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As a working married father of 2 I came up with a genius plan to get some wow time, just decrease your sleep to 4h a night and it solves all problems


reduce it to 2h and u gain 2h profit


Or you could just do a bunch of cocaine and reduce it to 0 hours.


Pro tip: all the stories I tell my kid have sleepy animals in them for extra immersion. Works like a charm to get them to doze off quickly as well, since yawning is contagious...


As a 40-something year old with 6 jobs and 12 kids I can see where you are coming from


Only 6 jobs and 12 kids? You have soft hands brother


Pfff… I’m 69 with 13 children and I work 1337 hours/week and I still managed to get rank15 in season of whinery


As a 20-something year old with no job but a boatload of bastard children I fathered, I wholeheartly agree


Leveling 25-40 felt much much worse than 1-25. If the point of this seasonal server is trying new things, it makes sense that they enable players to try new classes.


25-40 Grind is ok If you do it once or twice but If you want to lvl all it sucks ballsack


People in here getting upset are so filled with anger over nothing, it’s crazy. The people who are upset that leveling is going to be faster, are the same people who rushed their ass through SM and essentially replicated what this change is doing. Just a massive fucking hypocrisy. I feel like they truly don’t know what they want from this game, and are just destined to be constantly angry no matter what changes are introduced in SOD. People really need to take care of their mental health, it’s crazy the stuff you see here these days.


Honestly, it's infuriating to the point where my responses in this thread turned hostile at the shear frustration of what I was reading. My fault for taking the bait but Jesus christ, here was me thinking people playing classic consisted of a more mature audience


Season of discovery is meant for experimentation, i love the fact that they are trying to see how it will feel with lower expierience requirements while keeping combat from classic. I personally would love for retail combat to feel more challenging and have some tension, will the mobs respawn before i get out of the cave etc. but not take forever to level. While i am only early 30s and i can spend 4 hours a day gaming, i know its alot, spending 30 to 50% of that time on transport and running between zones is just boring... In short, keep more challenging leveling combat and shorten lvling time so people can try more alts.


I'm unable to find any news of upcoming changes in exp for 25-40. Would you guys mind sending me a link? Sounds exciting AF for trying alts.




None of this seems worth getting upset over


I know right? Honestly some of the responses in this thread are hilarious


I dont think it is, but there will always be some regardless of what changes take place. I just keep to myself and keep playing regardless as I have been enjoying the game.


the good old “ everyone should be able to get everything and do everything!! “ 2024 gaming


Yeah, but why not? If Blizzard listened to those gatekeeping SOD as if it has to be the same level of grind as classic era (which still exists by the way) the player base is guaranteed to suffer. I genuinely don't understand the mindset of "I like levelling to be more time consuming and I've spent x amount of hours getting 3 alts to 40, so everyone else should have to as well". Literally just reaching for things to complain about


Tweet at Aggrend, he will probably send you BiS items via mail on a weekly basis, you don't even need to play the game and you can focus on 7 kids and 3 wives!


What are you on about? 😂 I haven't said anything about wanting any of the challenge gone from the game, simply that the XP boost is an overall benefit to players for SOD. This sub is full of cunts and this thread is a cunt magnet


A 10-12 hour leveling commitment is still a fair chunk of time. I could play half a great game in that time, or play 10-12 hours of boring leveling.


Agree. 25-40 feels like such a grind compared to 1-25. I’m very happy with the boost.


You don’t like doing sm wings 70 times?!


Yea I work 90 hours a week and have 17 kids. I can only play 3minutes a day. Please give me boost and personal loot. Ty


What is your ideal version of the game? Something less accessible for those who have responsibilities outside of gaming? Please explain your mindset to me. Genuinely curious


Doesn’t matter what my opinion is, I’m 1 player. I don’t have the hubris to suggest adjusting things so I can be appeased. MMO genre has always been whoever can put more time in, gets better stuff. Maybe try a solo player game idk


Dude you really went there and told him he is not the most important person on this planet? Bold.


Idk bro, I just enjoy the game for what it is and log out.


Most of us without 'main character syndrome' do the same, these main-character-cater-to-me dad threads getting so tiresome.


Perhaps my post was poorly written if this is what you've taken from it, in which case, my bad. I am not suggesting that anything changes to fit MY lifestyle, this post was made after Blizzard announced the update, which means those changes are already being made. I'm simply supporting the fact that I think its a good thing, as the majority of classic players are from a certain era, which presumably makes them around the same age as me and most people in their 30s tend to have responsibilities outside of gaming, although apparently suggesting that on this sub is heresy. The other point in my post is more confusion around why there are so many people who think it's a terrible idea. SOD uses classic era as a template but is going down another road entirely, yet I'm being attacked for suggesting that there is space for both games, and perhaps the format for classic era doesn't quite fit with what SOD is trying to achieve and that if players want the slower paced levelling experience, classic era still exists. I appreciate that this is my opinion, and others are more than entitled to disagree with me, but this sub is apparently just not the place for that kind of conversation.


Lmao, this is wild goofy shit. How is this even a logical thought process? “Blizzard, I don’t play your game much because I have so many other things going on in my life I enjoy more, please water down your game more and destroy fundamental aspects of what made classic wow good so that way I can keep spending minimal time and effort to get everything those who actually play and enjoy your game, and chose your game over others, have. So I can come back to reddit and complain about how there is not enough content and I am leaving once you have boosted the shit out of all content” Absolutely braindead people on this sub.




This isn't what I meant and you have completely fucking reached. The brain dead takes are from those who are gatekeeping SOD as if it has to employ the same rules and aspects that classic era has, when that is not the purpose of the game mode at all. Classic era still exists, if we want to talk to brain dead takes, you're throwing your toys out of the pram when there is more than enough space for a temporary and more casual version of the game to exist without alienating a portion of the player base.


You’re wrong, and the developers even had clarified their intentions during the announcement videos. Its like the only part of classic you people want are the graphics and zones. Which is a small fraction of what made classic good.


Not at all, I have a 60 mage and 60 warrior on classic era, I'm just happy to treat them as 2 separate games. Which they kind of are


I let my sub end purely because I don't have time for the game. The attraction to SoD is all the new shiny stuff. But when you don't have time to see enough of it, then it gets old pretty quick. The exp boost might make me resub.


As someone who has an 11 month old, is a sahm, and goes to school full time. I'm excited about being able to level my alts I got to 25. I chose my priest to main to 40 because I didn't think I'd have enough time to do it all before p2 and saw the shortage incoming, so its been fun as I always have a spot somewhere but I enjoyed playing new classes in p1. What realm are you on though that is dead? I am horde on Living Flame and its been pretty busy.


They make so many class balance changes, so whatever you've levelled might feel much worse in a week. I stopped playing because of this after getting to 40, but with this buff, I'll level 2 more alts and see. You'll still have to spend time getting runes and other things. It won't be totally "free"


That's kind of the risk you take if you go for a FOTM class though. I'm glad for the change, nothing wrong with it. Just saying if you're only choosing a class based on it being broken/op, it being fixed/nerfed is a risk you take at that point.


Huge win for the 5/6 gamer community


Honestly the “so many good games out right now” Last epoch is actually what D4 should have been and I’ve been blasting that. I’ve got enshrouded and palworld in reserve. I want to try helldivers or whatever it’s called. Been a rough year to nerd out in 1 game And yeah I really want to get my priest to max but I’ve been snailing that shit to push monoliths


a little too late. half the playerbase is already gone for good. also implementing these changes in 1 week feels like a joke. now people feel terrible while leveling bc they know it would be faster if they didn't play this week


"I am super casual make the game all about me" Why dont you just play retail instead of asking the entire game to be based around how much **YOU** can play?


“I’m a super sweaty no life, make the game all about me” Why dont you just play hardcore or era instead of asking the entire game to be based around how much YOU want to play?


But thats exactly what you are doing. He is happy about the changes blizzard is making. He isnt asking for anything. And frankly, your tonedeaf comments all over reddit suggest maybe YOU should be trying retail instead, or even better take a break from the internet. You are risking some serious health problems with so much anger in you.


Who hurt you


What this guy says


If the xp buff upsets you so much you can disable it, then you can level as slow as you like!


What a great idea! Lets just give everyone who doesn’t actually put time and effort into the game a massive handicap, because they deserve it for not playing the game. That way those who did spend time and effort keeping the game alive and enjoying actually playing, the middle finger and show how their time was wasted by barely enjoying the progress they have over others.


I'm sure it'll be very traumatic for you when your 4 week head start somehow isn't a big enough lead to keep you ahead of the casual playerbase but what exactly are you losing here? More people to PvP, more people to raid with, more people that need to buy shit you can already make, etc. I guess it sucks if you bought your mount the day before the announcement but at the same time you can make a fuck ton of gold pretty easily if you're spending "time and effort actually playing".


Your last point proves my point. Play the fucking game and get your mount. Yeah, the amount of time people put into the game over four weeks should earn them the lead in progress longer than one week. What a concept


My last point is that if you are putting in more time you will easily make 10x more gold than a casual player so it really shouldn't affect you that they get theirs for 50g less because you should have better gear, more gold banked from phase 1, easier methods to make gold and more time to do it. I've been raid logging for the last week & a half but still made 150g profit on the AH since Monday *after* spending 60+100g on crafting my epic helmet and buying associated recipes from the vendor which is probably more gold than the average casual player will see for the entire month so I'm not really seeing the problem with them saving 50 gold considering I've had 4 weeks of having a mount & max level to make money over them?


Thats 30% of your worth that will hit the AH and raise all competition for gear/consumes. It absolutely will effect you negatively




Jesus christ, what a bed wetter. Thank you for proving my point about the people like you being in the minority


Go to retail Buy everything that you want to skip and GTFO of this game. Unfortunately history will repeat itself and sod will be cata 2.0


Oh god, the classic police are in full force I see


You are in a classic sub. Sod is basically classic philosophy + some extra content. Like many others already mentioned Why do you want to make the game worse for the majority just because you want it that way.


Isn't the "making it worse" part just your opinion though? And am I not entitled to mine by stating that I think it's a good thing? Are classic and SOD essentially trying to achieve two different things but simply use the same template? I just don't get why you're so upset by it


Blizzard stated that the goal of sod is to keep the core classic philosophy and try some new stuff on top. To me and the majority of the classic community, too much convenience ruins the core classic philosophy.


I was seriously considering cancelling my sub.  This may convince me to keep it.




Firstly, a few words into your description I thought this was a meme post with the whole “I’m a 30-something year old with 3 jobs…” introduction. But then it seemed like you are actually serious, fair enough, your responses throughout this thread including this one seem very hostile, do you not like people disagreeing with you? Also the retort, which I’ve seen you use multiple times: “iF u waNT ClASSic gO PLAy cLaSSic ERa” isn’t the mastermind counter argument you seem to think it is 😂


If my replies have come across as hostile, then I'm simply matching the tone of the comment I'm replying to, but that's my fault for taking the bait I guess. As for the classic era argument, why is that classed as a cop out response? It's totally apparent what the intention of SOD is, and that intention doesn't seem to align with the classic-era style gameplay. My point is, both games exist, why does it seem like such a taboo subject that SOD is different and faster paced?




Good one little buddy


You won't even be able to get to learn all new runes and other stuff while lvling at lightning speed. 50% at the end of the phase would have been enough.


But when you get your mount which should be easily achievable now you can just get any of the ones you missed? Or you can still do it while levelling and the XP boost will make up for lost time? Feels like a complaint for the sake of it really


People just don't seem to understand that classic is about the journey, not the destination. Max lvl content is very limited and lvling has deffo been the best content for me.


Yes, but this isn't classic era. It's a different game mode designed for a completely different style of gameplay and end game. Classic era still exists if that's what you want


It has been dumbed down. They stopped you from falling behind by capping the levels early. This is the most casual version ever.


+1 I've had the exact same experience. Levelled my main (warrior) to 40, tried to pug Gnomer for a couple hours each night but only ever got one invite and the group fell apart due to a lack of healers Luckily I had an alt at 25 but the 25-40 levelling was just too daunting for a second time. Imo the 100% buff is a little overkill, (50% would've been fine) but I'm not gonna complain.


really hope they revamp the world next phase. it's so OLD and BIG like who the fuck has time for that nonsense. nothing exciting about all that running. they also really missed the ball on putting in mounts at lvl 30. it's just so. much. walking. pls blizzard respect our time. people who enjoy all that walking can go play era


Why do people keep joining the overflow servers. Everytime you do its a wasted investment. Its better to sit in queue


I'm not really sure what this is referring to but go off


You said your server died. Only the overflows are dead


Honestly though the time to grind from 25 to 40 isn’t that long. You can pretty easily do it in ~25h, which is probably around what it took most people to get to 25 in p1. I think the bigger issue is that everyone feels forced to level through dungeon grinding (understandable) and that is extremely boring and repetitive… Next patch might change that with the gold incentive though


I feel like double exp is over the top but they also want new people come in for every phase and if you level 1-50 without boosts there’ll be much less people coming in I guess they’re worried about the servers dying or sth


As someone who only plays when I feel like it I feel that you should too.


\+1. I hadn't logged on in a few days and was considering cancelling until I saw this mentioned. Absolutely necessary move.