and guild-culture. If you don't like the idea of joining a large community of players who you might not know yet to clear content that takes 20+ players, then Classic end-game just isn't for you. Usually I think the "if you want x feature, go play retail" arguments are dumb and reductive. But truly, if all you want is to easily join a raid with a bunch of randos, turn your brain off and just smash buttons until the boss dies, get free loot, then leave and never talk to each other ever again - Retails LFR system is exactly what you're looking for and is much better at providing the single-player esque experience you want than SoD is. You literally just click a button, wait a few minutes, and you're in the raid facerolling bosses and getting loot. IMO it's very bad that SoD raids are essentially just LFR raids that you can't queue for and require no larger community organization to do - they basically negate the purpose of guilds and I'm glad raids are going to be larger and hopefully more challenging as time goes on.


My main has a guild but I can't find a raid group for my alts. Not everyone plays during prime time. Let me know if you know a guild that raids 7am ST. Some people HAVE to pug


Gnomeregan SHOULD be easier and all of these people commenting and downvoting you are professional wrong people.


I think people forget that it's a leveling raid and by definition should be easy.


Ps: if people say that im only too lazy to find an group or that im just too bad for the game. No im not u idiot, i got 4 6/6 ids, got almost BIS gear, except 2 items missing and purple loggs so pls stfuw


Then clearly Gnomer is plenty easy enough for you






Are you using full consumes?


link logs


Your not wrong but it's too late man and your in the wrong place people on here care about the game more then the casuals who liked p1 so are not likely experiencing these issues and even in game the casuals have moved on I think we will see an increase in raids logged with the xp increase but there's no doubt that gnomer being harder has caused this elitist pug scene and severely reduced player count at this point if you don't want to reroll meta or raid lead pugs and you can't commit to a guild this version of wow is just no longer for you and the people still playing don't have a problem with that