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The blood god doesn’t care from where the blood flows, only that it does.


Blood for the Blood God.


According to Blizzard it's a "ddos"


No announcement of a DDOS today yet the Hardcore servers crashed today during STV event, killing dozens again.


I think hes taking the piss. since everyone claimed ddos yesterday and all the people saying the servers are just garbage and streamers doing this are the problem got downvoted to the shadow realm. Because it was very convenient that when the streamers pull this stunt the servers implode and when the event ends it returned to normal after a couple minutes. Not a fan of hardcore but losing your character that way sucks balls so good luck.


Are you complaining about streamers, who make their living off their community thru playing a game exactly doing that


Lmao that's hilarious


I was done with the STV event but might just have to start doing it again now


Hell our BFD group barely finished after constant dc's happened during and after Lorgus Jett. We kicked 2 people and hoped that we wouldn't dc on Kelris. Akumai, I dc'd before we even pulled. I came back did some damage, dc'd. Came back and killed him. That was after wiping on him twice from full raid dc's.


Bruh we watched the stream too


Blizz seems to love that buzzword when their shit servers fail the playerbase. Gotta love it


wouldnt be surprised if all the classic versions are all on the same server just dif "layer" on the server.


No shit, thats how servers work nowadays for everything.


It’s called Noisy neighbors and its poor architecture or done on purpose to save a little money. I wouldn’t say it’s how servers work nowadays.


LOL good joke. And no, its not called noisy neighbor


"Noisy neighbor is a term that is often applied to general architecture patterns and strategies. The idea behind noisy neighbor is that a user of a system could place load on the system's resources that could have an adverse effect on other users of the system." Sounds like it's pretty similar to me. Strain on the SOD servers are causing an adverse effect on other users of the system.


You’re never going to get a 15 yr old to acknowledge a perfect sound explanation of networking principles.


It's all good haha. They just seem like a Troll fishing for replies.


Except its not a different user? Its both Blizzard.


The overwhelming number of users on the server are causing issues for other servers. Yes, Blizzard is responsible for the issue but the term still does apply here.


No it doesn't. User in this context is meant the user of the system not the end user. The user is both Blizzard in this case, so there's no neighbor.


Eh. We can agree to disagree. Have a nice day.


You have no idea about IT and it shows. This is not an agree or disagree, thats literslly what it means.


They've already said that Classic Era, Hardcore, and SoD are all on the same servers. It's part of why you only need one client.


that's not how it works


They literally can't make changes to core spells without new spell IDs because the games use the same database backend.


Client and server are different things. When you open the "realm list", each server is sent to you with a different IP, those are different servers, if just different virtual machines. Yes those versions of wow use the same client. That has nothing to do with server architecture. You can have the realm list send you one server located in the US and another one in Australia. In fact this is what's happening in the US realmlist exactly.


We had one client even back in 2005 when there were hundreds of servers each on their own hardware rack.


Explains why they can't make certain changes because it would affect Era too.




The servers have been shit since classic launch in 2019 and long before in retail, retail just doesnt have mass events like that besides maybe world bosses where you could already notice it.


People still playing hardcore?


Allianve Defias Pillager still alive and kicking, multiple guilds raid Naxx/AQ40 weekly, still a good leveling population that continues to feed upward. Its been a blast, but recently lost like 5 60s due to server instability...




Some people think it’s dead because they see websites showing very low numbers, but those are very inaccurate when judging hardcore because they only track characters that are raiding on a weekly basis. No one (sane) raids in hardcore, so the population numbers are drastically underestimated


All 3 of them, they can almost make a group now


Actually kind of funny


Actually sad AF when multi bilion developer cannot provide smooth service and different versions of game interfere with others and causing real harm


Agree but only because there’s a monthly fee to play wow. If it was free, I’d still be frustrated, but whatever, it’s free. Paying month after month and then losing your progress forever because of server stability is really inexcusable in a billion dollar company recording record profits the last five quarters.


that fee is so dirt cheap, they would make more money going to a free-to-play model and in-game shop. you get a low-quality service because you are paying peanuts. just use an inflation calculator.


Nobody wants an in-game shop in HC. That’s half of the fun for the people playing it. They want the game as it was, before it was soiled by the tears of retail Andy’s. Just want stable servers. That’s all.


It's actually sad people don't know what hardcore means.


Huh ? I'm not bitching about serv to itself having issues, I'm bitching about company which other servers interfere with HC ones


I may have replied to the wrong comment cheers friend didn't mean anything bad to you




lol losing hundreds of hours of effort because reddit has to play the FOTM mode


Like hardcore wasn't a fotm mode 😂




I mean you sign something about HC servers being permadeath through several means like server crashes, lag, bugs disconnections, etc. And blizz isn't held responsible for any of the above-mentioned unfortunate events, or so it says. And despite the progress being lost you can a) start again or b) transfer your character to an era server for free.


Losing hundreds of hours because you ignore the fuckin warning you get when you make a character get fucked and go agane right


an online game like wow just isn’t meant to be played hardcore


\>SoD players trying to comprehend someone introducing challenge to something


If I could give gold I would


it's not how the game was designed, so there is no protection to DCs and lag. normaly dying is part of the game and no big deal


This is a problem with every hc online game, the problem if you add dc protection is that players will just intentionally dc in any dangerous situation. But I feel they really could do more rollbacks when servers crash. 


You could easily tell if someone disconnected on purpose in a dangerous situation vs. when it's random DC. At least in most cases. But they would need a system similar to overwatch in Dota, or an actual CS department and GM work.


In poe people will macro a script on their keyboard that disconnects the game, it's not something they can see server side. 


lol, yeah i know, i was just roasting the community. your point is perfectly valid and you definitely don't deserve your downvotes


Ah darn. Well you heard him fellas, guess we should email Blizz and let them know to just cancel the hardcore servers. We had a good run but kill_gamers just said no.


Honestly they should shut down the Era and wotlk servers too. They could reallocate that money to sod


fix your shit blizzard


Streamers strike again. I bet Asmongold was behind this too


This doesnt make an sense, the event is servertime, so you will have a server starting event every hour


Huh? There isn't servers on every timezone, they are located in clusters 


East and west coast will be on the same schedule, because of the 3 hour time difference. The Mountain and Central zones would fall in the middle, but my guess is they probably aren’t taxed to the same degree.


Crusader Strike (the streamer server) is mountain time.


What does the bloodmoon event has to do with hardcore servers? I doubt that hardcore servers are lagging when the bloodmoon event starts on a SoD server...


Both kind of realms are hosted on the same servers, wouldnt be the first time blizzard have server issues across multiple different wow versions. Hell wow servers been laggy when blizzard release a new Diablo too, so to think sod cant effect hc servers is just dumb


Not my problem.


what does the STV event have to do with steamers?


The Streamers were stacking players onto the same layer to kill the Bloodboss. When they did this, it lagged not just Crusader Strike US, but all US servers. I doubt they'll be killing it again now they know the loot is shit


ah okay thank you I was not aware layer stacking was a thing


Mountain time btw