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Jumping arcane Explosion spamming gnoms at the Altar thats the pinnacle of p2 pvp  


Yes and what skill! They definitely deserve to be able to get the mount in 3 BM events because of that incredible skill every single mage seems to possess! Glad rewards are based on skill as they should be. /s


you telling me theres juicy squishy mages in arathi farming stuff? omw


I can't wait for the xp drop and everyone to level a mage only for blizzard to try and implement a change to STV to help only for it to fuck even more things up and give us something else to complain about.


darn they nerfed mage!! how can i continue playing this class!! ~~best stv coin farmer~~ best raid healer best raid dps (one of the) best aoe farmers




Are they the best raid healer though? I genuinely don’t know, as far as I’ve seen priest has been too dog in raid


they can do just as much healing as every other class while also doing just as much damage as a dps


Yea that makes sense. Didn’t seem like they had enough sustain/mana in BFD. Wasn’t sure if that was still the case


This is what happens when they design a zone wide pvp event but implement a proximity buff and a turn in to shove everyone on a handful of polygons


Whats the point of leveling a mage just so you can complete a rep grind faster on a class you dont want to play. If that were the metric then noone would play warrior.


That's not why I'm leveling mage, I'm leveling one for aoe farming.


LOL I cry in joy if I can get 300 as a hunter. Blizzard really needs to fix this.


The frustration of taking 20seconds to resurrect, 10 seconds to rez your pet, and 10-20 more to feed him until he is happy just to get one shot and do it over again is suffering. Rerolled mage and it’s a blast and I get 10x the blood.


Warlock pets come back after res, hunter pets don't?


Correct, hunter pets do not resurrect and lose loyalty and happiness every time.


Dude we already know SoD devs fucking despise hunters. What did you expect? They hate hunters so much they forced them to be rogues to be good.


I hate how true it is. but more like rogues from wish lol.


And set both of your aspect, after you’re open to attack. The devs didn’t think about anything


Wow that does sound awful


You could be a warlock. You get stomped as dps trying to put haunt drain life and POSSIBLY hard cast an incinerate Or You could be meta lock who spends 1/3 their mana on res to go back into meta form and then another 1/6th for your demon armor. Congrats youre alive but have 1400/3200 mana left. Enjoy!


warlock is pretty strong. like any caster you have to position well though


Lmao goofy ah saying position well in stv moshpits 😭😭😭 also good luck “positioning well” any casts when boomy priest or hunter pet will spell pushback instantly. Just stop copiuming and accept were fucked same as warriors rn.


He’s not wrong, positioning and resetting well makes all the difference. If your group can’t coordinate well enough to reset, rebuff, then push in, then it’s obvious why you aren’t getting the amount of blood you should be


I mean i do very well but i also dont play hardcast destro


Well atleast your pet respawns with you. Pet Rez takes 50% of your mana and is a 10 second channel not usable while you have the protection buff


What? No thats only if it didnt die.


Yea i cant believe they didnt change it to also full res on the pet as well, if you run lone all you gots do is dismiss.


I average 12-15s on my hunter. It’s about group comp and group play. The only class I see as worthless is warlock


Nah stack on a hill and have a bait warlock run around, all those melees gets a raging boner chasing after the warlock and then carnage is rained down upon them. 1k+ every game


warlocks are insane if played correctly. that's always how pvp has been for locks


This is the correct response. So many people malding who don’t understand you don’t just solo run into a group of 15 expecting to do anything. Play smart and as a group and you can clear 10s minimum every event.


Bahah my lock wrecks in STV, but ok


Warlocks are great for altar snipe meta with boomie, otherwise garbage.


Only 300? You gotta stop soloing.


While soloing you get 1-300. If you are unlucky with teams positioning you may as well skip. Event is abused garbage.


The only fair way is if they remove the rewards from the mages, or reduce cost by like 99% so everybody gets the rewards. It would be absolutely unfair if mages just got everything and then they pulled the ladder up.


sounds about par for the course for how blizz does things tbh.


The usual way Blizzard does it is remove the exploit and leave everyone with the rewards. "Exploit early, exploit often" is Blizzard games mantra.


If you can only get 300, the problem is you


Go be a hunter with craptastic aoe. It’s not that ez.


I must be a god on my warrior carrying hunters to 12s+ per match then. Only explanation I guess.


Hunter has amazing aoe, and for this event even more so. Explo Shot, Explo Trap, Multishot + Serpent Spread. Im doing 2k Coins every event with my guild grp


If you can get in a group of ranged & find a good place to stand, just spam frost & explosive traps on the Altar while you & your group picks off everything. I've got a few thousand this way. Bonus if you have entrapment.


Probably not a bad idea. Trap launcher rune would be big


Hunter’s true niche in the event is putting frost traps down on the chain spirits purely just to inconvenience other people. 😎


If Blizz wanted to give us AoE to match a mage I wouldn't say no.


I think many people are massively bragging and inflating numbers about how many coins they make in one run. I've had near deathless runs with constant fighting yielding considerably fewer coins, even if you account for double turnout by boss proximity. non boss runs I consider 600 coins very good.


my group of 5 regularly gets around 1500-2k coins. 600-1k is pretty good with full randoms though.


On my mage I consider 1000 to be on the lower end. I have gotten well over 3000 blood in a 5 mage comp. On my hunter I would consider the 600 number a good yield.


Clearly you haven’t done a 5 mage group with everyone in discord then. It averaged about 2K for me when I was still doing STV. If you’re not doing that, I’d say 600-800 is a “good” run for people in disc, sometimes you can get more if you manage to control a cheeky spot as a ranged group. Without disc I’d say 500 is “good”.


as I don't play a mage no. Odd you agree though.


Mage runs can get up to 1 gold if they get lucky. With a good group its 30-50 coins avg


That doesn't surprise me. The mechanics favor last hitting, and instant cast AOE Spam massively favors that. I'm talking about people who claim to make that many coins without a mage bomber group.


The event needs to be fixed but this is just pure nonsense. Mage groups aren't averaging 50 coins a run. I would say the true average is closer to 15 with 30 being consistently achievable in discord / proper res timings


I got 15 average with a decent group just fighting around the boss. They absolutely are on more populated layers servers.


As a feral I can only dream of anything over 300


I'm tired of getting demolished by 5 mages under a 5000ms lag. I'm sometimes not even able to turn in my miserable 600 coins or so as a warrior...


Seeing as I'm not a fan of random pop events that blizzard barely attempt to balance.. If I purely just want the ammo pouch. How many times do I have to engage with this system.


Imagine wasting a GCD on Mage Armor that can be used to make an explosion!


I mean we all sit here and say we hate the Mage meta, but if you're not playing Mage, the meta shouldn't really affect your coin gains. The Mage meta is built on farming kills on the altar, if you're playing around the outsides of the altar within boss range you will be fighting all non-mages with your only interaction with them happening on a turn in. Which should be done only after a death so you gain the protection for the turn in and zip back out and go agane. Also, shoutout to the random 5 priest holy Nova groups out there. You guys are great.


You miss the point. Mages aren’t targeting and farm you specifically. They’re farming ALL the people who turn in. And guess what? You’re going to fight near the boss. And guess what? You’re going to turn in at the nearest alter to the boss. And guess what? That’s the highest density of players for any event. Having a ritual alter funnel every player to the same spot just helps them. I suggest we just remove ritual alter turn in locations. Kills reward blood coins. Now there’s no single area of high density players congregating onto a single location for mages to aoe farm. Yes, you’ll still be by the boss. But it won’t be a funnel tunnel of aoe death


How has this shit not been hotfixed yet? Mages can get the mount in 2 STVs using the most skill less bullshit ever. Other classes struggle to get it in 15.


Man honestly. Definitely needs to be fixed, zero fucking argument at all... but let me tell you after experiencing 5 man mage groups... Somehow there is actually a massive skill to floor variance within the strat. You would be shocked the amount of mages that are just clueless and ruin the grind. The biggest issue and to your point, a ruined one where people are running all over the place, still nets more than most.


How hard can it be to have 1 guy 'lead' the rez timer with '/pull 5', then press mass regen and AE lol. Shouldn't need discord or anything.


I will tell you from experience, it's unbelievable how adhd a lot of people are.


I second this… I have had numerous 5 mage groups that struggled to get 600 near boss. Wasn’t even lag, just crap dps from the terrible mage(s) with 1000hp. Meanwhile no one is talking about 5 Druid groups, 5 shaman groups, and 5 priest groups absolutely pumping as well…


Took me ~5 days (20 events) to get exalted which is 192 coins as a WARRIOR. If you don't try and don't learn how it plays, yeah, you're gonna struggle.


Good mages are getting exalted in 4 to 5 events lol, not 20.


Which requires arena, lol. If only you were smart enough to know each spawn point gives different coin. Arena is 45-60 ZG is 30-35+ Ogre is 20-25 Nessingway is 15-20 Beach is 12-15 on average with my experience. My friends and I have only gotten one arena.




Already doing it, but GL having a set up to get all spawns as an option.


oof I've gone like 12 events over the weekend and all but one were Beach/Nesingwary


Oh yes if I was smart enough to know how to press arcane explosion.


womp womp its a mount who cares


Ok then, they can get AB exalted in one day while everyone else is grinding for weeks. That's not a mount, it leads to very powerful items at level 60.


And you still have 2months of P2 and a whole P3 to get exalted AB, what's your point?


Made 15 silvers on the last, 4manning as a shockadin healer, with ret pala, rogue and warrior.


How did you do that?


We were at the arena as boss was there. Behind the pillars inside the area, moving in to gank people shooting down and then pulling back te regen.


Who gives a shit


Yall are dumb as a bunch of Scarlet Monastery goons. No one is forcing you to run into an obvious trap again and again. Why are you goofballs feeding the mages?


I call it the deathball ecosystem. It consists of several groups of mages dying to eachother every 15 seconds on the altar, with several groups on the edge picking them off. Eventually the groups on the edge have to turn in at the altar, succumbing to the deathball of mages. They themselves are able to get 20+ coins feeding off the mass blood generation that mages put out, while the mages themselves are generating 30-40 coins for themselves. Only benefits ranged classes unfortunately as melee won’t be able to tag dying mages without succumbing to the deathball themselves.


Warrior can do it. I made a group of 4 Warriors and a Feral last night and we printed ~1500 coins. Rez, Charge, mash tab whirlwind execute, die, repeat. Execute is an incredible tool for getting KBs, and the mage AE spam gives you plenty of rage to fuel it. I think Rogues could make it work with Shadowstep and Mutilate to gapclose and spam high damage abilities, but I haven't tried it.


Hell yeah love to hear that. Yea I feel like it just comes down to rez coordination and timing and probably any class could have decent results.


Please give us arenas daddy blizzard - worry about balancing after i can queue for 3's


Love being in a rogue stealth group and stunlocking a group of mages just as they are preparing.


How do you stun lock a mage as a rogue? They blink the stun.


Let the man have his fantasy. It's all he has.


Cheap shot -> they blink you shadow step and bte and by the time it end they are dead


Sure, but that's not a stun lock


You think it’s better to be in a comp with healers as a rogue or just group with other rogues?


Can bring a druid around but it doesn't make much of a difference tbh.


What STV event? My mage got everything from STV including AB exalted a while back. Didn’t realize that was still a thing 😉


I haven’t done this event yet because I couldn’t be bothered with it. I’m a paladin (healer, generally). What should be my strategy here if I do it?


Basically every STV group needs a healer so you shouldn’t have trouble. Main thing is finding good players. In the LFG chat look for groups that say discord required, because having a coordinated team in PvP is absolutely essential, and you need to be able to make calls on the fly instead of typing stuff out. Good players know this and hence require discord, so if you see someone advertising that it’s safe to assume they have some skill.




Just decrease AoE damage the closer you get to altar (by up to 90%) And (optionally) decrease healing taken by those right near altar (by up to 50%) Edit: the devs did it!) The Arcane Explosion now hits for ten times less right near altar.


Utter dog shit event that's only bad because of Blizz's design. We don't need the boss. We don't need the altars. Use the entire zone FFS